Foo Fighters/ru
Фу Файтерс (フー・ファイターズ, Fū Faitāzu), часто упоминается как Ф.Ф. (
Ф.Ф. - сочетание стенда и пользователя; колония разумного планктона, которая управляется, по сути, стендом, Foo Fighters. Поначалу служа Энрико Пуччи, она переходит на сторону Джолин Куджо в благодарность к ней.
Ф.Ф. может менять свою внешность в любое время. Тем не менее, её привычный вид — покойная заключенная Этро, девушка средней высоты и стройного телосложения, с коротко стриженными волосами на скальпе, которые заострены на концах.
Будучи состоящей из планктона, Ф.Ф. может искривлять своё тело, выполняя невозможные изгибы, и проскальзывать сквозь заборы, не получая повреждений. Она умеет разделяться на несколько дополнительных тел, форму которых она принимают в битве с Джолин и Эрмес. Ф.Ф. может показать основное тело, не находясь в воде, если имеет достаточно планктона.
Ф.Ф. часто носит с собой кружку, когда она далеко от источника воды.
В форме стенда, Ф.Ф. имеет два вида. Первый вид — высокий, тёмный, роботоподобный гуманоид с мужскими пропорциями, похожий на инопланетянина. По мере того, как личность Ф.Ф. развивается благодаря Джолин, её истинная форма стенда становится более похожей на Этро, сохраняя при этом черты старого облика.
Цветовая палитра
Первоначально Фу Файтерс выполняет роль послушного наёмника, который должен следовать приказам Пуччи. После встречи с Джолин, Ф.Ф. начинает развивать чувство индивидуальности.
Ф.Ф. обладают интеллектом, но имеют мало жизненного опыта. Во вступительной арке, их единственная цель — сохранить свою жизнь, поэтому они вынуждены следовать приказу Whitesnake - защищать диски.[1] Таким образом, они безжалостно нападают на людей и готовы убить любого, кто приблизится к тайнику с дисками, независимо от их опасности. Будучи разумным существом, Ф.Ф. придают себе большое значение и умоляют своих врагов признать их разумными, и называть по имени.[2] Они цитируют астронома Фреда Хойла, который утверждал, что "интеллект" первичен и направляет вселенную, в качестве доказательства, что планктон может быть разумным.[3] При смерти Ф.Ф., Джолин видит их дух, и бывшая масса планктона с радостью понимает, что они были живы и чувствительны.[4]
Тем не менее, когда Джолин оставляет их в живых и спасает от обезвоживания, Ф.Ф. проявляют к ней интерес, обещая защитить Джолин и сопровождать ее отныне под видом заключенной Этро.[5]
Показано, что F.F. были не очень внимательны к деталям до встречи с Джолин и Эрмес, ожидая смерти после битвы с ними. Когда Джолин спасает их, Ф.Ф. начинает замечать больше деталей и видеть мир более красочным. Переживая этот новый взгляд на мир, они становятся любопытными ко всему вокруг, постоянно задавая вопросы людям и экспериментируя с миром, например, пытаются выполнить действие, противоположное тому, что сделала бы Этро.[6] Легко находя общий язык с другими людьми, они испытывают сильнейшую близость к Джолин, за то, что она дала им свободу и "интеллект", ведь потерять эти качества — самый большой страх для них.
Со временем, Фу Файтерс накапливает достаточно позитивных воспоминаний от своих друзей, чтобы ставить их выше собственной безопасности, в конце концов жертвуя собой, чтобы покрыть рану Анасуя своим планктоном. Сохранив жизнь Джотаро и Анасуя, Ф.Ф. уходят, довольствуясь тем, что смогли попрощаться с Джолин перед тем, как отправиться на небеса.[7]
В связи с повышенной потребностью в воде, Ф.Ф. одержимы этим и готовы пойти на все, чтобы постоянно увлажнять себя. Они постоянно носят чашу с водой и готовы отобрать её у любого, и способны пить любую жидкость, которая содержит воду, будь то кровь или слюна. Будучи массой планктона, не имеющей социального опыта, они не испытывают отвращения к этому.[8][9]
- Основная статья: Foo Fighters (Стенд)
Энрико Пуччи хранил пачку дисков со стендами в хижине в окрестностях тюрьмы; эту коллекцию он собирал все годы, пока находился в тюрьме. Территория вокруг лачуги была нетронутой и пустынной. Энрико искал сторожа для этих дисков, чтобы они не попали в чужие руки. Он бросил случайный ДИСК в океан, который зацепил группу планктона, плавающего на поверхности. Так появились Фу Файтерс.
