List of References to JoJo in Video Games

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This article lists possible references made in popular series and by popular artists to art or concepts defining to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

References range in nature from tribute to plagiarism. Many are comic, while the "JoJo poses" in particular cross into greater cultural significance, with the greatest examples being those reproduced by a handful of popular Japanese performing artists.

(Note: Boxes with gold backgrounds link to separate pages.)

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Link to this section AI: The Somnium Files
In the 6th Chapter of the game, When you examine a mask in the Boss's office the boss will make a comment on how spikes will come out of the mask if you put it on. When the mask is examined again in the 18th or final chapter of the game Iris will make a comment that she wants to wear the mask and Date will reply that if she wears it and get her blood on it she'll become a vampire. Both of these are references to the Stone Mask from Phantom Blood. In PSYNCIN' IN THE SWaiN, while Ota is about to be attacked in the warehouse, Ota thinks "I eventually stopped thinking" in his head. This is a reference to the line "Kars eventually stopped thinking" from Battle Tendency.
Link to this section Azur Lane

Activating auto battles in sorties will show a prompt which features the To Be Continued arrow.

The Battleship variant of IJN Kaga has two skills with icons directly referencing the events in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, as seen here.

Link to this section Among Us
The official Twitter account for the video game "Among Us" posted a drawing made by Hannako Lambert, one of the artists who work on the game, styled after the panel of DIO when he tells Wilson Phillips to drive into a crowded sidewalk in Chapter 251, with the caption "yare yare damongus" referencing Jotaro's catchphrase, "Good Grief." (Yare Yare Daze).[1]
Link to this section Bayonetta
The Little Devils
Of the many Infernal Demons that can be summoned by Bayonetta during a Climax Attack, the Little Devils are an obscure reference to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, more specifically Guido Mista's Sex Pistols. Director Hideki Kamiya has mentioned during a commentary that, much like Sex Pistols, each of the five devils have their own personality, and have a number written on their foreheads, with the #4 (or the #2 in the case of the little devils) missing as it may be considered very unlucky by Zero, the King of the Little Devils.[2][3]
Link to this section Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Miriam with the Stone Mask equipped

In the Castlevania-inspired indie game, main protagonist Miriam does two JoJo-esque poses if the player holds up on the joystick for a few seconds.

Miriam's poses

She can obtain an equippable accessory named the "Stone Mask", with its description reading "A stone mask once used by a tribal chief during ritual sacrifices."

She can also obtain the "Hyperventilator" which looks like Joseph's training mask from Part 2, with its description "A mask designed to push the wearer to his or her physical limit." The "Voice changer" item is a color swap of the Hyperventilator.

The "Gambler's Ring" item has a description which reads "A ring that bestows both luck and pluck to would-be gamblers."

Throughout the game there is portraits of Kickstarter backers, in the Forbidden Underground Waterway there is a portrait that shows the person doing the pose of Noriaki Kakyoin from Chapter 123.

Late into the game, the player can be challenged by NPC Orlok Dracule, or O.D., to a secret boss fight. Upon his defeat, he gives Miriam a shard with the powerful ability "Standstill" that allows her to stop time. While the spell itself is inspired by the Stopwatch sub-weapon from the Castlevania series, the audiovisual presentation is distinctly different and in clear reference to The World; The visual effect of Standstill's activation resembles The World's time stop from the OVA, while the sound effect replicates that of the time stop from the Stardust Crusaders anime.[4]

According to director Shutaro Iida, the Golden Wind anime was what kept him going during the production of the game.[5]

Link to this section Bloons TD 6

Bloons TD 6 is the 6th game in the long-running Bloons TD (Tower Defense) series released for iOS and Google Play Store in 2018. A Steam version was also released later that year.

In the item description for the purchasable "Monkey Village Germany Flag" cosmetic, the game makes a reference to Rudol von Stroheim's infamous quote, "Nazi science is the greatest in the world!", which notably was later changed in the anime to "German science is the greatest in the world!".

TL Note: "ausgezeichnet" is German for "excellent"
Link to this section Brawl Stars
Shot from Brawl Stars animation
Panel from Chapter 256

Brawl Stars is a multiplayer online third-person hero shooter video game developed and published by Finnish video game company Supercell, releasing worldwide on December 12 in 2018 for iOS and Android devices. The game features a variety of dinstinct game modes which players can compete in with a wide selection of "Brawlers".

In the animation promoting the game's "Starr Toon" season on January 4, 2024, at around 42 seconds into the video, the animation style changes into anime. This switching of animation styles happens many times throughout the video to reference different animation media. During the anime style is a shot that highly resembles the infamous panel from Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10 in which Jotaro and DIO walk to towards each other, a panel that has cemented itself in internet meme culture. In DIO's place is Colette in her "Pinku Pawlette" skin which released in the season's update; and Colt, another Brawler, takes Jotaro's place, although sitting down rather than walking like Jotaro does.

A while later, on January 21, the Brawl Stars Twitter account posted an image containing characters from the game in different art styles, on of which features Mortis, a vampiric Brawler, doing a pose similar to Jonathan's iconic pose from the cover of Volume 4.[6] Furthermore, when posting the images for individual wallpaper use, the account created a separate reply to their post for Mortis's artwork, referring to it as "the bizarre Mortis wallpaper", a reference to the series title of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure itself.
Link to this section Capcom Fighting Evolution
If Demitri uses his Midnight Bliss attack on Rose, she'll turn into a gondolier with a Venetian mask. This is a reference to Lisa Lisa from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which was the basis for Rose's design. There's also a rare chance that she'll turn into Enya the Hag. In Street Fighter V, her "Nostalgia" alternate costume is the same gondolier outfit.
Link to this section Castlevania series
Stone Mask from Curse of Darkness

A Stone Mask can be found in the library in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which is where Jonathan and Dio studied the properties of the Stone Mask. It appears again in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, with an appearance much more akin to the one's found in JoJo. In Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin the Stone Mask can only be equipped by Jonathan Morris, a possible reference to Jonathan Joestar.

Also in these two games exist a sub-weapon type called Steel Balls, originally localized as Iron Balls in Symphony of the Night, which are used to be thrown at enemies simialr to the identically named Steel Balls used by Gyro Zeppeli.

