Will Anthonio Zeppeli

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What is "courage"? "Courage" is knowing fear and making that fear your own! (「勇気」とはいったい何か!?「勇気」とは「怖さ」を知ることッ!「恐怖」を我が物とすることじゃあッ!)

Will Anthonio Zeppeli (ウィル・(アントニオ)・ツェペリ, Wiru Antonio Tseperi), also known as Baron Zeppeli (ツェペリ男爵, Tseperi Danshaku), is a primary ally featured in the first part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Phantom Blood.

Zeppeli is a Ripple master hailing from Italy who has made it his life's mission to find the Stone Mask and destroy it. After learning about Dio Brando, he decidedly becomes Jonathan Joestar's ally and mentor, teaching him the art of the Ripple and fighting alongside him against Dio's army of zombies.

He is the father of Mario Zeppeli and the grandfather of Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, a primary ally in the second part of the series, Battle Tendency.


W.Zeppeli Appearance.png

Zeppeli appears as a man of average to above-average height, muscular build and defined, pointed facial features. He has dark, curly hair that protrudes somewhat from under his hat and a thin, well-groomed handlebar mustache. Araki considered giving Zeppeli a mustache a gamble. It was uncommon at the time to give Shonen protagonists any type of mustache, as it usually made the character seem older and untrustworthy. The mustache, in particular, Araki chose was inspired by Salvador Dalí and Iyami from Osomatsu-kun.[1]

Between two outfits, he wears a suit, a bow tie, and a top hat; first characterized by a rainbow print, and then by a checkered print. The latter design is consistent in the anime, however.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaFilmPB (PS2)All-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Hair(Dark Brown)
Eyes(Dark Brown)
Hat(Magenta and black with a yellow ribbon)
(Tan suit with a dark blue trim over a pink vest, brown shoes.)
Skin(Slightly Tan)
Hat(Red and black with a brown ribbon)
(Red suit, brown vest over white shirt, green bowtie, brown shoes.)
Hat(Red and black with a purple ribbon)
(Green suit, teal vest over white shirt, violet bowtie, brick red shoes)
Hat(Black and white)
(White suit with blue trims over a green vest and yellow shirt, blue tie)
Hat(Black and white)
(White suit with dark blue trims over a pale red vest, green bowtie, black shoes.)
Hair(Dark Brown)
Hat(Black and white)
(White suit with navy trims over a pale red vest, dark green bowtie, black shoes.)


Will Anthonio Zeppeli is a fearless but eccentric Ripple master dedicated to battle evil.

As a master of the Ripple, Zeppeli is confident and brave, notably thinking that one's courage is proportional to the hardships one faces.[4]

Zeppeli determined to meet his destiny and sacrifice himself for Jonathan

The Ripple master notably keeps a methodical and cool approach to battle despite the horrible fighting styles of the enemies although his experience may help. For instance, he tries to teach Jonathan to put himself in the enemy's shoes to predict their actions.[5] Having been predicted his death by his master Tonpetty, Zeppeli bravely walks toward his demise and sacrifices himself to help Jonathan. Ultimately, Zeppeli was strong-willed enough to crawl toward Jonathan despite having the lower half of his body cut off.[6]

Zeppeli is a righteous individual dedicated to battle evil.[7] After surviving a Vampire attack, Zeppeli spent the rest of his life to investigate the Stone Mask and then learn the Ripple to battle its vampiric spawns.[8] In addition, he contrasts human courage to the inhumane strength of Vampires and Zombies.[5] When Dio implies that he's killed many people to heal his wounds, Zeppeli becomes enraged and quickly jumps to attack the Vampire.[9]

The Italian holds the Ripple in high esteem, praising it as a culmination of the human spirit and claiming that one needs to have endured a difficult life to create it.[10] Indeed, Zeppeli links one's ability to keep calm to the ability to keep a regular breathing.[4]

Otherwise, Zeppeli shows himself as a fairly quirky individual. Against all conventions, Zeppeli approaches an injured Jonathan and gives him the power of the Ripple without having met him previously.[11] Likewise his teaching methods occasionally involve convoluted ways to form his student, for instance, showing off his Zoom Punch attack by punching Jonathan before explaining its principles[8] or forcing Jonathan to hold a cup of wine, hiding its use as a radar. Moreover, he shows a number of other small eccentricities such as gratuitously jumping high with his legs crossed, having a tendency to pepper his snack too much,[11] or bringing a wine bottle without the corkscrew and ultimately piercing its bottom to get to the wine.[12] When discussing the character, Araki stated that he was inspired to make Zeppeli a "silly" teacher to train Jonathan, like something akin to the "drunken master" in Jackie Chan films or Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid.[1]


Having studied the technique for years with masters in Tibet and trained Jonathan himself, Zeppeli is an expert when it comes to using the Ripple. Aside from attacking, he is able to use it for other applications such as jumping, standing on water, healing wounds, reviving plants, and even limited foresight.


Overdrive / Ripple Overdrive(波紋疾走(オーバードライブ) Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Dash/Sprint) Link to this section
The most basic application of the Ripple. Zeppeli attacks with either his limbs or an object imbued with the Ripple.
Sendō Ripple Overdrive(仙道波紋 疾走(オーバードライブ) Sendō Hamon Ōbādoraibu, lit. Hermit Way/Path Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Zeppeli charges a Ripple wave through his arm and releases it into a solid object, such as a wall or partition. The Ripple can travel through and reach anything on the other side, and anything hit by the Ripple is sent flying in a spiral. If the enemy is an Undead, the Ripple will enter their bloodstream and destroy them from the inside. Zeppeli first uses it by transferring the Ripple through a frog in order to shatter a rock below it.
Zoom Punch(ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi) Link to this section
Zeppeli launches his fist forward and strikes his opponent via an elongated arm. The attack involves a Ripple breathing technique that dislocates and stretches his joints to extend his arm and give it greater reach while also using the same Ripple to dull the pain caused by the move. Due to the increased length, the strike immediately reaches the opponent's face first, which from that perspective seems "zoomed in".