Защита Дисков со Стендами
Whitesnake поручил Фу Файтерс оставаться в хижине, где он хранил диски, и убивать каждого (кроме него), кто приблизится. Не имея иной цели в жизни, они сделали, как он сказал, и стали защищать диски. В какой-то момент, Ф.Ф. убили двух заключённых, который вошли в амбар и поглотили их тела, сделав вид, что они исчезли. В итоге, Джолин Куджо и Эрмес Костелло получили возможность поучаствовать в группе поиска поблизости фермы.
Увидев поисковую группу, Фу Файтерс разделяются, чтобы уничтожить всех её членов. Поначалу, они незаметно овладевают телами трёх заключённых, за исключением Джолин и Эрмес, сохраняя дополнительное тело. Когда охранники входят в воду, Ф.Ф. также убивает их. Часть Фу Файтерс приманивает Эрмес к ведру и атакует её. Она бросает ведро ей в голову и затаскивает её под воду. Эрмес освобождается от ведра, пока Foo Fighters принимает облик полноценного стенда. Джолин приходит, чтобы сразиться с ними, но Фу Файтерс не уступает её силе и скорости. Они наносят урон в живот Джолин, но она успевает развязать в себе отверстие и использовать его, чтобы ударить Фу Файтерс. Джолин и Эрмес пытаются вернуться на землю, пока Фу Файтерс преследуют их. Будучи быстрыми в воде, они хватают Джолин за ногу, но Эрмес помещает стикер на руку Ф.Ф. и отбрасывает их, вынуждая отпустить команду.
Jolyne and Ermes accuse one of the other prisoners of being the enemy and Foo Fighters plays along for a time, making the corpse accuse each other before she can confront them. Foo Fighters presents herself to her foes and enacts her plan. The one on land runs towards the barn to protect it while the one in water takes the guard and drags it to make Jolyne and Ermes go out of the bracelets' safe zone, thus indirectly killing them.
Ermes attacks Foo Fighters in the water with Kiss. Foo Fighters cuts Kiss's arm, but Ermes reveals that it is a decoy to occupy Foo Fighters. That way she can take the guard back to the land. Foo Fighters splashes the land around Ermes, allowing herself to come and pin Ermes to the ground but Ermes takes one of the dried corpse Foo Fighters was possessing and destroys it by forcing a merging between copies, the dry dust sprinkling Foo Fighters and taking the moisture off it. This part of Foo Fighters dies. In the barn, Jolyne confronts the main Foo Fighters. Having spilled water all over the ground, it gains the advantage in the ensuing close-quarters fight and surrounds Jolyne with plankton. It takes Jolyne by the throat and begins to invade her body, but Jolyne manages to start the tractor, making it move towards Ermes on dry land. Foo Fighters must run on the soil and its water gets absorbed. Foo Fighters is almost dead.
Ermes prepares to deal the finishing blow. However, Jolyne spares Foo Fighters and gives her some water, figuring that she didn't know any better and only wanted to survive. Touched, Foo Fighters accepts to become Jolyne's ally and they get Jotaro's Stand DISC. Foo Fighters disguises herself as a woman named Atroe to pass off as a prisoner. They retrieve Jotaro's Stand DISC and Foo Fighters explains that this stash is only a hiding spot for DISCS Whitesnake doesn't need. It hides in in its cleavage when the guards arrive. The trio make up a story to keep suspicions off themselves. This whole operation catches the attention of Whitesnake's User, the prison priest Enrico Pucci.
Marilyn Manson
After following Jolyne & Ermes back to the prison, F.F. is later seen playing catch with Ermes and Jolyne in the courtyard. Another inmate approaches and sips F.F.'s cup of water despite its protestation, thinking that she's still the meek Atroe inside the body. Foo Fighters shoots part of herself in the inmate's mouth, causing him to throw up all the water, plus some bonus liquid. Because she has yet to master piloting this body, her throws are awkward and she narrowly hits another prisoner but Jolyne catches the ball. Foo Fighters says that they are at their 87th consecutive catch, prompting Miraschon to bet $100 that they can't get to 100 throws. F.F. expects to easily complete this challenge and Jolyne reluctantly agrees. F.F. and Jolyne complete 94 throws but F.F. sees Miraschon sitting near her cup again and is distracted, throwing too low and forcing Jolyne to jump down to catch it. Protesting, F.F. narrowly misses the ball that's coming back to her and then loses time ordering Miraschon to get away from the water. Suddenly, a basketball ball hits Jolyne from behind as F.F. is forced to throw before the 10s countdown is complete. Thankfully, Jolyne manages to pull herself in the direction of the ball by tying her string to a bench and the two complete the 100 throws. Angry, Jolyne reminds Miraschon that she bet separately with F.F. and Jolyne, making it $200 to pay up.
