S: Polnareff Costume A A: Polnareff Color Set B: Polnareff Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Polnareff Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Polnareff Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: Avdol and Iggy died saving my life. I should be the one to slice up these lousy fakes! Jotaro: Who the hell are you guys, anyway? Avdol: We will exterminate anyone who stands in the way of the Noble One... Iggy: Grrrrr...
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: These flames, this sand... They both feel like... Jotaro: Gimme a break... Why did you jackasses have to put us through all that?
Defeat Dialogue
Avdol: Burn into cinders and begone! Iggy: Grrrr! Grrrrr!
A Long Journey: Farewell, My Friends Part 2 (遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ その②Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo Sono 2)
S: Kakyoin Costume A A: N'Doul Costume A B: Kakyoin Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo. (N'Doul Color Set) 2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (N'Doul SFX Set A)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Kakyoin teamed up with N'doul!? Old Joseph: I'm coming straight at you. You won't have space to breathe! Kakyoin: Impossible. You'll never get near us. N'Doul: Heh... I'll pick him off like a fly!
Victory Dialogue
Old Joseph: I never imagined a long-distance Stand duo could be this dangerous... Jotaro: Pfft. If we could only get closer, it'd be a piece of cake...
Defeat Dialogue
Kakyoin: I told you already...you'll never get near us. N'Doul: Now there is no one left to stand in our way.
The Gang in the Ruins (遺跡のギャングたちIseki no Gyangu-tachi)
S: Narancia Costume A A: Fugo Color Set B: Player Card Quote Set 1
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 30-hit combo or greater. (Narancia Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Narancia Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: I'm Jotaro Kujo. What's your name? Giorno: Giorno...Giovanna... Fugo: My virus will free you from your pain... Narancia: Two beehives, coming right up!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: You're not half bad. Giorno: What a Stand... It has both overwhelming power and super-precise movements...
Defeat Dialogue
Fugo: If you catch this virus...you're done for. There's no cure. Narancia: You're both going straight to hell!
Catch the Zipper Man (ジッパーの男を追えJippā no Otoko o Oe)
S: Bucciarati Costume A A: Bucciarati Color Set B: Player Card Vento Aureo Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win within 50 seconds. (Vanilla Ice SFX Set A) 2. Backstab five times. (Vanilla Ice Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Polnareff: This time, I'll cut you into so many pieces you'll never be able to come back again! Giorno: Bucciarati. I'm going to defeat you...for your own sake. Vanilla Ice: You won't escape this time. I'll stop you no matter what it takes... Bucciarati: Your life ends here, Giorno Giovanna!
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Please wake up, Bucciarati! Polnareff: Now make sure you go to hell this time!
Defeat Dialogue
Bucciarati: Farewell, Giorno. Vanilla Ice: Polnareff was crushed into tiny pieces...and died...
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 1 (杜王町へようこそ その①Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 1)
S: Okuyasu Costume A A: Okuyasu Color Set B: Okuyasu Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Okuyasu Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Okuyasu Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: We have no choice. Let's do this! Koichi: Why? Why do we have to fight Okuyasu and Rohan? Okuyasu: Okuyasu Nijimura's The Hand is going to wipe you all out! Rohan: I'll write it in right now. You will all "die here..."
Victory Dialogue
Koichi: A-are you two...o-okay? Josuke: Don't worry, Koichi. I'll fix them both right up.
Defeat Dialogue
Rohan: Say goodbye, Josuke Higashikata and Koichi Hirose! Okuyasu: I'm gonna swipe you right out of this world!
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 2 (杜王町へようこそ その②Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 2)
S: Otoishi Costume A A: Shigechi SFX Set A B: Otoishi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Otoishi Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Achieve a JoJolity. (Otoishi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: I'm 'unna smash you into splithereens! Otoishi: Get ready, guys! Josuke: If you wanna go, then let's go! Jotaro: When I say I'm gonna do something, it's as good as done.
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Geez... That was a really tough battle to fight. Jotaro: Gimme a break...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: Shee shee shee! Now the Noble One will give me lots of compliments! Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
Welcome to Morioh Town, Part 4 (杜王町へようこそ その④Moriō-chō e Yōkoso Sono 4)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
13000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Koichi Costume A A: Yukako Color Set B: Yukako Quote Set B
EX Bonus
1. Win within 50 seconds. (Yukako Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Achieve two JoJolities. (Yukako Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Yukako: I'm going to crush you, Koichi! Rohan: Yukako Yamagishi... I used to respect how much you adored Koichi... Koichi: Yukako! Snap out of it!
