Author's Note ★ The JOJOLands

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The JOJOLands

In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotes featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The notes below are from The JOJOLands.


Chapter Translation Original

TJL Chapter 1 I hope you enjoy JoJo Part 9. Personally, my favorite character to draw is Paco. JOJO第9部よろしくお願いいたします。 自分的に描いてて特に好きなのは[パコ]です。

TJL Chapter 2 I haven't been near any pollen, but hay fever's hit me for the first time regardless this year. It's pretty bad. 無縁だったけれど今年花粉デビューしたみたい。これ辛いね。

TJL Chapter 3 I was able to do some cherry blossom viewing this year. The bright, happy atmosphere is nice. 今年はお花見ができました。 華やかで幸福感があっていいね。

TJL Chapter 4 To think a work I drew as a French bande dessinée would be made into a movie. Wow. フランスのバンド・デシネのために描いた作品が映画になるとはね。凄いね。

TJL Chapter 5 You know plastic wrap? The type that comes in those boxes? Do not, under any circumstances, let the plastic fall off the blade and slip back into the box. At that point, it's all over. It's basically the end of the world. 食品のラップ、箱のヤツ。ノコギリの所から中に端が入るともう絶対ダメ。無理。この世の終わりの気分です。

TJL Chapter 6 I whipped myself up some Chicken Parmesan. It tasted amazing after I squeezed a lemon on it. パルミジャーノチーズを衣に入れたフライドチキンを料理してみた。仕上げにレモンを搾って、ウマかったー。

TJL Chapter 7 The heat's been so awful this year, it feels like it's trying to take me out. I barely have any means to defend myself from it. I even tried running into the woods, but it was full of wasps. 今年は本当に生命的な暑さでヤバいです。 個人的対策はほぼ無い。森に逃げたけれどスズメバチ居るし。

TJL Chapter 8 I stayed at the Hayama Kachi-Tei hotel, the live-action Rohan's house. I didn't draw manga while I was there, but they said I could cook, so I did. 実写露伴の加地邸に行ってきました。やっても良いというので漫画は描かなかったけれど料理してきましたよ。

TJL Chapter 9 I walk to work, but I keep getting stopped for police questioning. They ask me things like, "What's in your wallet?" I'm over 60 years old, and they're still questioning me? 仕事場まで徒歩通勤してるのだけれど職質されるんだよねェ。財布に何入ってるの?とか?60歳過ぎて職質される?

TJL Chapter 10 I went on a trip to Osaka and Kyoto. I came across a book that used the sound "totsutotsutotsu" (咄々々). It seems to be similar to the "gogogo" (ゴゴゴ) sound effect. 大阪京都旅行して来ました。「咄々々(とつとつとつ)」という音の書に出会いました。意味は「ゴゴゴ」みたいな擬音らしい。

Chapter Translation Original

TJL Chapter 11 Happy new year, everyone! I wish you all good health and happiness. Thank you for your continued support this year. 新年明けましておめでとうございます。皆様のご健康とご多幸を心からお祈り致します。今年もよろしくお願いいたします。

TJL Chapter 12 I went to Osaka. recently. Don't get me wrong, Tokyo's is good too, but there's just something different about Osaka's udon. It's really good. 大阪に行ってきました。東京もいいけど大阪のうどんって何かが違うよね。うまいよね。

TJL Chapter 13 Last year I got hit with hay fever for the first time, but this year it feels completely different. Maybe I'm not allergic to pollen after all? 花粉症、去年デビューしたんだけど今年はなんかそうでもない。もしかして俺、花粉症じゃないのかな。

TJL Chapter 14 I went on a pilgrimage trip to the Ise Shrine. It feels nice during spring. 伊勢神宮にお参り旅行に行ってきました。春の季節は気持ちがいいね。

TJL Chapter 15 I went out to eat with Tetsuo Hara, the illustrator of Fist of the North Star. I think we're pretty close friends. Haha. 「北斗の拳」の原哲夫先生とご飯を食べたよ。結構仲良しかも。笑

TJL Chapter 16 It wasn't on my radar at all, but I ended up enjoying The Lost King.[a] I love that kind of movie. 全くノーマークでしたけれど、「ロスト・キング 500年越しの運命」面白かった。こーゆー映画大好き。

TJL Chapter 17 Whenever I pre-order a CD or something online, I often end up receiving two copies by mistake. I try to be careful, so what the heck is going on? ネットでCDとか予約注文すると間違えてるのか度々2個届く。気を付けているんだけど、なんだアレ。

