Eyes of Heaven ★ DIO
He is both a Stand user and a Vampire. As a Vampire, he is able to steal opponents' health. All damage to him aside from Ripple-based will become "white damage", that can be healed over time, and inversely, DIO will take more damage from Ripple-based attacks. As a Stand user, DIO is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle.
Unlike All-Star Battle, DIO now sports default colors to match the Stardust Crusaders anime adaptation, most noticeably wearing a black shirt rather than his previously green one. Also, like the Part 3 anime, Takehito Koyasu reprises his role as DIO's voice actor from All-Star Battle.
After a short period of vulnerability, DIO stops time for five whole seconds, rivaling the time stop of THE WORLD Diego. His partner and opponents are unable to move, and he is able to initiate any action or attack with impunity. However, other time-stopping characters may activate their own ability to enter DIO's stopped time. This ability's cooldown is equal to 40 counts of the battle timer, making it the longest cooldown of any ability in the game.
- A special variation of "Stop, time!" becomes available under specific conditions, causing the camera to dramatically zoom into DIO as he stops time while the battle pauses completely, thus providing him impunity when activating it.
- DIO must first successfully land "Oh, this suits me well!" a total of six times over the course of the battle. Performing it on any of the Joestar lineage fulfills four instances at once.
- DIO must perform a combo route of Normal > Powerful Attack on an opponent (i.e. the universal knockdown attack).
- "Stop, time!" must be immediately initiated following the knockdown hit.
DIO, from a combo, knocks an opponent to the ground, plunges his fingers into them, and start draining their blood. He absorbs a small amount of their health to replenish his own.
If Oh, this suits me well! is performed on any of the Joestar lineage (Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh; Does not work on Johnny Joestar and Josuke Higashikata 8), DIO will follow-up by jabbing his finger into his head and twisting it as he laughs maniacally. This grants him a point of the Dual Heat Gauge, and restores his stamina as well as his Flash Burst if it is on cooldown. This action will only happen once the entire battle.
Through stopping time, The World instantly appears in front of opponents in range to strike them with an overhead punch. If time is stopped, The World will instead fly forward to deliver a punch to the abdomen.
The World attacks by rapidly punching 12 times while advancing forward, the last hit sending opponents flying.
DIO raises his finger before stopping time and reappearing a distance in the direction the movement stick is held. If no direction is being inputted, DIO will simply "teleport" backwards. He is able to cancel into a Normal Attack once the skill succeeds. If time is stopped, DIO will simply perform an invincible Sidestep.
DIO and The World throw five knives straight forward, or straight at their target if locked on. If time is stopped, they will freeze in mid-air after traveling some distance. This will also cause the skill to execute quicker, allow DIO to recover from using it faster, and boost the cooldown speed.
The knives fly faster and have increased range. They will now leave opponents crumpling, and temporarily slow their movement speed afterward.
The skill executes quicker, DIO recovers from using it faster, and the range of The World is increased.
DIO walks calmly and intimidatingly towards the opponent, and tells them to feast their eyes on his power while he's seemingly about to attack them. He suddenly stops time to appear behind his target as they're frozen by fear, then summons The World to punch through them with enough power to send them flying.

Dio freezes the opponent and attempts to unleash Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, quickly interrupted by DIO stopping time and pummeling them with The World into the air. DIO resumes time to allow Dio to fire off the attack, tilting his head to the side to avoid getting hit and watches as the beams obliterate the frozen opponent.
DIO summons The World to batter the opponent, before being joined by Giorno and Gold Experience. After exchanging looks, both of them yell out their shared Stand Cry in unison and attack their target with steadily increasing power, before delivering a combined powerful strike that sends the opponent reeling.
This DHA is only available with Pucci using Made in Heaven. DIO stops time and throws a barrage of knives. As time resumes, Pucci speeds up the knives' flight using Made in Heaven to make them hit their target with more power. Pucci then uses MiH's power to allow DIO the ability to get close to the enemy with extreme haste and deliver a singular punch that launches them off.
Costumes & Tints

- It's only fitting that I finish you off with The World's true power!: DIO must use his Style Action. (200 Points)
- WRYYAAAAA!: DIO must connect a Powerful Attack as the third step in a mid-air combo. (200 Points)
- Heh heh heh! I knew you'd never be able to match The World's power and precision!: DIO must connect "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" five times. (300 Points)
- Idiot...: DIO must connect "This is... The World!" 3 times. (500 Points)
- You haven't even noticed that you're dead.: DIO must land a Dual Heat Attack while time is stopped. (800 Points)
DIO is paired with Jonathan Joestar in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Koichi Hirose in the first round and Wamuu and N'Doul in the second. In the semifinals, they defeated Mariah and Esidisi in the first round, but were eliminated by Kars and Pet Shop in the second.
In the semifinals, DIO is introduced in another team, paired with Jotaro Kujo. They defeat Mariah and Esidisi in the first round, but were eliminated by Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the second.
Story Mode Battles
(DIOの世界 DIO no Sekai)
A: Jotaro Color Set
B: Jotaro Quote Set B
2. Get the First Attack. (Jotaro Victory Pose C)
Jotaro: Bring it...on... DIO...
(最後のエメラルド・スプラッシュ Saigo no Emerarudo Supurasshu)
A: Kakyoin SFX Set B
B: Old Joseph Quote Set B
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (Old Joseph Victory Pose C)
(過去の因縁、未来への希望 Kako no Innen, Mirai e no Kibō)
B: DIO Quote Set C
2. Complete a Dramatic Finish. (DIO Victory Pose E)
(乗り越えるべき『運命』 Norikoerubeki "Unmei")
A: Trish SFX Set D
B: Trish Quote Set B
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Trish Victory Pose C)
(『天国』への道 "Tengoku" e no Michi)
B: DIO Quote Set B
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (DIO Victory Pose D)
(魂は死なず Tamashī wa Shinazu)
A: Jonathan SFX Set C
B: Jonathan Quote Set C
2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Jonathan Victory Pose D)
(忌まわしき血統 Imawashiki Kettō)
A: Giorno SFX Set C
B: Giorno Quote Set C
2. Perform a 40-hit combo or greater. (Giorno Victory Pose D)
(『運命』の集う場所 "Unmei" no Tsudou Basho)
A: Ermes Color Set
B: Ermes Quote Set C
2. Achieve four JoJolities. (Ermes Victory Pose D)
(暗殺! Ansatsu!)
A: Iggy SFX Set B
B: Iggy Quote Set B
2. Achieve three JoJolities. (Iggy Victory Pose C)
(オレたちは最強のトリオですぜッ! Oretachi wa Saikyō no Torio desu ze!)
B: Hol Horse SFX Set B
2. Achieve three JoJolities. (Jotaro Victory Pose E)
(「天国」に挑むもの `Tengoku' ni Idomumono)
A: DIO Color Set
B: Pucci Quote Set C
2. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Pucci Victory Pose E)
Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks
Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11, page 3
(removed speech bubble, added hair in that space, and added more sweat)
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