Chapter 266
I just got back from seeing JFK . The theater was surprisingly packed, despite it being the first showing on a weekday. Its popularity seemed appropriate given how well done it was.
『JFK ( ジェイエフケイ ) 』観てきました。平日の初回だったのに大混雑。人気にみあった力作でした。
Chapter 267
I'm returning to my hometown for Golden Week . I wanna say that I'll take it easy, but I'm gonna be thoroughly gathering material too!!
GW ( ゴールデンウイーク ) は田舎に帰ります。ゆっくりしますといいたいけど、キッチリ取材もします!!
Chapter 268
You're supposed to put out milk cartons on nonburnable garbage day. I guess there's all sorts of garbage, huh?
Chapter 269
The phone number on a billboard for this little shop near my workplace is wrong. They better fix it quick.
Chapter 270
Stepping away from Golden Week and taking a break, I went on a short trip to Tohoku . It completely refreshed my mind and body.
G・W ( ゴールデンウイーク ) をはずして休みをとり、東北へ小旅行。身も心もすっかりリフレッシュした
Chapter 271
I messed up and injured the inside of my mouth with the toothbrush handle while brushing my teeth. It hurts so much.
Chapter 272
Volume 27 is for sale on the 10th. Everyone, let's ready, set, go to the bookstore.
Chapter 273
Mr. Mitsuaki Iwagō 's animal photo and video collection is very good. I absolutely recommend it to everyone.
Chapter 275
The neighborhood wasps are paying a lot of visits. It's scary, but our coexistence is a law of nature, isn't it...?
Chapter 276
I attended 2 big award parties long ago, and now that there's more and more of them, I've grown angry of having to go to them....
Chapter 277
I'm fairly confident in myself when swimming, but the other day, for whatever reason, I nearly drowned in a pool. At the end of the day, water is terrifying.
Chapter 278
I'm not a very passionate fan, but the Giants ' steady progress makes me happy. Keep it up, as you are now.
Chapter 279
Last week, I went to the barber's and there were so many people there that I waited for a total of SIX HOURS. Let's all be on time, okay?
先週は散髪屋さんその地もろもろで、合計6時間ま ( ・ ) ち ( ・ ) ですごした。皆時間を守ろう
Chapter 280
Newest volume, Volume 28 , for sale now! This is Part 3 's concluding arc. And there's a hint towards Part 4 hidden within!!
最新コミックス28巻発売中!第3部の完結編です。第4部へのH ( ヒント ) も隠されてるゾ!!
Chapter 282
They were filming a movie at the apartment building where I work. It looked like they were having a hard time in the heat.
Chapter 283
I bought this stapler-style nose hair trimmer, but it doesn't work at all. I was deceived by its appearance.
Chapter 284
Out of this year's summer vacation's movies, I think Patriot Games was the most enjoyable.
Chapter 285
Lately I've become obsessed with cameras. I feel like I wanna go out and buy various lenses for them.
Chapter 286
Production on the SFC JoJo game seems to be going well. I only saw a picture of the demo, but it looked quite good!
SFC ( スーパーファミコン ) の『ジョジョ』制作は順調だそうです。デモ画面も見たけど中々よかったよ!
Chapter 287
The elementary schooler on TV who cycled across Japan was fascinating. I've also wanted to try that.
自転車で日本縦断を成しとげた小学生のTV ( テレビ ) がおもしろかった。僕もやりたかった。
Chapter 289
Lately, my favorite food has been zucchinis, which look like cucumbers. They taste amazing when grilled.
Chapter 290
I often use Italian restaurants for meetings. It might just be my most favorite cuisine in the world.
Chapter 291
I had a meal with Mr. Hachiro Taku . He's thin, but has a hearty appetite. It felt like I caught a glimpse of his source of energy.
Chapter 292
Volume 29 is finally for sale on the 4th. At last, Part 4 begins! Hurry to the book store!!
Chapter 293
The chair that's looked after me for 7 years has finally fallen apart. I had no choice but to buy a new one.
Chapter 294
Every year when the weather gets colder, I start waking up with a stiff neck. It's started happening again recently, and it's pretty painful.
Chapter 295
I planned to go see the autumn leaves, but the bad weather kept delaying my trip. By the time I was ready to go, they had already fallen.
Chapter 296
It seems that when I sent someone a Shichi-Go-San congratulatory telegram, it came out as Hichi-Go-San. I'm just hearing about this now.
Chapter 297
I totally forgot my trunks in the pool locker room, but I got too embarrassed to go retrieve them.
Chapter 298
I often use Italian restaurants for preparatory meetings. Garlic and olive oil are a powerful duo!!