Sendō Wave Kick(仙道波蹴(ウェーブキック) Sendō Uēbu Kikku, lit. Hermit Way/Path Wave Kick) Link to this section
A Ripple-infused strike with the knee. The Ripple energy tears vampires and zombies apart upon entering the bloodstream.
Ripple Cutter(波紋カッター Hamon Kattā) Link to this section
Zeppeli spits globs of liquid from between his teeth. The Ripple combined with the liquid makes it sharp and dense enough to cut through solid objects, as well as agile and accurate enough to deflect other projectiles.
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive(山吹き色の波紋疾走(サンライトイエローオーバードライブ) Sanraito Ierō Ōbādoraibu, lit. Bright Golden Yellow Ripple Dash) Link to this section
Using the power of sunlight, Zeppeli is able to transfer the Ripple through his body into another being, causing burn damage to zombies and vampires alike. A simple, quick jab is enough to blow away a group of zombies and eventually melt them into ashes.
Tornado Overdrive(波紋乱渦疾走(トルネーディオーバードライブ) Torunēdi Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Wild Vortex Dash) Link to this section
Zeppeli leaps into the air and points his legs towards his opponent. From here, he is able to move the Ripple to his lower half and essentially dive-bombs the opponent in a spinning motion, much like a drill.


Seated Jump Link to this section
Having trained in Sendō, Zeppeli has strong legs and knees, making him capable of jumping extremely high from a sitting position and then landing on his feet.
Forced Ripple Breathing(強制波紋呼吸 Kyōsei Hamon Kokyū) Link to this section
Zeppeli gut punches someone with his little finger raised, allowing him to reach their diaphragm. By doing so, the target will momentarily lose their breath and be in agony, but will be able to produce the Ripple. Wounds sustained by a normal person can be healed faster. One can also gauge how much Ripple a neophyte can produce in one breath, enabling one to determine a person's potential. However, the technique requires precision and is difficult to perform. Even experienced Ripple Masters like Zeppeli can fail, as he does when attempting to use it on Speedwagon.
Healing Link to this section
The Ripple can heal fractured bones as well as lessen one's sense of pain. Zeppeli heals Jonathan's fractured arm, which would have taken another month or two to completely heal, by adjusting his breathing through a jab with a finger to his lungs.
Ripple Detector(波紋探知機 Hamon Tanchiki) Link to this section
Zeppeli imbues a contained liquid or object, such as wine, with the Ripple. The Ripple will pass through Zeppeli's body and the environment, enabling him to sense his surroundings and detect others even through walls.
Sticking Ripple & Repelling Ripple(くっつく波紋とはじく波紋 Kuttsuku Hamon to Hajiku Hamon) Link to this section
A Ripple user is able to use the Ripple as a repellent and to adhere either themselves or objects to other objects and liquids. Zeppeli first uses it to walk on water.
Life Magnetism Overdrive(生命磁気への波紋疾走(オーバードライブ) Seimei jiki e no Ōbādoraibu, lit. Existence Magnetism Ripple Dash) Link to this section
With the aid of Jonathan, Zeppeli draws all of the leaves in the immediate area and magnetizes them together to form one giant leaf, which can be used as an impromptu-hang glider. Human bodies have a faint magnetic field and can act as a living magnet when the power of the magnetic field is increased by this Overdrive. That magnetic field is transferred into the leaves, creating a massive magnetic sheet.
Deep Pass Overdrive(深仙脈疾走(ディーパスオーバードライブ) Dīpasu Ōbādoraibu, lit. Deep Hermit Pulse Dash) Link to this section
Zeppeli's last and most powerful Ripple technique. Right before his death, he transfers all his life energy into Jonathan. Using this technique, Jonathan obtains all of Zeppeli's power - causing his strength, agility, and Ripple technique to increase dramatically. This rapid loss of life energy naturally also changes Zeppeli's physical appearance, causing his skin to thin and wrinkle as well as his hair to turn white as if greatly aged in the short time. This is one of the few "Overdrive" techniques without the "Hamon" kanji in its name.



Will Anthonio Zeppeli was born on January 19, 1838. Will was born to a scholarly family, so he had always been interested in researching the unknown since his youth. When he became of age, he joined the archaeological group at his father's university and was able to travel to various places around the world.

On one of his travels, the group went to Mexico to excavate an underground Aztec ruin. Amongst their finds was the Stone Mask.

On the voyage home, several of the crew began to die off, until they realized that someone had put on the mask. It turned out to be the leader of the group, Zeppeli's father. All 58 crew members were slaughtered, but Zeppeli managed to escape by jumping into the sea. His father was eradicated by the morning sun soon after. Zeppeli was eventually rescued several days later by a fishing boat.

Training as a Ripple User

Two years after this horrific event, Zeppeli travels the world in order to find a way to destroy the stone mask. In a town in India, he meets a strange man with the ability to heal even the most impossible injuries and sicknesses. The man directs Zeppeli to his master, Tonpetty, who teaches him to use the "Ripple". However, during his training, Tonpetty foresees Zeppeli's death and warns him that should he complete his training he will surely die. Zeppeli accepts his fate and agrees to complete the training along with Dire.