Kiyoyuki Yanada's performance as Jotaro Kujo in the Stardust Crusaders Drama CD was apparently the reason for his role as Richter Belmont in Symphony of the Night. Toshiharu Furukawa, who worked on the design and writing for Symphony of the Night, had told Shutaro Iida that was how the voice was decided.[7]

In Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, if the Sacred Fist sub-weapon is used without a Spell Book activated, the protagonist shouts "Ora ora ora!" and unleashes a flurry of extremely fast, blur-like punches (in reference to Star Platinum).

In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, a soul called "Guardian Cagnazzo" can be obtained that makes a Cagnazzo demon appear behind the protagonist and punch wildly whilst shouting "Ora ora ora!" also in another reference to Star Platinum. According to programmer Shutaro Iida, the Killer Mantle enemy was initally called "Mr. Donovan"[8] in reference to Donovan.[9]

In Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, one of the boss characters, Zephyr, utilizes time stopping abilities in conjunction with knives (much like DIO). Zephyr even shouts "Toki wo tomare" (Time has stopped). His fight on top of Cursed Clock Tower is another reference to Stardust Crusaders of the manga. According to programmer Shutaro Iida, the Puppet Master boss was inspiried by Surface.[10]

In Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, a boss named Blackmore, likely a refrence to Blackmore, attacks with a shadow similar to Sethan. While attacking, he poses like Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo during their "Torture Dance", as well as Risotto Nero when he first attacks Vinegar Doppio.
Link to this section Ciconia When They Cry
In the visual novel Ciconia When They Cry (Phase 1), the character Meow Mitake talks about several manga series she's read to her friend Jayden. Jayden replies that one named "JoJo's Bizarre Barbeque" is also great.
Link to this section Counter Strike: Global Offensive
"Approaching Site"
As part of the 10 Year Birthday Sticker Capsule, the "Approaching Site" sticker was released and is strongly reminiscent of DIO and Jotaro Kujo approaching each other before their fight in Stardust Crusaders. The sticker was designed by a community member and selected by Valve to be added into the game.
Link to this section Cyberbots: Full Metal Madness
The character Santana is likely a reference to mostly part 3, but also includes some part 2 elements. Appearance-wise, he strongly resembles Muhammad Avdol, with his official artwork mimicking Avdol's 'YES I AM!' pose. His voice actor is also Kiyoyuki Yanada, who voiced Jotaro in the Capcom fighting game. Aside from this, his name is also possibly a reference to the pillar man, Santana.
Link to this section Cyberpunk 2077
In the game's photo mode, a selectable pose titled "V's Bizarre Pose" recreates Jonathan Joestar's signature pose from Volume 4. Update 1.5 added four other poses: "V's Bizarre Buongiorno", Giorno Giovanna's Gang-star pose; "V's Bizarre Gesture", Joseph Joestar's pose from Volume 4 of the first season of the anime's Blu-ray release; "V's Bizarre Step", Josuke Higashikata's pose from Volume 36; and "V's Bizarre Pick-up Line", Jotaro Kujo's signature point.

In the trailer for the photo mode feature, one of the poses resembles Dio Brando's walk towards Jotaro Kujo.

Link to this section Danganronpa series
The Danganronpa series features many references, scattered all across its three main games.

In Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc:

  • During his initial introduction in the Japanese version of the game, the protagonist, Makoto Naegi, points out that he does not have a Stand.
  • The delinquent Mondo Owada is a homage to Josuke Higashikata, sporting a pompadour hairstyle and is easily offended when people make fun of it. He is also the leader of a motorcycle gang named the Crazy Diamonds.
  • The villain of the game, Junko Enoshima, has multiple personalities, with one of them acting similar to DIO while also striking a pose similar to one DIO does. In Japanese, she also says "Muda, Muda, Muda" during her Bullet Time Battle.
  • One of the items the player can gift is called the Meteorite Arrowhead, a blatant reference to the Arrow.

In Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (also known as Super Danganronpa 2):

  • The character Teruteru Hanamura mentions that people can tell if others are lying by the taste of their sweat, a reference to the same tactic used by Bruno Bucciarati.
  • During an argument between the two, Monokuma attacks Monomi with a Heaven's Door parody, and in another occasion attacks her with a flurry of punches while screaming "ORA ORA ORA!!!" and launching her into a trashcan.
  • While discussing the fictional videogame "Twilight Syndrome Murder Case", Ibuki Mioda states that "Twilight's Hidden Passageway is the world's beeeeest!" The sentence, alongside the mannerisms of speech and dialect she adopts for this sentence, are likely a reference to Rudol von Stroheim and his infamous quote, "German technology is the best in the world!"

In Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (also known as New Danganronpa V3):

  • Tsumugi Shirogane states that "thinking logically in these situations is of no use", and that she has decided to "eventually stop thinking altogether", referencing Kars's final fate. Later on, she also remarks "We win! Part 3 is over!", referencing a line said by ZZ.
  • Gonta Gokuhara states that a thing he heard gentlemen do is "go on adventures to find stone masks".
  • One of the items the player can gift in Killing Harmony resembles one of Giorno’s ladybug brooches.
Link to this section Dark Souls
Armor of Thorns
Satake and Miyazaki discussing the armor of thorns

According to the interview between Dark Souls' Director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Concept Artist, Daisuke Satake, found in Design Works artbook, the design of the Set of Thorns originated from the concept of the trial of the 77 Rings. In the challenge, combatants must defeat each other and wear the metal rings from each foe, increasing the weight they bear as they continue. The team's original idea was to use this design and try adding spikes to the rings, though it deviated along the way.

Just before the Iron Golem boss, you can summon a white phantom named Black Iron Tarkus, which is likely a reference to Tarkus, as along with their matching names, they are both large powerful warriors who carry unwieldy weapons and thick armor.

In the files of Dark Souls II, it was discovered through datamining that numerous enemies in the game had special Japanese reference names. Two of these were the Executioner's Chariot and Darklurker. The Executioner's Chariot's reference name was シルバーチャリオット (Silver Chariot), which is a reference to the Stand Silver Chariot. Darklurker's Japanese reference name on the other hand was アガドゥラン の スタンド (Agdayne's Stand), which is a reference to the concept of Stands and how the Darklurker may have originally been intended to be a Stand like being for Grave Warden Agdayne (a minor NPC in Dark Souls II).

