Author's Note (Stone Ocean)

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In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a note to the reader. The quotes are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The following notes and pictures below are from the volumes of Stone Ocean.


Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 1 Leaving behind bloodlines is important to my work. Jolyne is alone, but she inherits the heart of her ancestors. 大切なのは血筋を作品に残すこと。「彼女(ジョリーン)」は孤独だが先祖の心を受けついでいる。

SO Chapter 2 We're looking for an assistant. For details, please contact Mr. Azuma of the editorial department. Thank you. アシスタントを募集します。詳しくは編集部の東氏に連絡してください。ヨロシク。

SO Chapter 3 Short story collection "Under Execution Under Jailbreak" is on sale. It's a pretty neat book, if I may say so... 短編集「死刑執行中脱獄進行中」が発売中です。スゴクイイ本なのでよろしければ…。

SO Chapter 4 Happy New Year. My goal for the new millennium is going to be to buy a mobile phone and use it. 新年おめでとうございます。新千年紀の目標は携帯電話を買って使いこなすことです。

SO Chapter 5 I appeared on stage at Jump Festa. I was continually nervous. I honestly believe that manga artists should not appear in front of people. JF(ジャンプフェスタ)に出演した。緊張の連続。()()()は人前に出るもんじゃないと心から思った。

SO Chapter 6 It's something I do every year, but I ended up writing a New Year's Card once we had already entered January. 毎年のことなのだけれど、今年もやっぱり1月になってから年賀状をかいた。

SO Chapter 7 The next JoJo volume (coming out 2/25) is almost done. It's a little pricey, but I guarantee the contents have a bizarre coolness to them. 今度出る(2/25予定)JOJOの単行本がほぼ完成した。ちょっといい値段だけど、奇妙なカッコ良さは保証付きの内容です。

SO Chapter 8 In order to cultivate some tomatoes this year, I'm gonna get some dirt ready while it's still Winter. I'm gonna do it! 今年こそはトマトの栽培を成功させるために、冬の今から「土」を作る。やってやる!

SO Chapter 9 I'm very lucky to have received a lithograph print from Mr. Katsura. I had it hung up at my workplace. 桂先生からリトグラフの絵をいただいた。超ラッキー!仕事場にかざらせてもらった。

SO Chapter 10 JoJo artbook JOJO A-GO!GO! I made it because I wanted to see the amazing faces of my readers (I can't actually see them). JoJoの単行本 JoJo A-GO!GO!。読者のみんなの驚く顔が見たくてこれを作ってみました(見られないけど)。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 11 We will be judging the February Tenkaichi Manga Award. We'll be reading them as hard as we can! 2月期天下一漫画賞の審査をします。一生懸命読ませていただきますのでヨロシク!

SO Chapter 12 I've been falling over stuff like a kid a lot lately. Fortunately, I don't get hurt, but it's kind of uncool. 最近子供のころみたいによくころぶ。幸いケガはないんだけどちょっとカッコ悪い。

SO Chapter 13 A dentist I know won't fix my cavity because he says he's scared. It's not fair. 知り合いの歯医者は恐いからヤダといって自分の虫歯は治さない。なんだかズルイ。

SO Chapter 14 I don't really need a DVD. It's just that I can't watch them without them. DVDって別にいらないのにさ。これがなきゃ見られないっていうんだから仕方ない。

SO Chapter 15 Mr. Higashi has been replaced by Mr. Inoue. Thank you, Azuma-san, for all your hard work over the years. Inoue san, I look forward to working with you from now on. 担当が東さんから井上さんに変わりました。東さん、長い間ごくろうさまでした。井上さん、これからよろしくお願いします。

SO Chapter 16 Among the CDs I've recently listened to, Metallica's S&M (Symphony and Metallica) live album was pretty good. 最近聴いたCDの中では、メタリカの「S&M」(シンフォニーアンドメタリカ)というライヴアルバムが結構良かった

SO Chapter 17 What worries me these days is that the police, the Self-Defense Forces, ... I think there are many other organizations that are old-fashioned. 最近不安なことは、警察、自衛隊、…他にも頭の古い組織ってたくさんあると思う。

SO Chapter 18 I remember burying a time capsule with my friend 30 years ago, but I forgot where. 30年前に友達とタイムカプセルを埋めた記憶があるんだけど、どこか忘れてしまった

SO Chapter 19 Released on 5/1, the number on the Jump Comics volume of Stone Ocean will be written as "1(64)". 5/1発売のJC(コミックス)「ストーンオーシャン」の巻数は「1(64)」と表記される予定です。

SO Chapter 20 I thought it was a shampoo that doesn't foam, but it's for shaving. Seriously, I'm in trouble! 泡がたたないシャンプーだなあと思ったらヒゲ剃り用だった。マジにヤバイ、ボク!?