Phantom Blood (1888)

Zeppeli appears

Meeting Jonathan Joestar

After hearing that Jonathan Joestar defeated Dio Brando, the current owner of the Stone Mask, Zeppeli presents himself to Jonathan and volunteers to teach him the Ripple after using it to heal Jonathan's shattered arm. Zeppeli then accompanies Jonathan and Robert E. O. Speedwagon on their quest to defeat Dio and destroy the Stone Mask. Zeppeli briefly fights Jack the Ripper before giving the task to Jonathan in an attempt to teach him to more effectively use the Ripple. He also tries to help Speedwagon discover the Ripple in the same was as Jonathan, but makes a mistake and simply knocks the wind out of him instead.

Zeppeli fighting Dio

When Dio reveals himself to the group, Zeppeli quickly engages him on his own - however, his arm is flash-frozen in the battle by Dio, totally disabling his Ripple techniques and putting him out of commission until Speedwagon comes to his aid. When Dio summons the Dark Knights, Zeppeli and Speedwagon are unable to assist Jonathan in his fight against Bruford due to Tarkus's interference. After Bruford is defeated, Zeppeli and Jonathan use their Ripple on a pile of leaves to make a hang glider to escape Tarkus, who eventually manages to catch up. While Jonathan is struggling to defeat Tarkus, Zeppeli enters the battle with Poco's help and finally shares his knowledge of his own fate.

Zeppeli's death

Battle Against Tarkus

As Tonpetty's prophecy foretold, Zeppeli battles with Tarkus and becomes wrapped in his chains. Tarkus attempts to kill Jonathan and Zeppeli at the same time, bifurcating Zeppeli at the waist (as well as amputating an arm) and breaking Jonathan's neck - however, Zeppeli is able to give his power and life energy to Jonathan moments before dying. It is by this power that Jonathan is healed and able to defeat Tarkus. Despite his ravaged body, Zeppeli manages to stay conscious for a few minutes, chastises Jonathan for grieving and implores him one final time to defeat Dio for good and destroy the Stone Mask. He takes his last breaths knowing he will live on through Jonathan and dies in his arms. His remains are cremated by Jonathan and Speedwagon in the old knight training grounds where Tarkus was slain.

It is later revealed that Zeppeli had sent a letter to his master Tonpetty asking for help in destroying the Stone Mask, though Tonpetty arrived too late to prevent Zeppeli's death. After his passing, Speedwagon gains a penchant for wearing his signature checker-print top hat.



  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli: Caesar believes the bonds between an Italian family such as the Zeppelis are stronger than most people. According to him, because of their pride, Zeppeli's can handle their problems on their own and have the will to pull through. When he first meets Joseph, he says that it was because Jonathan needed so much help to fight his own battle, that Will ended up dying because of it.
  • Mario Zeppeli: Zeppeli's relationship with his son is never fully expanded upon, however, Mario had known since he was young of the fate of his father. Because of this, he began researching the Stone Masks and spent his life training his Ripple, following in the footsteps of his father.[13]


  • Jonathan Joestar: Jonathan, upon meeting Zeppeli, is initially perplexed by his appearance and strange abilities. After Zeppeli explains his actions and the significance of the Ripple, Jonathan grows to trust Zeppeli completely and look up to him as a mentor. Zeppeli eventually sacrifices himself to save Jonathan, transferring his energy and life force to him. In his last moments, Zeppeli tells Jonathan that he was like both a son and a best friend to him. Jonathan tearfully avenges Zeppeli by killing his executioner, Tarkus.
  • Robert E. O. Speedwagon: Originally, Zeppeli thought Speedwagon would run away at the first sign of danger as he couldn't use Ripple, but he eventually respects his courage when Speedwagon stays despite his shortcomings. After Zeppeli was killed, Speedwagon donned his hat out of respect.
  • Poco: While Zeppeli wasn't too close to Poco, Zeppeli still cared for Poco, saving his life when Tarkus tried to kill him. Like Speedwagon and Jonathan, Poco mourned his death at the hands of Tarkus.
  • Tonpetty: As the man who taught him about Ripple, Zeppeli greatly respected Tonpetty. Tonpetty showed great concern for Zeppeli when he warned him his study of Ripple would be the end of him.
  • Dire: While their relationship is never fully expanded on, they were good friends who trained together with Tonpetty. Dire tried to avenge Zeppeli by killing Dio but failed.
  • Straizo: Like Dire, Straizo's relationship is never fully explained but they were likely close as well.


  • Dio Brando: Having used the Stone Mask, Zeppeli immediately viewed Dio as an enemy once he learned about the incident at the Joestar Mansion and due to his own father using the same mask to become a Vampire himself. Dio himself is dismissive of Zeppeli's hatred towards his vampiric ways and connection to the Stone Mask, only viewing Zeppeli's mastery of the unfamiliar Ripple as nothing more than magic tricks.
  • Jack the Ripper: While Zeppeli knew Jack was a threat, he showed absolutely no respect for him, comparing him to a flea.

