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List of Furniture in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!

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A full list of collectable and purchasable furniture featured in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!.

Generic Rooms

JoJo Pattern SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic room styled with JoJo patterns.
Earth Color SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic brown room decorated with decrepit furniture.
Concrete SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic concrete-themed room with decrepit furniture.
Blue SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic blue room.
Green SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic green room.
Red Stripe SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic red striped room.
White Stripe SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic white striped room.
Green Checkered SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic green checkered room.
Stone SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic room with stone walls.
Brick Building SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic room with brick walls.
Paper Tailoring SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic room with a paper tailoring pattern.
Crystal Clear Sea SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
November 2018 - Present
An ocean themed room.
Snowy Mountain's Hot Spring SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
January 11, 2019 - Present
A room in the snowy mountains with a hot spring.
School Classroom SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
April 6, 2019 - Present
A room based off of a typical school classroom.

Cultural Rooms

Japanese Style SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic Japanese furniture styled room.
Western Style SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
A generic Western furniture styled room.
Chinese Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
December 2018 - Present
A generic Chinese furniture styled room.
Christmas Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Log-in/Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
December 15, 2018 - December 26, 2018
December 16, 2019 - Present
A Christmas themed room featuring various JoJo characters and Stands.
New Year's Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Log-in/Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
December 27, 2018 - January 9, 2019
December 16, 2019 - Present
A New Year’s themed room, based on Hatsuyume, the first dream one sees in the new year. Dreaming of a hawk, eggplant, and Mt. Fuji is considered lucky.
Sweet Dining Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
February 3, 2020 - February 16, 2020
A room themed after Valentine's Day.
Summer Festival Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
June 29, 2020 - Present
A room themed after Japan's summer festivals, with the flag of Morioh and other countries.

Collaboration Rooms

JoJo SS & DR2 Collab SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
March 8, 2019 - March 14, 2019
Collaboration event between Pitter Patter Pop, Stardust Shooters, and Diamond Records Reversal.
JoJo SS & Rohan Collab SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
February 28, 2020 - March 9, 2020
Collaboration event between Pitter Patter Pop, Stardust Shooters, and Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (OVA).
Last Survivor Collab SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
September 15, 2020 - September 30, 2020
Collaboration event between Pitter Patter Pop, and Last Survivor.

Phantom Blood Rooms

Phantom Blood SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Room based on Phantom Blood, referencing Erina’s basket, Zeppeli’s sandwich and wine, and a painting of the Volume 1 cover.
Researcher Zeppeli's Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
March 17, 2019 - Present
Room based on Will Anthonio Zeppeli investigating the Stone Mask.
Dio's Castle SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
March 17, 2019 - March 28, 2019
February 26, 2020 - March 23, 2020
November 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020
Room based on Dio Brando's castle.
Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
June 3, 2020 - Present
Room based on the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon where Jonathan and Zeppeli fight Tarkus.

Battle Tendency Rooms

Battle Tendency SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Room based on Battle Tendency, referencing Caesar’s blood bubble, his headband, Joseph's tequila dress, and various fashion.
New York's Sunset SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
April 3, 2020 - April 16, 2020
Room based on the cafe where Joseph Joestar fights Straizo in Episode 10.
Air Supplena SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
January 11, 2019 - Present
Room based on Lisa Lisa's bathroom in Air Supplena Island.
Air Supplena Island Training Ground SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
September 11, 2020 - Present
Room based on the training ground in Air Supplena Island.
Kars's Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
December, 2018 - Present
Room based on Kars with his hat and jacket and various animals he created as the Ultimate Life Form.
Duel at the Temple Ruins SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
September 17, 2019 - September 28, 2019
December 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
Room based on the battleground in which the fight before Kars becomes The Ultimate Being takes place.