However, Miraschon makes another bet that they cannot complete 100 throws again, but for $1,000. The new bet entices Ermes to play with F.F. while Jolyne steps aside. However, the playtime is over for the inmates. Despite Ermes' bribe, the guards interfere and Ermes must cheat, summoning the enemy Stand Marilyn Manson. Impervious to Kiss and F.F.'s strike, it takes Ermes' money and her liver to pay up the debt. Jolyne is forced to up the ante and participate in the game of catch.
As the prisoner must go back to the wards, Jolyne and Foo Fighters continue to play catch. But Miraschon disappears and the duo must seek her. Jolyne and Foo Fighters follow Miraschon into the showers but Miraschon switches off the lights while the ball is midair. Thankfully, Foo Fighters catches the ball. Foo Fighters shoot in the direction of Miraschon, hitting her arm and forcing her to open a door shedding some welcome light. Miraschon enters a room, followed by Jolyne, but she reveals that it is a service lift whose thick door and fenced gates close before Foo Fighters can pass the ball. Thankfully, F.F. forces the doors open just enough to throw the ball and for Stone Free to unravel it, making it pass through the fence. Foo Fighters sees that Ermes has been given back her liver and shouts, reassured. Marilyn Manson momentarily comes out to take Jotaro Kujo's Stand DISC, but Jolyne defeats Miraschon once and for all before it happens.
Kiss of Love and Revenge
F.F. notices that her host is not welcome in the prison and decides to change her habits. Using Atroe's impulses, F.F. begins to do the opposite of what her host instinctively wants to change herself and hopefully make herself more appreciated among the other inmates. The results are debatable. When Jolyne notes that Ermes has been absent lately, Foo Fighters reveals Ermes's past about with hersister Gloria the gangster Sports Maxx, who killed Gloria. The two race to find her and see her following Maxx to the workshop. Thinking that she's merely observing Maxx at the moment, they leave. However, they soon come back to the workshop and are attacked by an invisible zombie alligator. F.F.'s leg is bitten off. Jolyne tries to fight but is overpowered. To defeat the enemy, F.F. lets it bite her arm, allowing her to shoot in the alligator and killing it. However, Foo Fighters is out of commission for the rest of the fight and is left behind. Somehow, Jolyne and Ermes manage to defeat Sports Maxx once and for all.
The Ultra Security House Unit
A few days after Ermes gets her revenge F.F. meets with Emporio. Worried about Jolyne, who is isolated, F.F. plans to go there to help her. Looking at the prisoner Narciso Anasui who until now is content with listening to them, F.F. asks Anasui to help her and plans to somehow force him to cooperate despite the strange vibes Anasui gives off. Surprisingly, Anasui accepts because he claims he's in love with Jolyne and wants to help her to eventually marry her. They immediately depart for the Ultra Security House Unit.
Reaching the ward, F.F. hides in a corpse to ambush the assassin Kenzou, but the old man kicks the corpse she's hiding in. F.F. comes out to shoot Kenzou, but the corpse's leg twitches, protecting the old man.
Kenzou and Foo Fighters properly engage each other. He summons Dragon's Dream and reads the lucky spot. Thanks to that, he avoids F.F.'s shots and drives his fist inside of its throat, using a specific technique to trigger a secretion of mucus from the adrenal gland that is supposed to make his targets drown by themselves. He then turns to face Jolyne but F.F. surprisingly pierces its own throat and shoots again. Kenzou barely manages to be avoid the attack and kicks F.F. but she simply squeezes between the bars of a handrail to escape.
When Kenzou summons Dragon's Dream again, F.F. sees it hovering behind her and attacks the enemy Stand, but Dragon's Dream explains to F.F. the ins and outs of its ability for the sake of a fair fight. After an exchange of blows, Kenzou reaches Dragon's Dream and his arm connects with F.F.'s unlucky spot. Although F.F. blocks the fist by dislocating its shoulder, a series of events causes pieces of glass to pierce F.F.'s face. She opens her mouth in shock, allowing Kenzou to attack although F.F. backs off to avoid the attack. Dragon's Dream points to another unlucky spot above F.F.'s left ear. Kenzou rushes towards F.F., who attempts a kick but Kenzou then grabs the leg. When F.F. attempts a knifehand strike, Kenzou makes a straight spearhand strike at F.F.'s throat and jams his other hand in F.F.'s throat. In retaliation, F.F. bites Kenzou's fingers. In pain, the old man strikes F.F.'s liver and pushes her towards Dragon's Dream. F.F.'s arm enters the dragon and punches a corpse, which causes another unlucky series of events that make a piece of machinery slice through F.F.'s head. F.F. is now dangerously low on water.