File names for the Executioner's Chariot and Draklurker found by dataminers
In Dark Souls III, a boss called High Lord Wolnir can be fought in the Catacombs of Carthus. He bears a striking resemblance to Enya Geil's Stand Justice. He is a colossal skeleton wearing a crown, and even uses fog to attack the players.
Link to this section Dead Cells
The flavor text for the Hayabusa Gauntlets reads "UselessUselessUselessUselessUselessUsel..." in reference to DIO's and Giorno's stand cry. The Hayabusa Gauntlets themselves attack by rapidly barraging the enemy with punches.
Link to this section Destiny 2
An Image Of The Dance Being Performed

In the cosmetics store for Destiny 2, players can purchase an emote named "Torturous Dance". It is a reference to the torture scene performed on Mario Zucchero in GW Episode 7 by Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo. It also quotes the lyrics of the song during the scene, "canzoni preferite", as the description for the emote says "Vocal percussion on a whole 'nother level". The emote was sold for 1,250 Brightdust, the free-to-earn currency of Destiny 2, in the 'Eververse' (The Ingame Cosmetic Store) and was introduced in Season 20.

It can also be bought in the 'Archive' section for 800 Silver, the games paid currency.[12]
Link to this section Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
An otaku in Akihabara does the iconic poses of Jonathan Joestar and Josuke Higashikata.
Link to this section Dota 2
  • The Hero "Faceless Void" does one of DIO's poses while using his ultimate ability "Chronosphere", which stops time. He also has a green heart for a belt buckle.
  • One of the loading screens features the character Phantom Assassin doing Jonathan's pose, not only that, but the previews in the Steam Workshop of the whole set (Bloodroot Guard) features various JoJo poses (Giorno, Jotaro, Caesar and DIO)
Link to this section Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2
Bruno Bucciarati can be found in the stands of the World Tournament Stage.
Link to this section Dragonball FighterZ
When activating one of her Level 3 Super Attacks, Android 21 (Lab Coat) will briefly strike a pose in reference to Dio's pose from Chapter 117 before she begins a flurry of attacks on the opponent.
Link to this section Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
The female Thief's character design and name (Moriah, if selected her default name) was possibly based on Mariah.
Link to this section Elden Ring
Enia Sitting in the Roundtable Hold
At the Roundtable Hold, the player can find a character by the name of Enia the Finger Reader after defeating Godrick the Grafted. Enia bears a striking resemblance to Enya the Hag in both name and role, as she acts as the old hag of the Roundtable Hold who carries a large wooden club.
Link to this section Europa Universalis IV

One of the achievements is called "Golden Wind". Its icon contains a "whirl of air"[13] similar in look to Giorno Giovanna's hair.

Another achievement is called "Stardust Crusaders". Its icon show characters from the game walking the same way as the Joestar Group in STAND PROUD.
Link to this section Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
Due to repeated comments on how many aspects of his games were JoJo references, Fear and Hunger 2: Termina creator, Miro Haverinen, decided to make a purposeful reference despite not having watched or read the series much himself. The playable character Marcoh takes inspiration from several pieces of media with Jotaro Kujo being an influence for his visual design.[14][15]
Link to this section Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, an accessory can be made that is named the "Karmic Cowl", with its description reading "A scarf that channels the collective grudge of one's comrades into a protective power." The appearance of the scarf seems to be based on Joseph Joestar's scarf from Battle Tendency, specifically it's appearance from the anime adaptation. The description for the item is likely referencing Caesar's final action after his defeat to Wamuu, where he put his last Ripple energy into a bubble for Joseph to take.
Link to this section For Honor
Players can purchase Jonathan and Dio's poses as "signatures" for the cost of 5000 steel each.
Link to this section Fortnite
Hana and Keleritas
During Chapter 4: Season 1 of the game, the player skins "Hana" and "Keleritas" were added. Hana wears similar clothing to Jolyne Cujoh, with a similar color scheme. In the promotional renders she strikes a pose similar to those of multiple characters from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Keleritas on the other hand is described as Hana's "inner demon", which could be a reference to Stands. Keleritas is doing a pose very similar to the one Dio does while yelling "WRYYYYYYYYYY!".
Link to this section Gacha Club
In Gacha Club, there is an entire page dedicated to JoJo poses, in the order of Jonathan, DIO, Josuke, Killer Queen, Polnareff, Part 3 Jotaro, Joseph, Part 4 Jotaro, and Kakyoin.

Additionally, there is a mouth modeled after the scene where Dio kisses Erina during Phantom Blood and shouts "It was I, Dio!".

Link to this section Genshin Impact
Fischl does Jonathan’s famous pose on her character reveal artwork.

The achievements "Abyssal Crusader" and "Hilichurl Champion" used to be named "Stardust Crusader" and "Gold Experience Requiem"; they have been renamed in Version 1.1.

In the first act of Yae Miko's story quest "Divina Vulpes Chapter", the player obtains the quest item "The Miraculous Adventures of the Traveler", also titled Traveler's Bizarre Adventure (旅人の奇妙な冒険, Tabibito no kimyōna bōken) in the Japanese translation of the game. At the front cover, the character Paimon can be seen posing in reference to Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli in Chapter 66. Similarly, an event entitled "A Muddy Bizarre Adventure" in the English translation was released in Version 2.7 for a limited time.[16]

Link to this section Geometry Dash
In the Geometry Dash level editor when accessing the help menu for the TimeWarp effect, it will say "Za Warudo" referencing the romanization of DIO's Stand, The World.
Link to this section Guilty Gear
Zappa's "Raoh"
Robo Ky's Overdrive
Axl using One Vision

Zappa, introduced in Guilty Gear XX, has a very similar design to Vanilla Ice, and the "Raoh" ghost possessing him manifests similarly to Star Platinum.

Robo-Ky has a move where he punches rapidly while shouting his vocal tic of "DAMEDAMEDAME", a reference to Stand Cries.

In Guilty Gear -Strive-, Axl Low has a move called "One Vision", where he mimics Jotaro's famous pose and stops time briefly, with similar effects to how frozen time is depicted in JoJo.

Similar to JoJo, Guilty Gear has a theme of naming characters and their abilities after musical artists, mostly Western rock and metal.
Link to this section Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
A screenshot of the item in-game.
In Mirai Mall, an item named "Roadroller" can be purchased on floor 2. The item is described as "It's yellow and flattens stuff. MUDA MUDA MUDA! WRYYYYY!", clearly referencing the attack DIO uses on Jotaro during the final battle of Stardust Crusaders.
Link to this section The Henry Stickmin Collection
The bio card of Ken Janpon

Choosing "Diversion" in the Triple Threat route will play a cutscene where Henry and Ellie manage to distract a room full of Toppat Clan members by dancing. During this, three TC members can be seen doing the Torture Dance performed by Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista and Pannacotta Fugo from Vento Aureo. The name of the members are "Pasta Primavera", "Figaro Mulligatawny", and "Parmezza Lasagne", likely a reference to the fact that most of the characters in Vento Aureo are named after food.

