Rudol von Stroheim/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

Pour un personnage similaire, voir Fritz von Stroheim
La science allemande est la plus grande du monde !!! (ドイツの科学は世界一ィィィィ!)
—Stroheim, Chapter 86: Light Mode Kars, Part 1

Rudol von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム, Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu) est un allié majeur de la deuxième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency.

Stroheim est présenté comme un Major Nazi effectuant des recherches et expérimentant sur l'Homme du Pilier Santana. Finalement, il devient un cyborg et est promu au rang de Colonel. Son unité coopère avec les utilisateurs de la Fondation Speedwagon et les guerriers de l'Onde pour stopper la menace des hommes du pilier.


Stroheim est un homme grand et bien construit avec des traits faciaux masculins. Il a une coupe de cheveux flattop qui semble particulièrement large.

En tant que soldat Allemand, il porte un uniforme allemand étenue modèle 1936é et une casquette militaire connue sous le nom de "Schirmmütze". Sa casquette est décorée avec un emblème (Parteiadler) sur le centre du front. Il porte aussi un symbole de "SS" sur le col.

Plus tard, il acquiert des implants prothétiques cybernétiques métalliques complexes, tels que la section de son visage entourant son œil droit, qui est en outre recouverte d'une sorte de Monocle. Ses bras et tout son abdomen sont remplacés pas des prothèses en métal, son torse abritant une puissante mitrailleuse.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnimeEyes of Heaven
(Uniforme vert foncé avec accessoires noir et beige.)
Yeux(Gris vert)
(Uniforme militaire vert bordé de jaune avec accessoires noirs et argentés.)
Yeux(Bleus ciel)
(Uniforme militaire vert avec accessoires gris foncé et or.)


Je ne peux pas le sembler mais je suis un fier soldat allemand. J'étais déjà préparé à mourir quand j'ai accepté cette mission! Je suis différent de vous, des lâches mauviettes britanniques. J'abandonnerais facilement 2 ou 3 membres pour mon pays!
—Rudol von Stroheim, Chapter 60: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 7

Lorsque Stroheim est présenté pour la première fois, il est un insensible et cruel Major Nazi de la SS qui a l'idée idiote d'expérimenter avec le Masque de Pierre afin de faire avancer le puissance du Waffen-SS. Au cours de sa mission au Mexique, Stroheim commet plusieurs méfaits odieux tels que capturer des locaux et les transformer de force en cobayes pour ses expériences sur les Vampires (y compris les femmes et les enfants),[1] ou menaçant de couper la langue d'une femme de chambre pour l'avoir légèrement coupé pendant un rasage.[2]

Stroheim se fait exploser pour son pays

Cependant, lorsque Santana massacre son unité et menace de s'échapper, il fait également preuve de bravoure et n'hésite pas quand il est pris au piège de demander à Joseph de lui couper la jambe, et ensuite de se faire exploser avec une grenade pour tuer Santana.[3] Cela se voit une fois de plus lorsque Stroheim lui donne un coup de main pour vaincre Cars et aide Joseph à le conduire dans le volcan avec un avion. Stroheim a maintenu sa bravoure jusqu'à la bataille de Stalingrad en 1943, où il aurait combattu courageusement et serait mort au combat.[4]

De même, Stroheim respecte le courage des autres, quelle que soit l'appartenance ethnique de l'individu. Son appréciation pour la bravoure se voit quand il épargne un garçon mexicain qui était prêt à se sacrifier pour ses camarades de cellule; d'un autre côté, il a exécuté le reste des prisonniers pour ne pas avoir le même courage, rendant inutile le sacrifice du garçon.[5]

