Chasing after an runaway Sale
No.6 with Bucciarati, wanting Prosciutto dead
All of Sex Pistols attacking Ghiaccio
No.2, No.3, No.6, and No.7 consumed by Notorious B.I.G
Sex Pistols (セックス・ピストルズ, Sekkusu Pisutoruzu) è lo stand Stand di Guido Mista, presente nella quinta parte delle Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo, Vento Aureo.
Sex Pistols è uno senziente composto da vari piccoli stand, grandi quanto proiettili, che possono cavalcare i proiettili che Mista spara, calciandoli e cambiando la loro direzione.
Sex Pistols è composto da sei piccole entità simili a proiettili (Mista li chiama "persone"), che vivono dentro la sua revolver, essi sono divisi, dal numero 1 fino al 7, tranne però il numero 4 (Probabilmente a cause della personalità superstiziosa di Mista). Tutti loro hanno una testa che ha la forma di una goccia d'acqua, occhi bianchi con contorno nero e delle piccole strisce che partono dal centro del loro corpo e piccolissime pupille che sembrano tagliate.
Nelle apparizioni successive, mancano le linee radiali nei loro occhi e le loro pupille sono più centrate, in modo da farle apparire più naturali. Spesso i Sex Pistols aprono le loro bocche, rivelando i loro denti storti. Il loro "abbigliamento" consiste in camicie con spalline appuntite, pantaloni stretti simili a leggings con ginocchiere e scarpe a punta con punte che si curvano verso l'alto. Ironia della sorte, ognuno di loro ha quattro dita invece di cinque su ciascuna mano. Però hanno cinque dita in All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven e nell'anime.
La maggior parte dei media che presentano i Sex Pistols li ritraggono come gialli, però nel Gioco della PS2 sono bianchi.
Interestingly for Stands, the Pistols all have distinct personalities, and frequently converse with Mista. Each Pistol has a different personality, but they all share a childish and irreverent nature; they are prone to argue, can make inappropriate comments, and will not work if they are not fed.[2] Outside of battle, Mista doesn't actually control the Pistols, who do as they please.
Sex Pistols are by themselves very weak Stands and rely on the gun bullets they ride to participate in combat. Despite this, they are highly autonomous and have a long range (going as far as bullets can fly). This allows Mista to control the battlefield and gather information from afar thanks to the Pistols being able to spy on their enemies.[3] If need be, the Pistols can make decisions by themselves whenever the opportunity presents itself, often surprising foes as a result.
Sex Pistols is unusually resilient and can persist even if Mista is put in a state of near-unconsciousness or even near-death. Should this be the case, the Pistols can continue to help Mista's allies.[4]
The Pistols' ability is to literally ride the bullets that Mista fires in order to position themselves over an area (although they can hover around too), and then violently kick the bullets to change their path.[5]
Mista's most common use of this is to rebound shots, allowing the sudden redirection of bullets to hit moving targets, strike key areas, or otherwise take his opponents by surprise by using odd and unpredictable angles. If all 6 of Sex Pistols are on a single bullet, they have the power to split said bullet into multiple pieces when they all kick, creating multiple projectiles.[6] However, the Stand is vulnerable to attacks while out and active,[7][8] but Mista can survive the most brutal harm dealt to the six members of his Stand so long as a single one of them remains unharmed.[9] The Pistols can also block incoming bullets, and on one specific occasion, No.5 has even saved Mista from three fatal shots fired to the head by Prosciutto.
Mista normally does not reload his own gun but has Sex Pistols reload it for him.[10] For this, he uses a six-chamber revolver. Mista can use any type of firearm, but a chamber allows the Pistols to reload all at once, as reloading a pistol magazine takes more time.[11] Unlike Hol Horse's Emperor, another gun-related Stand, Sex Pistols has no firearm to work with by default and must always be provided a gun and ammunition, since it is useless for offense otherwise. However, each Pistol is able to fire a bullet without a gun by kicking the bullet's primer.[12]
Chasing after an runaway Sale
No.6 with Bucciarati, wanting Prosciutto dead
All of Sex Pistols attacking Ghiaccio
No.2, No.3, No.6, and No.7 consumed by Notorious B.I.G
No.1 and No.2 celebrate after hitting Sale in the leg with a bullet
Sex Pistols reloading Mista's pistol
No.6 and No.7 high-five each other after hitting Sale in the throat
All of the Sex Pistols kick a bullet towards Sale's face
Sex Pistols celebrating Sale's defeat
All of Sex Pistols focus on attacking Ghiaccio's weakpoint
Sex Pistols warning Bruno Bucciarati
Sex Pistols & Mista in Fighting Gold
Sex Pistols & Mista in the ending credits for Part 5
Sex Pistols as seen in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure
Sex Pistols in Eyes of Heaven
Sex Pistols as they appear in Diamond Records
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (Package)
Bulgari X Hirohiko Araki - Stand Faces