Victory Dialogue
Rohan: It seems like her emotions have gotten out of control...or perhaps "distorted" is the better word? Koichi: Yukako! Why are you doing this?! What's happened to our town?!
Defeat Dialogue
Yukako: I love you... So I'll make sure that your death is as painless as possible...
S: Speedwagon Color Set A: Speedwagon SFX Set C B: Speedwagon Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Defeat 40 enemies. (Speedwagon Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Attack three or more enemies at once. (Speedwagon Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: You! You're one of the allies that Speedwagon found, right? Jotaro: I'll introduce myself later.
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Things will never end at this rate... Bring out the boss already! Jonathan: What kind of ability is that? You seem to be overflowing with energy! I sense an overwhelming power from you!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Goodbye, JoJooo!
Blood and Claws, Part 2 (血と爪 その②Chi to Tsume Sono 2)
The enemy team's Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
15000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume A A: Diego Costume A B: Diego Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Achieve a JoJolity. (Diego SFX Set A) 2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Diego Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Diego: Don't fail me now, monster... Dio: You're the monster, you miserable excuse for a human... Jotaro: When I say I'm gonna do something, it's as good as done. Speedwagon: Your opponent's right here!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break. Speedwagon: Speedwagon withdraws coolly.
Defeat Dialogue
Diego: MUDA MUDAAAAAA! Dio: Weak! So weaaak! My zombies will eat off your pale little faces!
S: Speedwagon Costume A A: Jonathan Color Set B: Player Card Phantom Blood Mount
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Mariah SFX Set A) 2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Mariah Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: Mr. Zeppeli! I'm going to go all-out! Jotaro: Catching her is going to be the hard part... Zeppeli: It's a master's duty to see that his disciples' errors are set straight! Bring it on! Mariah: The magnetic force will keep getting stronger and stronger... Until it splats you like a pancake, Jotaro!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: What's wrong? You two done already? Jonathan: Mr. Zeppeli, I trust you. That's why I've given this battle my all...
Defeat Dialogue
Zeppeli: There's nothing so pitiable as an unworthy disciple... At least I can put you to rest with my own hand! Mariah: You two looked pretty handsome out there.
The Duo at the Training Grounds (修業場の2人Shūgyō-ba no Futari)
S: Lisa Lisa Costume A A: Lisa Lisa Color Set B: Player Card Quote Set 8
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Caesar Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Caesar Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: Lisa Lisa! Stroheim! Let's go! Caesar: Lisa Lisa...I'm going to fight back now! Lisa Lisa: Death to the Ripple amateurs! Stroheim: You shall praise my perfectioooon!
Victory Dialogue
Joseph: Forgive me, Lisa Lisa! Caesar: Does this mean we completed the final test already?
Defeat Dialogue
Lisa Lisa: With Ripple skills that poor, you deserve to die! Stroheim: Even my name is wonderful! "RUDOL VON STROHEIMMM!"
The Philandering Emperor (女好きなエンペラーOnnazuki na Enperā)
S: Caesar Costume A A: Joseph Color Set B: Player Card Quote Set 18
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Esidisi Costume A) 2. Activate a Dual Combo Finish. (Wamuu Costume A)
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: Let's go, Caesar! Caesar: Yeah! We can beat them now! Wamuu: I, Wamuu, will now consider you to be worthy prey! Esidisi: You'd better entertain me, you little chickadees!
Victory Dialogue
Caesar: I can feel how I've improved since we last fought... Joseph: Our Ripples...can reach them!
Defeat Dialogue
Esidisi: It was a good fight. I'm satisfied now! Wamuu: Master Esidisi, you were marvelous...
The Pillar Clan of Darkness, Part 3 (柱の闇の一族 その③Hashira no Yami no Ichizoku Sono 3)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
Joseph Costume C
Rank Bonus
S: Joseph Costume A A: Kars Costume A B: Player Card Battle Tendency Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kars SFX Set A) 2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kars Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Joseph: Caesar? Aren't you getting a bit overexcited? Caesar: Kars! On my honor as a Zeppeli, I will defeat you! Kars: And what exactly...is a Zeppeli?
Victory Dialogue
Caesar: Kaaaaars! I'm going to wipe you clean off this earth! Joseph: Caesar, what's going on? You don't seem yourself at all...