Choosing "Spirit Mode" in the Revenged route will play a cutscene in which Henry and the Right Hand Man battle with Stand-like entities named "Spirits". Henry's Spirit is named "Reference" with the Stand Cry "Failure! Failure! Failure!" a possible reference to DIO's Stand Cry "Useless! Useless! Useless!". The Right Hand Man's Spirit is named "Time in a Bottle", a reference to the Jim Croce song of the same name, and is localized to "Bottled Time" in the subtitles, referencing localization of musical references in JoJo. The cutscene ends as a typical episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would, with the endcard arrow instead reading "Mission Failed".

In the endcard of the Cleaned 'em Out route, the Stone Mask can be seen on the wall behind Henry as an item that he steals from the Toppat Clan.

The fail message displayed when attempting to bribe Mr. Macbeth in the Little Nest Egg route reads, "Henry really bribes? No dignity." referencing a quote from the "Duwang" translation of Diamond is Unbreakable, where Josuke Higashikata secretly attempts to dissuade Yukako Yamagishi from falling in love with Koichi Hirose.

In the Special BROvert Ops route, one of the members of the Toppat Clan, Ken Janpon, is a reference to Ken Oyanagi, as both are seen with a hole in their cheek and play rock, paper, scissors. In his bio it is also stated that "People feel weaker after losing to him." referencing Ken's stand Boy II Man.

In the Just Plain Epic route, one of the security guards is named Joseph Jo, a reference to Joseph Joestar.

Dan the Man from the Convict Allies route has his bio reference Steely Dan's localized name of "Dan of Steel". His bio states "He wanted to go by "Dan of Steel" but it was taken."
Link to this section Hearts of Iron IV
One of the National Focuses in Italy's Focus Tree is called "Il Vento Aureo" giving the player the "The Golden Wind" National Spirit, both referencing the titles of Part 5. It's description uses the word "requiem" as a callback to Requiem abilities present in this Part.
Link to this section Hi-Fi RUSH
In Hi-Fi RUSH, the character Zanzo is frequently depicted referencing JoJo.

In his first appearance during a video call, he performs Killer Queen's pose from Chapter 362. During the mission briefing before entering his area, he is depicted pointing at the screen while the ゴ katakana vibrates around him. Upon meeting Chai in person, he performs Jonathan Joestar's pose from the cover of Volume 4, then performs several poses in succession, including Giorno Giovanna's pose from Chapter 440, saying "Let's give it a GO GO GO!", referencing the katakana's sound effect. Zanzo can later be seen performing the "Torture Dance" that Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo do in Chapter 462 while ordering his robots to make his hologram more elaborate. During the final confrontation against Zanzo, he performs Josuke Higashikata's pose from Volume 36 and Jotaro Kujo's pose from Volume 13. After connecting with his robot, he does a pose that, while not directly taken from a specific character, is drawn in an art style extremely similar to that of Stardust Crusaders.

Link to this section Higurashi
In Matsuribayashi-hen, the eighth volume of Higurashi, Irie starts a monologue talking about his passion for maids, then he strikes a pose similar to the iconic pose often seen in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, most commonly assosiated with Jonathan Joestar, before shouting Maid In Heaven, which is a play on the stand name Made In Heaven.
Link to this section Hiveswap
Tegiri's JoJo inspired portrait in Hiveswap: Friendsim
In Volume 10 of Hiveswap's visual novel spinoff, Hiveswap Friendship Simulator, hovering your mouse over Tegiri Kalbur's portrait on the character selection screen will change it to a portrait rendering him in a style that mimics JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. This is placed among numerous other references to anime and manga found in his character.
Link to this section Honkai Impact 3rd
During a cutscene in the game, the character Rita summons a spirit behind her, similarly to how Stand's are summoned, with onomatopoeia appearing around her as well. In this scene, Rita also strikes a pose reminiscent of iconic poses from Jonathan Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli.

The character Fu Hua is shown yelling "ORAORAORA" repeatedly, which is likely a homage to the various battle chants of JoJo, where "Ora" is the most iconic.

The characters Rozaliya and Liliya are depicted doing the iconic poses of Josuke and Kakyoin respectively.

On a stigma card "Carlo Collodi (T)" a face similar in style to the Stardust Crusaders anime adaptation version of Jotaro's can be seen on one of the characters.

Link to this section Hyperdimension Neptunia
In Re;birth1, when the heroes discuss Noire's status as a loner, Neptune says her Stand power tells her Noire has no friends. When transforming to defeat a group of enemies, Neptune will say "Aye-aye, sir!" before going to attack them, quoting Hol Horse. MAGES.'s victory screen has her pose like Caesar's iconic pose. Rom and Ram have special attacks that open with them posing similar to Caesar.

In Megadimension Neptunia VII, Neptune quotes Polnareff's speech from when he was exposed to DIO's The World. In Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls, Neptune references the smoke trick Jotaro used to expose the Imposter Captain Tennille.

Link to this section I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator
Van Van, a side character featured in I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator, a dating simulator published by KFC, has a design inspired[17] by the style of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The character likely takes direct inspiration from the masculine body proportions of Jonathan Joestar and hairstyle of Josuke Higashikata.
Link to this section Just Dance 2023 Edition
On some of the concept covers for the video game Just Dance 2023 Edition, the character Jack Rose is shown posing like Rohan Kishibe's in-game render from All-Star Battle.
Link to this section Kaiser Knuckle series
One of the boss characters, Azteca, wears a face mask that is very similar to the Stone Mask. Also of note, his character select portrait shows that he has "DIOS" (Spanish for God) tattooed on his arm, which is reminiscent of "DIO", and his pre-fight animation consists of him bursting out of a stone pillar. His pose in the character select screen may be based on Kars's after becoming the Ultimate Thing.
Link to this section Kamen Rider : Climax Heroes

In Kamen Rider : Climax Heroes W and all subsequent versions, Double can use a move stretching his arm in his form "LunaJoker".

In the menu, the move is called Zoom Punch(ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi), referencing the eponymous Ripple technique.
Link to this section Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony
In the Touhou Project fangame Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony, an achievement titled "Can you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten until now?" can be unlocked by beating the game's eigth stage without losing a life, referencing what Dio says to Zeppeli before fighting him.

