JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (PS2 Game)

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ファントムブラッド, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Fantomu Buraddo) is an action-adventure video game adaptation of Phantom Blood released for the PlayStation 2 by developer Anchor Inc. and publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment on October 26, 2006.

This is the second game for the PS2 that is based on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It was released to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the series.


Phantom Blood is a 3D beat'em up action game. Like GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, the gameplay takes place in the form of hand-to-hand battle in an arena the characters cannot leave, although unlike in GioGio multiple enemies can attack at once. The game is divided into chapters, in which the playable characters change for each chapter as the story progresses. After a fight, the game provides the player with a letter rank (S, A, B, C, D or E) based on a score of six categories: Time Taken, Health Remaining, Maximum Beat (Combo), Number of Times Downed, Posing and Enemies Defeated. Depending on the fight, the number of categories graded can range from three to six.

Stamina Meter and Poses

Characters capable of utilizing the Ripple show a Stamina Meter below their health meter. The Stamina Meter shows how much Ripple energy the character can use, and is depleted by performing Ripple moves ( by default) or charged attacks ( by default). Performing a counter by dodging while taking damage ( by default) also uses up the Stamina Meter. To refill the Stamina Meter, the player must remain still while performing a pose ( by default). Poses can also be used in the middle of combos to temporarily increase one of four different stats depending on where in the combo the pose is used: health recovery speed, defensive ability, attack power, and movement speed.


Above the character's health is a Heat Gauge, which fills up when damage is inflicted on enemies and lowers when the player takes damage. When the Heat Gauge is full, the words Heat MAX begin flashing inside of it, indicating that the player is able to use an Overdrive move ( by default). If the initial charge attack connects, the screen will change to a cinematic of the character preparing to attack over a multi-colored background. At a certain point, an empty bar will appear at the bottom of the screen; filling this bar by quickly rotating the right analog stick will cause the character to perform a barrage of attacks on the opponent, during which the player can tap the button to deal more damage. If the player doesn't fill up the bar, a less powerful attack will be delivered and inflict less damage. Only Ripple users and Speedwagon (Hammer) are able to use the Overdrive technique.

Game Modes

Story Mode

The story mode follows the manga history, step-by-step. The game is heavily composed of cutscenes faithfully re-creating the manga storyline through dialogue in static comic book cinematics, as well as fully 3D rendered cutscenes for key events. The cutscenes take up to 70% of the expected time to finish the game.

It's possible to win fights that the main character lost in the original storyline. If the player wins against the bullies or Dio in the boxing match, the following cutscene will be different. Losing these battles don't affect the gameplay in any way, prompting the player to normally continue story mode. If the player wants to retry a chapter, they can do so without needing to go through Story Mode again. By selecting Chapter Mode on the main menu, the player can freely play any previously beaten chapter.


Museum provides access to Profiles, with descriptions of almost every character met in the game, and Theater Mode, which allows the player to view all of the cutscenes seen in Story Mode. In addition, there are three sections that need to be unlocked:

  • Extra Battle Mode: Play original scenarios that are not seen in the original story. This mode is unlocked by clearing Story Mode, and the battles themselves are unlocked by the player's total number of points.
  • 77 Rings Knights Mode: Based on the 77 Rings challenge, the player must battle 77 zombies in this survivor-like mode. The mode is split into two variations, Ripple Warriors and Living Corpses, which are unlocked by clearing Extra Battles 10 and 20 respectively.
  • Dio Mode: Play through the game from Dio's perspective. Cutscenes are not present in this mode, and changes are made to the story to provide additional battles: for instance, Dio must battle Doobie and Adams together. This mode is unlocked by clearing Extra Battle 30.


Most of the characters from the Phantom Blood manga are playable, including several unnamed and minor characters. Depending on the mode, players can choose to play as alternate versions of Jonathan and Dio from different points in the story. Each character has their own varied movesets. Once Story Mode is beaten, different characters can be selected for some battles in Story and Chapter Mode. However, there is not a single mode that allows you to freely select any character. The characters that can be played as are limited depending on the mode and selected battle.


