Windknight's Lot

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This page is for the location. For the musical number of the same name, see here.

Windknight's Lot (風の騎士たちの町(ウインドナイツ・ロット), Uindonaitsu Rotto) is a small town featured in the first part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Phantom Blood.

It is located south of London, about a day away by horse. Most of the battle between Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando's zombies takes place here, with the final battle between Dio and Jonathan set in a castle on a hill nearby. The town had 452 citizens, but after Dio's sudden takeover, 73 of them are transformed into zombies. The trial of the 77 Rings was held here during the Middle Ages for training knights.


Windknight's Lot, with Dio's castle visible atop the nearby hill.
Windknight's Lot is surrounded on three sides by inaccessible mountains. The southern side has a cliff that overlooks the sea. The town was built in the middle ages as a practice ground for royal knights. Coal is excavated via an extensive railway system dug by prisoners. The residents of this place are normal people who live by fishing and agriculture.


The only way into the town is on a single wagon road that goes through a tunnel in one of the mountains. The tunnel is approximately 300 meters long, and has a single rusty sword stuck into the inner wall. The sword is actually a disguised lever that, when pulled, reveals a secret passage way leading to several other pathways. These pathways were created during the Middle Ages to serve as convenience for the Royal Knights during times of war. The tunnel had been evacuated over 500 years before the setting of Phantom Blood.

Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon

The Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon (双首竜の間, Sōshuryū no Ma) was a training ground where warriors learned how to kill. Filled with traps, it was used for deathmatches between the knights, the most notable combatant being Tarkus. One type of deathmatch was the Chain Neck Deathmatch (チェーン首輪(ネック)デスマッチ, Chēn Nekku Desumatchi), in which both warriors are trapped each in one neck brace connected to the ceiling through a chain, each collar with one key that opens the other one. The only way to free oneself is to kill the opponent or decapitate him in order to pick the key to his own collar. As the room contains a mechanism to automatically chain whoever enters the room, one could lure the desired opponent into the room and trap them inside. To prevent escape in the middle of the fight, the steel door to the room is locked when both fighters have their necklaces. The only way to open the door is to pull a lever present inside. This also prevents others outside from interrupting the deathmatch, as the door is strong enough to withstand several attacks. Ripple users have difficulty in this challenge because the necklace chokes them, making it hard to maintain their breathing. They also can't channel their Ripple through the chain, as it is connected to the ceiling instead of the opponent.

Graveyard and Castle

On the right side of the path after the entrance tunnel, a steep cliff overlooks a lake. Atop this cliff is the town's graveyard, where Jonathan and company encounter a revitalized Dio and battle his zombie servant Bruford. The graveyard is marked by several tall rock formations. A Victorian-era castle, where Dio resides during his time in the town, overlooks the graveyard. The Stone Mask hangs upon the wall of one of its rooms. On the top floor, an attic with an ornate window serves as the backdrop for Dio's conversation with Poco's sister and the following battle with Doobie. The attic contains a door to a large hall with a chandelier and several pots of roses. Jonathan and Dio's climactic confrontation takes place in this hall, with Dio ultimately being thrown off one of the room's balconies.


Residents of Windknight's Lot

Chapters / Episodes

Video Games

Phantom Blood (PS2 Game)

Windknight's Lot appears throughout the majority of the Phantom Blood PS2 game's Story Mode. The tunnel leading into town, the labyrinth hidden inside the tunnel, the town's graveyard, the shore and bottom of the lake where Jonathan fights Bruford, the knights' training grounds, the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon, the outskirts of the town, Doobie's room, and the hall where Jonathan fights Dio all appear as distinct battlegrounds.
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Salem's Lot
(呪われた町 Norowareta Machi)
Make Fear Yours
(恐怖を我が物とせよ Kyōfu o Wagamono to seyo)
Invitation to a Trap
(罠への招待 Wana e no Shōtai)
The Mask's Blood-Chilling Power
(血も凍る仮面力 Chi mo Kōru Kamen Pawā)
The Dark Knights
(暗黒の騎士達 Ankoku no Kishitachi)
Sleep as a Hero
(英雄として眠る Eiyū toshite Nemuru)
To the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon
(双首竜の間へ Sōshuryū no Ma e)
The Master's Prophecy
(老師の予言 Rōshi no Yogen)
Blast Him with Rage!
(怒りをたたきこめ! Ikari o Tatakikome!)
The Three from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの3人 Haruka na Kuni kara no 3-nin)
Doobie the Monster
(怪人ドゥービー Kaijin Dūbī)
Thunder Cross Split Attack
(稲妻十字烈刃(サンダークロススプリットアタック) Sandā Kurosu Supuritto Atakku)
Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
(血戦!JoJo&Dio Kessen! JoJo ando Dio)
A Demon's End
(悪鬼の最後 Akuki no Saigo)

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Phantom Blood
Dio's Castle (ディオの館, Dio no Yakata): Windknight's Lot

  • Stage Gimmick: A chandelier falls from the ceiling, damaging anyone directly underneath it.
  • Situation Finish: If hit towards the stage's balcony, the loser is sent flying off it, recreating Dio's defeat in his battle against Jonathan in his castle.

All-Star Battle R (Various)

Phantom Blood
Dio's Castle (ディオの館, Dio no Yakata): Windknight's Lot

Stage Gimmick
A chandelier falls from the ceiling, damaging anyone directly underneath it.
Situation Finish
If hit towards the stage's balcony, the loser is sent flying off it, recreating Dio's defeat in his battle against Jonathan in his castle.


StoryDesign Sheets
All-Star BattlePitter-Patter Pop


  • Initially, the town is stated to have 517 residents including prisoners.[1] However, the London Press newspaper later reports that there were 452. It is possible that their count didn't include prisoners.


  1. The original title of Chapter 21, "Cursed Town" (呪われた町, Norowareta Machi), in which Windknight's Lot is introduced, is the same as the Japanese title of 'Salem's Lot.


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