Author's Note ★ Vento Aureo

In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotes featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The notes below are from Vento Aureo.
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 440 | Every time I hear thunder, the circuit breaker at work trips and I lose power. The electric company says that proves it's safe, but still... | 雷が鳴るたび、仕事場のブレーカーが落ちて停電。「安全な証拠」と電力会社は言うが…
Chapter 441 | Mr. Otani will be the editor for Part 5 going forward. I want to thank the previous editor, Mr. Sekiya, for all his help. | 第5部から担当さんが大谷氏に変わった。前担当の関谷さん、いろいろとお世話になりました。
Chapter 442 | During a photoshoot for the cover of a magazine, I jumped on a trampoline. It was a lot of fun, but boy, are my legs tired! | 表紙撮影会の時トランポリンに乗った。楽しかったけど、足がへばったよ~!
Chapter 443 | Volume 45 of JoJo will be released on January 10th. Let's enjoy the climax of Part 4 all over again in the comic edition!! | 『ジョジョ』第45巻が1月10日に発売されます。第4部クライマックスを、
Chapter 444 | Happy new year! I'll be on hiatus next issue due to an overseas research trip, but I want to go on one again this year! | あけましておめでとう!次号は海外取材のため休載しますが、今年もやるぞ!
Chapter 445 | I had to cancel my ticket to (The Artist Formerly Known as) Prince's concert because I was overseas for research. It's so frustrating! | 海外取材に行っていたので、(元)プリンスのコンサートをキャンセルしてしまった。悔しいっ!
Chapter 446 | For the first time in a while, I'll be judging for February's Hop Step Award.[a] It's a little bit early to be bringing it up, but I'm looking forward to some great submissions! | 久しぶりに
Chapter 447 | I won't go into detail, but I kind of hate my grandmother. She's just been so stuck-up lately! | 詳しくは書けないが、バアさんが嫌いだ。最近のバアさんはワガママすぎる!
Chapter 448 | I was given an MiniDisc player at the Jump New Year's party. Maybe it's time I gave up VHS tapes... |
Chapter 449 | I met a jewelry designer named Scavia while he was visiting Japan. Meeting was all we did, though... | 来日している宝石デザイナーのスカヴィアさんに会う。ただ会っただけだが…
Chapter 450 | Thank you for the Valentine's chocolates and presents again this year. They really give me motivation! | 今年もバレンタインのチョコやプレゼントをありがとう。やる気が出ますッ!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 451 | The latest JoJo volume, Volume 46, was released on March 4th. Please go buy it! |
Chapter 452 | I have one simple question. Why is the foreign name "Stephan" pronounced the same as "Steven" in Japan? | 素朴な疑問。外国人でSTEPHANという名前がなぜ日本でスティーブン?
Chapter 453 | I visit art exhibitions often, but why are they always so crowded? I want to look at the art at my own pace! | 絵画展ってけっこう行く方だけど、なんであんなに混むの?ゆっくり見たいッ!
Chapter 454 | I've collected thirty coffee cups. Even if I drank from a different one every day, it'd take me a month to run out of them. I think that's pretty neat. | 集めたコーヒーカップが30個に。毎日飲んでも1か月かかる。けっこう楽しい
Chapter 455 | Someone told me my work glasses looked cheap and ugly, so I had no choice but to replace them. | 「貧乏くせーデザイン!」て言われたので、仕事用のメガネを仕方なく代えた
Chapter 456 | The selection process for the Hop Step Award[a] has been completed. Reading young people's masterpieces can be difficult, but it's fun nonetheless. | 2月期
Chapter 457 | I'm fond of the food sections of department stores. Lately, I've become obsessed with finding rare flavors of onigiri. | デパート地下の食品売り場が好きだ。最近は珍しい種類のオニギリに凝ってる
Chapter 458 | My favorite recent CD is a new album by a former gangster with a criminal record named 2Pac. | 最近のお気に入りCDは『マバック』[b]という、前科もあり、元ギャングの人の
Chapter 459 | The newest JoJo volume, Volume 47, releases on May 10th! At last, the beginning of Part 5! |
Chapter 460 | I wish all foreign movies would be dubbed into Japanese. It's such a pain to have to read subtitles. Am I alone on that? | 字幕読むのが面倒なので全部の洋画を日本語吹き替えにしてほしい。私だけ?
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 461 | It's bad luck to cut your nails at night, but you hardly notice they've grown until night falls. And in the morning, work makes you forget all about them... | 夜に爪を切ると縁起が悪いが、のびたのに気付くのは夜。朝には忘れて仕事~