Relationships in Eyes of Heaven

(The information below derives from a Video Game not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Dio Brando/DIO: While their relationship is essentially the same as in the manga when Zeppeli encounters DIO from Stardust Crusaders, he will state that Dio seems even eviler and wonders if the Stone Mask is responsible, while DIO believes Zeppeli is even less of a threat than before since he acquired The World.
  • Wamuu: When Zeppeli encounters Wamuu, he will state surprised that Wamuu is aware of Ripple users and their weaknesses and wonder who he is. If he wins, he later realizes he's one of the Pillar Men, while Wamuu is surprised that the Ripple users haven't died out yet. Interestingly, Zeppeli is unaware that Wamuu is responsible for the deaths of his son and grandson.
  • Kars: Zeppeli recognizes Kars as one of the Pillar Men and swears to kill him and destroy every last Stone Mask he created.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance
Book Icon.png Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I am Baron Zeppeli. You cannot defeat the Stone Mask with courage alone. (わたしはツェペリ男爵だ 勇気だけでは『石仮面』の力には勝てんよォー)
    —Will A. Zeppeli, Chapter 18: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 1
  • That's right! If it's hit by a larger wave of Ripple energy, it will scatter! And Ripple energy is created by waves! Those waves... are similar to the waves of the light of the sun! (そうだッ!もう一つの大きな波紋エネルギーをぶつければ奴らは砕け散るっ!!そして波紋法の作るエネルギーの波は!あの!太陽の光の波と同じ形なのだッ!)
    —Will A. Zeppeli, Chapter 20: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 3
  • It is fear that disturbs one's breathing! But when you control your fear, your breathing won't falter! The Ripple technique's breathing is the product of courage! Human praise is the praise of courage! Human greatness is the greatness of courage! However strong they may be, these zombies do not know courage! They are just like fleas! (呼吸を乱すのは「恐怖」!だが「恐怖」を支配したとき!呼吸は規則正しく乱れないッ!波紋法の呼吸は「勇気」の産物!!人間賛歌は「勇気」の賛歌ッ!!人間のすばらしさは「勇気」のすばらしさ!!いくら強くてもこいつら屍生人(ゾンビ)は「勇気」を知らん!ノミと同類よォーッ!!)
    —Will A. Zeppeli, Chapter 22: Jack the Ripper and Zeppeli the Strange, Part 5
  • The stern northern winds gave birth to the hardy, gritty Vikings! Will that wine create a Viking? (厳しい北風は気骨あるしたたかなバイキングを生んだのだ!あのワインはバイキングを作るかな!)
    —Will A. Zeppeli about Jonathan, Chapter 23: Ripple Overdrive, Part 1
  • It’s finally arrived… the day he prophesied. If such is fate, I shall accept it!
    —Will A. Zeppeli, Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2
  • JoJo! Take up my torch! Supreme Deep Pass Overdrive! (ジョジョ 継いでくれわしの意志をー!!究極!深仙脈疾走(ディーパスオーバードライブ)!!)
    —Zeppeli's final act, Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2
  • There is something that I am chasing after. I cannot leave it alone. In order to fulfill my purpose, I must know. Once I know when I die, I will accept everything. I will be satisfied.
    —Zeppeli to Tonpetty (flashback), Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2
  • JoJo… Y… You… Y-You fool…! Now isn’t the time to mourn! Go quickly now, JoJo! Defeat Dio… and destroy the Stone Mask! I am satisfied with my fate… When I was younger… I had a wife. But I left my family behind to chase the Stone Mask. I am satisfied with my fate… I have accepted everything. In the end, I gave you my all… JoJo… You are my hope! It’s as if you’re both my son and my best friend all at once. And I shall live on within you…
    —Zeppeli's final words, Chapter 34: Pluck for Tomorrow and the Successor, Part 2

Creation and Development

Araki would refer to Will Zeppeli with the honorific -san

Hirohiko Araki says that Will Anthonio Zeppeli was named after the rock band Led Zeppelin because the band's members were top-tier musicians to him, though he also feels that he had used the reference too early in the series. Araki also says that how Zeppeli's name sounds is important, as he wanted to balance out the names with a "Z" in contrast to names starting with "J" (JoJo, Jonathan, Joestar, and the likes).[1]

Araki states that he likes teachers who are silly and make you wonder whether or not they're missing a screw. He compares Zeppeli to characters from Jackie Chan movies and The Karate Kid; characters who look a little off on the outside, but possess traits deserving of respect on the inside. Araki also describes Zeppeli as strong even though he is dressed as a magician with a snake oil salesman's mustache. Finally, Araki mentions that the character's mustache, which was inspired by the painter Salvador Dali and Osomatsu-kun's Iyami, required to pull off a lot of courage in a shonen magazine, because it makes the character look older and untrustworthy no matter the type of mustache.[1]


In the original Weekly Shonen Jump publication of Part 1's thirty-fifth chapter, Zeppeli says that he didn't marry nor have any children. Because of this line, fans complained of Will's grandson Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli's existence in the later part Battle Tendency. Eventually, Araki changed Will's line in the tankoban release, having Will say he lost his family instead, and also wrote an apology.[14]

Upon Will A. Zeppeli's death, his hat was worn by Robert E. O. Speedwagon until the end of Part 1. Later, a similar hat is briefly worn by his grandson, Caesar.

Araki personally liked the relationship between Jonathan and Will, and wanted to retell it again for a longer coming-of-age story. He chose to make the Steel Ball Run characters Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli around the same age so they could be less formal and more friendly than their original counterparts similar to the Joseph-Caesar relationship from Battle Tendency.[15]


Rikiya Koyama, Will Zeppeli's voice actor in the Phantom Blood PS2 game, would later voice Yoshikage Kira in All-Star Battle.

Video Games

Phantom Blood (PS2)

PS2 Will Zeppeli Render.png
The Phantom Blood PS2 game marks Zeppeli's first appearance in any media other than the manga.

Like in the manga, Zeppeli harnesses the power of the Ripple in his attacks. Aside from his Ripple-based moves, he also uses normal punches and kicks to attack enemies. His two special moves are Sendo Wave Kick (as a non-fully charged special move) and Sunlight Yellow Overdrive (as his fully charged special move). Zeppeli is playable in Chapters 09 and 16, but can be used in most of the intervening stages once Story Mode is beaten. He is also playable in 77 Rings Knights Mode and some battles in Extra Battle Mode.