Defeat Dialogue
Kars: Is that it? Just as I thought... Esidisi, Wamuu, playtime is over!
At Cape Canaveral, Part 1 (ケープ・カナベラルにて その①Kēpu Kanaberaru nite Sono 1)
S: Jolyne Costume A A: Jolyne Color Set B: Jolyne Quote Set C
EX Bonus
1. Win within 45 seconds. (Ermes Costume A) 2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Anasui Costume A)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: First, we need to defeat them. Jolyne: You know something about this? Ermes: Jolyne! I'll smash you to pieceeeeees! Anasui: I'll dismantle you...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break...... They're both close-range power types? Jolyne: They're quite the aggressive duo...
Defeat Dialogue
Ermes: My stickers dealt them a world of pain! Anasui: Diver Down... "Dismantling complete"...
At Cape Canaveral, Part 2 (ケープ・カナベラルにて その②Kēpu Kanaberaru nite Sono 2)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
25000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Weather SFX Set A A: Jotaro SFX Set C B: Weather Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Weather Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Weather Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: We'll just do what we did before. Jolyne: Okay. In order to bring Weather back to normal... I'll beat him to a pulp! Weather: I want to wreak total chaos...
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Gimme a break... That's one hell of a Stand... Jolyne: Weather! I'll wake you up!
Defeat Dialogue
Weather: The Noble One will guide us to heaven... Even the cursed ones like me...
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%.
Completion Bonus
25500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Giorno Costume A A: Jolyne SFX Set C B: Pet Shop Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Pet Shop SFX Set A) 2. Connect with a Dual Heat Attack. (Pet Shop Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Enough with the dramatic bullshit. Jolyne: What he's saying sounds completely different than before... New Pucci: Let us sing praises for the new Heaven! Pet Shop: Squawk! Squawk!
Victory Dialogue
Jolyne: Pucci seems like a completely different person... Jotaro: I'm not hearing your lecture too well... Can you speak up a bit?
Defeat Dialogue
New Pucci: Farewell, Kujos... Pet Shop: Squaaaaaaawk!
The enemy team moves 20% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
26500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Johnny Costume A A: Dio Brando Costume A B: Dio Brando Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Dio Brando SFX Set A) 2. Get the First Attack. (Dio Brando Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: Let's put an end to this right here! Johnny: A tag team of monsters who've both surpassed humanity... We can't let them get near the corpse part! Diego: You, Johnny Joestar, are my greatest trial! Dio: Hmph! Here I come, JoJooo!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: I can sense limitless evil within those two! Johnny: Eat nail bullets, you damn monsters!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: May you waste away in this frontier world, JoJooooo! Diego: I'm going to slice your head right off, Johnny Joestar!
Thus Spoke Valentine (ヴァレンタインの謎の言葉Varentain no Nazo no Kotoba, lit. Valentine's Mysterious Words)
The enemy team's skill cooldown is reduced by 25%.
Completion Bonus
Johnny Costume B
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume B A: Johnny Color Set B: Player Card Steel Ball Run Mount
EX Bonus
1. Activate a Dual Combo. (Gyro Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Activate a Dual Combo Finish. (Gyro Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Johnny: Gyro! How can you fight alongside Valentine?! Jonathan: We have no choice but to fight, Johnny! Keep your heart strong! Valentine: Now, show me the extent of your capabilities...Johnny Joestar... Gyro: Here we go, terrorists!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: Something's not right here... That Valentine man... He isn't attacking to kill! Johnny: Gyro...don't you recognize me?
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: This won't do... You won't be able to defeat him at this rate! Gyro: Eat my Steel Balls...and say goodbye to this world!
A Tale of Two Josukes (2人のジョースケFutari no Jōsuke, lit. The Two Josukes)
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
Josuke 8 Costume B
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume A A: Kira Costume A B: Player Card JoJolion Mount
EX Bonus
1. Win without letting your partner get retired. (Kira SFX Set A) 2. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kira Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke 8: Answer me! Which one is Yoshikage Kira? Josuke: Both! Kira: We're going to blow you away until there's no trace of you left... Kosaku: With our bombs...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke 8: They're both Kira? What the hell? Josuke: Hold up, hold up, hold up. I don't get it either. I need to get my thoughts in order...
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: Yes! Josuke Higashikata, blown to pieces! Kira: Tonight...I'm going to sleep better than I have in a long time...