Chapter 462 | I planted some snap pea seeds yesterday, even though the bag says they're supposed to be planted in February... | 種まき時期2月と袋に書いてある『スナック・エンドウ』の種を昨日まいた…
Chapter 463 | The cactus I received from a reader in Kumamoto is growing in full health. I hope it grows to be big and strong! | 熊本で読者の方にいただいたサボテンが元気に育ってる。立派になってくれ!
Chapter 464 | There was a hit-and-run in my neighborhood. I've heard the victim was a fellow manga artist, but who exactly was it? | 近所でひき逃げがあった。被害者はどうやら漫画家らしいのだが、誰なんだ?
Chapter 465 | I bought a pair of white jeans for the first time in my life. But for some reason, I'm too embarassed to wear them... | 生まれて初めて白いGパンを買った。しかし何となく恥ずかしくてはけない…
Chapter 466 | I went to see an exhibition of Fernando Botero's paintings. I really do adore that painter. | フェルナンド・ボテロの絵画展を見に行く。わたしこの画家本当に好きです
Chapter 467 | The newest GioGio volume, Volume 48, comes out July 4th. Check out that cover!! |
Chapter 468 | If you choose a career as a manga artist in the video game version of The Game of Life, it becomes much harder to succeed... |
Chapter 469 | I'm currently in the process of drawing a short story for the magazine Manga Allman. I should have it finished by the end of August. |
Chapter 470 | The snap peas I planted in May have finally borne fruit. I'll start eating them next week! | 5月に種をまいたスナックエンドウの実がついた。来週あたり食べてやるぞ!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 471 | This year, Koji Koseki gave me another delicious watermelon. Thank you so much, for this year's and every year's. | 今年もこせきこうじ先生からうまいスイカをもらう。毎年ありがとうございます。
Chapter 472 | I really enjoy going to department stores. I look through all the floors up and down, including the women's clothing sections. | デパート行くのが本当楽しい。上から下まで全部の階を見て、婦人服も見てる
Chapter 473 | Torishima, the editor-in-chief, gave me a guidebook for the game Resident Evil,[c] but I shouldn't have looked through it yet! | 鳥嶋編集長から『バイオハザード』の攻略本をもらったが、見なきゃよかった!
Chapter 474 | I'll be on hiatus for the next two issues to finish drawing that short story for Manga Allman. Don't worry about me. |
Chapter 475 | Taking that two-issue hiatus allowed me to finish a short story for Manga Allman that I can be proud of! | 2回休ませてもらい、
Chapter 476 | I forgot to mention that Volume 49, the latest GioGio volume, has been released. It's good to be back, everyone! | 言い忘れましたが『
Chapter 477 | The second part of my short story Dolce will be published in the Manga Allman issue releasing on the 2nd! | 2日発売の
Chapter 478 | Since the recent typhoon, there's a gardener who's been going around inspecting the damage. They're a good person. | 先日の台風の後、被害状況を丁寧に確認してくれる植木屋さんがいる。いい人だ
Chapter 479 | The family restaurant I've had my meetings at for many years has closed down. Where am I supposed to have them now? | 長年、打合せに使っていたファミレスがつぶれた。次からどこにしようかな?
Chapter 480 | I've been obsessed recently with Eric Clapton's new song. (Or is it old already?) It practically brings tears to my eyes. | 最近ハマッてる曲は
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 481 | The newest volume of GioGio is finally Volume 50! It will be released nationwide on Friday, November 1st! |
Chapter 482 | On Sunday afternoons, the area around my workplace is packed with people walking their dogs. There are all kinds of dogs, so it's practically a living dog encyclopedia. | 日曜午後の仕事場の周りは散歩の犬だらけ。あらゆる種類がいて犬図鑑みたい
Chapter 483 | Cats gather around my workplace when the weather gets sunny. One vulgar-looking stray always takes a crap before it leaves. | 天気のよい平日の仕事場の回りは猫だらけ。人相悪いノラ猫がウンコして帰る
Chapter 484 | On rainy days, the workplace gets all wet. It's as though the architect put the rain gutters inside the building... | 雨の日の仕事場は雨もりする。建築士が「雨ドイ」を建物の中に入れたらしい…
Chapter 485 | I usually cook on my days off. I would take photos of the food, but I only remember to after I've already eaten it. | 休日はよく料理をする。写真をとっておこうと思うが、食べた後に思い出す。
Chapter 486 | The first time I rode the Odakyu Romancecar, I sat at the very front. I was worried I might hit someone standing on the platform. | 小田急ロマンスカーに初めて乗ったら一番前の席。ホームにいる人をハネとばしそーで怖かった。