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.png
Normal Combo
PS Triangle.png
Ripple Cutter
PS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Sendo Wave Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ripple Back Kick
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Ground Ripple
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Triangle.png
Tornado Overdrive
Running PS Square.png
Running PS Triangle.png
Sendo Wave Kick
PS Circle.png
Evasive Roll
PS Circle.png during damage
Ripple Counter
PS R1.png (LV0-3)
Zoom Punch
PS R2.png
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
PS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Recovery Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Defense Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Attack Power-Up
PS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Square.pngPS Cross.png
Speed Power-Up

Available Stages: Chapters 09, 16
  • Story Mode Replay: Chapters 11, 12, 14, 15
  • Extra Battles 09, 23, 31, 32
  • 77 Rings Knights Mode: Ripple Warriors

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Zeppeli ASB.png

Zeppeli returns as a playable character in the PS3 game. He was confirmed along with Jonathan and Johnny Joestar. As a Ripple-user character (along with Jonathan, Joseph Joestar [Both Parts 2 and 3], Caesar, and Lisa Lisa), Zeppeli can recharge his Heart Heat Gauge through "Ripple Breath" by holding down the Style button, performing a famous JoJo pose, as well as deliver enhanced versions of skills if Style is inputted in place of normal attack buttons. Zeppeli has 950 HP.

Command List

Zeppeli's moveset mostly comprises of the Ripple-based moves he had used in the original manga.

Ripple Breath

Zeppeli breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge. As a Ripple master, Zeppeli's Ripple Breath replenishes the HHG faster than most other Ripple users, being roughly 150% of the normal rate and tying with Lisa Lisa's for fastest in the game.

Seated Jump
ASBDPad2.png then ASBDPad7.png or ASBDPad8.png or ASBDPad9.png ON GROUND

A 'Super Jump' skill. Zeppeli leaps higher into the air with his knees alone. This skill can be used to better evade attacks, or even extend time for air-based skills.

Spirit Ripple Overdrive
ASBDPad6.png + ASBS.png (hold ASBS.png to glide) IN AIR OK

Zeppeli makes use of Life Magnetism Overdrive to create a glider out of foliage, allowing him to slowly descend through the air toward/over the opponent for a short time while continuously draining his HHG. This skill can be used to alter the timing of his landing, and evade most attacks (especially so if used in conjunction with Seated Jump). This skill can also chain into an aerial normal attack or Tornado Overdrive.

Low Contact Ripple Guard
ASBDPad4.png + ASBS.png (hold ASBS.png to float) IN AIR OK

Zeppeli lays tucked-flat in the air, using the power of the Ripple to brace himself while continuously draining his Heart Heat Gauge; This is the only ability in the entire game that allows a character to defend themselves in mid-air. Zeppeli will slowly descend while the skill is in use, eventually falling to the ground. He can extend the ability's overall duration if used in conjunction with Seated Jump, though naturally at the cost of more Heart Heat.

Zoom Punch

Zeppeli hyperextends his arm and punches with greatly increased range straight forward. A command normal that can chain into any of his skills. (Comboable)

2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Zeppeli quickly jabs his little finger into the opponent's abdomen to stun them, before kicking them to the ground.

Special Moves
Ripple Cutter
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

Zeppeli spits wine out of his mouth as disc-shaped projectiles. The number of cutters he unleashes is altered by the attack button inputted, up to three. While the cutters will deal more total damage as they increase in number, the fewer there are, the higher the damage each individual projectile possesses. If used in the air, the cutters are fired diagonally downward. If Ripple-enhanced, this skill has Zeppeli spew a greater amount of cutters. (Flash Cancel comboable)

Sendo Wave Kick
ASBDPad6.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Zeppeli leaps a great forward distance with his knee extended, sending the opponent flying if it hits. This move functions as both a reversal attack and anti-air, but cannot be Flash-Cancelled due to Zeppeli leaving the ground. If Ripple-enhanced, the attack delivers more hits and gains super armor, allowing Zeppeli to power through non-Throw/HHA/GHA attacks.

Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
ASBDPad4.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND

Zeppeli unleashes a blast of Ripple from a single hand, sending the opponent flying. If Light (ASBL.png) is inputted, the attack has a slower start-up period but becomes an unblockable command Throw. If Ripple-enhanced, the attack's damage is decreased in exchange for instead leaving the opponent stunned and vulnerable. (Ripple-enhanced comboable)

Tornado Overdrive
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png or ASBM.png or ASBH.png or ASBS.png ON GROUND IN AIR OK

Zeppeli leaps into the air and comes down spinning, using his legs extended as a drill. This move is a middle attack that cannot be blocked crouching. It can also be used in mid-air, as well as to strike a downed opponent. If Ripple-enhanced, Zeppeli gains invulnerability until the height of his leap, phasing through attacks, and will trip a standing opponent into the air upon landing to launch them. (Ripple-enhanced Comboable)

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
"This is Sendo!"
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Zeppeli reenacts his first demonstration of Ripple usage on a frog, against the opponent. He first slides across the ground in a low kick. If it lands, the opponent gets tripped to the ground by Zeppeli as he suddenly rises to his feet. He then charges the Ripple into his fist, before punching downward into the downed opponent, shocking them with the Ripple energy and sending them flying.

"The power of the sun! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!"
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Zeppeli, charging Ripple energy, lunges forward with his little finger extended, asking what courage is. If the attack lands, the opponent is left stunned and defenseless as he answers that courage is about confronting and owning one's fear. Zeppeli then charges an immense amount of Ripple energy as golden Ripples emanate across the ground, and releases a Zoom Punch augmented with the power of Sunlight Yellow Overdrive, electrifying and blasting the enemy away in a single strike.