F.F. shoots Kenzou, who is barely out of his safe spot and manages to hurt him. However, the attack is not enough. F.F. thus plans to trick Kenzou into misreading Dragon's Dream with a mirror made of water but desperately needs it to sustain herself. Kenzou begins to rant about the hell his life has been since his arrest and orders Dragon's Dream to show him the way to make his final attack. F.F. runs towards the fire extinguishing hose the guards used, pursued by Kenzou. F.F. searches for the faucet, only for Dragon's Dream to appear and warn F.F. not to touch it as Kenzou attacks. F.F. decides to intentionally put its arms in Dragon's Dream while Kenzou performs a sweeping kick on its head. F.F. manages to sneak into the hose and break the faucet open, but its earlier actions prevent her from touching the water since its arms attack it. F.F. is thrown down to the execution room and the hose activates the execution sequence on the electric chair there. By pure unluck, F.F. finds herself unable to get away from the chair. Kenzou arrives and F.F. narrowly misses him with her shot again, but this time, F.F.'s shots break Kenzou's jewelry and she steps on two pearls that make her trip and fall back onto the electric chair. Desperate, F.F. attempts to kick Kenzou but the old man blocks the attack and kicks F.F. in place as the electric chair starts up.
F.F. is being electrocuted but Dragon's Dream reveals that she was able to collect the sweat from Kenzou after his effort. Kenzou realizes he's in an unsafe spot and is grabbed by F.F., who share the electrocution with the old man. Kenzou barely survives it and Jolyne approaches to finish him off despite her own injuries. Thankfully, Jolyne discovers that a part of F.F. has survived in the water mirror and F.F. eventually reconstitutes herself.
Fight Against Pucci
After F.F. heals, the group returns to the main hall of the punishment ward and Jolyne spots the same little prisoner with the bone. They follow him and discover that he's being turned into a plant. During the fight, the bone caused all the normal inmates to also turn into plants and Jolyne is starts being turned as she exposes herself to sunlight. Anasui roots out the plant parts out of her body and the group discovers The Green Baby, gestating in a translucid egg. After deciding to try to escape from prison, the group meet a fourth Stand, Yo-Yo Ma, which swallows the baby. Yo-Yo Ma is invulnerable to all attacks but acts servile, thus forcing them to take him along while F.F. stays in order to kill the Stand user.
F.F. finds D an G but as she prepares to shoot him, she spots Enrico Pucci who is staring at the assassin. Digsuising herself as a paramedic, F.F. approaches D an G to assassinate him. However, Pucci throws a DISC at a guard to control him prevent F.F. from shooting D an G in the head. Pucci confronts F.F. and she realizes that Pucci is the real mastermind behind this whole affair. Pucci gives her a choice between killing him or D an G first. F.F. hesitates before turning to kill D an G, allowing Whitesnake to infiltrate the ambulance and protect D an G. Whitesnake then chops F.F.'s head, aiming to take the Stand DISC. F.F. shoots herself in the head, dispersing the plankton on D an G and decapitating from the inside. She recomposes herself in the driver's cabin and seeks another faucet. However, Whitesnake enters the cabin and takes the advantage in the close quarters fight. Desperate, F.F. shoots the door and flees. Hiding its Stand DISC in its legs, a part of F.F. stalls for time as Pucci interrogates her about The Green Baby while the legs run towards the faucet. Whitesnake inserts a water boiling Stand in F.F.'s secondary part, causing the primary part to expose herself to scalding water, killing most of the colony. However, bits of Foo Fighters reach a radio and call Weather Report, who makes it rain and fog. F.F. regenerates. Even better, F.F. meets with a recovered Weather Report who has come to help her.
F.F. and Weather Report eventually join Jolyne in the swamps. However, Weather suddenly impales Anasui through the chest and splits F.F.'s head open. Revealing he was in fact Whitesnake, disguised as Weather. Foo Fighters crumbles and uses the last of her strength to preserve Anasui's life, indirectly saving Jotaro's memory DISC. Foo Fighter's spirit manifests herself to Jolyne. Happy to have a confirmation of her existence, Foo Fighters accepts her fate, arguing that a different F.F. would come out of the Stand DISC and bids farewell to Jolyne. She then ascends to heaven.
