Yukako Yamagishi/ru

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Template:Character Info/ru

Не так уж и важно, кто может прийти... В конце концов, любовь непобедима.
—Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 297: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 4

Юкако Ямагиши (山岸 由花子, Yamagishi Yukako) - второстепенный союзник, представленный в четвёртой части JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable. Появившись в качестве антагониста в сюжетной арке "Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется", она становится нейтральным персонажем в арке "Юкако Ямагиши Мечтает о Золушке".

Юкако – учащаяся старшей школы, влюблённая в Коичи Хиросе. Сперва она пытается похитить Коичи, но затем меняет своё поведение, и впоследствии им удаётся построить отношения, основанные на взаимных чувствах.

После удара Стрелой от Кейчо Ниджимуры Юкако стала пользователем Стенда, её Love Deluxe позволяет ей свободно управлять своими волосами.


Yukako Fullbody.png

Юкако – девушка стройного телосложения, ростом 167[1] cm (5 ft 6 in). Утверждается, что она исключительно красива (по словам Аи Цуджи[2]), с приятными чертами лица и пропорциями тела. У неё густые волнистые тёмные волосы до пояса, тёмные глаза, бледная кожа, выступающие изогнутые брови, а также есть родинка на правой груди.

Её часто можно увидеть в тёмной сейлор-фуку с изображёнными на рукавах розами. Помимо того, она носит кожаные туфли и носки.

В арке "Юкако Ямагиши Мечтает о Золушке" показано, что у неё взрослый вкус в повседневной одежде. Её можно увидеть в костюме, включающем светлую широкополую шляпу с точками, короткий топ, жакет без воротника и юбку.

В ван-шоте и OVA Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan показана причёска, в которой несколько прядей её волос закрывают часть лба.

Цветовая гамма

Цветовая гамма, используемая в серии, зачастую различается в зависимости от медиа-источника, поэтому информация в этом разделе не всегда является каноном.
(Тёмно-синяя с фиолетовым форма, тёмно-синие туфли.)
(Тёмно-бирюзовая с фиолетовым форма, тёмно-бирюзовые туфли.)
(Бирюзовая с лавандовым форма, синие туфли.)


Резкая смена настроения Юкако
Юкако представлена во время свидания с Коичи Хиросе,[3] где поначалу ведёт себя скромно и мило в разговоре с ним. Этот фасад быстро исчезает, когда она показывает свой вспыльчивый характер и одержимость парнем, в чём и заключается суть её поведения в начале Diamond is Unbreakable.

Наиболее узнаваемая черта личности Юкако - одержимая любовь к Коичи, которую она объясняет симпатией к мужчинам с потенциалом в жизни. В отличие от них, идеальные люди для неё слишком скучные. При этом она открыто признаёт, что её чувства к тому, кто ей нравится, быстро становятся навязчивыми. Её любовь переходит к совершенной психопатии, когда она решает похитить его и пытается вызвать в нём взаимные чувства, вместе с этим насильно обучает парня, чтобы тот соответствовал своему идеализированному образу. Услышав отказ Коичи, она приходит в неконтролируемую ярость, хочет навредить ему и даже убить, лишь бы удержать его при себе. Когда Коичи побеждает её, а затем сразу же спасает от смерти, несмотря на все предыдущие поступки девушки, Юкако понимает, что совершила ошибку. Она до глубины души поражена его героизмом, после чего начинает искренне уважать его чувства и личное пространство. Когда они с Коичи начинают встречаться, Юкако становится заметно более спокойной и смягчившейся.

Юкако преследует Коичи Хиросе

Отстранённая и "безумно суровая" (как её назвал Коичи), Юкако зачастую холодно общается с людьми и сохраняет твёрдое неприветливое выражение лица в разговоре. Только с Коичи она ведёт себя мило, хоть и с чрезмерной теплотой и заботой. Она резкая и раздражительная, склонная нападать на людей, особенно если те чем-либо ей мешают. В состоянии ярости у неё начинает дёргаться левый глаз. Юкако будет с жестокостью и не сдерживаясь использовать свой Стенд, Love Deluxe, против любого, кто, по её мнению, испортит ей шанс сблизиться с Коичи - а в худших случаях это может привести к смертельному исходу.