Gameplay Overview

Zeppeli is a very balanced and free-flowing fighter who carries an extraordinarily diverse arsenal. He possesses a myriad of attacks ranging from projectiles, to a reversal & anti-air, command throw, multiple aerial skills, and a Super Jump skill. Beyond that, Zeppeli is the only character in the game that can guard while in the air, which when combined with his aforementioned Super Jump and the ability to glide and alter the timing and directions of his landings, grant him tremendous aerial proficiency unseen in most of the roster. His superior Ripple Breath can also be used to force the opponent to attack and approach him due to the very fast rate his version of the skill builds Heart Heat. As a result, his prowess in nearly any aspect of combat is excellent, and he can be played to any role.

However, Zeppeli inflicts lower-than-average damage, even when enhancing his skills. While he still provides exceptional utility, he is only able to deliver a strong offense through enhancing most attacks, otherwise losing much of his combo potential when low on Heart Heat. Although he has advanced techniques for expanding his damage output, such as the ability to repeatedly 'Tiger Knee' most of his aerial skills, they require precision and good skill to execute consistently.

Wielding a wide-ranging array of odd-yet-useful abilities, Zeppeli represents an "easy to learn and difficult to master" form of character. Through his solid and varied skillset, he is a good option for beginner players while at the same time readily rewarding high-execution and mastery to experienced players with a multitude of ways to confuse the opponent and deal greater damage.

Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS)

Ripple BreathingAccumulation of RippleNewPolar StarSP CampaignPlatinum RingUltimate Deep Pass OverdriveJonathan Joestar & Will A. ZeppeliLife Magnetism OverdriveWill A. Zeppeli & Caesar
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Hamon Breathing).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 1.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Kameyu Stamp Exchange Shop
  • Encounter Quest Reward
Leader Skill
Red and White Sancutary
Increase the Smash range of White and Blue attributes by 1.3x
Command Skill
Ripple Breathing

After activation, recover HP for any ally that touches you!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Combo Boost Heal
When this unit Smashes, recover HP for all allies within the Smash range! (The recovery % will increase depending on the combo counter!)
Cost: 1
Unit Icon Heal.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Accumulation of Hamon).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Ultimate Quest
  • Platinum Ring Exchange
Leader Skill
Ripple generated from the water's surface
Gold attributes ATK+10%, Smash range +10%
Link Skill
Accumulation of Ripple
Select one ally! Deal 1000% damage to enemies around you and said ally (small circle) and recover 5% Skill Gauge for each enemy within range!
Unit Ability Blue.png
Wave of Energy
Up to 3 times during the Round, boost the ATK and Smash range of this unit by +50% when Skill Gauge is recovered!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William Anthonio Zeppeli (New Ver.).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Beginners Gacha
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Those who bear the fate of "death"
White attributes HP+50%, ATK+25%, weight +10%
Command Skill
Tornado Overdrive

Medal will jump and deal 880% damage to enemies that are in a fixed medium circular range! Furthermore add +1 action count to those enemies!

Unit Ability Blue.png
"Sendo" Power!
At the start of the Round, increase Skill Gauge by 3 bars
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Polar Star).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Polar Star Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Uncharted Power
White attributes gain all parameters +5%, and for 2 turns remove any background effects on the field at the beginning of the turn!
Command Skill
It's the same shape as waves of sunshine

Deal 300% damage to all enemy units and grant them +1 action count! Furthermore deal an additional 2500% damage to all vampire and pillar man units!

Unit Ability Blue.png
A Master of Ripple
When this units HP is 50% or more, gain an additional +25% Smash range!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon Crosshair.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (SP Campaign).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Super Advent Campaign
Leader Skill
A man who knows the courage
Blue attributes and Ripple users ATK+35%, Smash range +25%
Command Skill
Ripple of the Sun

When you activate it, recovers all the HP! It increases ATK+350% for 3 turns and Smash count increases +1!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Pick up a few hundred thousand pieces
Activate up to 2 times during Round! When your own HP is 75% or more, you will recover a whole of 30% HP or less of HP.
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Platinum Ring).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.5.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Ultimate Quest
  • Platinum Ring Exchange
Leader Skill
Unknown person
White attributes and Zeppeli's ATK+35%, Smash range +30%
Command Skill
Beauty of Courage

Move with +150% additional movement with ATK+200%! While moving, tap up to 4 times to use Ripple cutter. Ripple cutter give 200% ×5 damage at enemy that touches! Furthermore, when HP stops moving 820% damage and action count +1!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Smash Tornado
Small Smash occurs in 2 layers within its own Smash range, and Smash damage is increased by +20% to closer to the center!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon Smash.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William Anthonio Zeppeli (Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 1.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
The Soul entrusting with Ripple
Joestar members and Ripple users HP+35%, ATK+20%, Smash range +20%
Command Skill
Ultimate Deep Pass Overdrive

When activated, his own HP becomes "1" and recover the 50% of Skill Gauge! During 3 turns 50% of all damage is cut off for all other allies! Furthermore, Ripple users ATK+300% and movement distance +100%!

Unit Ability Blue.png
I will live inside of you
Only once during the Round, when it own HP becomes less than 10%, ATK+200% for all allies units other than yourself, movement distance +150%, HP complete recovery!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon SP.png

Jonathan Joestar & Will A. Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Jonathan Joestar and William A. Zeppeli.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.png
A master and his disciple of Ripple, who fight together to destroy the Stone Mask. In the midst of battle they build a strong bong that likens them to a parent and their child.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Master of Ripple
White attributes and Ripple users ATK+25%, movement +15%
Command Skill
The Ripple Teacher

Deal 500% (+300% to vampire) damage and action count +1 against enemies within a medium circular range and blow them away! Furthermore, it deals 400% (+350% to vampire) of weak point hit damage to enemies at the wall.

