Vento Aureo - Chapter 151 [590]
Mista, Fugo, Abbacchio, and Narancia have a conversation about human meat in a restaurant. Bucciarati enters and informs them about Leaky-Eye Luca's death, saying that Polpo wants them to investigate it.
Fugo informs him that there is someone to visit him, an elderly man who has come to hire Bucciarati and his gang. Bucciarati initially refuses to hear the man's pleas, as he feels that he is far too honest of a man to be making deals with the mob. However, he explains why he is trying to hire them, about how his daughter suddenly lept to her death while at her boyfriend's home; he wants them to find and kill him to get justice for his daughter.
After hearing the story, Bucciarati agrees, and sends Mista out to go deal with it. The chapter ends with Mista leaving his chair, only to suddenly find a large stone ball where he was sitting.
Author's Comment

- This chapter was originally merged with Chapter 589 in the Weekly Shonen Jump release, but was split into two chapters when it was published in Volume 63.
- The title of this chapter lacks the typical "Part 1" arc numbering convention. Other examples of this issue include Chapter 544, Chapter 8 of Stone Ocean, and Chapter 106 of JoJolion, though both Chapter 544 and the Stone Ocean chapter would later be fixed in the paperback edition.