Story ModeExtra Battle77 RingsDio Mode
Dio the Invader
(侵略者ディオ Shinryakusha Dio)
Jonathan Joestar (12) vs. Brat A and Brat B
Unlock Criteria: None
A New Friend!
(新しき友人! Atarashiki Yūjin!)
Jonathan Joestar (Boxing) vs. Dio Brando (Boxing)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 01
Mustn't Lose
(負けられない戦い Makerarenai Tatakai)
Jonathan Joestar (13) vs. Dio Brando (14)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 02
A Letter from the Past
(過去からの手紙 Kako kara no Tegami)
Jonathan Joestar (20) vs. Dio Brando (21)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 03
The Battle on Ogre Street
(食屍鬼街(オウガーストリート)の戦い Ōgā Sutorīto no Tatakai)
Jonathan Joestar (Ogre Street) vs. Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat), Tattoo Guy, and Kempo Fighter
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 04
Transcend Humanity!
(人間を超越する! Ningen o Chōetsu Suru!)
Jonathan Joestar (Spear) vs. Police Zombies (x2) with Dio Brando (Vampire)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 05
Settling the Youth with Dio!
(ディオとの青春に決着! Dio to no Seishun ni Ketchaku!)
Jonathan Joestar (Mansion) vs. Dio Brando (Shirtless)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 06
The Miracle Energy
(奇跡のエネルギー Kiseki no Enerugī)
Jonathan Joestar (Training) vs. Wang Chan with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 07
Salem's Lot
(呪われた町 Norowareta Machi)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Jack the Ripper with Fodder Zombies
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 08
Make Fear Yours
(恐怖を我が物とせよ Kyōfu o Wagamono to seyo)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Jack the Ripper (Pincer) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 09
Invitation to a Trap
(罠への招待 Wana e no Shōtai)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Knight Zombies (x20)
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 10
The Power of the Mask That Freezes Blood
(血も凍る仮面力 Chi mo Kooru Kamen Pawā)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Knight Zombies (x15) with Dio Brando
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 11
The Dark Knights
(暗黒の騎士達 Ankoku no Kishitachi)
Jonathan Joestar (Underwater) vs. Bruford (Underwater)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 12
Sleep as a Hero
(英雄として(ねむ) Eiyū toshite Nemuru)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Bruford
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 13
To the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon
(双首竜の間へ Sōshuryū no Ma e)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Hungry Zombies (x6) with Knight Zombies
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 14
The Elder's Prophecy
(老師の予言 Rōshi no Yogen)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 15
Blast Him with Rage!
(怒りをたたきこめ! Ikari o Tatakikome!)
Jonathan Joestar (Shirtless) vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 16
The Three from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの3人 Harukana Kuni kara no 3nin)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Mr. Adams with Fodder Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Dire
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 17
Doobie, the Phantom
(怪人ドゥービー Kaijin Dūbī)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Doobie with Chimera Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 18
Thunder Cross Split Attack
(稲妻十字烈刃(サンダークロススプリットアタック) Sandā Kurosu Supuritto Atakku)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Executed Zombies (x10)
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 19
Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
(血戦!JoJo&Dio Kessen! JoJo & Dio)
Straizo vs. Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Tonpetty
Jonathan Joestar (Luck and Pluck) vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 20
A Demon's End!
(悪鬼の最後 Akki no Saigo)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 21
The Final Ripple!
(最後の波紋! Saigo no Hamon!)
Jonathan Joestar (Wounded) vs. Wang Chan w/ Dio with Ship Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 22
The Final Ripple! (Reverse)
(最後の波紋!(裏) Saigo no Hamon! (Ura))
Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon) vs. Dio Brando (Styx's Body) with Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 22 with an S Rank
I Can't Stand Rich People!
(金持ちは嫌いだ‼ Kanemochi wa Kiraida!!)
Brat A or Brat B vs. Jonathan Joestar (12)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode
It's So Inspiring! I Admire Him!
(そこにシビれる!あこがれるぅ! Soko ni Shibi reru! Ako ga reru!)
Brat A or Brat B vs. Dio Brando (13)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,000,000 points
Get Some Minions!
(手下を作れッ‼ Teshita o Tsukure!!)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat) vs. Tattoo Guy and Kempo Fighter
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,300,000 points
The Battle on Ogre Street
(食屍鬼街の戦い Shokujiki-gai no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat), Tattoo Guy, or Kempo Fighter vs. Jonathan Joestar (Ogre Street)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,600,000 points
Attack of the Living Dead
(生ける死者の襲撃 Ikeru Shisha no Shūgeki)
Police Zombie vs. Jonathan Joestar (Spear) with Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,900,000 points
Who the Hell is This Guy?!
(なんだこいつは〜〜ッ‼ Nanda Koitsu wa!!)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat) or Police vs. Police Zombies (x2) with Dio Brando (Vampire)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,200,000 points
This Mask... is Worth a Fortune...
(この仮面⋯金になるよ⋯ Kono Kamen... Kin ni Naru yo...)
Wang Chan vs. Dio Brando (Vampire) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,500,000 points
Elite of the Evil
(悪のエリート Aku no Erīto)
Jack the Ripper vs. Dio Brando (Vampire) with Wang Chan
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,800,000 points
An Example of the Ripple Technique
(波紋法の手本 Hamon-hō no Tehon)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Wang Chan with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,100,000 points
I'll Lick It All Up!
(べロべロなめてやるね! Berobero Namete yaru ne!)
Wang Chan vs. Jonathan Joestar (Training) and Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,400,000 points
The Strange Serial Killer
(猟奇的殺人鬼 Ryōki-teki Satsujinki)
Jack the Ripper vs. Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,700,000 points
Battle of the Underground Labyrinth
(地下迷宮の戦い Chika Meikyū no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Jack the Ripper (Pincer) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,000,000 points
Thou! Will Thou Be My Life Force?
(汝!わたしの生命となるか! Nanji! Watashi no Seimei to Naru ka!)
Aztec Chief vs. Aztecs (x15)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,300,000 points
I Don't Want You Fodder!
(お前らァ雑魚はいいッ! Omaera Zako wa ī!)
Bruford or Tarkus vs. Hungry Zombies (x10)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,600,000 points
Battle of the Two-Headed Dragon's Chamber
(双首竜の間の戦い Sōshuryū no Ma no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,900,000 points
DIO's Creations
(DIOに造られしモノ DIO ni Tsukura Reshimono)
Doobie vs. Chimera Zombies (x50)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,200,000 points
It'll Be the Teeth Marks of These Fangs!
(この牙の歯型としてくれる! Kono Kiba no Hagata toshite Kureru!)