Chapter 299
Thank you for supporting me this past year. Please continue to do so in the future.
Chapter 300
Happy new year. Please enjoy this year. Also look forward to enjoying Volume 30 , which releases on the 7th.
明けましておめでとう。今年もよろしく。7日発売のJC ( コミックス ) 30巻もあわせてヨロシク
Chapter 301
Opening color pages in the new year are an omen of good fortune. I want to keep that momentum as I charge straight ahead into the year to come.
Chapter 302
The storyboards for the JoJo anime looked great. It looks to be very promising!!
Chapter 303
I had a conversation with Mr. Kenji Ohtsuki . I was very excited! The details will be presented in the Jump Novel for sale in March!
大槻ケンジ氏と対談。すごく盛りあがった!詳細は3月発売のJN ( ジャンプノベル ) で紹介します!
Chapter 304
This time, I gathered material for the series at an Italian restaurant. The food was so delicious that I completely forgot I was there for work.
Chapter 305
The day I went home for the first time in a long time, the bullet train that had been stopped by the heavy snow started moving again from my station. Lucky me!
久々の帰省をする日、大雪でとまってた新幹線が私の乗る号から動きだした。幸運 ( ラッキー )
Chapter 306
I took a break from my manuscripts to paint an illustration for the Jump Novel releasing on March 17th. Please be sure to read that as well.
原稿の合間をぬって3月17日売のJN ( ジャンプノベル ) の挿絵をかいた。そっちも是非読んで下さい
Chapter 308
I went on a field trip to see CG at Banpresto . I'm still astounded by the cutting-edge artistry! It was amazing!!
バンプレストにCG ( シージー ) を見学に行った。最先端の技術も驚きっぱなし!すごかった!!
Chapter 309
It seems that, for many years, my father thought that "mailboxes" were called "mailbuckets". Did nobody ever correct him?
Chapter 310
I'm changing my working time to noon! Or at least planning on it!! The plan's to move it forward, little by little, but it might be tougher than I thought?!
Chapter 311
Koseki hasn't been willing to screw around with me as much lately. I think it's because of how the schedule is right now, but still, it's rather rude of him.
最近、こせき先生が一緒に遊んでくれない。S ( スケジュール ) の都合だと思うけど、少し冷たいゾ
Chapter 312
These contact lens that I just bought have already broken! They were so expensive!!
Chapter 313
I've been thinking of going in for a physical exam, but since it's my first time there, not knowing the place makes me a bit nervous!!
Chapter 316
Assistants wanted! Must be living in Tokyo , under 25, and male. For more information, please contact the person in charge, Mr. Kaito, via telephone.
Chapter 317
The 3D art craze. Until now, it's never actually looked three-dimensional. Does it really look that way to you all?
はやりの3D ( スリーディー ) アート。今まで一度も立体に見えたことがない。本当にあ ( ・ ) れ ( ・ ) 見えるの?
Chapter 318
My dad went to Tokyo for leisure for the first time. It was fun because we don't do much together anymore.
Chapter 319
I repeat, assistants wanted! Men under 25, living in the outskirts of Tokyo , please call the person in charge, Mr. Kaito!!
Chapter 320
Tour de France has been really interesting these past few years! I'm also excited for this year's exciting developments!
Chapter 321
I started using an EOS 5 . It's an amazing camera that seems to focus exactly where you're looking! I was very surprised.
EOS5 ( イオスファイブ ) を使い始めたが、目で見た所に焦点が会うスゴイカメラだ!びっくりした
Chapter 322
Recently, the neighborhood dog has had its food stolen by crows. I feel bad for it! Keep holding on as long as you can.
Chapter 326
I'll (probably) be at MultiWorld starting the 28th! Everyone, please come and have a good time!!
Chapter 327
Around this time of year, bugs come in and writhe around on my blank manuscripts. What are they up to...?
Chapter 328
Koseki finally hung out with me. I can't say I was happy with it, but it was great!!
Chapter 329
I've found that one of my eyebrows is only two or three centimeters long! Cutting it would be an omen of bad luck, but also it looks ugly if I don't?!
1本だけ2~3cm ( センチ ) もある眉毛発見!切ると縁起悪いし、切らないとカッコ悪い!?
Chapter 330
I missed out on a chance to visit Lucasfilm to see them work on the anime 's audio. Will that become a lifelong regret...?!
Chapter 331
Volume 34 hits the shelves on Friday, September 3rd!! Dive headfirst into the Rohan Kishibe arc !! Please buy it if you're so inclined, okay?
JC ( コミックス ) 第㉞巻、9月3日(金)発売~!!岸辺露伴編突入だ!!よかったら、買って下さいネ
Chapter 332
I'm collecting #1 hit black music!! They're not easy to get a hold of here!!