- Stone Ocean Chapter 26: There's Six of Us!, Part 1
- Stone Ocean Chapter 28: There's Six of Us!, Part 3
- Stone Ocean Chapter 29: There's Six of Us!, Part 4
- Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- Stone Ocean Chapter 31: Foo Fighters, Part 1
- Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
- Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 35: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 2 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 36: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 37: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 4 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 38: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 5 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 39: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 6 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 53: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 54: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 4 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 55: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 57: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 7 (Упоминание)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 62: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 67: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 68: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 2 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 69: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 70: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 4 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 71: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 5 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 72: Enter the Foo Fighters (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 73: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 6 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 74: Enter the Dragon's Dream, Part 7
- Stone Ocean Chapter 75: Father: Jotaro Kujo, Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 76: Birth of the "Green", Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 77: Birth of the "Green", Part 2 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 78: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 79: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 2 (В теле Атро) (Флешбек)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 80: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 3 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 82: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 5 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 84: F.F. - The Witness, Part 2 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1 (В теле Атро)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 90: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 2
- Stone Ocean Chapter 91: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 3
- Stone Ocean Chapter 92: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 4
- Stone Ocean Chapter 93: Whitesnake - The Pursuer, Part 5
- Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest (Смерть) (Дух)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1 (Упоминание)
- Stone Ocean Chapter 133: Heavy Weather, Part 9 (Упоминание)
- “Stand abilities are one... to a person... [...] This body of mine is the body that I created from the bodies of the missing prisoners! My divided body is now whole again.”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- “The disc that Whitesnake gave me, this ability and this intellect... I will protect myself, no matter what...”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- “Foo Fighters! If you're going to refer to me, call me by that name!”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- “Fred Hoyle, an astronomer, once said "It is wrong to assume, even statistically speaking, that organisms spontaneously appeared on this Earth... There is a preexisting intellect of the cosmos that designed the origins of lifeforms..."... so, it can be said that intellect preceded even the big bang and that every organism and matter itself is guided by that intellect, and is part of that larger intelligence.”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- “I thought I told you to call me Foo Fighters! I have more intellect than both of you!”—F.F. to Jolyne and Ermes, Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5
- “I have a full understanding of my ability and I've created an environment where I have no weaknesses... There is nothing you can do now.”—F.F. to Jolyne, Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
- “Your feelings... I don't... understand them well... but I don't feel like fighting against you anymore.”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 32: Foo Fighters, Part 2
- “Hey! You! Don't you dare go near my water!!”—F.F. to Miraschon, Stone Ocean Chapter 35: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 2
- “Eat this. Unfortunately for those with automated Stands, they're completely helples when attacked! That's the risk you had to take!”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 84: F.F. - The Witness, Part 2
- “When I think about Jolyne... I feel courage welling up inside me. This is what memories are about... this is my intellect.”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 85: Awaken, Part 1
- “What I was most scared of, was not being able to say goodbye to my friends. To forget how to say goodbye. But, at the very end... I still remembered that I have to say it. [...] Goodbye, Jolyne.... I can't stay here any longer... F.F. is going to disappear.”—F.F., Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
- “Look at me Jolyne. This is my 'spirit'... This is my 'intellect'... I was alive. (あたしを見て徐倫。これがあたしの「魂」……これがあたしの「知性」……あたしは生きていた。)”
- “I'm glad I was able to say my goodbyes to you, Jolyne.... It's all right, Jolyne... It's all right. I'm glad you got your disc back...”—F.F.'s last words, Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
Video Games
All Star Battle (PS3)
F.F. appears on the PS3 title as a support character for the Campaign Mode, where they appear and gives the player two choices; Either inflict 150 HP to any boss or gain 1 energy bar of health. F.F. is also the only ally-character from Part 6 who does not appear on any interactive form on the match (Both Anasui and Ermes are playable characters and Weather Report and Emporio appear in stages).
Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)
F.F. appears in a support card, having one voice line performed by Ryoko Shiraishi. She says, "It's your immune system that needs to completely heal you! OK? (完全に治すのは自分の治療力! OK?, Kanzen ni Naosu no wa Jibun no Chiryōryoku! OK?)". When applied to the player's team, their members have their HP gradually restored over the course of the fight.
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, с. 14
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, с. 16
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 30: There's Six of Us!, Part 5, с. 17
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest, с. 15
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, с. 6-7
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1, с. 1-2
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 33: Foo Fighters, Part 3, с. 8
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1, с. 5-9