This is a list of all current French volumes of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, as well as the titles of the chapters contained therein. Chapters are arranged by volume, with their appropriate volume titles and chapters listed underneath.

The series was first released up until Part 4 under French publisher J'ai Lu (19 January 2002 to 2 December 2005). Starting in April 2007, Parts 5 through 8 were continued by Tonkam, whom also republished the first four parts and are currently publishing The JOJOLands.

Volume List


Rohan Kishibe

Release Date
France April 9, 2010[1]

Rohan Kishibe is a young mangaka. While on vacation, he meets a young woman, Nanasé, when she rents a room in his grandmother's inn. Seeing him drawing, she tells him about a certain painting, undoubtedly the strangest in the world: a thousand-year-old painting by Nizaémon Yamamura, painted with the blackest color ever conceived, the material having allegedly been extracted from a great 100-year-old tree. A painting cursed by its painter, who was condemned to death by his emperor for having cut down the venerable tree. The painting narrowly escaped destruction, and was purchased by a curator of the Louvre two hundred years ago. At the end of the summer, Rohan returns to his parents and forgets about the myth. Ten years later, having become a recognized professional, Rohan hears once more about the famous black painting. Taking advantage of a visit to Paris, he decides to go see it at the Louvre. Alas, though it appears in the museum directory, the painting seems to have disappeared...[1]

Volume 1
Release Date
France April 5, 2016[2]
Chapter Titles
Volume 2
Release Date
France March 13, 2019[3]
Chapter Titles

Crazy Diamond Demonic Heartbreak

NormalJaquette RéversibleComptoir du RêveCanal BD
Release Date
France August 30, 2023[4]
Chapter Titles

Bizarre Adventure de Hirohiko Araki (Remix Box)

Release Date
France April 20, 2022[12]
Chapter Titles
Release Date
France April 20, 2022[12]
Chapter Titles
Release Date
France April 20, 2022[12]
Chapter Titles
  1. L'entrée en scène de B.T. ! (ビーティー登場!!, Bītī Tōjō!!)
  2. L'affaire du camp d'été (サマーキャンプ事件, Samā Kyanpu Jiken)
  3. L'affaire du cadavre accidentel (イタズラ死体事件, Itazura Shitai Jiken)
  4. L'affaire de l'homme X (おじさんX事件, Ojisan Ekkusu Jiken)
  5. L'affaire du vol du fossile de dinosaure (恐竜化石泥棒事件, Kyōryū Kaseki Dorobō Jiken)
  6. L'affaire du jeune homme glauque (そばかすの不気味少年事件, Sobakasu no Bukimi Shōnen Jiken)
Release Date
France April 20, 2022[12]
Chapter Titles
  1. Baoh, l'arme ultime (最終兵器バオー, Saishū Heiki Baō)
  2. Ordre d'élimination ! (抹殺指令!, Massatsu Shirei!)
  3. Baoh, l'invincible (無敵の肉体バオー, Muteki no Nikutai Baō)
  4. Martin, la bête féroce (凶獣マーチン, Kyōjū Māchin)
  5. Papy Rokusuke (六助じいさん, Rokusuke-jīsan)
  6. Aroma Bat (アロマ・バット, Aroma Batto)
  7. Baoh, apparais ! (怪物(バオー)よ出でよ, Baō yo Ide yo)
  8. Commandant Doldo, le cyborg (サイボーグ・ドルド中佐, Saibōgu Dorudo-chūsa)
  9. Walken, l'homme-démon (魔人ウォーケン, Majin Wōken)


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