Chapter 487 | I've been listening to a lot of live albums lately. I'm a particular fan of black artists, so they're my main focus at the moment. | 最近の音楽はライブ盤を好んで聴く。特にブラックアーティスト系が好みなので、今はそれ中心。
Chapter 488 | At the end of every year, I remember Einstein's immortal words: "There is nothing permanent except change."[d] | 毎年、年末になると思うのはアインシュタインの言葉「この世に変化しないものは何ひとつない」
Chapter 489 | Having grown up in the north, you'd figure I'd be able to withstand the cold more easily. My physical constitution must have changed after living in Tokyo for 12 years. | 北国育ちで寒さには強かったはずだけど上京して12年体質が変わったのか寒さが身にしみるこの頃
Chapter 490 | I'm a little late, but happy new year nonetheless! Thank you for continuing to support JoJo through its 10th anniversary. | 遅ればせながらあけましておめでとうございます。10周年の「ジョジョ」をよろしくお願いします。
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 491 | JoJo's editor has changed again, this time to Mr. Azuma. I look forward to working with him!! | ジョジョの編集担当が今度から「東」さんに変わりました。これからよろしくお願いしますね!!
Chapter 492 | The rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg and the new three-disc album from the Artist Formerly Known as Prince are simply incredible!! I wish I could see them live. | ラップの「スヌープ・ドギー・ドッグ」と元プリンスの3枚組の新譜が最高!!ライブを見たいなあ。
Chapter 493 | I don't do it very often, so I don't quite understand how to tie a tie. It takes me ten minutes to do it correctly!! | あまりやった事がないのでよくわからないのが「ネクタイのしめ方」キチッとするのに10分は必要!!
Chapter 494 | When I had the pressure points on the soles of my feet pressed, I was in so much pain that I wanted to shout, "I'll tell you anything, Mr. Daikan!" | 足の裏のツボを押してもらったらイテーのなんのって「何でもしゃべりますよお代官様」って感じ!!
Chapter 495 | By the way, Volume 51 of GioGio is in stores now!! Volume 100 is still a ways away, but I'll keep doing my best, so please go out and buy it!! | 実は
Chapter 496 | The series has now been running for 10 years and 500 issues. Thank you so very much! Also, we're still looking for assistants!! Please send Mr. Azuma your resume and a few drawings that show your skill!! | 連載10年500回を迎えました。ありがとうございます!ところでアシスタント募集中です!!履歴書と実力のわかるカットを数枚担当東氏まで送ってね!!
Chapter 497 | We're still looking for assistants this week. Potential applicants, please call Mr. Azuma and ask about how to apply. | 今週もアシスタントを募集します。希望する人は担当の東氏まで電話して募集要項を聞いて下さい
Chapter 498 | It's time to start sowing. I've planted February flowers and peas in my flower bed. I hope they'll bloom without any trouble this year. | 種まきの時期。2月の花やエンドウを花壇にまいた。今年こそは無事に咲きみだれることを祈る。
Chapter 499 | I participated in an interview with Tamaki Saito about JoJo. For more details, please check out the magazine Eureka! | 斎藤環医学博士のジョジョに対するインタビューがあった。詳しくは「ユリイカ」という雑誌で!!
Chapter 500 | The enemy of the flower bed is the stray cat fed by the neighborhood cat lady! Poop on me all you want, but please don't pick at my flowers!! | 花壇の敵は近所のネコ女が餌づけしているノラ猫!ウンコしてもいいから花壇をほじらないでっ!!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 501 | Volume 52 of GioGio will be released on April 4th. It stretches from the battle within the mirror to the battle within the train. |
Chapter 502 | My latest obsession is with cattle's brain matter. It's just so delicious when you slurp it down. It's simply the best!! | 最近牛の「脳みそ」にこってます。ジュルジュルと食べると、いやおいしいのなんのって。
Chapter 503 | I make it a rule to return to my hometown at least three times a year. Whenever I do, I always make sure to eat its famous ebiken, salmon harakomeshi. It's simply the best!! | 故郷に年3回は帰る事にしている。帰ったら必ず食べるのが名物駅弁「しゃけはらこめし」。
Chapter 504 | Having breakfast while looking at the flower bed is really the thing I'm looking forward to most these days. May my precious flowers grow without any trouble! | 「花壇を見ながら朝食を」これは本当最近の唯一の楽しみ。我が花壇頼むから無事に育ってくれ!
Chapter 505 | To answer a niche but frequently-asked question: The Part 3 character Nukesaku is a vampire, and he does not have a Stand ability. | 超マニアックだけどよくされる質問。3部に出てくる「ヌケサク」は吸血鬼で、
Chapter 506 | I like the camera I take pictures with now, but digital cameras seem a lot more convenient. Are they any good? | カメラ撮るのはけっこう好きなんだけど、デジタルカメラって便利そうですよね。良いですかね?