Stroheim fait l'éloge de la technologie allemande

Stroheim est un nationaliste enthousiaste. Il est particulièrement fier de son corps cyborg; louant la "science allemande" et vantant généralement les Allemands à haute voix.[6] Sa fierté se transforme parfois en excès de confiance et en arrogance. À cause de cela, Stroheim a tendance à se surestimer lui-même ou sa technologie et à sous-estimer à quel point les Hommes du Pilier sont formidables. Ainsi, trois fois au cours de l'histoire, un homme du pilier prend le dessus sur lui; Santana s'échappe facilement de sa cellule et l'attaque,[7]puis son corps cyborg est également vaincu par Cars[8] et enfin Stroheim se précipitant pour en finir avec Cars dans la bataille des ruines du Piz Bernina permet à l'homme du pilier d'utiliser la lumière UV contre les humains et de se transformer en forme de vie ultime.[9] De plus, Stroheim rit réguliètement et fort de ses ennemis et pointe son doigt vers eux lorsqu'ils sont en position de faiblesse.

Pouvoirs et compétences


  • Abdominal Machine Gun: A machine gun inside Stroheim's stomach region, able to shoot 600 armored bullets per minute, and capable of piercing a 30-millimetre steel plate. Stroheim first introduces this weapon against Kars.
  • Ultraviolet Radiation Beam (紫外線照射装置, Shigaisen shōsha sōchi): Inside Stroheim's mechanized eye is a small laser cannon capable of firing a concentrated beam of Ultraviolet light. The beam itself is five times more intense than a set of typical ultraviolet lights and was able to pierce straight through Kars' hand.
  • Ultraviolet Shoulder Cannons: Built by the technical department of the Speedwagon Foundation specifically as an anti-vampire device, Stroheim is able to fire out powerful blasts of ultraviolet light from two flood lights located on each side of his shoulders. As miniaturized searchlights, they pack the same power as the original, but are light enough to carry with ease. Stroheim used these cannons during the final battle against Kars, where he, along with his team, fought back against the army of vampires.
  • Projectile Hand: Stroheim is capable of firing off his mechanical hand with enough force to impale and deeply wound an enemy. Though revealed only towards the end of the arc, Stroheim used it to prevent Kars' escape and pinned him to a plane that went crashing into an active volcano.


En tant que Major de l'armée allemande, Stroheim est capable de diriger son propre bataillon, ainsi que tous les membres du parti de rang inférieur. Stroheim dirige ses subordonnés avec autorité et la plupart du temps, sa parole fait loi. Il est un leader raisonnablement compétent. Lorsqu'il est acculé, la fierté de Stroheim pour son pays lui permet de se sacrifier sans hésitation pour éliminer sa cible. En termes d'expertise au combat, on peut présumer qu'il connait des tactiques militaires de bases et autres actions militaires, y compris le montage et le démontage et le maniement des armes au combat. Stroheim est un militaire et est donc un homme athlétique, capable de faire de longs bonds.

Stroheim écrase une balle de golf

Après avoir été ressuscité en tant que Cyborg, les capacités physiques de Stroheim ont augmenté et avec lui son rang au statut Colonel. En tant que Cyborg, sa force augmente considérablement, ayant été conçue avec la capacité d'écraser un objet avec sa main à une pression de 1,950 kg/cm2 (à peu près le double de celui de Santana.) Sous cette forme, Stroheim avait également acquis une durabilité accrue car il pouvait survivre même lorsqu'il était réduit à l'état d'un torse et pouvait ignorer les dommages à ses membres. Avec ces membres mécaniques, il est capable de plier son corps de manière anormale et de dévier les attaques ennemies. Sur le côté du visage de Stroheim, un monocle qui sert de lentille grossissante permet à Stroheim de zoomer sur les objets à un tel point qu'il peut voir des objets de très petite taille.


Battle Tendency

Stroheim est un nazi allemand qui accepte la mission d'aller au Mexique et d'étudier l'un des Hommes du Pilier, pensant que c'est un moyen rapide de gagner une promotion. Reprenant une luxueuse hacienda dans le désert, Stroheim en fait sa forteresse personnelle et son laboratoire, où il est libre de tourmenter les domestiques. Stroheim retrouve Robert E. O. Speedwagon dans une rivière et l'emmène à sa base pour le faire prisonnier. Pour acquérir rapidement les informations nécessaires concernant les Hommes du Pilier, il utilise un sérum de vérité sur Speedwagon.