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 21 We planted three tomato plants and named them "Toma-chan No.1, No.2 and No.3" from the east. トマトの苗を植えた。3つ植えて東側から「トマちゃん1号・2号・3号」と名付けた。

SO Chapter 22 During this time, a gardener suddenly came and told me that the tomatoes would fail. この間、突然植木屋さんがやって来て、「う〜む、このトマトは失敗する」と予告された

SO Chapter 23 Recently I've been watching F1 again. It's interesting to see all the new drivers coming out. 最近、またなんかF1を観てる。新しいドライバーがどんどん出てきてるので面白い。

SO Chapter 24 Tomatoes 1, 2 and 3 are now about 40cm tall, and all are doing well. トマトの身長、現在「トマちゃん1号・2号・3号」ともに約40cm。みんな元気。

SO Chapter 25 The Bunko comic version of "Cool Shock B.T." and "Baoh the Visitor" will be released on Friday, June 16th. 「魔少年ビーティー」と「バオー来訪者」の文庫コミックスが6月16日(金)に出ます。

SO Chapter 26 An interview with me appears in the July issue of the music magazine "BU BAZZZ", 現在発売中の音楽誌R(ロッキング)O(オン)増刊「BU()ZZ()」7月号に僕のインタビューが載ってます。

SO Chapter 27 More tomato news. My father called me the other day and advised me to thin out the stalks of my tomatoes. またまたトマト情報。このあいだ、父から電話がかかってきて、「トマトの茎は間引かなくちゃあダメだ」とアドバイスされた。

SO Chapter 28 One month after planting, the tomato is 1m 20cm long and has finally produced a small fruit. 植えて1ゕ月の時点でート…トマトの体長1m20cm。ついに小さい実をつけた。

SO Chapter 29 最近お気に入りの映画監督といえばマイケル・マン。「インサイダー」とか「ヒート」の。

SO Chapter 30 Volume 2 (65) of JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean will be released on Friday, August 4th. 「ジョジョ第6部ストーンオーシャン」の第②(65)巻が8月4日(金)に発売されます。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 31 If there is one thing I would never eat unless someone peeled it for me, it would be crabs and summer oranges. だれかに剥いてもらわなきゃあ絶対に食べないものと言えば、「カニ」と「夏みかん」。

SO Chapter 32 What happened to Coulthard in Formula One? He became fast. He used to be a wimp... F1のクルサード、突然どーしちゃったの。速くなって。むかしは弱虫だったのに…

SO Chapter 33 Long rain and wind broke the stalk of tomato No.1, and it died. He was 5'9"... 長雨と風でトマト1号の茎がボキッと折れた。1号が死んだ。身長175cmだった...。

SO Chapter 34 JoJo Part 3 figures have been released. I think it's really good and the way he's standing is really cool! ジョジョ第3部のフィギュアが出た。とても良い出来で、立ち姿がカッコイイと思う

SO Chapter 35 It's definitely getting hotter and hotter as the years go by. I really don't like hot weather... 絶対に、年を追うごとに夏が暑くなってきていると思う。本当、暑いのはニガテだ…。

SO Chapter 36 I went to the National Museum of Western Art in Ueno to see a painting by a Dutch artist called Vermeer. 上野の国立西洋美術館に、フェルメールというオランダの画家の絵を観に行ってきた

SO Chapter 37 We are looking for an assistant. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Inoue, our editor. アシスタントを募集します。希望者は、とりあえず担当編集の井上氏までご連絡を。

SO Chapter 38 The best movie this summer was "Ripley", I felt like I wanted to stay in the world of the movie. この夏一番良かった映画は「リプリー」、ずっと映画の中の世界にいたいって感じ。

SO Chapter 39 Volume 3 (66) of JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean will be released on Wednesday, October 4th. 「ジョジョ第6部ストーンオーシャン 』第3(66)巻が10月4日(水)に発売されます。

SO Chapter 40 What does the news "Mysterious pyramid complex discovered in the Himalayas" mean? 「ヒマラヤに謎のピラミッド群が発見された」というニュースは一体どういうこと?