Chapter 333
I finally took a late summer vacation. I feel refreshed and ready to get back to work!!
Chapter 334
I challenged myself to fly a paraglider for the first time! I probably won't do it again. It was terrifying!
Chapter 335
This summer's Dragon was fascinating! It had this hand-to-hand combat manga-type feel, and was very good!!
Chapter 336
I saw a preview for the first episode of the anime . Extremely good execution, and very interesting! Consider this a recommendation!
Chapter 337
Prince's greatest hits CD came out, and it's great! People that don't even know him will be deeply moved by it.
プリンスのベストCD ( シーディー ) が出たこれはスゴイ!知らない人はこれを聞くとよくかわる
Chapter 338
Lately, I've developed a passion for soba . I especially love steamed soba topped with Chinese yam ! That refined feeling is great!
Chapter 340
There are people that have been to the Amazon . I'm so jealous of them!! I wanna go too!!
Chapter 342
When collecting material, I get antsy taking photos because of stuff like regulations. I can't be so carefree collecting material!
Chapter 343
I saw the second episode of the anime ! This one also feels very complete and only continues to power up! Please watch it, won't you?
Chapter 344
When a certain friend of mine gets angry with me, he yells, "Begone, vengeful spirit!" It's frightening, and I wish they'd stop!
Chapter 345
In this chapter's colored pages, we plunge into the core of Part 4 !! I'll ride high with this series in '94!!
Chapter 346
I wanted to listen to guitar music during the end-of-the-year rush, so I went to a U2 concert ...!!
年末慌ただしい中、ギターの音が聞きたくて、U2 ( ユーツー ) のコンサートへ行ってしまった…!!
Chapter 347
My goal this coming year is to be able to do the splits! It seems like it'll take all year to be able to do it!!
Chapter 348
Happy new year. I'll work hard this year as well, so please continue to support me!!
Chapter 349
I found out the name of the dog whose food is being stolen by crows! Its name is Gorokichi. Hang in there, Gorokichi.
Chapter 350
Thank you so much for the New Year's cards! I've decided I'll be splitting the gifts equally among the staff.
Chapter 352
Mami Leavey, thank you for cooperating with me to gather information. I promise you weren't the model for Aya Tsuji .
マミ・レヴィ先生、取材協力ありがとうございます。辻彩のM ( モデル ) はあなたではありません
Chapter 353
I received an amazing digital notebook, but I'm a simple man with simple plans, so I don't have much use for it!!
Chapter 354
There are a lot of people falling for multi-level marketing scams. People who've fallen for it, please tell me how it works!
Chapter 355
I didn't know about the increase in postage rates, so I've just kept sending letters. I'm really sorry to those on the receiving end who have to pay 41 yen.
Chapter 356
Even though I bought some over a year ago, I still don't understand how to view 3D art! What do I do?
1年以上前に買ったのに未だに3D ( スリーディー ) アートの見方がよくわかりません!どーしてかな?
Chapter 357
I want to read Otoko no Jouken , serialized in Jump 's early days, one more time! I really want a reprint to come out.
Chapter 358
I saw Valentino 's fashion show. It's relieving to see such beauty....
Chapter 359
I tried eating foreign rice, I think it's wonderfully delicious! What does everyone think of it?
Chapter 360
I attended a lecture for new employees at Shueisha . Young people joining is going to make everything fresh, you know?
Chapter 361
I renewed my passport! So small, so cool! That being said, five years can really change how you look, huh?
Chapter 362
My usual soba shop went broke and closed for good. I've lost one of the joys of my life.
Chapter 364
I saw a street performance called "Saltimbanco ." The beanbag juggler was the most interesting.
Chapter 365
There's a bee nest on the veranda. It's not my business what they make, but I really hope they don't sting me.
Chapter 368
I am, by a portion of my readers, called "Little Hiro Go-Go-Go."[ c] Thank you for the naming!
Chapter 369
I heard there's a way to take the Shuto Expressway for only 500 yen instead of 700, but how do you do it? Is it even real?
Chapter 370
I've been near it many times, but I've never actually seen Mount Fuji . When I recently went to Hakone , it was covered in five-meter-thick fog.
近くまでは何度も行くが富士山を見たことがない。最近箱根に行った時も、5m ( メートル ) の濃霧
Chapter 371
I went to the dentist to have some tartar removed. It didn't hurt, but for some reason I was totally freaked out, as if I were a kid again.
Chapter 372
I just watched the third episode of the anime . It's good and menacing[ d] ! Definitely worth checking out!!