Также говорится, что она из того типа людей, которые живут в своём собственном мире и не склонны прислушиваться к другим. Она ожидает, что всё должно быть исполнено, как она того хочет - а остальные должны делать так, как она скажет. Даже если что-то пойдёт не так, Юкако обвинит в этом других и откажется признавать свою вину. Во время первого появления она с неуверенностью говорила о своей внешности, но на самом деле Юкако очень гордится ею, особенно волосами. Когда Коичи повредил их во время сражения, Юкако даже угрожала убить его за это. Так же она вела себя и с Аей Цуджи, когда из-за способности Cinderella её лицо было разрушено.

Видно, что она талантливо готовит и шьёт, а также в некоторой степени знакома с инженерным делом, так как смогла собрать электрический стул из домашних электроприборов и предметов.

Юкако можно назвать яндере (ヤンデレ), она как персонаж могла послужить прообразом этого архетипа или оказать значительное влияние на его появление (что, впрочем, нельзя сказать с полной достоверностью). Араки отмечает, что её личность была создана в ответ на распространение явления моэ, с которым были связаны многие женские персонажи в то время. Характер Юкако стал демонстрацией того, что любой человек, вне зависимости от пола, может быть пугающим или выходить из себя.[4]



Основная статья: Love Deluxe/ru

Yukako's Stand is Love Deluxe, lending versatile, prehensile life to her long hair; enabling her to spontaneously extend it, grasp heavy objects securely, and strike, smother or infect human targets.

Love Deluxe (ラブ・デラックス)Ссылка сюда



In February 1999, Yukako was shot with the Arrow by Keicho Nijimura, awakening in her a Stand ability. She lost consciousness and woke up completely healed. Confused, Yukako thought that the incident was a mere dream. During the new year, she enters Budogaoka High School, in the same class as Okuyasu Nijimura incidentally.

She sees Koichi Hirose's development off-screen and falls in love with him for this.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Yukako Yamagishi Falls In Love

Yukako confesses to Koichi

Yukako gathers the will to invite Koichi to a cafe, where she confesses her love to him. Acting demure at first, Yukako is enraged when Koichi dithers in his response and reveals a glimpse of her true self by shouting at him. She regains her senses and leaves in shame, still hoping that Koichi will see her again. In her anger, she leaves some of her hair in Koichi's drink. Unbeknownst to her, Josuke and Okuyasu have been watching the date and realize that she may be a Stand User who is up to no good.

The next day, Yukako approaches Koichi again during the midday break. Koichi is on cleaning duty and Yukako interrupts him, seeking forgiveness for how she acted yesterday. Koichi is relieved to see that Yukako is reasonable and accepts to still be friends with her. However, Koichi's acceptance goes to Yukako's head as she reveals the pullover she lovingly knitted last night for Koichi, as well as the bento she put together this morning and a good luck charm, showing that she's still obsessed with Koichi. Yukako tries to feed Koichi, now afraid of Yukako. When the class representative comes in and tells Koichi to finish throwing up the garbage, Koichi happily obliges to dodge Yukako. Believing that the class representative is trying to seduce Koichi, Yukako confronts her near the school's incinerator. Threatening the representative, she plants some of her hair on the representative before she leaves. The hair is linked to the incinerator, leading flames into the representative's hair, but also blind her and tie her tongue to isolate her as her head burns. Luckily, Okuyasu saves the representative by scraping her hair.

Yukako kidnaps Koichi

After Koichi, Josuke and Okuyasu meet to concoct a plan to drive off Yukako, Josuke and Okuyasu deliberately badmouth Koichi in front of her, hoping that she will lose interest in him. However, Yukako kidnaps Koichi the same evening, determined to turn Koichi into her ideal partner. Yukako brings Koichi to an isolated mansion on the coast where she intends to keep him prisoner, educate and torture him until he's completely dependent on her. She first serves breakfast but turns it into an English lesson by hiding the dishes behind boxes, allowing Koichi to eat if he answers right but threatening to force feed him things such as erasers or asparagus wrapped in dictionary paper. She catches Koichi trying to cheat and in anger decides to make him eat the items for the wrong answers. When Koichi tries to run away, she reveals that she's planted some of her hair on his hair, lifting him toward the ceiling. She decides to leave Koichi alone for the time being.

