Stand Cry
"Reality is the lifeblood that makes an article pulse with energy!"

A number of Stands and/or their users make a battle cry while executing their basic mode of offense; informally described as a Stand Cry.
The cry is suggested or depicted as being made in a similar rhythm and intensity with the attack of the Stand, which is usually very rapid, strong, and unbroken.
The Stand Cry is among the trademarks of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, as many central Stand users have one.
Earlier in the series, in a style common to action-oriented manga, certain characters would scream the names of their attacks (including Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar and Dio Brando); so it is possible that the Stand Cry follows from this.
User | Stand | Stand Cry | Notes |
Jotaro Kujo | Star Platinum | ORAORAORA ... !
"Ora" is also used by many non-Stand users, such as Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, and Gyro Zeppeli and is interpreted as a sort of grunting sound. |
Jean Pierre Polnareff | Silver Chariot | HORAHORAHORA ... ! (JP)
Can also be translated as "Hey!" In the Brazilian Portuguese dub and Latin Spanish dub, the term "Toma" can be translated as "Take that!". In the German dub, the term "Allez" can be translated as "Let's go!" or "Go!" in French. |
Chaka | Anubis | USHYAAAAA...!
Dio Brando/DIO | The World | MUDAMUDAMUDA ... !
Raika Raika Raika ... ! (Thai) Sia Sia Sia Sia ... ! (Indonesian) |
"Muda" translates to English as "Useless."
"Sia-sia" is an Indonesian word that can be translated as "Futile" or "Useless" |
Josuke Higashikata | Crazy Diamond | DORARARA ... !
Yoshikage Kira | Killer Queen | SHIBABABA ... !
Can be translated as "Death!" |
Giorno Giovanna | Gold Experience (Requiem) | MUDAMUDAMUDA ... !
Inútil Inútil Inútil! ... ! (BR and LA) Raika Raika Raika! ... ! (Thai) |
Identical to his father's cry. In the Latin Spanish dub, Gold Experience's VA uses the term "Inútil" as a translation of Muda (無駄).[1] (Originally the Stand Cry used the word "Desperdicio" which means "waste")[2] |
Bruno Bucciarati | Sticky Fingers | ARIARIARI ... ! ARRIVEDERCI!
"Arrivederci" is Italian for "Goodbye" or "Farewell". |
Leone Abbacchio | Moody Blues | URYAAAAA ... !
Guido Mista | Sex Pistols | PASSPASSPASS ... ! YEE-HAW!
Pannacotta Fugo | Purple Haze | UBASHAAAAAAA ... ! ARUARUARU ... ! |
Narancia Ghirga | Aerosmith | VOLAVOLAVOLA ... ! VOLARE VIA!
"Volare via!" is Italian for "Fly away!" (or "Go flying!" in the anime). |
Trish Una | Spice Girl | WAAAAANNABEEEEEEEEEE ... !
Derives from the Spice Girls' debut single "Wannabe." |
Risotto Nero | Metallica | LOOOOOOOAAAAAAD | Likely derives from the Metallica album of the same name. |
Secco | Oasis | OAAAAAAAAAAASIS ... ! | The only cry which includes the name of the stand. |
Jolyne Cujoh | Stone Free | ORAORAORA ... !
Like Giorno's, Jolyne's cry is identical to her father's. In the Latin Spanish Dub, Stone Free's VA used the term "Toma" instead of "Ora" in the trailer and the second episode in Spanish. In the rest of the anime, Stone Free says "Ora".[3] |
Ermes Costello | Kiss | OSHAAAAAAA ... !
Enrico Pucci | UOSHAAAA ... ! USHYAAAA ...
In the English dub, Whitesnake uses the cry "Berserk!" at some moments in addition to "USHYAAAA".[4] | |
Johnny Joestar | Tusk | CHUMIMI~IN ... !
Johnny's "ORA" cry is identical to the cry used by Jotaro. |
Diego Brando | Scary Monsters | USHAAAAAA ... !
Parallel World Diego | THE WORLD | MUDAMUDAMUDA ... !
Identical to the original DIO's battle cry. |
Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) | Soft & Wet | ORAORAARA ... !
Mostly identical to previous "ORA" cries, but occasionally an "ORA" is changed to "ARA". |
Yoshikage Kira (JoJolion) | Killer Queen (JoJolion) | WRYYYYYEEEEAH ... ! | Derived from Dio’s battle cry. |
Jobin Higashikata | Speed King | SPEEEEYYY SPEYAHH ... ! MERARYARYA ... ! |
"Mera" is onomatopoeia for flames burning in Japanese. |
Joseph Joestar (JoJolion) | Joseph Joestar's Stand | ORAAAAAA ... ! URYAAAAAAAAH ... ! | |
Dragona Joestar | Smooth Operators | ISHI! ISHI! ISHI! |
Spin-off Examples
User | Stand | Stand Cry | Notes |
Sheila E | Voodoo Child | ERIERIERI ... ! | |
Lisa Lisa | The House of Earth | YAWAYAWAYAWA! |
- In the 2020 Anime Expo interview, Kensho Ono (voice actor for Giorno Giovanna), Hiroyuki Omori (producer for the anime), and Nobutaka Kasama (producer for the anime) talked about how the voice actors for the main cast mostly tried to adhere to the exact number of exclamations as the manga. According to Kensho Ono, it was a difficult task for him. Omori said the production team went back and forth about this because sometimes the cuts wouldn't fit the length of the battle cries. Takehito Koyasu seems to have been an exception, as Kensho Ono stated that Koyasu told him that he never thought of doing that and matched his battle cries to the length of the cut directly.[5]
- Kensho Ono found it challenging to say "muda muda" rapidly and had to train while driving to get it right. He mentions that scrunching up the face helped him say the battle cry more rapidly.