The same achievement is in the game's sequel Koumajou Remilia II: Stranger’s Requiem with the slightly altered name "Can you remember the number of times you've eaten bread?" with the same unlock condition.

Additionally, one of the things Reimu will say upon dying is "OH MY GOD! HOLY SHIT!" in English, mimicking Joseph's repeated catchphrase in Stardust Crusaders.
Link to this section Later Alligator
In Later Alligator, an alligator parody of the panel of DIO and Jotaro Kujo approaching each other in Chapter 256 can be found in Tall Jared's phone gallery.
Link to this section League of Legends
"It Was Me!"

The champion spotlight video for Sett makes two references to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. When showcasing Sett's ability to rapidly throw several punches, the announcer shouts "Muda muda muda!". At the end of the video, the scene where Dio Brando and Jotaro Kujo dramatically walk toward each other is also recreated.

Sett also has an emote in-game which references to Dio's "It was me!" pose.

Sett's Japanese voice actor is also Takehito Koyasu, the iconic voice for the villanous Dio Brando.
Link to this section Mad Father
Robin and Dio's near identical appearances

In Mad Father, the character Robin, referred to as just "Blond Boy" prior to the game's remake, resembles young Dio Brando in many ways, notably with his clothes, haircolor, and hairstyle. In the game's remake initial Steam announcement, Robin was also referred to by the name "Dio".[18]

At the end of the game, Robin burns down the Drevis Mansion mirroring the burning of the Joestar Mansion during Jonathan and Dio's fight when he has first changed into a vampire.
Link to this section Marvel Contest Of Champions

As a special arena on October 29, 2020 to get the exclusive character "Platinumpool". The banner art is a reference to "Jotaro and DIO prepare for their final battle" panel in Chapter 256 and the title "Platinum is Unbreakable" is a callback to Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

Link to this section Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
During the campaign for Chapter 6, Gamora, Drax, and Starlord discuss different names for their team. They mention several different titles, one of which being the "Stardust Crusaders," which references the title of Part 3 and the group of protagonists from it.
Link to this section Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Omega Red's ending in the crossover game Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter shows him having defeated/killed Ryu, with Ken Masters deeply distressed and exalted questioning him shouting "how many lives have you ended?", to which Omega Red only responds grinning "do you count the number of breaths you've taken?".[19]
Link to this section Mega Man X
The design of Spike Rosered, also known as Axle the Red, from Mega Man X5 is heavily based on that of Noriaki Kakyoin.[20][21]
Link to this section Mercenary Kings
In the game there is a magnum-class pistol listed as "Horse", designed similarly to The Emperor, and complete with the description: "Perfect Pistol for a mercenary on a bizarre adventure."
Link to this section Misao
In the game Misao the teacher Mr. Sohta is rumored to have a "thing for hands", likely inspired by Yoshikage Kira. In both of the game's endings it is revealed that Mr. Sohta had killed Misao for her hands and hid them in his desk. Ayaka, who looks through his desk and finds Misao hands, is also killed by him for her hands.
Link to this section Moonlighter
After progressing through the game's third dungeon and getting certain materials for Andrei's Vulcan forge, the option to craft "Star Platinum Gloves" become available. The gloves seem to bare a heavy resemblance to Star Platinum's from the Part 4 anime.
Link to this section Mr. Massagy
For one of the profile picture options, the player character, Johnny, poses in a similar fashion to Jonathan's famous pose.
Link to this section Mundo Gaturro
References to Jotaro and Magician's red

One of the many events held in the kid friendly MMO game, Mundo Gaturro, was centered around a war of "animus" (guerra de animus), an intentional misspelling of the word anime, with the protagonists of each side being Qhotaro Yuyol, a clear reference to Jotaro Kujo, and Lord PIO, a reference to DIO mixed with Magician's Red's design.

The characters in this event make frequent use of the word "bizarre". The story consists of Qhotaro looking for his archnemesis, PIO, who crushed a man with a road roller when flying and plans on dominating the world by turning everyone into birds. Qhotaro is near a pier and described as a bizarre man with blue hair, who says that his haircut is unforgettable, referencing Josuke's infatuation with his hair. Lord PIO is described as a bird man capable of flying and can be seen with his subordinates near a haunted hotel. His appearance is a mix of DIO's shirt and jacket but without sleeves, and Magician's Red's body. The idle poses of both characters seem to be based on one of DIO's promotional illustrations for the anime.

Link to this section Naruto: Ultimate Ninja series
During Shikamaru Nara's Shadow Imitation Technique Jutsu, characters are forced to perform Jonathan's famous pose with a matching SFX in the background. Similarly, during Asuma Sarutobi's Flying Swallow Jutsu, Asuma strikes his opponents while shouting "ORA ORA ORA!", after which he finishes with "Yare yare daze", in reference to Jotaro Kujo's iconic lines.[22]
Link to this section NekoPara
After Chocola and Vanilla had lost consciousness by playing with catnip, their Master took them to the bed. After Vanilla woke up she wonders why it's so late and suspects a Stand user attack. After Chocola, Vanilla and Coconut burn their tongues on hot coffee, they suck on ice cubes and make Kakyoin's "Rero rero rero rero~" sound.
Link to this section Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
The character Donovan Baine has the ability to summon different spirits during his several attacks. The Vampire Series Official Complete Works artbook includes a conceptual sketch, made by Kaname Fujioka and Takenori Kimoto for the game Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge from 1995. The sketch showed Donovan summoning Moody Blues (p.110), referencing the Stand-like qualities of some of his summons.

In the same page of said artbook there is also another sketch of Donovan where he appears posing very similar to DIO in Part 3. Fujioka later did the sprites and animations for Jotaro and DIO in Heritage for the Future.

Link to this section Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden
In the background of Round 6 in the arcade version of the game, small Stone Masks can be seen as wall decorations, as well as murals of all four Pillar Men.
Link to this section No More Heroes
During the fight with Mr. Doppelganger. On his second and Third Phases. He strikes various JoJo poses as you are try to find the real Mr. Doppelganger.

Mr. Doppelganger reappears in No More Heroes 3, once again striking various JoJo poses.

Link to this section No Straight Roads

A To Be Continued arrow similar to the one used in the anime can be seen at the end of the first two boss fights against DK West.

Retdex's pose in the promotional art is a reference to the Torture Dance in Part 5.