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 41 We are still looking for assistants. If you would like to be a part of this project, please call Mr. Inoue in the editor's office! まだまだアシスタント募集中。希望者は、とりあえず編集部の井上氏までお電話を!!

SO Chapter 42 Tomato growing report. A total of 21 tomatoes were harvested. At a cost of 16,000 yen, how much is each tomato worth? トマト栽培結果報告。合計21個収穫。かかった費用1万6百円とすると1個いくら?

SO Chapter 43 Tsutsui Yasutaka's "Engazio Command Tower". I thought it was necessary to have this kind of "spirit" in order to write something. (つつ)()(やす)(たか)著「エンガッツィオ司令塔」。物を書くには、こーゆ一「心意気」が必要と思った。

SO Chapter 44 It's been a long time since I've seen a ghost. I got into a lift and the man I was in it with was not there when I got out. 久々に幽霊を見た。エレベーターに乗ったら、一緒に乗った男が降りる時いなかった

SO Chapter 45 I donated red feathers to a charity, but they didn't give me any red feathers, but instead gave me a receipt... 赤い羽根の募金をしたら、赤い羽根はもらえず、代わりになぜか領収書をくれた…。

SO Chapter 46 Volume 4 (67) of JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean will be released on Monday, December 4th. 「ジョジョ第6部ストーンオーシャン 』の単行本第④(67)巻は12月4日(月)発売です。

SO Chapter 47 I drew the CD Jacket for the new album by the musician SUGIURUMN (released on 12/13). SU()GI()U()RU()M()というミュージシャンの(ニュー)(アルバム)(12/13発売)のCDジャケットを描いた

SO Chapter 48 Recently, I've become addicted to disco music, I just can't get it out of my head, like Kylie Minogue. 最近DISCO音楽(ミュージック)にはまってしまい、聴いてないと落ちつかない、K(カイリー)・ミノーグとか

SO Chapter 49 I was surprised to see that the new "Jeff Beck" album got released early. Woo-hoo! 「ジェフ・ベック」のNEWアルバムが早くも出たので本当にビックリした。ウレシー

SO Chapter 50 The plastic tape that closes the bags of bread, it sticks to you when you take it off, it's annoying. パンの袋とかを閉じてるビニールのテープ、あれ取る時ひっついてて何かイラつく。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 51 今年最大の私的事件は、フェルメールという画家の絵を新聞で批評させてもらった事

SO Chapter 52 テレビを観てたら、スゴイわがままな探検家が大蛇を捕まえに行くの。あいつ超好き

SO Chapter 53 すごい不思議なんだけど、今までまだーペンたりともニ千円札って見たことない…。

SO Chapter 54 お陰さまで第6部開始から早1年。皆さん年賀状をどうもありがとう。いま返事を書いています。

SO Chapter 55 Jump Comics Volume 5 (68) will be released on 2/2. Jolyne and Weather on the cover will be a landmark!! JC(コミックス)第⑤(68)巻が2/2に発売されます。ウェザー・リポート&徐倫の表紙が目印!!

SO Chapter 56 アシスタントを募集します。ヤル気ある人はとりあえず担当編集井上氏まで電話を!!

SO Chapter 57 今年の目標は、モーターボート(4級)の免許を取ること。船酔いする体質だけど…。

SO Chapter 58 最近やってるTVゲームはPS2(ピーエスツー)の「鬼武者」。敵を斬るバッサリ感がパワフル過ぎ!!

SO Chapter 59 The thing Weather Report wears on his head is a hat, it's not a hairstyle. 「ウェザーリポート」の頭部、あれは帽子を被っているのです。髪型ではありません。

SO Chapter 60 アシスタントを募集しています。希望者は大至急担当編集井上氏までお電話を下さいッ!!