アニメの第③巻を見ました。これも、ゴゴゴと盛り上がるGOOD ( グッド ) なでき!見てネッ!!
Chapter 373
Boston just released a new album ! I'm beyond excited and honestly shocked. I never thought I'd hear from them again!
「ボストン」のニューA ( アルバム ) が出た!すごく嬉しくてびっくり!もう会えないかと思ってた!
Chapter 374
I often order mineral water at restaurants, but I don't want any ice in it! What's the point if it melts?
Chapter 375
I went back to Sendai for Obon this year. I decided to go a little early to avoid the festival rush, but I'm sure my ancestors won't mind!
Chapter 376
My younger sister moved into the neighborhood, but her kid[ e] is always throwing tantrums, so I don't want them to come over to play.
Chapter 378
I used a five-year-old ointment on my mosquito bite, and it ended up swelling even more. Scary!
Chapter 379
To avoid dealing with crowds, I try to take my summer vacation in September every year. Speaking of which, this year's is coming up.
混雑 ( こんざつ ) を避けるため、毎年9月に夏休みをとるようにしている。今年ももうすぐで休みだ
Chapter 380
Assistants wanted. If you're a man with enthusiasm, please call my editor, Mr. Kaito. Please!
Chapter 382
Now hiring assistants. Please call my motivated male editor, Mr. Kaito.
Chapter 383
Now hiring assistants! Motivated men are encouraged to apply. Please call my editor, Mr. Kaito.
Chapter 384
Assistants wanted. No all-nighters. Experience preferred. Please call Mr. Kaito!
Chapter 385
The desk lamp suddenly caught fire, but instead of the bulb, it was the cord that burned like a firework. The cause is unknown.
Chapter 386
Fashion designer Moschino has passed away. I pray for and offer my condolences to those who were greatly influenced by him.
F ( ファッション ) デザイナーのモスキーノが亡くなった。多大な影響を受けた人のご冥福を祈ります。
Chapter 387
The fifth episode of the OVA is now for sale! There's also talk of releasing it in America. I'm so happy my wish came true!!
Chapter 390
I was completely fine during the summer, but recently I've been getting bitten by mosquitoes a lot. What in the world is going on?
Chapter 391
Mr. Sekiya will be stepping up as my new editor. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Kaito.
Chapter 394
The one-shot short story for Super Jump is almost finished. For a different reading experience from JoJo , check it out in the second issue of Super Jump in the new year.
SJ ( スーパージャンプ ) の短編読切がもうすぐ完成。「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」とは一味違った読み応えはSJ ( スーパージャンプ ) 新年2号で
Chapter 395
For some reason, my feet stink much worse in the winter than they do in the summer... Why's that?! That's my final question for the year.
Chapter 396
Volume 40 goes on sale Wednesday, January 11th! I'll work hard this year as well, so thank you for your continued support!
「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」最新第㊵巻、1月11日(水)発売!今年も1年間頑張りますのでよろしくお願いします
Chapter 397
This week marks the 400th of JoJo 's serialization. Next week will feature a full-color opening. I'll do my best, so please keep supporting me!
「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」も今週で連載400回。来週は巻頭カラー。ますます頑張るので応援よろしく
Chapter 398
To my parents and relatives: I haven't been particularly busy, but I'm only just now getting around to writing your New Year's cards. Please forgive me.
Chapter 399
I'm really into spaghetti at the moment. Especially the kind flavored with garlic and red chili peppers, and boiled in salt water.
Chapter 400
I would like to express my condolences to those affected by the Great Hanshin Earthquake . I sincerely pray for their recovery.
Chapter 401
Now hiring assistants. If you have artistic skills and lots of motivation, please call my editor, Mr. Sekiya!!
Chapter 402
Lately, I've been eating anmitsu during my meetings. It's like an after-meal snack. Green tea is also delicious.
Chapter 403
We're still looking for assistants who are ready to work!! If you're confident in your drawing ability, please call the editor, Mr. Sekiya.
Chapter 404
The latest JoJo volume, Volume 41 , has been released. The OVA is a must-see as well.
「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」最新第41巻が発売になりました。OAV ( オリジナルアニメビデオ ) もともに是非、ご覧になって下さい
Chapter 406
I'd like you all to go see supermodel Karen Mulder . Her touching beauty is truly that of a goddess.
Chapter 407
The chef at my favorite restaurant has returned home from months of training in Italy. He's certainly kept us waiting!
Chapter 408
Lately, I can't seem to get the song "If I Only Knew" by Tom Jones out of my head. What kind of Japanese title is "Love is Makey-Makey"?[ f]
最近、耳から離れない曲はT ( トム ) ・ジョーンズという人の「恋はメキメキ」何だこの邦題は?