Stroheim fait des expériences sur Santana

Stroheim ordonne qu'on se prépare à éveiller et tester Santana. Il fait préparer alors un Vampire affamé et enfermé pour tester l'homme du pilier et visite la cellule des prisonniers, où des habitants kidnappés doivent être utilisés plus tard comme nourriture. Un prisonnier essaie de l'attaquer mais Stroheim lui met un crayon cassé dans la bouche et mis donne un coup de poing dans la machoîre. Impressionné lorsqu'un jeune garçon veut se sacrifier, Stroheim le félicite et l'épargne; cependant, il ordonne à ses gardes d'exécuter le reste des prisonnier. Il fait amener Speedwagon dans la salle de contrôle depuis laquelle on peut observer une cellule spécialement conçue pour contenir l'Homme du Pilier. Stroheim commence l'injection de sang dans le pilier, réveillant l'homme. Surnommant l'individu "Santana" d'après les vents chauds du Mexique, Stroheim est d'abord amusé de le voir siroter sur le sol mouillé et le considère comme un être primitif. Il relâche le vampire affamé sur Santana, mais voit avec peur Santana absorber sans effort le vampire. Faisant toujours confiance à sa cellule, Stroheim est néanmoins choqué d'entendre Santana parler la langue moderne. Soudain, Santana disparaît. Ce dernier s'est glissé dans une conduite d'aération.

Santana reappears in the control room and possesses a German soldier. Seeing that the experiment is now out of his control, Stroheim orders his men to fire but the possessed soldier shoots the bullets back at them with his fingers. Thankfully, Joseph Joestar reveals himself and protects both Stroheim and Speedwagon. Stroheim witnesses Joseph battle Santana but eventually, Joseph is too tired to drag the Pillar Man to the surface. Stroheim steps in and leaps to open the door, only to be hindered by pieces of Santana. Out of options, Stroheim tells Joseph to cut off his leg with an axe hanged on the wall nearby to free him and allow him to open the door to the surface, and the sun. Joseph reluctantly does so, allowing Stroheim to expose Santana to the sun. However, Santana then enters his body through his leg stump. Cornered, Stroheim eventually sacrifices himself by setting off a grenade against him. Before this, Stroheim takes the take to warn Joseph about three other Pillar Men hidden in Rome and of a contact Speedwagon knows.

Stroheim as a Cyborg
Thanks to Nazi science, Colonel Stroheim is revived with cybernetic parts, which heavy weaponry and a strength designed to take on someone like Santana. He is deployed in Switzerland with another unit of soldiers and intercepts the Red Stone of Aja during a train delivery; satisfied, he puts the Stone in his pocket. He also spots the heroes and invites them to his chalet, keeping his identity a secret for the moment. That night, Kars enters the chalet. Stroheim confronts him in the living room just as Joseph barges in. Showing off his strength, Stroheim confidently takes on the Pillar Man and uses his stomach machine gun. However, Kars decides to fight seriously and easily cuts the cyborg in half. Kars takes the Red Stone of Aja, but Stroheim reveals an eye laser he shoots Kars with, making him drop the Stone. Thankfully, Joseph and the Ripple User manage to keep it. Stroheim is sent away for repairs.
Stroheim saves Joseph

Stroheim appears yet again after being reconstructed with the help of the Speedwagon Foundation science division and saves Joseph from Kars' impending vampire army just in the nick of time. Kars is defeated by Joseph soon after and is sent falling onto a spikes below, where Stroheim and his division blast him with ultraviolet light. They fail to realize, however, that Kars had donned a Stone Mask with the Aja and are dumbstruck when he achieves his ultimate form and begins killing them off with a squirrel formed from his right hand.