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jolyne Costume C A: Valentine Costume A B: Valentine Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Valentine SFX Set A) 2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Valentine Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Jotaro: Whoever you are, you've got one hell of an attitude. Valentine: Star Platinum... Precise movements, superb energy, and even the ability to stop time... Johnny: What are you after?!
Victory Dialogue
Jotaro: Just gimme a break already... Johnny: Next time we meet...I'll...
Defeat Dialogue
Valentine: At this rate, you'll accomplish nothing. Have we...no hope at all?
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: 25000 JP A: Stroheim Color Set B: Stroheim Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Stroheim Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Connect with two Dual Heat Attacks. (Stroheim Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Josuke: Now you've done it... Joseph: Just shut up and fight me already! Stroheim: One wrong move and I'll shoot! No wrong moves and I'll shoot anywaaaaay! Okuyasu: For now, we'll leave you only half dead!
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Great enough to blow you away! Joseph: This'll blow you away!
Defeat Dialogue
Stroheim: And thus, Jotaro Kujo's corpse part has been claimed by my army! Okuyasu: You...You son of a bitch! Are you planning on hogging all the glory?
The Corpse Hunt Continues, Part 2 (遺体集め再開 その②Itai Atsume Saikai Sono 2)
The enemy team's attack power is increased by 25%.
Completion Bonus
30000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Gyro Costume A A: Gyro Color Set B: Gyro Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Zeppeli Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Zeppeli Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Zeppeli: Prepare yourself, scoundrels! Gyro: Now! I'm going to crush you! Beyond all recognition! Jonathan: Mr. Zeppeli! Johnny: This is my only way to escape!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: Why did this happen? What's the meaning of this?! Johnny: Gyro...don't you recognize me?
Defeat Dialogue
Zeppeli: Feast on my Riiipple! Gyro: This is what it means to be beaten beyond all recognition. Nyo ho ho!
The Corpse Hunt Continues, Part 3 (遺体集め再開 その③Itai Atsume Saikai Sono 3)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Yukako Costume A A: Yukako SFX Set A B: Yukako Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Yukako Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Retire the enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Yukako Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Yukako: Do you love me? Koichi: Yukako... Josuke: Great!
Victory Dialogue
Koichi: I'm begging you, Yukako...turn back to normal! Josuke: Make fun of my hair, and I get pissed off. I don't know why! I guess it's just instinct.
Defeat Dialogue
Yukako: Do you see now? Love is invincible.
A Twisted Philosophy, Part 2 (歪な思想 その②Ibitsu na Shisō Sono 2)
The enemy team's stamina usage is decreased by 25%, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 20% power.
Completion Bonus
32500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Josuke Costume C A: Kosaku Costume A B: Player Card Quote Set 52
EX Bonus
1. Perform a 35-hit combo or greater. (Kosaku SFX Set A) 2. Backstab five times. (Kosaku Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Okuyasu: Bring it on! I'll swipe away your bombs and whatever else you throw at us! Josuke: We're going to settle this here and now, you two. Kira: You pursued us here, and for that, you will get no mercy! Kosaku: We'll exterminate you right here!
Victory Dialogue
Okuyasu: Yeah! Did you forget?! Josuke: Yeah! We're your worst nightmare!
Defeat Dialogue
Kosaku: How refreshing... Kira: It certainly feels refreshing, doesn't it?
Over the Rainbow, Part 1 (虹の向こう その①Niji no Mukō Sono 1)
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Rohan Costume A A: Koichi Color Set B: Shigechi Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Shigechi Dual Combo Pose C) 2. Retire an enemy with a Dual Heat Attack. (Shigechi Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Shigechi: Harvest! Steal the corpse part from him! Otoishi: Let me show you a REAL knockouuuut! Josuke: Let's throw down, punk! Jotaro: I wouldn't if I were you. I don't hold back on anyone...
Victory Dialogue
Josuke: Call me Josuke Higashikata, the man who turns the tables back on his foes! Jotaro: Hmph...
Defeat Dialogue
Shigechi: We done did it! It's my corpse part! I got it back! Otoishi: I finally expressed...my heart! And the scream of my soul!
Over the Rainbow, Part 2 (虹の向こう その②Niji no Mukō Sono 2)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Weather Color Set A: Weather SFX Set C B: Player Card Quote Set 76
EX Bonus
1. Activate two Dual Combos. (Weather Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Win within 35 seconds. (Weather Victory Pose D)
Entrance Dialogue
Weather: Even I can't stop my ability. It's coming from the deepest recesses of my heart. Jolyne: Anasui, back me up! Anasui: I'll protect you, Jolyne.