Unit Ability Blue.png
The Product of "Courage"
If you defeat an enemy by your own action, ATK multiplied by 150%, movement multiplied by 150%!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Jonathan Joestar & Will A. Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Jonathan Joestar and William Anthonio Zeppeli.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 4.png
A master and his disciple of Ripple, who fight together to destroy the Stone Mask. In the midst of battle they build a strong bong that likens them to a parent and their child.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Messenger of God?!
Blue attributes and Ripple users movement distance +50%, ATK+35%, Smash range +30%
Command Skill
Life Magnetism Overdrive

While ignoring wall skills and moving through medals move at +150% movement and blow away enemies! When an enemy that was blown away during your movement hits a wall, deal ATK+300% damage to enemies at the wall!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Boost and Counter Immunity
At the start of the turn, if the allies on the field have 3 or more colors, gain ATK+350% and movement distance +150%! Furthermore, if the allies units are 4 or more colors, gain counter immunity!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Will A. Zeppeli & Caesar Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Zeppeli and Caesar.png
Unit Frame R Blue.png

SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 3.5.png
Both Zeppeli and Caesar have strongly supporters of the Joestar's battle.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
A clan that entrusts their life and feelings
Joestar and Zeppeli family movement +50%, Smash range +50%
Command Skill
Soul of the Zeppeli family
ATK+200% and 150% movement! During your movement, enemies and allies are able to pass through walls! Add 3 bubbles that deal 30% damage when you're in contact with the enemy! When you're done moving, deal number of items on the field x 250% damage in a fixed circular medium range and items within the range are destroyed!
Unit Ability Blue.png
Human Hymn
For 1 time during the quest, consume 30% Skill Gauge to use a Soul Chip effect!
Cost: 1
Unit Icon SP.png

Zoom PunchRipple CutterPolar RingLink SkillDedication
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Zoom Punch).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
  • Various Missions
Leader Skill
Master of Sendo
White and Green attributes movement +15%, Smash range +10%
Command Skill
Zoom Punch

Deal 420% damage to all enemies within the range in the direction of movement and blow them away! Furthermore deal an additional 300% damage to vampires!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Healing of Ripple
If an active ally contacts a unit with this Ability, restores 25% of HP of contacted ally within a small circular range
Cost: 3
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Hamon cutter).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Various Missions
Leader Skill
Master of Sendo
Increase the HP of White attributes and Ripple users by 20%!
Command Skill
Ripple Cutter

Deal 350% damage to all enemies within range, and destroy all items within range! Furthermore for 3 turns, inflict 150% damage at the end of each turn!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Forced Ripple Breathing
Everytime that you touch an ally unit during your move, the Skill Gauge will increase!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Stardust Ring).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 2.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Stardust Ring Exchange
Leader Skill
White and Blue Will
White and Blue attributes ATK+20% up!
Unit Ability Blue.png
Transmission of Ripples
Deal 430% damage to all enemies within a small circular range, as well as those close to the walls!
Cost: 3
Unit Icon SP.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (Link Skill).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 1.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Campaign Quest - Unknown Ripple Energy
Link Skill
Destroyer of the Dead
Ripple users ATK+1%, Smash range +1%
Command Skill
They are just like fleas

Move the distance down and deal 550% damage to enemies within a small, circular range!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Please go down...
When attacking, 50% chance to make contact hit attack twice!
Cost: 2
Unit Icon Smash.png

Will A. Zeppeli
& Robet E.O Speedwagon
Unit Coin R.png
Unit Zeppeli and Speedwagon (Dedication).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png

SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Speedwagon takes it upon himself to help Jonathan and Zeppeli escape from their predicament using his own body!
How to Obtain
  • Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Men Who Persevere
Movement distance of White attributes and Ripple users +30% up!
Command Skill

Increase all allies ATK+200% inside of a large circular range, and remove ice effects! Furthermore, invalidate Skill Gauge decreases!

Unit Ability Blue.png
ATK Boost
Deal an extra +150% damage when this unit hits an enemy weak point
Cost: 2
Unit Icon Buff.png

William A. Zeppeli
Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unit Coin R.png
Unit William A. Zeppeli (R).png
Unit Frame R Blue.png
SS Rarity R.png
SS Class Blue.png
Gauge Bar 1.png
A pursuer of the Stone Mask, that was found by his archaeologist father. He later meets Jonathan, who he teaches the power of Ripple.
How to Obtain
  • Various Missions
Leader Skill
White Interval
White attributes Smash range 10% up!
Command Skill
Blow of Fate

Deal 300% damage to all enemies within a small circular range!

Unit Ability Blue.png
Spiritual Succession
When this unit dies, increase the Skill Gauge by 0.5!
Cost: 1
Unit Icon SP.png

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

Zeppeli jojoeoh.png

Zeppeli was confirmed for the game alongside Jonathan and Speedwagon.

As a Ripple User, Zeppeli has a Ripple Gauge that determines the strength of his attacks. Filling up the gauge will automatically empower his Normal and Powerful Attacks, and enhance/alter the properties of all his skills. It will also shorten the cooldown time on said skills. Using skills will drain a portion of the Ripple Gauge until there's an insufficient amount to use.