After Joseph hijacks a Nazi aircraft to lure Kars away, Stroheim reveals himself in the side wing of the plane just before it goes plummeting into an active volcano. After pinning Kars to the front end of the aircraft by shooting his rocket fist at him, he pulls Joseph out of the plane and cushions their fall by sacrificing his cybernetic legs. Stroheim is left helpless as Kars is shown to survive the crash in the lava, but fortunately, Joseph makes the volcano erupts when Kars' Ripple collides with the Red Stone of Aja, launching both Joseph and him into the air. Stroheim eventually returns to the rest of the group and reports Joseph's supposed death.

Stroheim in Stalingrad

After the battle with Kars, Stroheim had Joseph Joestar's severed left hand replaced with an mechanical one as a gift but never meets Joseph again. He died honourably offscreen at the battle of Stalingrad in 1943.

Combats majeurs

  • Rudol von Stroheim et soldats nazis Vs Santana
  • Rudol von Stroheim et Joseph Joestar Vs Santana
  • Rudol von Stroheim (Cyborg) Vs Kars
  • Rudol von Stroheim (Cyborg) et soldats nazis Vs Kars et ses soldats vampires
  • Rudol von Stroheim (Cyborg) et Joseph Joestar Vs Kars (Etre ultime)
  • Rudol von Stroheim (Cyborg) Vs Stalingrad (Mort au combat)

Chapitres / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


  • Kid! Our races may be different but I respect those like you who have courage! Only the great should live!... Kill everyone besides him.
    —Rudol von Stroheim, Chapter 53: The Pillar Man
  • I may not seem it but I'm a proud German soldier. I was already prepared for this when I accepted this mission! I'm different from you cowardly British wimps. I'd easily give up 2 or 3 limbs for my country!
    —Rudol von Stroheim, Chapter 60: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 7
  • The greatness of humans is when they face fear with pride.
    —Rudol von Stroheim quoting Plutarque, Chapter 61: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 8
  • My body is the result of the most advanced technology of the German people and I'm proud of iiit!! In other words, I'm above every other human being!!
    —Rudol von Stroheim, Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3
  • Nazi technology is world class!!!
    —Rudol von Stroheim, Chapter 86: Light Mode Kars, Part 1

Jeux Vidéos

All Star Battle (PS3)

Stroheim makes his first video game appearance in the PS3 title. Appearing as one of the Campaign Surprise Support Characters, where he shoots the opponent's profile with his machine gun (in the same way he attacked Kars during the events of Part 2), decreasing their health bar by 40% before the fight.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Stroheim appears as one of the several Part 2 characters who possess a Metal Striker. His FINISH move makes him shooting several bullets of his Torso-Machine Gun at the defeated opponent and his Level 3 special ability allows him to destroy himself after defeat, damaging any Metal Striker near him (enemy or ally).

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Stroheim was one of the first characters confirmed to be playable in the game (alongside Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Joestar, Noriaki Kakyoin, Josuke Higashikata, and Diego Brando).

Stroheim has the exclusive Style fully named My body! It's the pride of the German people, and the prime example of our superior German Science! (ゲルマン民族の最高知能の結晶, Geruman Minzoku no Saikō Chinō no Keshō, German's Highest Intelligence Crystallize), shortened to The Prime Example of Superior German Science.