Sword Zombie or Claw Zombie vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,500,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 1
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲① Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 1)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,800,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 2
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲② Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 2)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Straizo and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,100,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 3
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲③ Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 3)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Tonpetty and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,400,000 points
Thunder Cross Split Attack, Part 1
(必殺稲妻十字空烈刃① Hissatsu Inazuma Jūji Sora Retsujin 1)
Dire vs. Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,700,000 points
Thunder Cross Split Attack, Part 2
(必殺稲妻十字空烈刃② Hissatsu Inazuma Jūji Sora Retsujin 2)
Dire vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,000,000 points
The Three Chasing a Stone Mask
(石仮面を追う3人 Ishi Kamen o Ou 3nin)
Jonathan Joestar, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, or Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Dire, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,300,000 points
The Three from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの3人 Harukana Kuni kara no 3nin)
Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Jonathan Joestar, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,600,000 points
A Severe Penance
(厳しい苦行 Kibishī Kugyō)
Dire vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,900,000 points
No Mercy Even in Training
(厳しい苦行 Shugyō Demo Yōsha-sen)
Straizo vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Dire, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,200,000 points
The Elder's Teachings
(老師の教え Rōshi no Oshie)
Tonpetty vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Dire, and Straizo
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,500,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 1
(伝説の騎士たち① Densetsu no Kishi-tachi 1)
Winzaleo vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,800,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 2
(伝説の騎士たち② Densetsu no Kishi-tachi 2)
Eijkman vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Winzaleo, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,100,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 3
(伝説の騎士たち③ Densetsu no Kishi-tachi 3)
Caineghis vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Winzaleo, and Eijkman
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,400,000 points
The Final Ripple!
(最後の波紋! Saigo no Hamon!)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Wang Chan w/ Dio with Ship Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,700,000 points
The Final Ripple! (Reverse)
(最後の波紋!(裏) Saigo no Hamon! (Ura))
Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Dio Brando (Styx's Body) with Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 10,000,000 points
Ripple Warrior Edition
(波紋戦士編 Hamon Senshi-hen)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Extra Battle 10
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition once
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition twice
Dire vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition three times
Straizo vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition four times
Tonpetty vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition five times
Jonathan Joestar (Luck and Pluck) vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition six times
Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon) vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition six times and clear Dio Mode
Living Dead Edition
(波紋戦士編 Shiseijin-hen)
Wang Chan vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Extra Battle 10
Jack the Ripper vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition once
Bruford vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition twice
Tarkus vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition three times
Mr. Adams vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition four times
Doobie vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition five times
Dio Brando vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition six times
Wang Chan w/ Dio vs. Knight Zombies (x77)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Ripple Warrior Edition six times and clear Dio Mode
Beat Him to a Pulp!
(徹底的に叩きのめせッ‼ Tetteiteki ni Tatakinomese!!)
Dio Brando (Boxing) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Boxing)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Extra Battle 32
Increase Your Minions!
(子分を増やせ! Kobun o Fuyase!)
Dio Brando (13) vs. Brat A and Brat B
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 01
Jonathan's Anger
(子分を増やせ! Ikari no Jonasan)
Dio Brando (14) vs. Jonathan Joestar (13)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 02
Reclaim the Medicine!
(薬を奪い返せッ‼ Kusuri o Ubaikaese!!)
Dio Brando (21) vs. Jonathan Joestar (20)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 03
The Stone Mask's Secret
(石仮面の秘密 Ishi Kamen no Himitsu)
Dio Brando (Live Subject Test) vs. Vampire Vagrant
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 04
Reject Your Humanity!
(人間をやめるぞ! Ningen o Yameru zo!)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Spear) with Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 05
Transcend Humanity!
(人間を超越するッ! Ningen o Chōetsu suru!)
Dio Brando (Shirtless) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Mansion)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 06
Lord of Darkness
(闇の帝王 Yami no Teiō)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Wang Chan and Jack the Ripper
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 07
Tame the Living Dead!
(死生人を服従させろ‼ Shiseijin o Fukujū sa Sero!!)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Knight Zombies (x15)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 08
Make History Your Slave!, Part 1
(歴史を下僕にしろッ!① Rekishi o Geboku ni Shiro! 1)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Bruford and Tarkus
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 09
Make History Your Slave!, Part 2
(歴史を下僕にしろッ!② Rekishi o Geboku ni Shiro! 2)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 10
Dio's Creations
(ディオの造りしモノ Dio ni Tsukura Reshimono)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Mr. Adams and Doobie with Chimera Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 11
Apex of the Natural World
(生物界の頂点 Seibutsu-kai no Chōten)
Dio Brando vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 12
Assassins from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの刺客 Harukana Kuni kara no Shikaku)
Dio Brando vs. Dire, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 13
Bloody Battle! Dio & JoJo
(血戦!Dio&JoJo Kessen! Dio & JoJo)
Dio Brando vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 14
A Raging Storm's Voyage
(狂嵐の旅路 Kyō Arashi no Tabiji)
Dio Brando vs. Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon) with Father Styx and Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 15