Chapter 507 | I was invited to a party hosted by Dennis Hopper, who came to Japan to promote his new film.[e] It was so unreasonably somber. | 新作の
Chapter 508 | Volume 53 releases on June 4th. Help yourself! Volumes 1 through 52 are also on shelves now, so help yourself to those as well! |
Chapter 509 | For the first time in three years, I decided to go to the dentist for three of my teeth, since I'm going on a trip soon. I had two of them healed, but there's still one left... | 旅行に行く前に直そうと3年振りの歯医者通いを決意。何とか2本は直したんですが、あと一本が…。
Chapter 510 | I'm thinking about drawing a one-shot for the Reader's Cup. I'll be teaming up with a certain individual to write a masterpiece for issue 30, so look forward to that!! |
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 511 | I'm going to be a judge for June's Tenkaichi Manga Award.[f] I hope to see promising material that can sustain the future of the world of manga. | 6月期の天下一漫画賞の審査員をやります。漫画界の明日を背負う面白い作品がある事を期待して。
Chapter 512 | When I went to the pool, I saw a sign that said hair dye and eggs were prohibited in the shower room. What on earth could a person do with eggs?! | プールに行ったらシャワー室での「髪染め」「卵」禁止と貼り紙が。卵って一体何をするんだ!?
Chapter 513 | I watched the 3D airplane movie Wings of Courage.[g] I got very airsick, but I liked how real the flying scenes felt. |
Chapter 514 | The Part 3 garage kit figurines featured previously in the magazine have released. Their forms have been very well-researched, and I could feel the enthusiasm and talent of the team behind them. I think they're very impressive!! | 特集しているように3部の時の
Chapter 515 | Lately, the area around my workplace has been full of murders of crows hunting for food scraps. At any rate, it's non-stop caws. | 最近の仕事場のまわりは生ゴミを狙ったカラスの大群で一杯。とにかく休まないで鳴いてるよな。
Chapter 516 | I really enjoyed the latest CD by the Notorious B.I.G. But it seems as though the artist has passed away... | 最近よかったCD「
Chapter 517 | There's an urban myth that we don't see crows' corpses because aliens take them away. I'm kind of fond of that idea. | カラスの死体を見ないのは宇宙人が持っていくから、という話がある。とにかく好きな発想だね。
Chapter 518 | I decided to resume dental treatment, but after going for one day I gave up on it again! It's too scary for me after all...!! | 意を決して再開した歯の治療、1日だけ行って、また断念!やっぱり自分には恐ろしすぎる……!!
Chapter 519 | We're looking for assistants. Applications are due by late September, so if you're interested, please call my editor, Mr. Azuma, for more details!! |
Chapter 520 | Volume 54 has been released. It mainly focuses on Baby Face and Giorno. I'm sure you'll buy it!! |
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 521 | We are looking for assistants. Applications are due by late September. Please contact the editor, Mr. Azuma, for details... | アシスタントを募集します。9月下旬しめきりで応募してください。詳しくは編集部東氏まで…。
Chapter 522 | I don't reply to them often, but I always make sure to read my fan letters. Some of them are quite unique, so it's a lot of fun. | なかなか返事は書けませんが、ファンレター必ず読んでます。ユニークなのもあって楽しいです。
Chapter 523 | I'll be going on a research trip to Italy next week, so I'll be on hiatus. I'll do my best to include a full-color cover in issue 46. | イタリアに取材旅行に行ってきますので、来週はお休みです。46号はセンターカラーで頑張ります。
Chapter 524 | Ever since I returned from Italy, I've been obsessed with dishes featuring mushrooms for some reason. Mushrooms. Also, I want to thank everyone who applied to become an assistant. | イタリアから帰ってきてから、なぜか「キノコ料理」にこっている。うまいんだな、これが。それと
Chapter 525 | I used to not understand it one bit, but lately I've been starting to think jazz is pretty good. Especially Miles Davis. | 昔は理解できなかったが最近、「ジャズがいいなあ」などと思う。特に良いのがマイルス・デイビス。
Chapter 526 | I know you can't see this as readers, but I've cut my hair short. It's the kind of style where you apply gel to the top of it. | 読者の人に見えるわけではないのですが髪を短くした。てっぺんをジェルでてからせるやつですね。
Chapter 527 | Apparently, Volume 55 releases today. Enjoy the breathtaking war between Ghiaccio and Mista!! |
Chapter 528 | As I wrote earlier, jazz really is great. Bill Evans's "Waltz for Debby" makes me wistfully sigh every time. | 前も書きましたがいいですねジャズ。ビル・エバンスの「ワルツ・フォー・デビー」タメ息が出ます