  • Style Action - Heavy Machine Gun Mode/UV Radiation Mode: Stroheim switches between his Abdominal Machine Gun and shoulder-mounted UV lights. Heavy Machine Gun Mode allows him long-ranged powers and increased speed and agility, while UV Radiation Mode makes use of two bodyguards and his various UV light components. All attacks involving his UV beams will deal increased damage to Vampires and Pillar Men, similar to Ripple Users. However, while in UV Radiation Mode, he loses movement speed and jump power, as well as the ability to grab onto and climb ledges.
  • German Science is the best in the world!: Stroheim stops to strike a pose and perform a very lengthy tirade. Though he is especially vulnerable while performing the skill, he gains a temporarily attack boost that has a duration proportional to how long his tirade lasts before he's attacked, maxing out at him completely finishing it.
  • So long, you filthy Brit!: This skill can only be performed when Stroheim is down. He pulls out the Stielhandgranate he used to sacrifice himself and proceeds to hug it, resulting in a massive explosion. Though Stroheim takes roughly a third of a health bar in damage, any opponent caught will take half a health bar in damage. On the other hand, despite being on the floor, Stroheim is open to attacks during the skill that can interrupt him.
  • Dual Heat Attack - Put an end to you? I'd be delighted!: Starting in UV Radiation Mode, Stroheim and his bodyguards blind and seer their opponent with all three of their UV beams. While their target is stunned, Stroheim proceeds to switch over to Heavy Machine Gun Mode and launch an extended volley of bullets from his Abdominal Machine Gun before taunting his opponent.

While in Heavy Machine Gun Mode:

  • My bullets will cut you down one by one!: Stroheim fires a slew of heavy bullets from his Abdominal Machine Gun. Holding down the activation button will extend the attack, though will increase the cooldown on the ability when it ends.
  • EX - My bullets will cut you down one by one!: The firing time of the skill is extended, and if Stroheim is on the ground, he is able to cancel it with a Sidestep.

While in UV Radiation Mode:

  • Bodyguard Icon: Shows the statuses of Stroheim's two bodyguards. If an icon is glowing, that soldier is readily available; If it is dim, they are active and about the stage; If there is a red cross over the icon, that soldier has been incapacitated until Stroheim reactivates UV Radiation Mode.
  • My bodyguards will keep you busy!: Stroheim orders his soldiers to attack. If he is locked-on to a target, they will unleash their UV beams on that specific target. If he is not, they will face outward and unleash their UV beams in order to cover Stroheim's blind spots.
  • Ultraviolet Radiation Beam!: Stroheim fires his unblockable UV beam in a wide angle, setting opponent on fire. If his soldiers are available, they will either attack a target if he is locked-on, or simply cover his blind spots if he is not.
  • EX - Ultraviolet Radiation Beam!: Stroheim gains unflinching through the attack and damage dealt is increased.
  • My right leg is still a bit creaky, though!: Stroheim must switch to UV Radiation Mode. (200 Points)
  • We're more than enough to finish you off!: Stroheim must use "My bodyguards will keep you busy!" twice. (200 Points)
  • I can't let you go there alone!: Stroheim must successfully execute 5 Combo Breakers. (300 Points)
  • I have surpassed the entire human race!: Stroheim must use "German Science is the best in the world!" 3 times. (500 Points)
  • I'd be delighted!: Stroheim must Retire an opponent with his Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)

As in the anime, he's voiced by Atsuhi Imaruoka. Eyes of Heaven also marks the first time Stroheim appears in a video game as a playable character.

In the Western release of the game, Stroheim's default outfit (with his military uniform) was removed, most likely due to sensitivity regarding the display of Nazi symbols.


He is paired with Okuyasu Nijimura in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Mariah and Esidisi.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Stroheim appears in Diamond Records as a playable character, both in his initial appearance and as a cyborg.

Rudol von Stroheim

Stroheim's first iteration is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a few unlockable statues under the 'Fighting Spirit' type, ranging from 3 stars to 5 stars.

Stroheim's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks taking advantage of his arsenal from the anime.