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 61 「スネークハンター」ってTV大好き。あーゆーワガママな探検家になってみたい。

SO Chapter 62 「アンブレイカブル」って映画結構マニアックで良かったと思う。もう一回観たい。

SO Chapter 63 夜中に道路でバットの素振りしてる練習熱心な人がいるんだけど、そば通る時恐い。

SO Chapter 64 This is referring to last year, but the album I was the most obsessed with was The Corrs' In Blue. 昨年の話だけど、一番はまったアルバムは、ザ・コアーズの『IN(イン) BLUE(ブルー)』。

SO Chapter 65 JoJo第5部「ジョルノ」編がノヴェルになる。隠されたエピソードの謎が明らかに

SO Chapter 66 モーターボート(4級船舶)の免許をとった。ヤマハの方々には本当にお世話になった

SO Chapter 67 マンガオールマン誌に鬼窪浩久氏と10年ぶりのコンビ作。変人偏屈列伝②を描く。

SO Chapter 68 某所の男子ロッカールームでオシリに「しっぽ」のあるオジサンを見た。5cmくらいの

SO Chapter 69 親せきの小学3年生が小遣い貯めて買ったもの。“ルイ・ヴィトンのバッグ”……。

SO Chapter 70 東京都内での映画の撮影に許可が出るそうだ。生ずる渋滞より芸術の方が大切だ。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 71 JC(コミックス)「ストーンオーシャン」最新第7巻が6月4日(月)に発売。夢のCMにも注目を

SO Chapter 72 隣人が家を建築中だったけど、マンガ描くより、早く建ったので帰る時ビックリ。

SO Chapter 73 昨晩、自分がスプーンを曲げる夢を見た。別に特別な意味があるとは思えないけど

SO Chapter 74 My favourite fashion designer recently has to be Roberto Cavalli. 最近好きなファッション・デザイナーは、ロベルト・カヴァーリという人です。

SO Chapter 75 この間誕生日だったのだけれど、今年はいつになくプレゼントを沢山もらった。なぜ?

SO Chapter 76 最近、和食がちょっと苦手になった。とくに甘い味のわ寿司とか。ゲロ吐きそー。

SO Chapter 77 ボートの免許とったんだけど、やっちゃったよ浅瀬でスクリュー。ガリガリって。

SO Chapter 78 クーラーでノドを痛めてしまった。東京の夏は本当に恐るしい。無事乗り切れるか…?

SO Chapter 79 「ぺルソナ」、「女神転生」の全子一馬氏と雑誌「THRILL(スリル)」誌において対談した。

SO Chapter 80 猿の惑星のM(マイケル)C(クラーク)・ダンカンという俳優のメイクは限りなく素顔に近いメイクでスゴイ。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 81 今年も実はトマトの栽培してるんだけど、現在昨年よりスゴクて22コなっている。

SO Chapter 82 昔様図かずお先生のキャラ「たまみ」ってアダナつけた友人は今もそう呼ばれている

SO Chapter 83 映画「A.(エー) I.(アイ)」を観た。とても良かった。手塚先生の「鉄腕アトム」に似てるなとも思った。

SO Chapter 84 JC(コミックス)『ストーンオーシャン』第8(71)巻、9月4日発売。バトル中の3人がカバー。

SO Chapter 85 CDプレーヤーって「音飛び」たったそれだけでもう、ただのムカつくガラクタになる

SO Chapter 86 I'll be taking a break next week. I'm not gonna say the "reason" why. Serialization will resume from Issue 44. 来週一週休みます。「理由」はあえて教えません。44号からまた連載再開します。

WSJ #43, 2001 Postponed. 休載

SO Chapter 87 斎藤環著「若者のすべて」(PHP(ピーエイチピー))を読む。氏による分析観察力には敬服した。

SO Chapter 88 今頃やっと気づいたんだけど『バイオハザード・コードベロニカ』は傑作ゲームだな

SO Chapter 89 D(ディスティニー)・チャイルドとか米国(アメリカ)のアイドルってどーみても大人にしかみえない。見た目が。

SO Chapter 90 インターネットってさぁー本当調べたいものってないよな。それとも調べ方が悪い?