Chapter 409
I had to wear a mask because I caught a cold, but since I kept it next to my Salonpas , I kept wondering where that weird smell was from...
Chapter 410
The cold I've had for the past month is finally settling down. This time around, I couldn't stop coughing, and it was very painful.
Chapter 411
JoJo Volume 42 comes out on Thursday, May 11th. I'm really excited about both the cover and the story itself.
JC ( コミックス ) 「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」第㊷巻が5月11日(木)に発売されます。表紙も本編も気合い入ってます
Chapter 412
There's a lot of renovation work going on this time of year. People are working hard both above and below my workplace. Have I hit the noise jackpot this year?
Chapter 413
During Golden Week, I went to a hot spring and relaxed. Let's refresh ourselves, so we can do our best!!
Chapter 414
Around this time of year, what I really want to eat is cod sprout tempura . But it's just so expensive.
Chapter 415
I've been reading a lot of non-fiction lately. I read all of Lost Moon [ g] in a single sitting.
Chapter 417
The other day, I went to Kumamoto for the first time for Jump Super Anime Tour . It was great to be able to hear fans' voices up close.
先日、JSAT ( ジャンプスーパーアニメツアー ) で初めて熊本に行った。ファンの声を身近に感じられたのがよかった。
Chapter 418
It could be because the manuscript paper is white, but when it gets warm, bugs show up and writhe on the paper. That's so bug-like of them.
Chapter 420
The other day, I went to an lingerie fashion show. There were a lot of older men there, but I really enjoyed the interesting show.
Chapter 421
Art supplies that I think are really good either quickly go out of production or rapidly deteriorate in quality. I'm so confused.
Chapter 423
Koji Koseki came to visit. We were both shocked when a real gecko came into the house.
Chapter 424
Koji Koseki brought watermelon and corn to my house. It was really delicious.
Chapter 425
The latest volume of JoJo was released on Friday, August 4th. Please introduce it to the rest of your collection.
8月4日(金)に、JC ( コミックス ) 「JOJO ( ジョジョ ) 」最新第㊸巻が発売になりました。既刊ともによろしく
Chapter 426
I don't visit the editorial department often, and even when I do, I don't stay long. I apologize for that.
Chapter 427
I'm considering adding a computer to my workplace. But manga has to be hand-made...
Chapter 429
I'm taking a bit of a late summer vacation to go to the Venice Film Festival . It's in the city of Venice, in Italy.
Chapter 430
When I asked a relative's six-year-old child if we could go to Disneyland , they said, "I don't wanna. It's too crowded."
6歳になる親戚の子に「D.L ( ディズニーランド ) でも行こうか?」と聞いたら「混んでるからヤダ」と言われた
Chapter 432
I met Tom Hanks and director Spike Lee at the Venice Film Festival. It really felt like I was "seeing them up close."
ヴェネチア映画祭でT ( トム ) ・ハンクスとS ( スパイク ) ・リー監督に会った。「近くで見た」って感じかな。
Chapter 434
I became a judge for Manga Allman 's Manga Award. I am very excited to start judging.
MANGA ( マンガ ) オールマンの漫画賞の審査員になりました。審査するって気合いがいります
Chapter 435
The housekeeper at work makes delicious food, even if they know it's the least favorite food of the person they're serving it to. Do they expect them to sample it first?
Chapter 436
I fell in love with this fall's Isetan poster. I'll get my hands on it, no matter what!
この秋のISETAN ( いせたん ) デパートのポスターにほれこんだ。なんとしても手に入れるぞ!
Chapter 437
My favorite book at the moment is a collection of paintings by Fernando Botero . Where can I go to see the real works?
Chapter 438
I can't say it to their face, so I'll just write it here. ****, you have bad breath! Please see a dentist and get that under control!
Chapter 439
A little lizard died in my house. I think I stepped on it after it came in from outside. Forgive me!
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
There's a lot to be afraid of out there in the world—here are my top ten personal fears:
#10: Death
#9: Organisms that can cling to the ceiling (cockroaches, etc.)
#8: Delusions
#7: My acquaintances
#6: Getting an unlucky fortune
#5: Hospitals
#4: Destruction of the environment
#3: Confined spaces
#2: Strangers
And, finally, for the illustrious #1 spot: The dark
What do you think? How is my list different than yours?
この世には「怖いもの」がたくさんあると思いますが、荒木飛呂彦の「恐怖ベスト10」を考えてみました。 第10位「死」、9位「天井にひっつくことのできる生物」、8位「妄想」、7位「知人」、6位「占いで凶が出ること」、5位「病院」、4位「自然環境破壊」、3位「閉所」、2位「他人」。そして堂々、輝ける1位はッ! 「闇」。 いかがですか? みなさんとは、どう違うでしょうか?