  • If the player manages to win battles that Jonathan originally lost in the manga, alternate cutscenes will take place:
    • If Young Jonathan beats the two bullies bothering Erina, the bullies will give back the doll but beat up Jonathan nonetheless after finding out he's from the Joestar family.
    • If the player wins the boxing match against Dio, he claims that Jonathan put a rock in his glove during their fight, making the audience think Jonathan is a coward who can't fight fair.
  • If the player uses an Overdrive move in the underwater battle against Bruford during Chapter 13, a cutscene featuring the end of the battle will immediately take place, ending the chapter earlier. This is the only cutscene in the game that can't be unlocked in the Theater. The player can still win the battle without using Overdrive, but will not get to see the cutscene.
  • If the player manages to get an S rank in Chapter 22 while playing Story Mode, a secret chapter will replace the regular Chapter 23 as the final battle; the game's menus refer to this secret chapter and the Extra Battle based on it as The Final Ripple! (Reverse) (最後の波紋!(裏)). In this alternate scenario, Dio decides to revive the three winners of the 77 Rings (Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis) to get his revenge on Jonathan instead of relying solely on Wang Chan. Furthermore, Dio temporarily uses the body of Father Styx while planning to take Jonathan's. The three knights are killed in the battle, but Dio detaches his head from Styx's body and fires Space Ripper Stingy Eyes at Jonathan, setting the original story's ending in motion. This secret battle can't be unlocked while playing Chapter Mode, but can be accessed from Chapter Mode once it is unlocked.
  • Even though the game faithfully follows the manga's storyline, some events were still cut from the game, including the Aztec Chief draining a follower's life force, Dio hiding a knife from George Joestar I, Danny's death, Dio's flashback to meeting Wang Chan, the Inspector's flashback, Wang Chan regrouping with Dio after his fight with Jonathan, the explanations of the 77 Rings Challenge and Bruford's hair, Zeppeli's flashbacks to his training, Dio's encounter with a mother and child, the newspaper excerpts describing the fate of the Stone Mask and Jonathan's marriage, and Father Styx's entire canon appearance (save in the alternate final chapter).

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