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 91 11月2日金曜日JC(コミックス)「ストーンオーシャン」第9(72)巻発売。F(エフ)F(エフ)対ケンゾーから。

SO Chapter 92 大臣がTVで牛肉とかかいわれ大根食べたりするのマヌケじゃない?意味あるのかな

SO Chapter 93 アシスタントを募集します。詳しくは編集部の担当者宛てに、問い合わせて下さい。

SO Chapter 94 やばい。スニーカーのデザイン理解ができるようになった。もう去年のは履けないよ

SO Chapter 95 アシスタントを募集します。ジョジョの背景カット数点と履歴書を編集部あてまで。

SO Chapter 96 来年の春にカプコンから出る「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」のゲームの映像を見た。すばらしいものだ。とても期待している。

SO Chapter 97 オールマン誌に「変人偏屈列伝」の新作読切をかいた。鬼窪浩久氏とのコンビ作。2002年初春掲載予定。

SO Chapter 98 いまさらだけど、映画「グリンチ」がおもしろかった。これは子供に見せてもいいタイプのサイコファンタジー映画だと思う

SO Chapter 99 I drew two illustrations for the "GioGio's Bizarre Adventure" game Capcom are releasing in Spring. It's been a while since I last visited Part 5. 春にCAPCOM(カプコン)から発売される「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の旋風」用イラストを2点描いた。5部のは久し振り。

SO Chapter 100 新年あけましておめでとう。2002年の自分の目標は、小型1級船舶の免許を取得すること。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 101 JC(コミックス)「ストーンオーシャン」最新第10(73)巻が2月5日(火)発売になります。

SO Chapter 102 次号の「ストーンオーシャン」は次の舞台となる場所への取材のため、お休みします。第11号より再開する予定です。

WSJ #10, 2002 Postponed. 休載

SO Chapter 103 大好きな映画監督はマイケル・マン。新作の「ALI(アリ)」(モハメド・アリの伝記)を早く見たいと思っている

SO Chapter 104 ゲーム「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険〔黄金の旋風〕」のパッケージ用イラスト宣伝ポスター用イラスト計2点を描き下ろした。

SO Chapter 105 電気で刺激すると腹筋1000回やったのと同じ効果という、最近宣伝が目立つあの機械、あれ本当なのか?

SO Chapter 106 ミニシアター系で多いんだけど入れ替え制の映画館って嫌い。狭くて並んで入るとこで映画が嫌いになる。

SO Chapter 107 「世界の美術館」という、週刊で発売されていた本を全100巻ついに集めた。実にいい本だと思う。

SO Chapter 108 最近好きなギタリストは、昔のジャズ・ギタリスト。例えば「タル・ファーロウ」代表的な作品として『タル』がある。

SO Chapter 109 コミックス『ストーンオーシャン』最新第11(74)巻は4月石(木)発売。F(エフ)F(エフ)の最期からミューミューの登場まで。

SO Chapter 110 SUGIURUMN(スギウラム)のCDジャケットを描いた。(第2弾)発売中。描いただけだけど。

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 111 テレビでやってたんだけど、FBI超能力捜査ってスゴすぎる。でも、まさかヤラセじゃあないよな。

SO Chapter 112 最近、'80年代の音楽を聴いていると泣けてくる。懐かしい時代ということなのだなぁ……

SO Chapter 113 文庫コミック版 『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険Part2戦闘潮流①②』(⑷・⑸巻)が先日発売に。各巻定価620円(税込)

SO Chapter 114 孤独に闘うヒーローを描かせたら天下一品。マイケル・マン監督作品『ALI(アリ)』はしびれた。

SO Chapter 115 ワールドカップのファンでは全然ないのだが、一度「フーリガン」というものを見てみたいな。これって不謹慎?

SO Chapter 116 たまーに思い出すんだけど、2000円札って本当にあるんだよね?人から一度見せてもらったっきりなんだけど?