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
When I was growing up…
One day, my mother came down with a cold and asked me to help her.
She said, "Would you mind going to the neighborhood doctor to get my medicine?"
I was waiting in the reception area when the doctor came out and said, "All right, Araki-kun! Roll up your sleeve—it's time for your shot."
"What?!" I shouted. "I'm not here for me!"
"Just kidding," he said.
I'd been terrified, but I also thought it was a hilarious trick. Looking back, I think that experience led me to become a manga creator.
〔子供のとき〕 母親がカゼをひいたので、ぼくに「悪いけど、(近所の)お医者さん行って、お薬もらって来てちょうだい」とお使いをたのまれた。ぼくが待合室で待っていると、先生が出てきて―。 「さ! 荒木君、そでをまくって注射するから」 「え! ぼくじゃあないよ!」 「うそだよ」
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
I listen to a lot of music and that sometimes has an unfortunate side effect: a melody getting stuck in my head. The most serious case was a song called "A Man and a Woman," with its "da-ba-da-ba-da" repeating relentlessly for three days straight. I was in school at the time and I remember thinking, "I can't study like this!" I also went through a period when I would hear Kiyoko Suizenji's "365 Steps March" every time I started walking, in a Pavlovian sort of response that had me entirely at its mercy.
音楽をよく聴くのだが、曲のメロディーが頭から離れなくなって困る時がある。一番重症だったのは「男と女」という曲が3日間ろ、頭の中で「ダバダバダ」とエンドレスで鳴って、学生時代だったので、『勉強できねーよー』と思った。 水前寺清子の「365歩のマーチ」も歩きだすと聴こえ始める時があって、『パブロフの犬』で有名な条件反射ってのに、おちいってしまったこともあった。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
Hirohiko Araki's Top 10 Movies That Had Him Squirming in His Seat (The ten best movies I wished would stop but I kept watching anyway.)
#1: Night of the Living Dead
#2: Jaws
#3: Johnny Got His Gun
#4: Mississippi Burning
#5: Platoon
#6: Papillon
#7: Halloween 4
#8: Lord of the Flies
#9: The Silence of the Lambs
#10: Alien
荒木飛呂彦のこいつはビビったぜ映画ベスト10 (もうやめてくれといいながらそれでもみたベスト10) 第1位 ナイト・オブ・ザ・リビング・デッド 第2位 ジョーズ 第3位 ジョニーは戦場へ行った 第4位 ミシシッピー・バーニング 第5位 プラトーン 第6位 パピヨン 第7位 ハロウィン4 第8位 蠅の王 第9位 羊達の沈黙 第10位 エイリアン
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
I've always thought of the Academy Awards as prestigious, but their selections are not always particularly entertaining movies. When
Clint Eastwood 's
Unforgiven won Best Picture, I was as happy as if it were my own movie—so happy, in fact, that I couldn't sleep. I chortled in bed, even though Clint Eastwood was no acquaintance of mine, and I gained nothing personally from the prize. Why was I so happy? Fans are strange creatures.
リッパだけど、そんなにオモシロイ作品が選ばれるわけではないと思っていた「アカデミー賞」。C ( クリント ) ・イーストウッドの「赦されざる者」が選ばれた時は、もうまるで自分のことのように嬉しくて、眠れませんでした。フトンの中で「ムフフ笑い」をしたりして、別に知り合いでもないし何か得するわけでもないのに、どうしてこんなにうれしいのだろう? 「ファン」とは不思議だよね。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
For 60 years, my father thought mailboxes were called "mailbuckets." Surely he had many opportunities to realize his mistake across 60 years, and it's a small miracle that he managed to persist despite the odds. As for myself, I watched the movie The Day of the Jackal dozens of times mistakenly thinking its title was The Eye of the Jackal , and up until only recently, I thought the manga Dokaben was called Dokabeso .
父は60年間「郵便受け」のことを「郵便おけ(桶)」だと思っていた。まちがいに気づく機会はなんどでもあったにちがいないが、60年間そのハードルをクリアし続けたのは奇跡である。 ぼくもまた『ジャッカルの日』という映画を十回以上観ているが、ずっと『ジャッカルの目』だと思っていたし、『ドカベン』というマンガもついこの間まで『ドカベソ』だと思っていた(スミマセン)。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
The destruction of the environment is a topic that deeply weighs on my mind. A while ago I visited the town where I grew up and discovered that a mountain I remembered from my childhood had been completely erased—bulldozed away to clear room to develop a residential area. I'm sure the locals made a profit, and that's fine, but I think it's wrong to go so far as to change the topography. Isn't that kind of thing a crime? I think it's a crime.