TJL Chapter 18 I wanted a wide-brim hat to deal with the heat, so I ended up buying one that looks like a boonie hat. It doesn't suit me at all. あまりの暑さにつば広帽子が欲しくて、ブーニーハットみたいなの買っちゃいました。似合わね〜。

TJL Chapter 19 Something I've been thinking about lately. What's the deal with these sushi restaurants that serve the sushi directly onto your hand? It feels a little intense. 最近思ったこと。寿司屋で寿司を手に乗せてくるのってどういう意味があるんだろう。圧を感じる。

TJL Chapter 20 I visited Nikko Toshogu Shrine after watching Shogun. The scenery was simply breathtaking with all the autumn leaves. 「SHOGUN 将軍」観たから日光東照宮に行ってきた。紅葉時期も素晴らしい秋だった。

Chapter Translation Original

TJL Chapter 21 I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'm currently obsessed with Sabrina Carpenter. What an icon! 遅ればせながらですけれどサブリナ・カーペンターにハマりました。このアイドル良いね。

TJL Volume 1

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
The JOJOLands is Part 9 of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. We find our ninth protagonist in a fifteen-year-old boy. I consider fifteen to be the age where a person's feelings toward the future are the most vibrant. As the author, my hope is that the protagonist will mature and develop admirably over time. On another note, within this story you will see the name "November Rain," the root "novem" being Latin for the number 9. At some point, the months of July and August were inserted into the middle of the calendar, causing November to become the eleventh month.
『The JOJOLands』は『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険』の第9部です。第9番目の主人公は15歳の少年です。

TJL Volume 2

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
While walking to work, I'll sometimes get stopped for police checks, but other times, people will just hand me food. They'll be like, "Would you like some persimmons to go? Perhaps some udon or radishes?" These people don't even live nearby. I don't know who some of them are. They don't expect autographs or anything, and it's a different person each time. I guess I look hungry. They even handed me matsutake mushrooms one time, hahaha. Isn't that amazing? What I'm trying to say is that's how I start off my work days.

TJL Volume 3

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I've been cautious about sharing this because I didn't want to be seen as strange, but I haven't spoken about it anywhere before. About 40 years ago, in my twenties, I traveled to Italy and made a side trip to a northern town called "Padova." It was my first visit, but I immediately felt a sense of familiarity with the place. As I walked along the road next to the river flowing through the town, I recognized the buildings, the bridge views, and even knew how to get to the church—it was exactly as I had somehow known it would be. Ever since, I make it a point to visit Padova whenever I travel. (To be continued in Volume 4.)

TJL Volume 4

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
(Continued from Volume 3) Could 'reincarnation' be real? The question echoed through my mind as I wandered the streets of Padova in northeastern Italy, hoping to find a place I might have once called home. Yet, despite my best efforts, that feeling of familiarity I yearned for never came, and even if it did, it would have likely been for a home that belongs to someone else. Despite all that, my exploration of Padova provided me with some valuable insight. Each city has its own unique "philosophy," which is reflected through its culture, art, food, architecture, plant cultivation and even the way strangers treat each other. I see these things and want to incorporate them into my own life.
(3巻からのつづき) ひょっとすると「生まれ変わり」というものが有るのかなぁ? そう思って、かつて住んでいた場所など感じるのかもと、イタリアの北東の町パドヴァを何度か探す為に歩き回ったけれど、結局のところ、よくわからなかった。仮にわかったとしても現在は誰かの家だったりする訳だし。で、何が言いたいのかというと、歩き回ったおかげで町から色々な事を教えて貰ったという事。その町には各町の「考え方」があって、文化や美術にそれが表れていて、食べ物や建築、植物の植え方、見知らぬ通行人の態度などが良建築、植物の植え方、見知らぬ通行人の態度などが良。

TJL Volume 5

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Back when I was a kid, the term "mach" (as in the speed of sound) had this sense of Romance to it, like a feeling of excitement or mystery. Being able to go the speed of sound, or even faster, was so incredibly cool to me. I even loved when characters did special moves that had "mach" in the name. But before long, I was given the news that, "You know the speed of light is actually the fastest, right?" and all I could think was, "What?!" It felt like "mach" suddenly got left in the dust, and that made me really sad. There’s so much more Romanticism to "mach." People need that sense of Romanticism. The ones with Romance in their hearts are the ones that succeed (the winners). "Mach" simply has more Romantic value.


  1. The Lost King is titled The Lost King: A 500-Year-Old Destiny (ロスト・キング 500年越しの運命) in Japan.

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