SO Chapter 117 自画自賛かもしれないけど、文庫本JOJOのカバーデザインはいい。デザイナーさんどうもありがとう。

SO Chapter 118 コミックス「ストーンオーシャン」第12巻の発売は7月4日予定です。「ジョジョ」通巻で75巻目になります。

SO Chapter 119 ここ最近、近所の工事が続いている。全くいやになっちゃうよ。この騒音には、もう。

SO Chapter 120 興味のないワールドカップで、ひとつ引きつけられた事があった。トンマージという名前

Chapter Translation Original

SO Chapter 121 仕事場にヤモりがいる。嫌いじゃあないんだけど、フンが落ちているんだよね。電話の上とかに。

SO Chapter 122 今週4日発売の『ストーンオーシャン』12巻(75巻)の帯には25日発売ゲームの告知もついてます。

SO Chapter 123 ちょっとびっくりしたデザインは、プジョーMOONSTAR(ムーンスター)とホンダUNIBOX(ユニボックス)という車。

SO Chapter 124

SO Chapter 125

SO Chapter 126

SO Chapter 127

SO Chapter 128

SO Chapter 129

SO Chapter 130

SO Volume 1

Author's NoteSpecial Thanks
Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
The protagonist of JoJo Part 6 is a woman. Why go with a woman? Therein lies the problem.
Since she's a JoJo protagonist, she's got to be tough enough to not get disheartened even if she gets punched in the face. Sometimes she might be crawling through a ditch, or she might be falling from the top of a building with her legs wide open. It's a bit of a tight setup for a woman. But thinking about the differences in contrast, it actually seemed very interesting. Furthermore, she could be a person with great humanity like the Virgin Mary. I felt I just had to make the protagonist a woman.
JOJO第6部の主人公は女性です。なぜ『女性』なのか? そこの所なのだ問題は。
Link to this sectionAuthor's Note: Special Thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my thanks to the people who helped me with the realization of this volume: Mr. Takashi Mizutani, an attorney who graciously offered his time to teach me the differences between Japanese and American laws.
Jeff Friend and Yoko Friend, married Japanese translators.
L. T. Alhandro, director of the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami, Florida.

Of course, if you find any wrong information in this volume, these people are not to blame. I assume all responsibility for the content of this volume as the author.

この場を借りて、本書の成立を助けてくれた次の方々に感謝の意を表します。 日本と米国の法律の違いを知るために時間をさいていただいた弁護士、水谷高士氏
フロリダ州マイアミ ターナー・ギルフォード・ナイト更生センター(収容所)所長、L・T・アルハンドロ氏


SO Volume 2

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Observation of the nature surrounding us N°4 Last year, I contracted gastritis, due to stress they say. During that period, I had heard of the European proverb, "He who cultivates tomatoes is never ill." I thought: "Really?...Let's try this." Thus I've begun to cultivate tomatoes. I bought some flower display cases (2,300 yen), fertilizer and compost (around 1,000 yen), stakes (200 yen), tomato seeds (140 yen), in brief, for three seedlings I had to pay 10,920 yen. If I harvest ten tomatoes, how much would one of them yield?(to be continued)

—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 3

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Observation of the nature surrounding us N°5 The foot of the "nameko" mushroom is very long, like a stem, it is said to be delicious too. However the majority of the people find it ugly; shopkeepers are forced to cut them or else they don't sell. As for me I've decided that my tomatoes would have a real tomato "smell". Nowadays farmers manage to produce odorless tomatoes, because a lot of consumers find the smell "disgusting". Did you know that?

Besides, I have a feeling that the same practice happens in the world of manga. Be careful.
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 4

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About my lack of sleep.

It seems that genetic code determines how much time a person needs to sleep. But recently, a strange event happened. Until six months before, I didn't have a clear mind without my eight hours of sleep, but lately, I've noticed that three or four hours were enough and that I didn't want to sleep for eight hours anymore even though I knew it was bad for my health. What caused this transformation? My change of diet? My pillow? This is a complete mystery.
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 5

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When I had a talk with the director of the Miami prison in Florida, for personal documentation, I asked him if the reasons for incarceration were different between men and women. Indeed I had the impression men were imprisoned for more terrible reasons than women.

He answered: "It's the same, man or woman it doesn't matter. There are as many murderers and rapists from either gender."
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 6

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Let's talk about my youth. When I was in primary school, I had a friend who was stupid. One day, as we were playing, he sat on a flowerbed, more precisely on some cacti whose thorns were so tiny we couldn't see them with the eye. His shorts was covered in thorns. Immediately he shouted, grabbed his behind, and began to cry as he stroked it, covering his hands in tiny thorns. Even if I told him that the thorns were invisible but still there, he compulsively licked his hands anyways. I think we didn't stay friends for long.

—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 7

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Cell phones. It looks like practically everyone owns one these days. Personally I don't own any. Don't go thinking that it's about entertaining a difference between me and my fellow man, it's simply that I don't need one. Firstly, my work makes it so that I'm always stuck in my studio. Secondly, I don't want people to be able to call me anywhere and whenever they feel like it, above all if it's to tell me banalities. I'll admit that it certainly would be useful to inform someone with whom I have a meeting that I'll be late though...(to be continued)

—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 8

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What kind of person am I, to not need cell phones in our period? I must acknowledge that it is very handy in case I'm late. Certainly if the person who is waiting for me has a cell phone, I can inform them on the way from a public booth. On the other hand, when that person is late, they have no way to contact me. Which allows me, who cannot wait for more than fifteen minutes, to peacefully go home immediately. Anyway, it's the late person who's bothered the most.