Victory Dialogue
Jolyne: Weather! I'll wake you up! Anasui: Don't you remember who you really are?
Defeat Dialogue
Weather: All I have left to hope for is that I might reach Heaven...
Flame and Sand, Part 1 (炎と砂 その①Honō to Suna Sono 1)
The enemy cannot be backstabbed and has no skill cooldown.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Trish Costume A A: Diavolo Costume A B: Diavolo Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Get the First Attack. (Diavolo SFX Set A) 2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Diavolo Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Diavolo: Now watch as I defeat you, and ascend the true emperor's throne! Giorno: Futile is futile, no matter how many times you try. Trish: There's no turning back now!
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: It's pointless, no matter how many times you try. And I hate doing pointless things. MUDA MUDA... Trish: Arrivederci! (Farewell)
Defeat Dialogue
Diavolo: Victory! I, Diavolo, am the true emperor!
Flame and Sand, Part 2 (炎と砂 その②Honō to Suna Sono 2)
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume D A: Giorno Color Set B: Player Card Quote Set 90
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Diego SFX Set B) 2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Dio Brando SFX Set B)
Entrance Dialogue
Dio: You all came here to die like dogs! Diego: I'm going to cut your flesh into pieces, then line all your organs up on the ground! Jonathan: Dio, you don't belong in this world! It's time to finish you! Johnny: They're all coming for us all at once!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: Your fate is sealed! Johnny: This is what Lesson 5 was for...
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: The corpse belongs with I, Dio! Diego: I'm going to use the power of the corpse to rise to the top!
Flame and Sand, Part 3 (炎と砂 その③Honō to Suna Sono 3)
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their health regenerates by 2% every five seconds.
Completion Bonus
34000 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Avdol Costume A A: Old Joseph Color Set B: Iggy Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win within 40 seconds. (Iggy SFX Set A) 2. Achieve three JoJolities. (Avdol SFX Set A)
Entrance Dialogue
Avdol: My hellfire will immolate you! Iggy: Gwararararf! Old Joseph: Polnareff! Follow me, and keep your guard up! Polnareff: Sure is a relief to have you watching my back, Mr. Joestar!
Victory Dialogue
Polnareff: What a fight! That's my Mr. Joestar... Old Joseph: That kinda tired me out...
Defeat Dialogue
Avdol: There won't even be a trace of you left. You will burn to ash and vanish from the world! Iggy: Awoooooooooooo!
The Destination, Part 1 (たどりついた場所 その①Tadoritsuita Basho Sono 1)
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Jonathan Costume F A: Zeppeli Costume A B: Zeppeli Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Caesar Color Set) 2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Zeppeli Color Set)
Entrance Dialogue
Caesar: I'll stake the pride of the Zeppeli family on this! Zeppeli: We're going to defeat you! Jonathan: Ready, Joseph?! Joseph: Yeah! Wait 'till you see our Ripple!!
Victory Dialogue
Joseph: All together now! Jonathan: Feel the beat of my Ripple!
Defeat Dialogue
Caesar: I just hit you with my ultimate Ripple! Zeppeli: Yes! Attaboy, Caesar!
The Final Battle, Part 3 (最終決戦 その③Saishū Kessen Sono 3)
The enemy team moves 25% faster, and their Dual Heat Gauge starts at 25% power.
Completion Bonus
37500 JP
Rank Bonus
S: Mista Costume A A: Rohan Color Set B: Bucciarati Quote Set A
EX Bonus
1. Win within 35 seconds. (Mista Dual Combo Pose D) 2. Activate two Dual Combo Finishes. (Mista Victory Pose C)
Entrance Dialogue
Koichi: Don't underestimate my Echoes! Mista: Aim right between the eyes! Josuke: Relax, Giorno, I'll just heal you if you get hurt! Giorno: Crazy Diamond... What a convenient ability.
Victory Dialogue
Giorno: Here, let me heal your wounds, Josuke. Josuke: Great! You really saved my butt!
Defeat Dialogue
Mista: No misses! Koichi: Now I'll splatter you! Reverb ACT3: FREEZE!!
The Final Battle, Part 5 (最終決戦 その⑤Saishū Kessen Sono 5)