Yukako prepares to torture Koichi into her ideal man

Yukako returns to Koichi having soiled himself because she locked the toilets with a combination lock. Ashamed, Koichi begs Yukako to let him go but she reveals that she loves Koichi because of his great potential and is determined to make him develop into a better man, although she also reveals that she's working on an electrical chair for dinner. Yukako leaves as she must order olive oil for dinner, allowing Koichi to use Echoes ACT1. Koichi sends Echoes to a nearby payphone to hide. Although Yukako keeps a close watch on Koichi, she is taken by surprise when Echoes plants sounds on her to makes a call to Josuke, allowing Josuke and Okuyasu to guess the general location of Yukako's hideout.

Yukako realises that Koichi is also a Stand User. Thinking that their similar ability must mean they are meant for each other, Yukako approaches the house to capture Koichi again and change hideout but Koichi barricades the front door. Koichi's resistance frustrates her greatly but she shows that she can shrug off Echoes ACT1's power. However, Echoes evolve into Echoes ACT2 and creates a strong wind that pushes Yukako away from the house. Genuinely angered, Yukako uses her full power to capture Koichi and threatens to kill him if he doesn't accept her. However, Koichi puts a sound on himself, causing a great explosion sending Yukako flying.

Yukako defeat by Koichi

Yukako lands near the cliff leading to the ocean, her hair damaged and bleached white by the explosion. She wakes up and ties Echoes whom Koichi sends to check on her, cutting off Echoes' tail. Furious, Yukako tries to kill Echoes and doesn't listen to Koichi's warnings. The cliff crumbles, and Yukako falls towards the rocks down the cliff. However, she's saved when she bounces up to solid ground again. Koichi reveals that he's been planning to save her all this time and leaves. Yukako realises Koichi's valor and her love for him is renewed, although she decides to admire him from afar for now.

People of Morioh Town

Later in the story, Yukako is warned about Yoshikage Kira after Shigekiyo Yangu's death and advises everyone to be careful.

Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella

Yukako beautiful by Aya's Cinderella

Yukako feels depressed, she still loves Koichi and won't harass him, but she has no idea how to approach him. Josuke and Joseph pass by and notice her. While Josuke has no sympathy for her and warns her not to approach attack Koichi, Joseph does sympathizes and mentions a nearby beauty salon that may help her. Curious, Yukako discovers Cinderella Beauty Salon. Aya Tsuji, a beautician by trade, invites her inside, explaining that physiognomy affects how one is loved by people, and claims that she can improve Yukako's face, and by extension her love life. Yukako is skeptical but has nothing to lose, thus accepts a 30 minutes trial. When she closes her eyes, the beautician summons her Stand Cinderella and modifies her face. In the streets, Yukako coincidentally meets Koichi, who wishes to put aside their past fight and make peace, to Yukako's joy. Amazingly, their discussion seems to turn into a romantic date at a café. Although Koichi and Yukako go as far as touching each other's hand, the time limit has passed. Koichi begins to have stomachaches and runs away. Dismayed, Yukako rushes back to Aya's salon and demands to be upgraded further. Aya accepts to modify Yukako's whole body, but drawing a parallel with the story of Cinderella, warns her that she would need to use a special lipstick every 30 minutes from now on. Yukako accepts. Tying Aya and Cinderella, Yukako confirms that the beautician is Stand User but doesn't care otherwise.