Chapter 529 | Are roasted sweet potatoes really that popular? I've had three street vendors come into the neighborhood every day at snack time, and every night, too! | 「ヤキイモ」って人気なんですかね?毎日3つぐらいの業者がオヤツの時間と夜、近所に来ますが!!
Chapter 530 | I pre-ordered the complete Star Wars LaserDisc set!! But I've already played a lot of other copies of the films, so how will these new ones fare?! | スターウォーズの完全版
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 531 | The leading star I've always been going to see in theaters lately is Steven Seagal. He really is just too strong!! Especially in Fire Down Below.[h] | 最近必ず映画館に見に行く主演スターはスティーブン・セーガル。まじ強すぎる!!「沈黙の断崖」。
Chapter 532 | I've learned that having short hair is hard. Even if your hair only grows a little bit, if you don't cut it right away, it's not short hair anymore!! | 短い髪は大変だという事がよくわかった。少し伸びてもすぐ切らないと短い髪でなくなるからだ!!
Chapter 533 | I'm so happy that Resident Evil 2[i] is finally releasing. I've been looking forward to this!! | 「バイオハザード2」ついに発売されるそうですが本当にうれしい。首を長くして待っていました!!
Chapter 534 | Happy new year. My goal this year is to be able to play a song on the trumpet. | 新年おめでとうございおます。今年の目標はトランペットで一曲吹けるようになることです。
Chapter 535 | Incidentally, Volume 56 just released. It's the one with the boss's Stand on the cover. You all still have leftover New Year's money, right?! | 実は
Chapter 536 | If we contract Brad Pitt to "BraPi," then what do we do for Leonardo DiCaprio? "DiCap," maybe?[j] |
Chapter 537 | One lucky encounter I've had recently was when I saw an old man being arrested for scamming people out of their pocket money. | 最近のうれしい出会いは買い物してたら釣り銭サギをしてたオジさんがしょっぴかれた事。
Chapter 538 | I have a sweater that I've worn every winter for almost a decade. It hasn't aged one bit in design or quality. It's a very good sweater. | 10年近く毎冬着ているセーターがある。デザインにも品質にも「古さ」がない。これが良い物って事。
Chapter 539 | Buy some good prosciutto and put it on the same plate as some pears. They go well together, and the taste is just too good. Irresistable, even. It's true. | 洋なしに良い生ハムを買ってきて、いっしょに皿に盛る。合う。うますぎる。たまらん。本当の事。
Chapter 540 | Something that surprised me recently was hearing about a pervert on the same airplane as a female friend of mine. Apparently, he got his arm bitten!! | 最近びっくりしたのは友人の女性が飛行機の中であった痴漢。なんと腕にかみつかれたらしい!!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 541 | Volume 57, the newest in the series, will be released on March 4th. The cover features Trish front and center. |
Chapter 542 | I'm thinking about growing tomatoes this year. They're called pomodoro in Italian, you know... | 今年はトマトの栽培に挑戦しようと思っている。イタリア語だとポモドーロっていうんだよ……。
Chapter 543 | Volume 57 is the latest volume. It's on sale at the bookstores now, so feel free to buy one if you'd like. | コミックス最新巻は57巻です。今本屋さんで売ってますので、よかったらひとつ買ってください。
Chapter 544 | Whenever kids come by my house, they always run around, break things, don't apologize for any of it, and go home crying their eyes out... | 家に遊びに来る子供は必ずやたら走り回ってなにか壊してあやまりもせず、泣いて帰っていく…。
Chapter 545 | Usually, I strain my neck when I go to bed, but sometimes I wake up to find my ankle sprained instead. I don't get it at all!! | よく首を寝ちがえるのだが、寝て起きたら足首をネンザしていた。なんだかわけわからないよっ!!
Chapter 546 | The family restaurant in the neighborhood that closed down has been reopened. I lost my usual meeting place when it closed, so I'm glad to have it back. | 一度つぶれたファミレスが近所に再建された。打ち合わせ場所がなくて困ってたのでよかった。
Chapter 547 | It's fun reading fan letters, because all kinds of people write them. I feel as though just doing that is also a form of people-watching. | ファンレター読むといろんな人がいて楽しいもんです。それだけでひとつの人間観察になりますね。
Chapter 548 | I've been reading a lot of biographies lately. I'd read about the Ludwig II, the Mad King of Germany, whether he was fascinating or not. | 最近よく読むのは伝記物。面白いかはともかくドイツの
Chapter 549 | I pay close attention to the weather forecast. I'm not worried about whether it'll rain so much as Tokyo's stark temperature changes. | 天気予報にわりと注目しています。雨降りが心配なんじゃなくて、東京って寒暖の差が激しいので