Stardust Crusaders Rooms

Stardust Crusaders SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Room based on Stardust Crusaders, referencing the Stands of the group as well as paintings of the group and DIO.
Comfortable Jail SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
January 18, 2019 - January 31, 2019
July 13, 2019 - July 19, 2019
October 21, 2020 - November 24, 2020
Room based on Jotaro's jail cell, featuring a Baoh the Visitor manga volume.
Kakyoin Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
July, 2019 - Present
Kakyoin themed room, including Jotaro painting, cherry decor, pajamas, scarf, and F-Mega car.
Jotaro's Porch SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
November 27, 2020 - December 10, 2020
Room based on the porch of Jotaro and Holy's house.
Cruise to Singapore SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
April 17, 2020 - May 10, 2020
Room based on the cruiser to Singapore from the Dark Blue Moon fight.
Amusement Park of Dreams SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
November 19, 2019 - November 28, 2019
Room based on Death Thirteen's Dream World.
Evening of the Egypt Journey SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
April 16, 2019 - April 28, 2019
Room based on the Egyptian landscape, combining elements of the last stretches of the journey (Death 13 firecamp/camels from Sun)).
Desert and Coffee Gum SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
March 3, 2020 - March 16, 2020
Room based on the fight against N'Doul.
Boingo's Manga SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
August 19, 2019 - August 29, 2019
Room based on Boingo and Tohth's manga.
Egypt's Desert's Cafe SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
December 3, 2019 - December 16, 2019
Room based on the fight against Daniel J. D'Arby.
Illusion's Unpopulated Island SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
July 3, 2019 - July 16, 2019
Room based on the fight against Telence T. D'Arby.
DIO's Mansion - Living Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
September 25, 2020 - October 8, 2020
Room based on the bedroom of DIO's Mansion.
DIO's Mansion - Room of Void SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
May 17, 2019 - May 29, 2019
Room based on DIO's Mansion and the fight against Vanilla Ice.
Evening in Cairo SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
October 25, 2019 - November 7, 2019
Room themed after the streets of Cairo, where the final battle against DIO took place.
Time-Stopped World SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
November 27, 2020 - Present
Room based on the streets of Cairo, after DIO stopped time.

Diamond is Unbreakable Rooms

Diamond is Unbreakable SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Room based on Diamond is Unbreakable, displaying Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town on the TV and various references to citizens of Morioh.
S City Citizen SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
November, 2018 - Present
Room based on Josuke's living room.
Morioh Grand Hotel SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
June 29, 2020 - July 12, 2020
The hotel room where Jotaro stayed in while living in Morioh.
Koichi-kun's Instruction Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
May 12, 2019 - Present
Room based on the house inside Boing-Boing Cape where Yukako forces Koichi to study.
Manga Artist's Workplace SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
October 26, 2018 - November 6, 2018
March 13, 2019 - March 19, 2019
Room based on Rohan Kishibe's office inside his house.
Cherry Blossom Viewing Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
March 4, 2019 - Present
A room based off of the cherry blossom season, taking place in Morioh.
Centipede Shop SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
December 14, 2018 - December 27, 2018
April 3, 2019 - April 9, 2019
The Centipede shoe store in Morioh.
Rohan's Terrace SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
December 17, 2019 - December 31, 2019
Room based on Rohan's terrace where he battles Josuke in a game of Cee-lo.
Highway Star's Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
September 29, 2019 - October 12, 2019
June 24, 2020 - July 15, 2020
Room created by Highway Star in the tunnel.
Living in the Transmission Tower SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
January 20, 2020 - January 29, 2020
Toyohiro Kanedaichi's home in the transmission tower which Super Fly is bound to.
Kawajiri Family's Backyard SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
May 15, 2020 - May 28, 2020
The backyard of the Kawajiri family's home.
Hospital Room With Good View SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
July 28, 2020 - Present
The hospital room that Yuya Fungami stayed at where Josuke defeated him.
Street in Front of Cafe SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
August 12, 2020 - Present
Street in front of Café Deux Magots.
Street of Decisive Battle vs Kawajiri SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 28, 2020 - Present
The area in which a part of the final battle in Diamond is Unbreakable took place.