Link to this section Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 has included several references to different anime/manga, as well as official collabs with some series. Examples of series include Neon Genesis Evangelion, One-Punch Man, Dragon Ball, Cowboy Bebop, amongst others.

One of the sprays for the hero Lifeweaver shows him doing Josuke's pose from the cover of WSJ 1994 Issue #1/Volume 36.

In a livestream from Overwatch developers, artwork of the hero Junker Queen doing Dio's "It was me!" pose could be seen when they were showing off the then unreleased map "New Junk City."[23] The artwork was designed by concept artist Allison Yu.[24] However, the artwork was removed in the final released version of the map.

Link to this section Paladins
In Paladins, an unlockable spray in the Nightfall Event Pass called "Arrogant Vampire" recreates the iconic pose of Dio Brando when he says "It was I, Dio!". It features the character Corvus and his "Count Corvus" skin which shares similar traits with Dio.
Link to this section Papers, Please
In Papers, Please, entrants to the ficitious country of Arstotzka are procedurally generated. Each entrant is given a name from one of over twenty-seven thousand names, one of these being William Zeppeli, a reference to the character Will Anthonio Zeppeli.
Link to this section Persona series
In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, an animated cutscene in the game introduces the Persona 4 cast posing as different JoJo characters: Narukami as Jonathan, Yosuke as Dio, Chie as Jotaro, Yukiko as Josuke, Naoto as Giorno and Kanji as Joseph.

Similarly, in Persona 5, The World is one of the responses to the question "What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving?", asked by one of the teachers in school.

In Persona 5 Strikers, the Shadow form of the boss Ango Natsumi strikes DIO's signature pose. Another interesting note is that the boss appears in Sendai, the town Araki grew up in, but it is unknown if that detail is intentional.

in Persona 5: The Phantom X, Merope will pose like Killer Queen during a dialouge.

Link to this section Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
In Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, the character Robin Newman will sometimes pose like Jonathan Joestar on the cover of Volume 4.
Link to this section Psychic Force series
Richard Wong is a Psychiccer with the power to control time. He naturally compliments this ability by swarming the enemy with summoned daggers (usually after immobilizing them with a large sword) and uses teleportation as a highly evasive maneuver and as a means to swarm the opponent with more attacks.
Link to this section Resident Evil series
Hideki Kamiya admitted that he was inspired to name a character "Joseph Frost" after Joseph Joestar.[25] The name "JoJo" is also written on a locker in Resident Evil 2.[26]
Link to this section Retrobution

In the fan-made continuation the defunct Cartoon Network MMO FusionFall, one of the possible items obtained from the game's third anniversary "Birthday Bash" event (held on June 18th, 2024) is the Cool Delinquent's Cap, a level 6 cosmetic headwear. It is a clear imitation of Jotaro Kujo's cap without the back half being torn.

Its item description reads "A very cool cap, fashioned by traveling delinquents who are on a crusade to... beat the snot out of vampires? Good grief!"

Link to this section Rogue Company
In Rogue Company, one of Dima's victory quotes is "You thought you would win, but it was me! Dima!".[27] This is a reference to the quote, "Your first kiss wasn't with JoJo! It was I, Dio!", from Dio Brando after he steals Erina Pendleton's first kiss in Chapter 4.
Link to this section Rosenkreuzstillette
Sichte demonstrates knife-throwing technique after a time stop.

Sichte Meister is a homage to DIO. Like DIO, Sichte uses knives to attack and has the ability to manipulate time. She also shouts "Toki wo tomare!!" while freezing time and placing knives that zeros-in on the player in Rosenkreuzstilette.

  • In the sequel Rosenkreuzstilette ~Freudenstachel~, she crushes the character with a giant block similar to how DIO dropped a road roller on Jotaro.
  • Sichte also shares resemblance of Kakyoin Noriaki's signature Emerald Splash attack, referenced by her emerald-shooting. Her stage Rosenkreuzstilette ~Freudenstachel~ is a clock tower, refers to where Kakyoin dies.
Link to this section School Idol Project
In the Love Live rhythm action game, a recruitable character Fumie Nishimura can be seen holding a book (on the level 1 version of her card). The character on the cover of her book seems to closely resemble the younger Joseph with Caesar's triangle-patterned bandana tied around his head. The colored spheres in the background appear to symbolize the bubbles that Caesar is capable of generating with his ability. The book is titled "Anime Junpo" (アニメ旬報), parodying Shonen Jump.
Link to this section Screencheat
One of the messages the player receives after killing an opponent in the game is Sunlight Yellow Overdrive while the defeated player's screen says WRYYYYY.
Link to this section Senran Kagura series
Senran Kagura 2 Deep Crimson, Mirai has an outfit called "Camisole" with 4 different colors to it. 2 colors have the words "Star Platinum" surrounding a star in the middle of the camisole while the other 2 colors have "The World" surrounding a globe.
Link to this section Shin Megami Tensei series
In Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, the Cursed Sarai is a weapon in the game which is described as "The Sword of Anubis that drives its victims mad". It is likely a reference to Serai, the blacksmith who made the sword Anubis possesses.

There is also an enemy-only ability that is called Bites The Dust, which is likely a reference to the ability of the same name. It inflicts the Bomb status on a target and said target will explode and die instantly next time it is attacked. This ability also appears in Soul Hackers 2.

In Shin Megami Tensei V when trying to recruit Jack Frost, he strikes a pose and the game asks what the player will do. The options are to strike the same pose, leave him be, or strike a more fierce pose. If you select to strike a more fierce pose, Jack Frost is amazed and says "I see real bizarre adventure in our future, ho!"

Link to this section Solatorobo: Red the Hunter
At the end of every chapter, the title of the game alongside an arrow with the words "to be continued..." appear. The design of the arrow appears inspired by the "To be continued" arrows in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Additionally, an early design for the character Cocona's unnamed manager is an anthropomorphic dog version of Noriaki Kakyoin, including a sketch of the manager doing Kakyoin's pose from his fight with Tower of Gray in Chapter 123.
Link to this section Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
According to the game's principal sound designer Oscar Coen, the sound direction for the combat was heavily inspired by the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure TV anime. He notes in particular that the effects used for Cal Kestis' Slow-Mo Super Move was an attempt at working Dio Brando's time stop into the game.[28]
Link to this section Steins;Gate
Daru and Kurisu's reference

Daru quotes Dio's admirers by saying "I've got shivers!" (そこにシビれる!, Soko ni shibireru!) about the protagonist, Rintaro Okabe, but Kurisu Makise responds by saying "I don't admire him, though." (憧れないけどね, Akogarenaikedo ne).