  • What a jump! From a seated position, using only his knees!: Zeppeli leaps high into the air with his knees alone. This skill can be used to simply evade attacks, and can also be canceled using any mid-air attack.
  • Style Action - Ripple Breathing: Zeppeli performs a pose and Ripple Breathes, filling up the Ripple Gauge. He cannot move and is vulnerable to attacks while doing so. Similar to All-Star Battle, Zeppeli fills his gauge the fastest out of all Ripple Users.
  • One question at a time, okay?: Zeppeli swiftly charges forward, passing through partner and enemy alike. He is able to cancel this skill with any kind of attack or skill, allowing him to close the distance and/or Backstab opponents in one swift move. If Ripple-enhanced, the speed and distance of the charge is increased.
  • Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!: Zeppeli dives forward with a Ripple-charged hand extended. If the opponent is hit, the Ripple will shock them in the abdomen. Zeppeli then pulls his hand back before hitting them off with a more concentrated attack, sending the opponent flying. If Ripple-enhanced, the skill will receive a damage boost and increase the speed and distance of the dive. The skill's damage is dependent on how much of the Ripple Gauge is filled.
  • Tornado Overdrive!: Zeppeli performs a special flipping leap. Further input will make him come down at a diagonal angle spinning, using his legs as a drill. If the skill hits an already downed opponent, they will be blown back. If Ripple-enhanced, Zeppeli will be invincible during the initial jump, the attack's speed will increase, and more hits will be dealt. This skill can also be used in mid-air, and doing so will cause Zeppeli to perform the attack immediately. Zeppeli is able to cancel this skill with a normal or powerful attack.
  • Ripple Cutter: Zeppeli spits wine out of his mouth as a disc-shaped projectile with some homing capability. If Ripple-enhanced, he spits out three with augmented homing capabilities, the third of which will send opponents flying.
  • EX - Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!: Zeppeli is invincible when executing the skill and the skill will crumple the opponent instead, allowing him to combo from it. This is in addition to the damage benefits granted by the Ripple Gauge. Zeppeli is able to cancel this skill immediately after the kick with a jump.
  • EX - Tornado Overdrive!: Zeppeli is invincible until he lands and will finish with a sweeping kick that launches standing opponents into the air.
  • You have a reason to risk your life learning this!: Zeppeli must completely fill his Ripple Gauge. (200 Points)
  • The ode to humanity is an ode to courage!: Zeppeli must connect the final hit of a Ripple-enhanced Normal attack combo. (200 Points)
  • This is Sendo!: Zeppeli must connect "Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" 3 times. (300 Points)
  • Ripple Breathing is born from courage!!: Zeppeli must use any Ripple-enhanced skill five times. Any skill will count as long as he lands five of that same skill. (500 Points)
  • Pour in! Ripple of the Sun!: Zeppeli must retire an enemy with a DHA. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
  • Solo - "Hamon of the sun! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive": Zeppeli will leap into the air and come down on a grounded opponent and send the Sunlight Yellow Overdrive through his finger into their abdomen.
  • With Jonathan - "Here comes my Hamon!": The two of them attack the opponent's head, sequentially with a Ripple-charged Zoom Punch from Jonathan and a Sendo Wave Kick from Zeppeli, before they charge up and run up to the opponent and unleash a double Sendo Ripple Overdrive-enhanced Zoom Punch into them, the two reciting the phrase commonly associated with Overdrives.

In the campaign's ending, he is shown to have survived his battle against Tarkus and is at Speedwagon's side during Jonathan's battle with Dio.


He is paired with Koichi Hirose in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Jonathan and DIO.

Diamond Records (Android/iOS)

Will A. Zeppeli
Zeppeli appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a few unlockable statues under the 'Fighting Spirit' type, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars. Zeppeli's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various ripple-based attacks inspired by the anime. As a ripple user, Zeppeli has an advantage over vampires, zombies, and pillar men. Unlike a majority of statues in the game, Zeppeli lacks an unlockable blue skill.

Zeppeli's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various strikes. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Zeppeli stirkes opponents with a Zoom Punch.
Zeppeli strikes the ground with a Sendō Ripple Overdrive that damages any nearby opponents.
Zeppeli pulls out a wine glass and shoots out a projectile of his signature Ripple Cutter. (Unlockable)
Zeppeli leaps into the air and drops down on opponents with his signature Tornado Overdrive. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Zeppeli's 3 star statue.
Zeppeli lifts his fist into the air and performs a Deep Pass Overdrive. This skill will instantly kill Zeppeli when used, and will give a powerful buff to the remaining characters on your team. This skill cannot be used if Zeppeli is the only character on the team in Action Battle, and can only be used if there are three characters on the team in Tactical Battle.
AI Zeppeli enemies can attack using Sendō Wave Kick. This skill is not used in any of his playable statues.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Baron Zeppeli
Ripple Mentor's Stone Mask Quest ver.
Rarity: PPPGR.png
Max Power: 1640 (Lvl 50) / 2840 (Lvl 80)
Skill: Ripple Cutter
Creates cutters which when tapped, erase one horizontal row
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 85
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 3
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 80
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 75
Baron Zeppeli
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: November 12, 2020 - September 2, 2021

Ripple Mentor's Stone Mask Quest ver.
Cost: 0
After erasing 12 Block panels, replaces a random panel with a Zeppeli Cutter panel.

All-Star Battle R

Zeppeli ASB R.png

Will Anthonio Zeppeli (ウィル・(アントニオ)・ツェペリ, Wiru Antonio Tseperi) was confirmed for All-Star Battle R in the game's initial announcement trailer.[16]

His voice actor, Yoku Shioya reprises his role from the anime and the previous game. All of his voicelines were re-recorded and include new pieces of dialogue.

Command List

This section requires expansion.


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StoryChapter CoversVolume CoversSketches
StoryOpenings/EndingsDesign SheetsPromotional Art
AppearanceTauntsWin Poses
Ripple Mentor's Stone Mask QuestPromotional
Adventure Battle CardMemorial CardCrusade


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