Chapter 550 | I'm not a huge baseball fan, but it feels good to see the Giants in high spirits. It makes me feel happy, for some reason. | 野球の超ファンてわけではないですけど巨人がイケイケの時は良いですね。なんかハッピーです!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 551 | I went to the aquarium. But am I the only one who gets dizzy there because the insides of the fish tanks feel like lenses? | 水族館に行った。でも水槽の中をレンズみたいに感じてめまいがしてくるのって私だけでしょうか
Chapter 552 | I went to watch David Copperfield. I was saying, "That can't be right! That's amazing!" the whole time. He really astonished me! | デビット・カッパーフィールド観てきました。いやいやスゴイのなんのって!おどろきでしたね!
Chapter 553 | This is not a recommendation, but the movie Dobermann was a lot of fun. It was vulgar, but I liked it. | おすすめするわけではないのですが「ドーベルマン」って映画はおもしろかった。下品で良かった。
Chapter 554 | I went to the Ferragamo exhibition. Even in a simple foot-shaped design, there are an infinite number of beautiful possibilities! | フェラガモの展示会に行く。単なる足の形のデザインなのに美しさは無限の数あるのだと思った!
Chapter 555 | It's written on the cover page, too, but the new volume is on sale now. It's Volume 58. Look for the cover featuring Doppio... | 扉のところで書いてますが
Chapter 556 | The tomato-growing I mentioned here before was an absolute failure. Every one of them was eaten by ants. Damn you, ants...!! | 以前ここで言ってたトマトの栽培に失敗した。みんなアリに食われちまった。アリの野郎……!!
Chapter 557 | I put blinds on the windows at work. The view you can see through them really feels like summertime in Japan. I think it's neat. Really neat. | 仕事場の窓にすだれをつけた。透けて見える風景がなかなか日本の夏の気分。いいですね。とても。
Chapter 558 | Lately, I've been obsessed with carbonated mineral water. At first, I thought it was a little bit strange, but I got hooked on it soon enough! | 最近凝っているのがガス(炭酸)入りのミネラルウォーター。最初はくせがあるけどはまりました!
Chapter 559 | Could 2001: A Space Odyssey really happen? The hotel, the pool, spending that many days and nights in space? | 「2001年宇宙への旅」ってのは本当のことなのか?プール付きとかホテルとか何泊何日とかはあるのか?
Chapter 560 | One ingredient I've used a lot in my cooking lately is a kind of bell pepper that looks like a tomato. It's called a tomato pepper!! It's nice. Tastes nice, too. | 最近料理する時よく使う食材はトマトのようなピーマン。その名も「トマピー」!!甘い。ウマイ。
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 561 | There are people who are passionate about discovering the farthest stars in the universe. I don't quite know what the point of it is, but it's a great passion to have nonetheless. | 宇宙のはての星の発見に情熱をかたむける人がいる。何の役に立つのかとも思うがすごい情熱だ。
Chapter 562 | This week begins a short series. Memories of Summer Vacation, Part 1: I hated origami back when I was a kid...!! | 今週から期間限定シリーズ「夏休みの思い出」その1。折り紙って嫌いだったよ、子供の頃は……!!
Chapter 563 | Memories of Summer Vacation, Part 2: There was an old man nearby who snored so loudly that I couldn't sleep with the window open...! | 夏休みの思い出その②。近所にイビキのスゴイおじさんがいて、窓を開けてねむれなかった……!
Chapter 564 | Memories of Summer Vacation, Part 3: I once fell off a cliff while digging for fossils near a location famous for suicides. I wasn't injured, though. | 夏休みの思い出その③自殺の名所で化石掘ってたら崖から落ちたことがある。無キズだったけど。
Chapter 565 | By the way, Volume 59 is on sale now. Giorno's on the cover. It contains the Sardinia arc. | 実は
Chapter 566 | When I wrote here earlier that "the tomato-growing was a failure," a gardener called and told me, "You shouldn't have tried to grow tomatoes in a flower bed!" Thank you. | トマト栽培失敗!と以前書いたら植木屋さんからお宅の花壇じゃ無理ですよ!と電話が!!どもです。
Chapter 567 | After Dobermann, I decided to see a film called Taxi, and I liked it. French films are great. Though, I say that having only seen two of them. | 「ドーベルマン」に続いて「タクシー」って映画が良かった。フランス映画良いです。まだ2本だけど。
Chapter 568 | Autumn's almost here, but my whole body's still sweating like a baby. I can't go to the pool like this. | 秋も近くなってきたというのに全身に赤ちゃんみたいに汗ができた。これではプールに行けない
Chapter 569 | My sixth-favorite toy is an underwater motor. I wrote down my Burning-Hot Top 5 in Volume 60, which releases on Friday, October 2nd!! | 燃えたオモチャ第6位は水中モーター。5位までは10月2日(金)発売の
Chapter 570 | I finally wrote replies to my summer greeting cards! But since summer's already over, I couldn't think of anything good to say! | やっと暑中見舞の返事をかいたんだけど残暑も過ぎたのでいい言葉が全然思つかなかったです!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 571 | Volume 60 is on sale now. The battle with the scumbags Cioccolata and Secco! If you're interested, please check it out. |
