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Это статья о персонаже. Для статьи о стенде этого персонажа смотрите Doctor Wu
Я, Ву Томоки, не проигрываю. (羽伴毅、わたしは失敗しない)
—Ву Томоки, JoJolion Глава 80: Doctor Wu и Awaking 3 Leaves, Часть 2

Ву Томоки (羽 伴毅, Ū Tomoki),[a] так же известный как Доктор Ву (ドクターウー, Dokutā Ū), является второстепенным антагонистом в восьмой части серии JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion, в частности, в арке "Doctor Wu и Awaking 3 Leaves".

Доктор Ву — Хирург-ортопед и косметический-дерматолог работающий в Госпитале Университета TG, который наблюдал Мицубу Хигашикату по поводу ряда заболеваний. Он также является высокопоставленным членом исследовательской группы Организации Локакака', его исследования, в основном были сосредоточенны на том, как наилучшим образом использовать Локакака в качестве лекарства.

Доктор Ву — пользователь Стенда, который использует свой одноименный стенд Doctor Wu, чтобы разбить своё тело на мелкие частицы и проникнуть в тела других людей как для медицинских целей, так и в бою.


У Доктора Ву странно-выглядящий флэттоп состоящий, в основном, из маленьких светлых сфер. У него темная колючая челка, закрывающая переднюю часть, с такими же пучками волос, обрамляющими макушку головы. Его униформа представляет собой длинную закрытую куртку с тремя бейджами "DoCToR": двумя спереди и одним на плече.

Цветовые схемы

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
Кожа(Светлая кожа, зеленые губы)
Волосы(Черные и серые)
Одежда(Белая кофта, золотые аксессуары)


I have not failed. Not a single time... in my life. In school exams... the national doctor exam... my driving test to get a license... I passed them all on the first try.
Wu Tomoki believes he's in the right and that he can abuse the Locacaca at his leisure

Though not much is known about his personality, Wu appears to be polite and calm while working with patients. He is shown to temporarily derail conversations in order to indulge in an eccentric eating habit, which includes consuming excessive amounts of nori and silicon-infused water in short bursts. That being said, he seems to typically ask for permission from his patient before snacking.[1]

Wu claims that he has never experienced failure once in his entire life, citing very important events such as exams as proof of his perfection. He even goes so far as to say that he's never failed at love, never approaching women if he senses that there might be anything wrong with them.[2]

Wu considers himself to be a righteous doctor who will heal anyone that comes to him, without fail. He treats the Locacaca as a "public good" used to heal others, in contrast to those with more personal intentions like Josuke. As a consequence, he also considers that anything he does to heal his patients, however evil or vulgar it may be, will be forgiven as long as the treatment is a success.[3]

Wu is also very secretive about his involvement with the Locacaca Organization. He goes to very extreme lengths to keep information from those who could potentially be a threat, disassembling and hiding an entire wheelchair and seemingly vanishing moments after treating a patient to avoid confrontation with Yasuho when she becomes suspicious of Mitsuba's presence at the hospital.[4]



Main article: Doctor Wu

Wu Tomoki's Stand Doctor Wu has the power to let him break his body up into its stony fragments at will and then use these fragments to enter people's bodies. Not only does his Rock Human physiology cause allergic reactions in his victims, but if his body fragments fuse with the victim's skeleton, he can gain partial control over their bodies.

Doctor Wu (ドクター・ウー)Link to this section
Gravel Transformation



Wu Tomoki graduated from T.G. University's medical department and passed the national exam for medical practitioners before working at their hospital as a professional physician.[5] He was unmarried and there were no records of him having any unpaid taxes.[6]

Doctor Wu and Awaking III Leaves

Tomoki "treats" Mitsuba

Doctor Wu examines Mitsuba's right ear which she has complained she cannot hear out of as it feels like it's a rock. Despite finding her complaints to be true, he says she is perfectly healthy, until she says money is no object to cure her illness. He makes a phone call, and then offers a one-time only charge of 200 million yen to cure her. In between examining her, he eats his lunch, which comprises only nori and silicon-infused water.

It is suggested that he has been treating her with the Locacaca, causing a series of maladies where her body parts have been turning to stone.