  • Basic Attack String: Stroheim's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of different strikes with his hands and kicks. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
  • Blue Skill 1: Stroheim strikes his opponents once with a shaving razor.
  • Blue Skill 2 (Unlockable): Stroheim gurgles and spits out a sip of water from a mug, giving himself a temporary buff.
  • SP Skill 1: Stroheim throws a grenade, causing an explosion wherever it lands that damages nearby opponents. In Tactical Battle, this simply damages all opponents present on the stage.
  • SP Skill 2 (Unlockable): Stroheim pulls out a machine gun and opens fire on nearby opponents. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
  • Cinematic SP Skill: Stroheim wields a grenade in which he blows up in his hand, sacrificing himself in the process. The explosion created is very powerful. In Action Battle, Stroheim would be killed immediately alongside the explosion, however Tactical Battle has a strange issue with the move where he will not die until after the explosion is finished (seen in the video below).
  • 3 Star SP Skill: Stroheim pulls out a luger, which he repeatedly fires at opponents as a projectile with lots of range and multiple hits. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Stroheim's 3 star statue.
  • AI Only Skill: AI Stroheim enemies can attack using an axe, similar to the one Stroheim uses to chop his own leg off in the anime, only against the player character rather than himself. This is not a skill usable by any of his playable statues, and the reason for this omission is unknown.

Stroheim Moveset Videos (Tactical Battle)

Rudol von Stroheim (Cyborg)

Stroheim's cyborg form is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Courage' type 5 star statue.

Cyborg Stroheim's moveset in both game modes is comprised of attacks that use his various cyborg abilities and weapons, as well as being able to summon Nazi soldiers to assist him.

  • Basic Attack String: Cyborg Stroheim's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks comprising of different strikes with his hands and kicks. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
  • Blue Skill 1: Stroheim fires his Ultraviolet Radiation Beam from his robotic eye.
  • Blue Skill 2 (Unlockable): Stroheim calls forth two Nazi soldiers with UV ray backpacks to assist him. They fire the rays once for a brief amount of time, and the beams act as a long range attack. These are extra powerful against pillar men, zombies, and vampires.
  • SP Skill 1: Stroheim fires his abdominal machine gun at opponents, functioning as a ranged attack. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
  • SP Skill 2 (Unlockable): Stroheim puts on a UV ray backpack and opens fire on nearby opponents. The beam is extra powerful against pillar men, zombies, and vampires. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
  • Cinematic SP Skill: Stroheim summons a giant UV ray that fires a large beam all the way across the stage. The extraordinary range is capable of reaching groups of opponents across the stage in Action Battle. The beam is extra powerful against pillar men, zombies and vampires. In Tactical Battle, this simple hits all opponents present on the stage.

Cyborg Stroheim Moveset Video (Tactical Battle)

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Proud Soldier ver.
Skill: Resolution to Blow Himself Up
Replaces random Panels with Stroheim panels and erases all of them.

Stroheim panels won't appear anymore. (Can only be used once per battle)
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 2
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 40
Skill: Ultraviolet Irradiation Equipment
Replaces random panels with any single cheer panel, then erases all of them and that character's panels will no longer appear. The appearance rate of partner panels is doubled, except in Rush Time (Can only be used once per battle)
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 1
Cooldown: 100
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 2
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 2
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 4
Cooldown: 40



  • His given name translates to Rudol, without f or ph, in alphabetic languages.
  • In addition to Stroheim's enthusiastic nationalism, his features are consistent with those of the "Nordic race" favored in Nazi ideology.
  • Stroheim's hair and eventual monocled visage appear to be based on an illustration by Antonio Lopez.[10]
  • In the Japanese release of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, Stroheim's default costume is his Nazi officer uniform. In the game's release outside of Japan, however, this costume is removed from the game entirely and his default costume is changed to his cyborg appearance.


  1. Chapter 53: The Pillar Man, p7
  2. Chapter 52: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 5, p14
  3. Chapter 60: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 7
  4. Chapter 113: The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic
  5. Chapter 53: The Pillar Man, p10
  6. Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3, p8
  7. Chapter 56: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 3, p18
  8. Chapter 85: Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3, p19
  9. Chapter 108: JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 2, p15
  10. ジョジョのパクリ糾弾スレテンプレその1 - アントニオロペス(スペインのファッションイラストレーター)


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