『自然環境破壊』に超関心がある。 以前、故郷に帰った時、子供の時から知ってるはずの『山』がひとつまるまる姿を消してた事がある。住宅地を建設するためにブルドーザーがけずりとってしまったわけです。地域の人々はそれで利益があっていいんでしょうが、地形まで変えるのは悪い事だと思うのです。 そーゆー事っていうのは犯罪ではないのでしょうか? 私は犯罪だと思うのです。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
For a long time, I've felt bad for bicycles left sitting out to be drenched by the rain, but for the past few years, what I've really felt pity for are those blinking red lights on answering machines that let their owners know a message is waiting for them. When I get back from a week-long vacation and see that light, I wonder, "Were you really blinking this whole time?" I truly feel bad for those lights. I think they should at least be able to slack off while their owner isn't around to see. But then again, we all have our jobs to do, don't we?
前から雨にぬれてる自転車をカワイソーと思うことはあったが、ここ数年「あわれ」だなぁと思うのは留守番電話の「留守中電話あったよ」と点滅で知らせてくれる赤ランプ。 一週間以上、旅行した後もズッと点滅しつづけておったの? と思うと本当、気の毒な気分になる。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
There's a mystery going on near me. Every night, at precisely 9 and 11 PM, the occupant of the unit beneath my studio opens the window to their balcony and hits the outside wall twice with some kind of wooden object. Whack! Whack! They always do it two times (never three). And then... Slam! The window slides shut. What is that sound that echoes through the night sky? What could they possibly be doing? Every night! (To be continued in
Volume 38 .)
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
There is another mystery in my life. I know this woman who has a boyfriend who, without fail, leaves their dates at 6 PM to go home. What is so important and so urgent that he needs to be home that early? He's 27, and she'll ask him, "Don't you like me?" And he'll say, "Yeah, I like you." And she'll say, "Don't you think this is too early to go home?" and he goes quiet. Well, why does he go home? Is he watching anime? (To be continued in
Volume 39 .)
身の回りにミステリーがある。知り合いの女性にボーイフレンドがいるんだが、この男性、デートの日、必ず夕方の6時になると家に帰ってしまうらしいのだ。 なにしに、そんなに早く帰っちゃうのだ? 27歳の男性で、「自分の事がが嫌いなの?」ときくと「好き」というし、「帰るの早すぎない?」というと「だまってしまう」らしい。 何故ですかァ?アニメでも見るんですかァ?(39巻につづく)
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
There's a mystery going on around me. Once, when I emerged from the swimming pool, a friend of mine looked at my soaking wet hair and said, "Whoa! Your hair looks just like
Gokuraku-kun's ," and fell over laughing. "Gokuraku-kun"? Who the heck is that? The protagonist of some famous manga or something?
I know
Shinigami-kun ,
Enma-kun ,
Akuma-kun , and
Jigoku-kun , but who is Gokuraku-kun? What kind of hair does he have? Later, I asked my friend about it, and this was the reply: "Oh, did I say that?"
身の回りにミステリーがある。濡れてプールから上がった時、とある友人が、ぼくの髪の毛を見て「あ! 極楽くんの髪型そっくり」と言って笑いころげた。 「極楽くん」……何者なのそいつ? 有名なマンガか何かの主人公なのか? 「死神くん」や「閻魔くん」や「悪魔くん」や「地獄くん」は知っているが「極楽くん」は誰だ? 誰なの? どんな髪型してるヤツなワケ? この間、友人に聞いたら「そんなこと言った?」と答えた。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
I love to read visual encyclopedias and guides. Whenever I see one for sale, whether it be a dinosaur picture book or a dictionary of movie stars, I can't help but buy it. The more details, the better. I want to read about when and where they were born, what they like to eat, and so on. I'll wind up reading the same entries over and over. Recently, the two books I've been enjoying the most are Supermodel Catalog and Cats of the World . Both subjects just look so elegant.
『○○カタログ図鑑』のような本を見るのが大好きで、恐竜図鑑から映画スター辞典のようなものまで、売っているとつい買ってしまう。生まれはどこだとか、生年月日だとか、好きな食べ物だとか、細かいデーターが載ってれば載ってるほどいい。同じところを何回も見てしまう。 ……で最近、愛読していてるのは『スーパーモデルカタログ』と『世界のネコ』。どっちも優雅そうで、とてもいい。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
Whenever I have to draw a hospital, or a drug store, or a temple, or whatever, I always try to take pictures for reference. But taking those picture is pretty nerve-wracking. Whenever I ask permission, people always ask back, "What are you gonna use them for?" "You work for a magazine or something?" "Who are you, anyway?" and stuff like that, and then, inevitably, "Well, the manager isn't here today, so come back tomorrow and ask then." Come on, I just want to use them for reference! I'll even give you candy!