Yukako and Koichi's first kiss

Beautified to capture Koichi's love, Yukako meets him again in the streets. However, Rohan appears and pressures him into following him. Yukako, who pictured both of them having an intimate moment, is taken aback. She calls Aya out of frustration but Aya reassures her that love will bloom, eventually. However, Yukako's frustration grows as friends and family members of Koichi continue to get between them at Kameyu market. Finally, events conspire to make them hug each other. A flash from Rohan's camera startles Shizuka, Joseph and Josuke subsequently rush out of the supermarket to calm her, accidentally pushing Koichi in Yukako's arm. They share a passionate kiss as the time limit of 30 minutes passes.

However, Yukako's promise is broken and Cinderella's modification begin to crumble. Yukako loses her beautiful face and becomes ugly. She cuts communication with Koichi. Several days later, she meets Koichi in the streets of Morioh but is forced to pretend she doesn't know him. Heartbroken and furious, Yukako crashes Aya's salon, ordering her to fix her face. However, Aya reveals that Yukako's face is gone forever and her features begin to progressively disappear as a result of tampering with Fate. Yukako is horrified to see that her every features begin to disappear. Koichi suddenly enters the salon, having recognized Yukako by her personality alone. Impressed, Aya decides to give Yukako a second chance and spawns several faces, saying that she can choose whichever feels like hers, but choosing incorrectly would make her incredibly ugly forever.

Yukako's happy ending

Yukako is unable to decide, and asks Koichi to choose for her, saying that she will be satisfied with his choice, surprising Aya. Furthermore, when Koichi requests to be blinded in case Yukako ends up ugly to ease her pain, Aya is so moved by the couple's love for each other that she restores Yukako's features anyways. Everyone ends up happy.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid Is Coming!

Yukako also makes an appearance sitting at Cafe Deux Magots with Josuke and Okuyasu. The trio invites Rohan Kishibe to sit at their table but the mangaka refuses. When Rohan gets in a fight with a boy over a table, they berate Rohan for his attitude.

Goodbye, Morioh Town

Yukako sees Reimi off

Yukako last appears to bid goodbye to Reimi Sugimoto. The anime adaptation also shows her meeting with Koichi near the Angelo rock, apologizing for being late since she prepared lunch for the both of them, then going to school with Koichi.

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan

Yukako as she appeared in Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan

Yukako reappears in Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 8: Deoxyribonucleic Acid. She asks Rohan for help, telling him to examine the strange Mao Katahira. However, Rohan claims that she is fine the way she is and leaves, making her angry. However, she could read within Mao when Rohan turned her into a book and gave Mao's mother Mai vital clues into finding the father.

Yukako later tells Rohan about Mai's wedding with her new fiancé.

The Book: 4th Another Day

(The information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)

Yukako was Chiho Futaba's neighbor when they were kids. She helps Koichi find Hanae Orikasa's killer, a student with red marks on his arms. Suspecting the killer might be in the same class as them, Yukako traps their class in the classroom so Koichi could raise the temperature with a word made by Echoes, making the students take off their jackets. Unfortunately, the killer wasn't in there. Several days later, Yukako witnesses the fire of Chiho's home and immediately informs Koichi.

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Манга
Главы в порядке появления

TV Icon.png Аниме
Эпизоды в порядке появления

Creation and Development

Yukako's first appearance in Chapter 294

Yukako originated from the experiences that Araki gained after getting married during Part 3.[5] Araki had been married for roughly two years when he created Yukako, choosing to draw her as the other side of women that weren't typically depicted at the time.[5] Araki based Yukako's initial personality and horrific obsession with Koichi on the 1990 film Misery.[6] In the film, the protagonist is held captive by an obsessed superfan.

In the game Heritage for the Future, some of Midler's illustrations were based on depictions of Yukako from the manga.


Quote.png Цитаты
  • Koichi, you have something shining within! I know because I've always been watching... And I... I like everything about you, Koichi
    —Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 294: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 1
  • If I ever find you getting too close to my Koichi again... I'lll make sure you suffer the consequences...
    —Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 295: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 2
  • I'm here with you! From now on, I'll stay by your side and make you into a real man! That's why I'm here to take you away!
    —Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 296: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 3
  • Koichi, some things might happen that might make you momentarily hate me, but when comes the time for you to leave this place, and you see how much you've changed...You will thank me. You will think of how much you need me in your life, you'll understand that you can't live without me.
    —Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 297: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 4
  • I'm not going to let you leave this house until you fall in love with me. I'll definitely make you love me, or else... I might have to kill you.
    —Юкако Ямагиши, Глава 299: Юкако Ямагиши Влюбляется, Часть 6
  • No matter what face [Koichi] picks, no matter what fate he picks, I'll be satisfied. If he's the one who chooses, I won't have any regrets.
  • Don't you get that love is more important than work?

