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Death Thirteen/fr

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Template:Stand Info/fr

La Li Ho! Tu ne trouves pas ça romantique, de mourir dans un rêve ?
—Death Thirteen, Chapter 169

Death Thirteen (デスサーティーン(死神13), Desu Sātīn) est le Stand de Mannish Boy, figurant dans la troisième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders. Drapé dans une grande cape avec un masque de clown sinistre et une faux, Death Thirteen attaque durant le sommeil, entraînant ses victimes dans son monde du rêve pour pouvoir les tuer.


File:JoJo Tarot 13 - Death.png
La Mort

Death Thirteen semble être un grand Stand humanoïde drapé dans une grande cape sombre, donnant l'image d'une Faucheuse (死神, Shinigami), possédant une large faux. Il porte un masque de carnaval vénitien avec un large sourire troué dans le masque et des yeux troués de la même façon[1]. Il possède aussi un chapeau haut, un col, des épaulières et des bras métalliques

Cependant, Death Thirteen n'a en réalite aucun corps sous sa cape et ne possède qu'une tête et des bras. Ainsi, toute attaque qui vise sa cape va invariablement manquer sa cible.[2]


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaHeritage for the FutureAnime
(Off-white, red and light purple features)
(Dark Purple robe with light purple and golden design down the center)
Armor(Golden collar and gauntlets)
Scythe(Silver blade and golden handle)
Mask(White-tinted violet, violet features)
(Violet robe with purple-gray and golden design down the center)
Armor(Golden collar)
Scythe(Silver blade and gray/yellow handle)
(Light Gray, periwinkle and crimson features)
(Dark Purple robe with pink and periwinkle design down the center)
(Golden/purple collar and silver gauntlets)
Scythe(Silver blade and black/golden handle)


Being an extension of Mannish Boy's consciousness, Thirteen reflects its user's vulgar and sadistic personality. In the dream world where it is almighty, Death Thirteen constantly insults and belittles its victims and takes pleasure in torturing them, having at one point made Kakyoin swallow several eyeballs just to horrify him.[3]

It has the habit of shouting "Lali-ho." It represents the Tarot Card Death. The stand's name also cites its place as the 13th card of the Major Arcana.


Death Thirteen is unique in that it can only exist inside a dream world and thus requires that its victims are asleep. It is incredibly dangerous because it is certain to take people by surprise and it was only through chance that the Joestar Group survived its encounter. It is offset by the fact that the user, a baby at that, is defenseless when everyone is awake and cannot attract suspicion.

Dream World Control

Death Thirteen is the master of the nightmare and the only Stand allowed inside it

This ability comes in two parts. When anything alive (human or otherwise) falls asleep near Mannish Boy, Death Thirteen's User, they are drawn into Death Thirteen's dream world, which appears as a massive carnival, complete with Ferris wheels and roller coasters.[4]

Death Thirteen has full control over this dream world. It is able to make death machines out of mechanical items, summon objects out of nothing, manipulate Polnareff's hair or Joseph's hand, basically shaping everything as it sees fit.[5] However, the most redoubtable property of this dream world is that Stand Users cannot summon their Stand inside the dream world and are defenseless.[6] Death Thirteen explains that because Stands are made of spiritual energy, during their sleep, their spirits are "off-guard" and cannot defend themselves, thus Users cannot conjure Stands.[5] However, someone who falls asleep (or unconscious) with their Stand active beforehand will be able to summon the Stand inside the dream world.[7]

No one can willingly wake up from the dream world,[3] but they can be normally woken up by someone else and thus saved temporarily.[4] When they wake up, the surviving victims won't be able to remember anything from the dream but will still feel the dread they've had, giving the impression of a nightmare.[4] However, someone who manages to bring their Stand into the dream world will remember the dream.[2]

The amusement park in Death Thirteen's dream world

In the dream world, Death Thirteen is free to torment and kill anyone inside the dream with its scythe. Any injuries the person receives in the dream world are transferred to the real world, including fatal ones.[4] Inversely, it can also heal wounds if coerced, thus healing Kakyoin's cuts,[7] which transfers into the real world too.

If Death Thirteen is obliged to fight a Stand, it remains dangerous because of its mastery over the surrounding world, but is also very fragile and weak, relying on scythe sweeps to wound. Thus it was easily defeated by Hierophant Green.[7]

Chapitres / Episodes

Apparition dans le Manga
Chapitres (ordre chronologique)
Apparitions dans l'Anime
Episodes (ordre chronologique)

Jeux Vidéo


Unlike the original storyline, in the game, Mannish Boy attacks the entire group from inside a plane en route to India. During the battle, Death Thirteen's main attack consists of using its scythe several times.

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)

Death Thirteen appears as a special enemy faced in Arcade Mode. The conditions to fight him include using only one of the eight main hero characters (including Young Joseph and New Kakyoin) and the player cannot lose a single battle. If these conditions are completed, a "Here Comes a New Challenger" will appear on the screen, taking the player to the world of dreams to fight Death Thirteen.

In the PlayStation version, the events from the Death Thirteen story arc appear in the Super Story mode, where the player has to defeat the Stand using Kakyoin. During the fight, Death Thirteen can summon a fake Star Platinum, Silver Chariot and Magician's Red to attack the player (these fakes are defeated with one attack), as well as fly around the stage and throw its sickle.

Death Thirteen's special battle can also be unlocked on Gallery mode (Oingo and Boingo's book), but the player can only play as one of the eight heroes (including Young Joseph and New Kakyoin).

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

Death Thirteen's nightmare world appears as a stage in the game. The Stand is a stage hazard and attacks players who cross its path with its scythe.





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