作品の中で病院だとか、薬屋さんの中だとか、お寺だとかを描かなくてはいけない時、「写真」を撮って、それを参考に描くのだが、この写真を撮るのが、結構神経使うのです。 「写真撮らしてください」とお願いしても、「何に使うの?」とか「何の雑誌?」、「あんた誰?」とか細かく質問されたあげく、「責任者がいないので、明日来て」とか言われたりする。参考にするだけなんスから、楽に撮らして。(お菓子あげるから)。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
The Many Albums that Make Me Cry These are my top 10 from the 70s, in no particular order. You might love them or hate them, but I guarantee you'll cry if you listen to them.
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Chicago - Chicago VII
The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack
Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
Jackson Brownie - Late for the Sky
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Sex Pistols - Never Mind the Bollocks
George Benson - Breezin'
Carpenters - Now & Then
「ウルウル涙できるCDアルバムか多数ある」 その70年代ベスト10(順番なし) 好みは人によって違うものですが、これらは何度聴いても涙が出る。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
Workplace Nature Watch, Part 1 The most common bug we see in the studio is the ladybug. It gets through the screen door like it's nothing. It seems like it flies to the door, then climbs up over it somehow. I checked the top of the door, and sure enough, there's a 3mm gap right at the top of the frame. That must be how they get in.
They don't sting or anything, so whenever we see them we just shoo them back outside. But then they always find their way back in.
仕事場のまわり自然観察記その① 仕事場に侵入してくる虫NO.1はテントウムシだ。この虫、網戸をものともしない。テントウ虫って飛んで来て物にとまったら、上に向かって登っていくらしい。網戸にとまったら「さん」のところを上に登っていく。 …で、「さん」の上には3ミリぐらいのスキ間がちょこっとあって、そこから入ってくるのだ。 害虫ではないので、つかまえて外に出すと、またそいつが入ってくる。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
Workplace Observation Diary, Part 2 Out on the balcony, we have a small flower garden, and all these stray cats keep coming by to poop in it. We had to keep telling them, "Get the hell out!" We decided to use some herbicides in the garden so the cats would go away, but just when I was sprinkling the herbicides, the lady who lives nearby said, "You shouldn't use herbicide, it'll drive away all the cats!" How did you know that was happening? The balcony is on the second floor! I thought to myself, "Is she some kind of crazy cat lady who can talk to cats?" That's how horrified I was when she said that.
仕事場のまわり観察記その② ベランダにちょっとした花壇があるのだが、そこにネコがうんこをしていく。てめーコラ!っつーわけで、ネコは除草剤が嫌いという噂なんで、花壇にまいたら、突然、近所のオバさんがやって来て、「ネコがかわいそーだから除草剤まかないでくださいね」。なんで、人ん家のこと知ってるんだ? ベランダは2階だぞ。「ネコとお話できるネコオババか?」言われた時ろ、ゾッとした。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
When it comes to
JoJo , I frequently receive comments that the "enemies" in Part 4 are weak. I think my response to this criticism is quite clear from the work itself, but since I've heard the same complaint from the editorial staff, I'll answer it explicitly: I constructed Part 4 around the theme of mental and emotional weakness. The Stands were created by exaggerating the viewpoints of characters consumed by their own flaws. (To be continued in
Volume 46 .)
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
I was thinking about how strong enemies show up in manga. After them, an even stronger enemy shows up, and after them, an even stronger one... so what happens at the very end? It's like thinking about the edges of the universe. Once you look at the world around you, you realize that being a "strong" person means not doing bad things. An enemy who does bad things is a person who has a spiritual weakness, and what's truly scary is when someone takes that weakness and uses it to lash out at others.
ちょこっと考えてると、マンガの中に強い敵が出て来る。その次にそれよりも強い敵が出てくる。その次はそれよりも強い。…となると最後はいったいどうなっちゃうわけですか? 宇宙のハテを考えているみたいになる。それと世の中を見渡してみると本当に『強い』人っていうのは悪い事はしない事に気付く。
Author's Note
Translation Transcript
Apparently, they don't use the letter J in Italy, except in foreign or obsolete words. That means the name "JoJo" doesn't exist, and would be pronounced something like "yoyo". So, for Part 5, which begins on page 71 of this volume, I stayed faithful to the Italian language and made the main character's name "GioGio." As a side note, it seems they don't have an "H" sound either, so "Hirohiko" would become "Iroiko." Like, who is that?
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