Video Games

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

YamagishiYukako jojoeoh.png

Yukako makes her first video-game appearance in Eyes of Heaven as a playable character. She was confirmed alongside Koichi, Hol Horse, and Jean Pierre Polnareff.

Yukako is of the Stand User Style, but more specifically is she a Mode User, possessing the exclusive ability to Switch Mode. Unlike other Mode Users, Yukako's abilities and moveset do not dramatically change when she switches, nor is her mode one that requires a lengthy cooldown. This means that she is free to enter in and out of her mode as she pleases. Yukako is still a Stand User nonetheless, and as such, she is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant her uniqueness in battle. She is also the only playable character in the game whose voice lines can dynamically change. In her case, all of her skill quotes and battle grunts becoming shriek-like and violent while Love Deluxe is active.

Yukako, in her enraged state, has unused voice clips for various conditions, such as insulting Josuke's hairstyle, turned into a snail by Weather Report's Heavy Weather, and time being frozen by DIO, Jotaro or Diego Brando (Parallel World); these voice clips have a different internal code, being "4ldy01" instead of "4ykk01" as usual.

  • Style Action - Love Deluxe: Yukako enters a voluntary enraged state, causing her hair to flare up. While active, all non-DHA attacks become unblockable, her damage receives a boost, and certain skills gain additional properties. In exchange, she is unable to lock on, guard, Sidestep, or Homing Dash. The ability will deactivate when Yukako's stamina empties and can be manually deactivated at any time with another press of the Style Action button. While Yukako can normally trap larger stage objects with her hair to paralyze opponents, she instead gains the ability to pick up stage objects of any size while Love Deluxe is active, even objects she herself has trapped.
  • Trait - I can't hear you!: While Love Deluxe is active, Yukako is immune to the effects of Koichi's "I hate you!" skill.
  • I'm already inside your head.: Yukako extends her hair a considerable distance forward. If it makes contact with an opponent, they will have her hair "implanted" on them. While an opponent has Yukako's hair, she is unable to perform any other skill, and can only re-input the same skill. Upon doing so, the opponent is forcibly drawn towards Yukako, giving her the chance to attack first. If Yukako is knocked down, her implanted hair will be nullified. If Love Deluxe is active, this skill becomes unblockable, the range of the initial attack is extended, and the maximum amount of time Yukako's hair can stay implanted is increased.
  • You dumbass!: Yukako leaps a short distance toward her target if locked on, backward otherwise, and attempts to body slam them before swinging her hair. If it connects, she grabs and lifts them up with her hair alone before crushing and slamming them into the ground. If Love Deluxe is active, this skill becomes unblockable and the range of both the body slam and hair attack are extended.
  • Hmph!: Yukako uses Love Deluxe to extend her hair toward specific points in the stage to pull her to, represented by anchor icons. This allows for quick escapes and inversely can be used to get closer to the opponent just as quickly. Certain types of environmental objects, such as lampposts, allow Yukako to stand on them, granting her the ability to recuperate from out of reach of close-ranged attacks. If Love Deluxe is active, this skill executes faster.
  • That's what I meant.♡So sorry...: Yukako wraps her hair around her head for a short period of time. If an opponent gets too close, the hair automatically moves into the ground as a trap before bursting upward in a large pillar, stunning the target and leaving them open to further attack.
  • EX - I'm already inside your head.: The skill executes faster and Yukako is invincible during activation.
  • EX - You dumbass!: The skill executes faster and Yukako gains super armor (or unflinching to enemy attacks) until she lands from the leap. The hair attack will also cause the target to bounce high into the air when slammed down, setting up for further attacks via Flash Canceling.
  • Trait - My precious hair! It's turned completely white!: When Yukako's health hits zero for the first time, she will be granted half of a health gauge to continue on with. Her hair color turns white, and Love Deluxe becomes permanently active without draining her stamina. Once her health reaches zero once more, Yukako will then fall permanently.