Golden Wind Rooms

Golden Wind SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Room based on Vento Aureo, with a cafe and pastries based on Team Bucciarati.
Golden JoJo Pattern SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Pre-Registration
August 27, 2018 - October 10, 2018
100,000 pre-registration celebratory room. Given out to users who pre-registered via Twitter, Instagram, or installing the preview app.
Neapolis Cable Car SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
October 12, 2018 - October 23, 2018
February 1, 2019 - February 7, 2019
Room based on the funicular where Giorno Giovanna fights Bruno Bucciarati.
Naples Middle-High School SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
November 8, 2019 - November 18, 2019
Room based on Giorno Giovanna's school, where the Black Sabbath fight takes place.
Lagoon SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
November 16, 2018 - November 29, 2018
June 13, 2019 - June 19, 2019
Room based on the LAGOON yacht from the fight against Mario Zucchero.
Capri’s Marina SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
January 7, 2020 - January 19, 2020
Room based on Marina di Capri from the fight against Sale.
Room Where Assassin Stayed SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
June 8, 2020 - June 19, 2020
Vineyard's Hideout SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
June 16, 2020 - Present
Room based on Team Bucciarati's secret hideout from Chapter 470/GW Episode 9.
Narancia's Small World SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
December 28, 2018 - January 10, 2019
June 27, 2019 - July 3, 2019
Room based on Narancia's fight against Formaggio after he shrinks from Little Feet.
Squadra Esecuzioni's Hideout SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
August 30, 2019 - September 16, 2019
Room based on La Squadra Esecuzioni's hideout.
Pompeii's Ruins SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
July 17, 2019 - August 4, 2019
Room based on the fight against Illuso and Man in the Mirror.
Naples Station SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
February 17, 2020 - March 2, 2020
Room based on the train station in Naples where Prosciutto and Pesci first appear.
Super Express to Florence SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
January 23, 2019 - Present
Room based on the fight inside the train against The Grateful Dead and Beach Boy.
The Great Death & Fish Hook Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
August 30, 2019 - Present
Prosciutto & Pesci themed room, referencing their outfits, Pesci’s milk, Beach Boy’s ripples, and Prosciutto’s pendant.
Room inside the Turtle SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
October 13, 2019 - October 24, 2019
Room based on the room inside Coco Jumbo's Mr.President.
Cryogenic Canal SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
March 17, 2020 - March 29, 2020
Room based on the fight in Venice against Ghiaccio and White Album.
Lion Statue Square SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
February 18, 2019 - March 3, 2019
July 4, 2019 - July 16, 2019
May 19, 2020 - July 6, 2020
Room based on the fight in Venice against Ghiaccio and White Album.
San Giorgio Maggiore's Basilica SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
October 12, 2018 - October 23, 2018
February 1, 2019 - February 7, 2019
August 30, 2020 - September 14, 2020
Room based on the San Giorgio Maggiore where Bruno Bucciarati first fights Diavolo and King Crimson.
Harbor of Betrayal Decision SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
August 26, 2020 - Present
Room based on the harbor where Team Bucciarati decided to betray the Boss and left Fugo behind.
Jet Cabin SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
April 6, 2019 - April 18, 2019
December 9, 2019 - December 31, 2019
Room based on the fight against Notorious B.I.G.
Fortuneteller's Alley SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Shop (Points)
April 28, 2020 - Present
Room based on a Sardinian alley where Vinegar Doppio meets a fortuneteller.
Coastline of Sardinia SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
April 29, 2019 - May 12, 2019
Room based on the coastline of Sardinia where Doppio and King Crimson fight against Risotto Nero and Metallica.
Road to the Colosseum SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
June 17, 2019 - June 28, 2019
July 19, 2020 - August 8, 2020
Room based on the road near Rome's Colosseum where the fight against Cioccolata and Secco takes place.
Bridge watched over by Angels SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Furniture Event
August 5, 2019 - August 18, 2019
Room based on the final battle against Chariot Requiem and Diavolo to retrieve the Arrow.

Premium Rooms

Premium Rooms
Premium Red Study SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Generic red themed premium room based on a study.
Premium Blue Stripe Living Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Generic blue stripe themed premium room based on a living room.
Premium Yellow Dot Living Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Points)
October 10, 2018 - Present
Generic yellow dot themed premium room based on a living room.
Premium Assassin Room SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
April 29, 2019 - Present
Premium room based on La Squadra Esecuzioni's hideout.
Premium Ristorante SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Silver Tickets)
August 3, 2019 - Present
Premium room based on the restaurant where Team Bucciarati usually hangs out.
Premium Poolside SeriesLink to this section
Availability: Premium Furniture Shop (Points)
November 12, 2020 - Present
Premium room based on a poolside.

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