Chapter 572 | I've been enjoying the video game Everybody's Golf lately. The characters and the panoramic screen feel refreshing. | 最近楽しんでいる
Chapter 573 | I really like the television commercials for Gap's jeans. The musicians have a bizarre coolness to them...!! |
Chapter 574 | The number of picture frames in my room for drawings and photographs multiplied right under my nose. When I counted them, there were 86 of them in all...!! | 自分の部屋には絵や写真の入った写真立てがいつの間にか増え、数えたら全部で86もあった……!!
Chapter 575 | I'm going to be judging for November's Tenkaichi Manga Award.[f] I'm looking forward to seeing the talent that will further develop the world of manga!! | 11月期の天下一漫画賞の審査をします。マンガ界がますます発展するような才能を待ってるよっ!!
Chapter 576 | I went to an onsen hot spring in Minakami, Gunma. I realized there that onsen sickness was a real thing. That night, I slept for around ten hours. | 群馬の
Chapter 577 | When it comes to the autumn season, music that really breaks your heart is the best. Maybe I'll make a top 10 soon. I'll think about it, at least. | 秋になると本当「せつないーー」って音楽が良い。そのうちやろうかな、そのベスト10。考えとく。
Chapter 578 | I broke a coffee cup that cost thirty-thousand yen. No one else is to blame. I broke it myself, after all. | 3万円もするコーヒーカップわってしまったよーー。誰も悪くない。自分がわったんだよーーー。
Chapter 579 | I happened to come across a television program where a person could win one million yen if they answered all of the questions about anime correctly. It was exciting with how comprehensive it was. It really was amazing. | アニメの問題を全部答えたら100万円もらえるって
Chapter 580 | To this day, I still struggle with prerecording video. There's no shock quite like finding out you recorded the wrong channel! | 未だにビデオの予約録画ってニガテ。チャンネルが間違ってるとショックだよ!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 581 | Recently, I've been recording a television program called Kewpie 3 Minute Cooking every day. It's a really funny show. | 最近毎日ビデオ録画している番組はキューピー3分クッキング、おもしろいよ。
Chapter 582 | I was pleasantly surprised to see a special feature on a film composer named Enrico Morricone on the cable television at work. | 仕事場の有線放送で
Chapter 583 | One simple question. What do doctors do when they catch a cold? Can they still examine patients and such? | 素朴な疑問。お医者さんってカゼ引いたら仕事どうするんでしょう?診察とか。
Chapter 584 | Volume 61 is now on sale. Look for King Crimson's feet, Giorno, and a chair, if you wouldn't mind. |
Chapter 585 | There's a carpet store in my neighborhood that's been holding a liquidation sale for three years now. | 近所に「店仕舞い一掃セール!!」というのを始めたのが3年前という絨毯屋がある。
Chapter 586 | My goal for 1999 is to be able to do a handstand for over a minute and 30 seconds... I think? | 1999年の目標は「逆立ち」を1分30秒以上できるようになることです……かな。
Chapter 587 | At the time, I thought of it as the far future, but lo and behold, we've reached the 1999 A.D. that Morioh was set in. | 当時は結構未来の事と思ったのだが1999年って杜王町の時間設定なんですよねぇ
Chapter 588 | Part 5 will come to an end soon, but first, there'll be a bit of an epilogue. That's the kind of structure I'm aiming for. | 第5部はまもなく完結しますがその前にエピローグを少し。そーゆー構成です。
Chapter 589 Chapter 590 |
Giant Baba was not only a professional wrestler, but also a man I held a deep respect for, for whatever reason. From the bottom of my heart, I pray he rests in peace. | ジャイアント馬場さんはプロレスラーという点だけでなく、なんか尊敬していました。本当に深くご冥福をお祈りいたします
Chapter 591 | The tale of Les Misérables is moving, no matter when or how you see it. It truly is a timeless story! | 「レ・ミゼラブル」って話はいつどんな形で見ても感動する。まさに不滅の
Chapter 592 | Volume 62 is on shelves now. Keep your eyes peeled for a cover featuring a slightly erotic Giorno. |
Chapter 593 | I was interviewed by the magazines Monsoon and Da Vinci. Both interviews will be released in March. | 3月発売の「モンスーン」と「ダ・ヴィンチ」という雑誌から取材を受けました。
Chapter 594 | I'll be taking a hiatus for a while. My next work is already being planned out. I hope we can meet again. | しばらく休暇を取ります。次回作はもう構想中です。またお会いできる事を祈って
Volume 48