Suzuha's reference to The World

While talking with Suzuha Amane, Okabe references The World in an allusion that he sensed the time had stopped.

Future Gadget No. 3
In the visual novel, the group built a device called "Is it, ORAORAORA?!" which is a very basic lie detector; so basic that in reality it can only read people's sweat levels. They also like using Rohan's "I refuse" quote, which eventually outed someone as an otaku.
Link to this section Stellaris
The Higashik-Ata star

A star in the game is named the "Higashik-Ata". This is likely a reference to Josuke and the Higashikata Family.

The event in question
A random event in the game is named Crystalline Entities Are Unbreakable, this is likely a reference to Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable
Link to this section Strange Journey 2
In the fan-made seuqel to Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Strange Journey 2, the demon-fusing character Fabritius is based on Giorno Giovanna.
Link to this section Suikoden series
In the first Suikoden game the emperor Barbarossa Rugner gives a sword named Pluck (mistranslated as "Prakk" in the English version) to one of his generals, Teo McDohl.
Link to this section Team Fortress 2
Several user-submitted in-game items pay homage to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The "Starboard Crusader" and "Tsar Platinum" cosmetic items are Jotaro Kujo's hat and jacket, while the War Paint "Skull Study" has designs based on Yoshikage Kira.

In the Brazilian Portuguese and French versions of Team Fortress 2, the Starboard Crusader goes by different names which directly reference JoJo; those being Capitão Dito-Kujo (a pun that involves wordplay between the portuguese word "dito-cujo" -which literally translates as "said person" - with Jotaro's surname) and Héritage du futur (literally translated as "Heritage for the Future", a direct reference to the Capcom JoJo game of the same name which itself is named after the original name of the Stardust Crusaders arc during serialization at Weekly Shonen Jump) respectively.

Link to this section Tekken series
In his interview with EDGE magazine, Katsuhiro Harada, director of the Tekken series, admits that Paul Phoenix's hairstyle and first name are based on Jean Pierre Polnareff's. Masamichi Abe, now at Nintendo but back then a member of the Tekken planning team, was a fan.[29]

Kazuya Mishima's combat gloves, strongly resemble Star Platinum's. In Tekken 3, Jin Kazama has the same combat gloves as both of them, but longer.

Kazuya's Devil form in the original Tekken game bore a strong resemblance to Star Platinum, down to the purple skin, hairstyle, clothing and the aforementioned gloves.

In Tekken 7, Claudio Serafino poses similarly to DIO in one of his moves, and as a customization item labeled as the "Ancient Mask" which is clearly modeled after the Stone Mask.

In Tekken (mobile), there is an act featuring Leo Kliesen titled "It was me, Leo!", referencing Dio's famous line from Phantom Blood.

Link to this section Terraria
In Terraria, there is a weapon called "Vampire Knives" which are likely to be a reference to Dio Brando; Specifically, to Shadow Dio's knife throw from the arcade fighter of the same name, whose knives fan out in a manner similar to this weapon.

The game also features an armor set called the "Stardust armor" that allows the player to summon a spiritual guardian when all the pieces are worn. The guardian will float directly behind the player, and the player can order the guardian to move and attack enemies. The animation for the guardian's attack bears a strong resemblance to the infamous beatdown of Steely Dan. The changelog for the Journey's End update also states that "all resemblance to a certain anime is purely coincidental."

Link to this section Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
In Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, there is a cherry NPC named "Kakyoin", which is a direct reference to Noriaki Kakyoin. The NPC has Kakyoin's face and his only dialogue is "rero rero", referencing the famous cherry scene. During his idle sprite, the iconic rumbling (ゴ / Go) sound effects appear floating above him.

In another encounter with the Train Conductor character, before entering a battle, there is a random chance he will reference DIO's famous dialogue before his fight with Jotaro begins, "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?".

Finally, there is also a purchasable hat item called "Speedwagon's Hat" which directly resembles the hat Robert E. O. Speedwagon dons after Will Anthonio Zeppeli's death.

Link to this section The Battle Cats
Delinquent Cat in Action
Within the popular tower-defense mobile game, there is a Super Rare Cat unit referred to as "Delinquent Cat". Unlocked by playing the Cat Capsule; Delinquient Cat's appearance resembles that of a banchō and its main form of attack involves pointing in a manner akin to Jotaro Kujo and summoning a creature similar to Star Platinum to bombard the enemy with flying fists.
Link to this section The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
The appearances of the "Pompadour Baby" and the "Crazy Ghost Baby" co-op Babies from the Afterbirth † expansion are directly based on Josuke Higashikata and Crazy Diamond.
Link to this section The King of Fighters series

Benimaru Nikaido's appearance was loosely based on Polnareff, right down to his outfit in The King of Fighters '94 and The King of Fighters '95. Even after Benimaru's name was decided, the game developers continued to refer to him as Polnareff.[30] Additionally, his taunt in The King of Fighters XI mirrors Polnareff's stature from the manga.

  • Also from King of Fighters, Rugal Bernstein, the main villain of the first two games, wears an outfit which is clearly a toned-down version of DIO's final Stardust Crusaders get-up, with a black tank top, loose pants, and even belt loops which come down past his hips. Rugal does omit the headband, kneepads, and other elements of DIO's outfit which bore the heart insignia, however, as well as having more ordinary shoes.
  • Leona's "Earring Bomb 2: Heart Attack sees her attaching a bomb to her opponent. Afterwards, she may either wait until it explodes on its own or detonate it with a secondary command, saying 負けて終わり ("Makete owari." ~ "You lose, it's over."), referencing Bites The Dust (transcribed in Japanese as , 負けて死ね, "Makete shine." = "You lose, now die.").
  • Leona Heidern's Grateful Dead is a (Super) Desperation Move during which she drains the opponent of his/her life force while surrounded by wisps of steam or smoke.
  • Mian's Rangurenbu is a (Super) Desperation Move which she performs a series of attacks ending with a fire breath from her Bian Lian mask. While performing such a series of attacks, she utters "Ariariariariariariari", but due to her being Chinese, she doesn't say "Arrivederci" at the end.
  • Shun'ei's Demolish Dimension is a Climax Desperation Move where he summons manifestations of his inner fire and ice monsters and punch his opponent repeatedly while uttering "Dorararararararara!"
Link to this section Them's Fightin' Herds