  • I'm starting to feel a little violent...: Yukako must use her Style Action 3 times. (200 Points)
  • You should be thanking me.: Yukako must connect "I'm already inside your head." twice. (200 Points)
  • Don't you understand that love is more important than work?: Yukako must connect "That's what I meant.♡So sorry..." twice. (300 Points)
  • Koichi belongs to ME!: Yukako must hit something with a stage object while Love Deluxe is active 3 times. (500 Points)
  • Love is invincible!: Yukako must Retire an opponent while Love Deluxe is active. (800 Points)

Dual Heat Attacks

  • Solo - Looks like I'm going to have to play rough!: An irritated Yukako wraps the opponent in her hair before effortlessly flinging them around, slamming them into the ground three times before raising them extremely high up into the air and sending them into the ground one more time hard enough for them to bounce.
  • With Koichi - Invincible Heroine: Koichi uses 3 Freeze to make the opponent heavier, then Yukako wraps them in her hair before attempting to fling them around. Despite struggling with the increased weight of the opponent, she successfully slams them into the ground four times before raising them extremely high up into the air and launching them into the ground one more time hard enough to generate a shockwave.

Relationships in Eyes of Heaven

(The information below derives from a Video Game not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura and Rohan Kishibe - Yukako dislikes the three, particularly the lattermost, due to their close friendship with Koichi.
  • Jotaro Kujo - When encountering as Part 3 Jotaro, Yukako notes that he looks familiar, though unlike other characters from Part 4, she doesn't clearly recognize who he is, presumably due to the two never directly interacted with each other during the event of Part 4. In response, Jotaro tells her to get out of his way. In another interaction, Yukako yells at Joseph to get out of her way to meet Koichi; Jotaro responds with yelling at her to shut up, much like how he did to his mother and his groupies. As Part 4 Jotaro, Yukako asks him whether he met with Koichi, with Jotaro responding it is not the case. In another interaction, Yukako forcefully asks Jotaro where Koichi is. Jotaro angrily replies to stop annoying him, similarly to how he did to Josuke's Groupies when he met Josuke at first time.
  • Old Joseph Joestar - Much like Jotaro above, Yukako yells at Joseph to get out of her way to meet Koichi, but Joseph tells her to calm down. She then yells at him one more time if she defeats him, while Joseph remarks her as a terrifying Stand user if he is victorious. In another interaction, Joseph tells Yukako, who seemingly recognizes him due to him having introduced Cinderella Beauty Salon to her, to stay back, but she refuses, insisting she must meet Koichi, confusing Joseph.
  • Yoshikage Kira - Yoshikage praises Yukako's hair, only to her sensing that he is a Stand user. In another interaction, Yukako seeks revenge for what happened to Koichi during his and Jotaro's first encounter against Yoshikage. When encountering Yukako as "Kosaku Kawajiri", Yoshikage asks Yukako to trim his fingernails, much like how he did before killing Minako Okura, but Yukako strongly refuses.
  • Giorno Giovanna - Giorno, underestimating her, attempts to scam Yukako by offering a taxi ride for 8,000 yen, but she doesn't fall for Giorno's trick and demands for him to lower the price. Realizing his mistake, Giorno comments that it "looks like I decided to talk to the wrong girl." In another interaction, Yukako warns Giorno that she has come to retrieve Koichi's stolen bag (referencing Giorno stealing Koichi's luggage at the start of Vento Aureo). After the match is over, he acknowledges her ability, saying that "Koichi really found himself an unforgettable girlfriend…"