Volume 49

This is just a personal opinion, but I don't think there have been any female prodigies in the architectural or art world. But when it comes to things pertaining to atmosphere and mood, there are a lot of women that put me to shame, and I learn a lot from them. That's what I've been concentrating on recently as I look at the world.
Volume 50

Volume 51

Volume 52

Volume 53

When I was a kid, I heard these sorts of rumors about manga artists:
- Manga artists secretly own real handguns and fire them in their basements.
- When manga artists get models to pose for their art, they make them get naked and stuff.
- There's an ideas guy called The Brain. You can ask him about anything in the world, and he'll tell you the answer.
- People say manga artists have to pull all-nighters, but that isn't actually true. They spend four days a week chilling at the golf course or their yacht.
Volume 54

The longest-lived electrical appliance I own is my toaster oven.
My friend told it to me that they would give it to me for free because it was so worn out. That was back in 1984, when I moved from my hometown to Tokyo. In spite of that, it has served me well for some 13 years, and it's still not showing any signs of aging. It's a no-frills machine with just a ticking clockwork timer, so it's simple to use. I'm not too fond of the orange coloring, but I'll honor it here since it's kept on trucking on for so long.友人が一九七八年に購入した物を「オンボロだからやるよ」といって、タダでもらったものが故郷から上京した一九八四年。以後オンボロどころか役に立っていて約13年。まったくこわれる気配も見せていない。タイマーもジジジといゼンマイ式でよけいな機能とかついていないので気軽に使えてよく焼ける。オレンジ色という趣味はよくないがガンバッてるので、ここに書いてあげる。
Volume 55

Nature Observation Diary, Part 3
Volume 56

まぁ、本国アメリカより遅いってのはわかるんですけど、この間、「Volume 57

Volume 58

Volume 59

Volume 60

You all have favorite toys, don't you? Here's my Burning-Hot Top 5:
- #1: Glow-in-the-dark Skeleton Figurine (The skeleton glowing in the dark drags me into the world of illusions.)
- #2: Bouncy Ball (I can feel the sci-fi in this clump of rubber.)
- #3: Resident Evil, PlayStation (It's just too awesome.)
- #4: Plastic model of Thunderbird II (It looks like it could travel anywhere, and its roundish design and the idea of the pod vehicles really get me fired up.)
- #5: Legos and Diablocks (I'd play with them like crazy every day, assembling and breaking them, making things and tearing them apart. But I think that they contain the ideology of western art.)
BEST① 蛍光のガイコツ人形(闇で光るガイコツには幻想の世界にひきずりこまれた)
② スーパーボール(このゴムの固まりにSFの風を感じた)
③ バイオハザード・プレイステーション(とにかくおもしろすぎる)
④ サンダーバード2号のプラモデル(まじに、どこにでも行けるなと思ったし、丸っぽいデザインとコンテナ部のアイデアに燃えた)
⑤ レゴまたはダイヤブロック(組み立ててはこわし、作ってはバラバラにし、毎日バカみたいに遊んだ。しかし西
Volume 61

Volume 62

Volume 63

- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Hop Step Award (ホップステップ賞) was a monthly award given by Weekly Shonen Jump to up-and-coming manga artists from March 1985 to July 1996. The winners' submissions would be published in a series of collections every few months.
- ↑ The author's note for Chapter 458 has a typo. The name "Mabakku" (マバック) is a misspelling of Tupac Shakur's stage name, commonly spelled as either "2Pac" (2パック) or "Tupac" (トゥパック).
- ↑ Resident Evil is titled Biohazard (バイオハザード) in Japan.
- ↑ The statement in question is a misattributed paraphrase of Heraclitus's philosophical assertions.
- ↑ Although Basquiat was released in August 1996 in the United States, it would not be screened in Japan until June 7, 1997.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 The Tenkaichi Manga Award (天下一漫画賞) was a monthly award given by Weekly Shonen Jump to up-and-coming manga artists from August 1996 to March 2003, replacing the previous Hop Step Award.
- ↑ Wings of Courage is titled Wings of Love and Courage (愛と勇気の翼) in Japan.
- ↑ Fire Down Below is titled Cliff of Silence (沈黙の断崖) in Japan.
- ↑ Resident Evil 2 is titled Biohazard 2 (バイオハザード2) in Japan.
- ↑ In Japanese, rather than abbreviations or single names, longer names are often shortened via contracting each word to its first few kana. For instance, the name of an actor like Brad Pitt (ブラッド・ピット) is contracted to "BraPi" (ブラピ) in casual conversation. The name "Leonardo DiCaprio" (レオナルド・ディカプリオ) cannot be easily contracted this way. Eventually, the nickname "Lord Leo" (レオ様) was commonly adopted by Japanese media and fans.