The DLC character, Texas, has a special move reminiscent of a Stand Rush during which they yell "MUDA" several times during. Likely a reference to the catchphrase of Dio Brando and Giorno Giovanna.[31]

Texas also shares his dub voice actor with Dio, Patrick Seitz.
Link to this section Transformice
In Transformice, Jotaro Kujo's hat and Josuke Higashikata's hair appear in the shop.
Link to this section ULTRAKILL
In the Act III level, "7-1: GARDEN OF FORKING PATHS", the "Mannequin" enemy is introduced. Prior to attacking the player, they appear as statues that stand in different poses that change randomly every time the player looks away from them. Among these poses include various JoJo poses, such as ones performed by characters such as Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jolyne Cujoh, and DIO.
Link to this section Undertale
The Mad Dummy's repeated shout of "Futile" is similar to DIO's "Muda" which translates to "Futile/Useless". The Mad Dummy also throws a knife which is a part of DIO's arsenal.

Mettaton's dancing resembles JoJo poses and he has heart-shaped bracelets which are similar to DIO's. Also, his concept art might be a Shadow Dio's pose reference.

The punch card item can be used to strengthen punching attacks in battle, and when used it says "OOOORAAAAA!!! You rip up the punch card! Your hands are burning!", which is a reference to the iconic stand cry used by multiple characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Link to this section Unturned
Sandstorm Crusader Hat
The "ASSORTED HATS KUWAIT MAP BUNDLE" is available in the Steam item store, and it contains a hat called "Sandstorm Crusader". This hat is very clearly inspired by the hat of Jotaro Kujo during Stardust Crusaders.
Link to this section Vampire Survivors
In the DLC, "Legacy of the Moonspell", the character Babi-Onna attacks by striking poses at specific intervals, with one pose bearing resemblance to one of Josuke Higashikata's signature poses.
Link to this section Vexx
The character Darby
Vexx 2 Concept Art

In Vexx, the character Darby is named after Daniel J. D'Arby.

During conceptual work on a sequel for the game, the team started to work with the concept of Vexx being able to summon and control spirit creatures akin to Stands.[32] These concepts were derived from Stardust Crusaders, due to some members of the staff being fans of the Stardust Crusaders OVA from 1993/2000.[33]
Link to this section Waku Waku 7
The character Dandy J is a parody of both the old Joseph Joestar and the titular character of the Indiana Jones series. His in-game sprite ressembles Joseph's from Heritage for the Future.
Link to this section World Heroes series
Neo Dio as depicted in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
Dio/Neo Dio is based on Dio Brando and Araki's earlier work Baoh the Visitor. Neo Dio's visual design is based on the protagonist of the manga, Baoh, while the dialogue in World Heroes Perfect is a reference to Dio Brando, such as the famous "Muda Muda!" and "Wryyy!" (in Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, his dialogue is more like Santana's). Dio's dialogue from World Heroes is also a reference to Dio Brando's lines. He also takes inspiration from Kars as he can form blades from his arms in certain moves, as well as how said moves are named "Sonic Saber" and "Grand Saber" reminiscent of Kars's "Bright Saber" title.
Link to this section World of Warcraft
One of the achievements in the Antorus, The Burning Throne raid in World of Warcraft is called Stardust Crusaders.
Patch 10.0.5 of the game introduced a time-related NPC named Zawarudu, referencing The World.
Link to this section Yakuza series

In Yakuza 0, one of Goro Majima's boss fights is against a character named Jo Amon. After defeating him, Majima remarks what that "Jo" guy's problem was and how overall the experience was a "bizarre adventure".

In "Yakuza Kiwami", Kazuma Kiryu's Rush style Kiwami heat action involves him yelling "ORA ORA ORA" while punching an enemy rapidly with glowing purple fists, similar to Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum.
Link to this section Yandere Simulator
In a December 2016 build of the game, an easter egg known as "Bad Romance Mode" was added. This mode activates after collecting 8 stationary objects scattered throughout the school and pressing Ctrl on the rooftop. Upon activation, Yandere-chan gains the stand "Bad Romance" (likely a reference to the 2009 hit: "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga) while an original song plays in the background, having a similar sound to the intro of BLOODY STREAM.

While the stand is activated, Yandere-chan also gains a new idle animation where she strikes Jonathan Joestar's signature pose from Volume 4. When the stand goes in to attack, Yandere-chan poses similarly to Jotaro.

Link to this section Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-
In Your Turn To Die the character Q-taro Burgerberg serves as a homage to Jotaro with his tall, muscular apperance unlike the other characters and his name referencing the alias Jotaro used to fool Enya. Q-taro's occupation as a baseball player is likely derived from Jotaro's confrontation with Telence T. D'Arby where they play the game Oh! That's a Baseball!
Link to this section 100% Orange Juice!
In 100% Orange Juice! the seagull enemies can equip a Beach accessory that gives them a hat and jacket resembling the clothes worn by Jotaro Kujo. The seagull boss "Big the Jonathan" may also be a reference to Jonathan Joestar.


  5. @CurryHermit (April 4, 2021), "ジョジョ6部アニメ化来たか! ブラッドステインド制作中、私の心を支えたのは5部のアニメだった。これでまた頑張れそう。", on Twitter.
  6. @BrawlStars (January 21, 2024), "The #StarrToon season has only explored a few of the different possible cartoon styles!", Twitter.
  7. @CurryHermit (July 2, 2021), "ジョジョ3部のドラマCDでDIOを若本さん、承太郎を梁田さんがCVされてますよね。月下のゲームデザインをされた古川さんから「これで声決めたよ」と昔、教えていただきました。", on Twitter.
  8. @CurryHermit (September 24, 2021), "ソウル図鑑がありがたい。私が最初に敵の一覧書いた時、キラーマントはドノヴァンさんって名前にしてたな", on Twitter.
  9. @CurryHermit (September 24, 2021), "The answer is in JOJO Part 2.", on Twitter.
  10. @CurryHermit (April 13, 2023), "位置を入れ替える人形というソウルをジョジョ4部のサーフィスから閃いたので、敵側でも使えないかと思考しながらゲームデザインした記憶があります。", on Twitter.
  14. [1]
  15. [2]
  16. HoYoLAB | "A Muddy Bizarre Adventure" Event: Mines Cleanup Challenge
  18. Steam Remake Announcement Screenshot

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