Yasuho Hirose investigates the security camera footage Josuke sent her using Paisley Park and suspects that he is one of the ambulance drivers involved in the death of Poor Tom. She is suspicious of his absence when Mitsuba leaves his office, when she discovers the wheelchair Mitsuba had been sitting in completely disassembled and stuffed into Doctor Wu's desk, before both are attacked by Wu's Stand and Yasuho is knocked unconscious. Having entered Mitsuba's body, she is temporarily controlled by Wu and drags Yasuho into his office.

Attacking Yasuho & Mitsuba

After regaining consciousness and teaming up with Mitsuba to find out what Wu is up to, Wu exits Mitsuba's body and begins to reform, fully displaying his Stand, Doctor Wu. The two women manage to escape from his office, and Wu pursues them, attacking both the two women and various bystanders in order to prevent them from reaching Josuke Higashikata and Rai Mamezuku. Upon Mitsuba's revealing that she is pregnant and the realization that her unborn child was exchanged in order to fix her legs, her Stand, Awaking III Leaves, reveals itself.

Caught off-guard by Mitsuba's Stand suddenly appearing, Wu is momentarily trapped on the ceiling by Awaking III Leaves' ability. Mitsuba and Yasuho flee into an elevator, but Wu quickly catches up to them, assuring them that he never loses.

Wu explains to Mitsuba and Yasuho that the Locacaca is a "public good" and that using it cannot be "evil" if it is for the good of the public. He then goes on to state that the Rock Humans are not the evil ones, but that it is Yasuho and Josuke who are evil. He tells Mitsuba that she is perfectly healthy, and that the loss of her child was allowed because aborting fetuses in the 15th week of pregnancy is legal. Wu leaps at Mitsuba and attempts to invade her body again, but slams to the floor due to Mitsuba putting Awaking III Leaves' ability on the elevator, sending it upwards at an incredible speed. Mitsuba pulls out a roll of medical tape and traps Wu's disassembled body on the elevator floor. Wu attempts to attack her yet again, but is repeatedly stomped on by Mitsuba and Yasuho and taped to the floor even further.

Mitsuba, enraged by both the possible loss of her child and Wu's disgusting attitude towards it, rolls up Wu's head in the medical tape into a ball and, ignoring Wu's desperate pleading for mercy, throws his head out the hospital window into the parking lot below.

Wu's death, encased in medicinal cement

However, Wu returns to the laboratory through the sprinkler system and hides in the Locacaca fruits. When Mitsuba eats one to heal her child, he takes control of her body and fights Yasuho, breaking open vials containing deadly diseases to further endanger her. However, Yasuho manages to purge him out of Mitsuba by using her arrows, and Josuke finally comes to finish off Wu, trapping his fragments inside bubbles mixed with medicinal cement. Unable to free himself, Wu drowns in the liquid and crumbles.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • I know more than anyone about matters of going from the realm of life to death... but deep knowledge ought to be utilized for bringing about good fortune. You will not find good fortune. Far greater in number are enemies, are evil. If you do find something, it won't be good fortune.
  • Making money... is indeed something I'm doing. Money makes the world go 'round, after all. Of course, money is not my only goal, but with that equivalent exchange I made a 200 million yen profit. Yasuho Hirose, you may leave here if you wish. But not you, Mitsuba Higashikata... your examination is not yet complete.
  • When you were a child, did adults ever tell you not to expect to do things well on your first try? They would say how people fail in order to learn... no? But speaking personally... I have never experienced a failure. I have not failed. Not a single time... in my life. In school exams... the national doctor exam... my driving test to get a license... I passed them all on the first try. I've never failed when it comes to love, either. Because if I sense anything wrong with a woman, I do not approach her to begin with.
  • I must steer clear of any predictable failures. 100% of patients I accept are healed. All patients want to be 100% healed. And I make those desires come true.
  • I, Wu Tomoki, do not fail.
  • I want to be clear about something... You all are the evil ones.
  • Why were the lips and the fat of the buttocks chosen? Why did it have to be the buttocks?
  • This equivalent exchange is in the public interest. But it is simply an absolute secret. The Locacaca's secret is nothing but a boon for society. And a public good cannot be evil. So even if something is secret, or whatever vulgar actions must be done to allow for it, if it is a public good, then it will be forgiven.


StoryChapter CoversSketches



  1. Имя этого персонажа было официально переведено с фамилией в начале.


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