Which would mean that people like me who don't own cell phones are selfish. I hope you're not angry at me, right?
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 9

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How to draw a manga without tiring yourself out ? In a nutshell, I must say that if such a trick exists, I want to know it. It's necessary that I find a way not to tire myself out so much when I'm drawing from now on. In that respect let me tell you here the experience I've lived. During a seitai seance, I had noticed that I've abnormally developed the posterior muscles of my right arm. Meaning that by using my pencil on the pages day after day for hours, I've subconsciously trained the muscles of my right arm. The problem is that I've only trained those, which isn't good...

—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 10

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The first thought to cross my mind is that I must work out the left arm, but it's not easy for a mangaka who by drawing only works his right arm out for hours. You won't believe it but becoming left-handed for my everyday life is the only solution I've found. And here I am, lifting my towel, my umbrella, my toothbrush, my coffee mug, my TV remote, and my chopsticks with the left hand. I hope that I'll correctly train the muscles of my left arm. But there's another way not to suffer fatigue too much...
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 11

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"How do you stop tiring yourself out when drawing?"

"When you're drawing the small parts, don't go too much into the details!" Yes, I keep repeating that to myself before letting the pencil run on the page again, but it's just like that, I cannot help it. I know that the damage that this kind of person suffers is huge, and my sigh is like the deep breath a sportsman takes before a long run on the field... But I suppose I'm the only one who takes this so seriously...
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 12

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In order to gather some documentation I went to the city called Orlando, Florida. It is a strange city, unique in the world, which has numerous theme parks.

In short, I'd say that it is a city where some hopes and dreams have taken form. Everything here seems to have been thought, built, ordered to make visitors happy, up to the green spaces and the lakes. Personally this kind of place kinda makes me anxious but not this time. If you know how to stay calm, it is a very relaxing place in fact...
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 13

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About super powers 1 According to my mother's account, I was said to have super powers when I was little (which isn't the case anymore). What kind of super powers you ask?

Well for instance, in the waiting room of the hospital, I suddenly disappeared into the shadow of the couch. And then my mother asked "What's up with this idiot?", and a doctor in his blouse would come. Apparently I hated doctors so much that I had the power to sense when someone was approaching (I could predict his arrival in some way). Unbelievable, right? I had a predisposition allowing me to detect doctors!
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 14

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About super powers 2

The other day I bought five CDs. The musical genre went from Jazz to Rock, and R&B, all from different artists. However, when I read the text on the albums, I noticed that the producer was always the same. A guy named "Antonio La Reid". What were the chances that I'd took these five CDs? It made me think about the same kind of miracle which would result in a royal straight flush at poker or winning the lottery. A divine revelation you could say.
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 15

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About cute faces. Aiko-sama is pretty. By dint of seeing her on TV, I ended called her "The Cutie"! At the Louvres Museum, I find the portrait of the "Infante Marie Marguerite" from Velasquez prettier than the Joconde. So cute I'd cry. The little girl drawn by the painter Yoshitomo Nara also makes me want to kiss her like a touched idiot.

But if the three people I find cute have a common point, I sure can't find it. They don't even look like each other!
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 16

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The editors-in-chief generally only work during the afternoon. Twenty years ago, I brought my script to the Shueisha building in the middle of the morning and I showed it to the only person who was working at that hour. This person is the very first editor-in-chief of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" and their impressions and suggestions are very important to me. If I went there during the afternoon and met another editor, I would have produced a very different work.

Destiny isn't founded on chance, it has its reasons. In "JoJo's", it's on that point of view that one bases themselves. It doesn't have much sense scientifically, but this is how I feel.
—Hirohiko Araki

SO Volume 17

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It's difficult to explain, but when I'm drawing I feel the existence of what I call "gravity". In other words, while you might think that as an author I have utter control over the actions of the main characters by the progression of the story, or the world in which I make them live, it's not always like this, and at some moments it is the characters who act against my will. Through this method, some drawings have come out that I didn't want to make in the first place. That is how "gravity" manifests itself, which I also assimilate to "fate".

When you read this last volume of Stone Ocean, I'd like you to think a little about this.
—Hirohiko Araki

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