She is paired with Hol Horse in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament but was eliminated in the preliminaries by Jotaro Kujo and Vanilla Ice.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Dangerous Black Hair ver.
Редкость: PPPSR.png
Макс. Сила: 1119 (Lvl 50) / 2280 (Lvl 80)
Навык: Love Deluxe
Replaces panels on the left and right with Yukako panels
Навык Ур 1
# Заменяемых Панелей: 8
Откат: 85
Навык Ур 2
# Заменяемых Панелей: 12
Откат: 85
Навык Ур 3
# Заменяемых Панелей: 12
Откат: 80
Навык Ур 4
# Заменяемых Панелей: 16
Откат: 80
Навык Ур 5
# Заменяемых Панелей: 16
Откат: 75

Навык: Look at me
Erases random panels in succession, increasing the combo
For every 5 enhanced panels erased, she'll make a random enhanced box
Навык Ур 1
# Стираемых Панелей: 6
Откат: 75
Навык Ур 2
# Стираемых Панелей: 10
Откат: 75
Навык Ур 3
# Стираемых Панелей: 10
Откат: 70
Навык Ур 4
# Стираемых Панелей: 14
Откат: 70
Навык Ур 5
# Стираемых Панелей: 14
Откат: 65
Тип: EX
Доступность: Awakening
Дата: July 9, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Dreams of Cinderella ver.
Цена: 0
After using the partner skill, enhances 5 random normal panels.

Навык: Our Hearts are in Sync
Replaces random cheer panels with Intensified Koichi & Yukako panels, then moves all of their own panels from the left and right to the center.
Навык Ур 1
# Заменяемых Панелей: 5
Откат: 85
Навык Ур 2
# Заменяемых Панелей: 8
Откат: 85
Навык Ур 3
# Заменяемых Панелей: 8
Откат: 80
Навык Ур 4
# Заменяемых Панелей: 12
Откат: 80
Навык Ур 5
# Заменяемых Панелей: 12
Откат: 75
Koichi & Yukako
Тип: EX
Доступность: Awakening
Дата: February 8, 2021 - September 2, 2021

Lovestruck Happy Hour ver.
Цена: 0
After entering Stand Up twice, replaces random panel with Koichi/Yukako panel, prioritizing Block panels.

All-Star Battle R

Yukako was confirmed as a playable character alongside Part 4 Jotaro Kujo and Foo Fighters during the game's Part 4, 6, & 8 Reveal Trailer.


This section requires expansion.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Growing irritated, Yukako grabs a large wooden dresser from behind with her hair and begins attacking with it in three large, heavy swings. The attacks cover a wide range in front of her, and the third and final swing is a large downwards slam that destroys the dresser and knocks the opponent to the ground.
This HHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until it finishes or Yukako is interrupted.

ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Yukako becomes enraged as her eye is shown twitching. She shouts that she'll have to use force as she sends her hair into the ground where it bursts out in a geyser-like attack. If it connects, the opponent is launched upwards before Yukako extends her hair to catch and wrap around them. She then brutally slams them to the ground three times by repeatedly flinging them overhead. Yukako finishes her assault by rapidly constricting the wrapped opponent with her hair until it crushes them, then suddenly releasing them, having calmed down.



Информация, представленная ниже, взята из источника, написанного НЕ Араки. Поэтому она может не являться каноном.

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an iteration of Yukako lives in the 37th universe, only referred to as Yamagishi. She does not appear in the story directly, and her first name Yukako is never mentioned. Similarly to her original universe counterpart, she is the girlfriend of a Hirose. Her boyfriend is Koji Hirose (Вселенная 37).

She is familiar with Aya Tsuji (Вселенная 37)'s beauty parlor. When trying to find who Yoshikage Kira (Вселенная 37) might have swapped faces with, Yamagishi informs Koji and the others about Aya's male employee, explaining that he is middle-aged but not bad looking.

Rohan Kishibe (Вселенная 37) explains what Yamagishi told them to Jorge Joestar later on.[7]



"Breeeeze Girl" by Base Ball Bear
  • An image of Yukako from Chapter 350 is featured on the limited edition cover of Base Ball Bear's 2009 single "Breeeeze Girl",[8] as well as on billboards for its promotion.[9] In addition, a music video produced for the song features a version of Yukako portrayed in live action.[10]


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