Locacaca Organization/fr

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< Locacaca Organization
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SPOILER WARNING: Part 8 spoiler details may follow.

Template:Group Box/fr

Je sais qu'il y a ennemi quelque part, qui s'est glissé dans notre société ... Tant que les fruits connus sous le nom de Locacaca existent, ils feront tout ce qu'il faut pour mettre la main sur eux.

Les Trafiquants de Locacaca (nommés ainsi dans ce wiki par commodité) sont une mystérieuse organisation qui trafique et fait des expériences avec le mystérieux fruit du Locacaca et servent de force antagoniste principale de JoJolion. Ses membres sont presques tous des Hommes-rocher et tous des manieurs de Stands.


Le cerveau de l'organisation est Satoru Akefu, le médecin-chef de l'Hôpital Universitaire TG. Il s'agit d'un groupe secret dont l'objectif principal est actuellement inconnu. Cependant, certaines des priorités du groupe comprennent l'acquisition du pouvoir d'échange équivalent du Nouveau Locacaca, l'obtention et la vente secrètes de fruits Locacaca pour l'argent.


L'organisation est en grande partie secrète et on ne sait pas grand-chose sur sa formation ou son histoire. En 2009, le cartel de contrebande de Damo a commencé à utiliser les cargaisons du Higashikata Fruit Parlor sur le navire où Yoshikage Kira travaillait. Il y a un nombre indéterminé d'années, quatre de ses membres ont rejoint le personnel l'Hôpital universitaire T.G. en tant que médecins. Finalement, le cerveau du groupe prit la relève en tant que médecin-chef.

Groupe de Damo

Le Groupe Damokan (ダモカン達, Damokantachi)[1], dirigé par Tamaki Damo, s'intéresse principalement à la contrebande de fruits Locacaca. Yotsuyu Yagiyama, Aisho Dainenjiyama et les Frères A. Phex travaillent sous ses ordres. Jobin Higashikata leur sert de partenaire commercial, utilisant la compagnie de sa famille pour blanchir l'argent de Damo. Les principaux objectifs du groupe sont monétaires, souhaitant commercialiser le fruit Locacaca auprès de clients malades ou blessés désireux de payer un prix élevé pour une opportunité de guérison.[2] L'apparence des membres comporte invariablement des pointes ou bulbes similaires à ceux trouvés sur les fruits Locacaca eux-mêmes.

Les membres du groupe, sauf Jobin

L'organisation importe secrètement des fruits Locacaca de Nouvelle-Guinée avec l'aide de Jobin, qui transporte les fruits au Japon et en dehors du Japon sous couvert de livraisons de et vers la Compagnie de Fruits Higashikata. Au Japon, les fruits sont transportés de diverses manières et entre les membres de l'organisation, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient vendus à des clients riches affligés de manière normalement incurable. Les propriétés miraculeuses du Locacaca lui permettent de guérir n'importe quoi, il est donc très recherché par quiconque connaît son existence. Chaque fruit est vendu à 200 000 000 yens[3] par le groupe. Pendant la transaction, les clients doivent être seuls et doivent payer en espèces.

The organization seeks to preserve the secret of the Locacaca to themselves, and thus restricts its customer base to a few wealthy people. In order to prevent thefts, each fruit tree is weighed before and after each trade. When someone discovers the Locacaca, the organization tracks down the culprit with the full intention of killing them. After they robbed branches from the organization, Tamaki Damo goes after Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo and almost kills both.[4] However, extraordinary circumstances leads to Kira and Josefumi escaping, resulting in the birth of Josuke Higashikata. Josuke's inquiry about his past leads to fights between him, Yasuho Hirose, Norisuke Higashikata IV and Tsurugi Higashikata against Yotsuyu, Aisho and the A.Phex Brothers. Damo is finally forced to confront the Higashikata family alone and is killed by Hato Higashikata and Josuke's concerted efforts.

Jobin eventually becomes the last remaining member of Damo's underground trade operation. Although he clearly shows signs of distress over Damo's death, he continues the former's hunt for the stolen branches for his own covert motivations. Rai Mamezuku later reveals that although he heard news of Damo's death, Damo himself isn't the only enemy. There are others that have slipped into society unnoticed and won't stop until they have the Locacaca in their possession. As such, this new threat obtains info on Rai's existence and pursues him, leading to Josuke and Yasuho having to battle the Rock Humans Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do to protect Rai.

Urban Guerrilla says that he allowed Damo and his men to roam free. However, he looks down on them as they used the Locacaca for their lust to make money, referring to them as nothing more than drug dealers.[5]

According to Holy Kira, the members of this group were likely unaware of their superiors' roles as hospital staff.[1]

T.G. University Hospital Research Team

While you guys are in a daze over making money and health, the New Locacaca will bring a whole new world to us! An exciting world where you guys constantly sink downward... and we rise to the top will come!

The researchers of the organization work in the medical field whose interest in the Locacaca fruit seem to stem from a desire to benefit the Rock Human race. Members of the organization are extremely knowledgeable in the nature of the Locacaca. Their current objective is to secure the New Locacaca for the benefit of at the very least its members, and at most the entire Rock Human race at large.

The research team consists of Satoru Akefu, Poor Tom, Wu Tomoki, Urban Guerrilla and his pet Doremifasolati Do. Aside from Solati Do who serves as a vehicle for Urban Guerrilla, they are all doctors employed at TG University Hospital. They cultivate Locacaca to treat wealthy patients.

After Holy Joestar-Kira failed in her research of the Locacaca, Satoru and his group of researchers take over her laboratory in the back of the obstetrics examination room to cultivate several fruits.[6] This would eventually lead to the development of an experimental regenerative medicine called Locacaca 6251.

The research group first encounters Josuke Higashikata on Mount Hanarero, where Urban Guerilla and Doremifasolati Do pursue Josuke, Yasuho Hirose, and the newly discovered plant appraiser, Rai Mamezuku. The doctor and his pet are both destroyed by the combined efforts of Josuke and Rai. However, before their deaths, Josuke deduces that the group's "human" identities are that of doctors, much to the shock of Urban Guerilla.

The group sought out Jobin Higashikata who briefly allies with Poor Tom. However, this alliance is not mutual, as Poor Tom gives limited information about his intentions and tricks Jobin into bringing a particularly dangerous automatic Stand onto his property. Jobin later betrays the group, taking the grafted branch for himself. The organization does not hesitate to kill off anybody that it thinks would pose a threat to its operation, including its own members. One of them kills Poor Tom when he fails in his mission to retrieve the grafted branch.

The group loses yet another member during an encounter with Yasuho Hirose and Mitsuba Higashikata, the latter of which had been administered pure Locacaca by Wu Tomoki in a series of beauty treatments. Wu attacks Yasuho using his Stand ability when she follows Mitsuba into his office. Upon realizing that she had experience several equivalent exchanges, as well as revealing to Yasuho that she was pregnant, Mitsuba becomes enraged at the doctor and uses her own ability to fight back. Wu eventually meets his end at the hands of Josuke, who covers his fragmented body with medicinal cement and causes him to suffocate.

After the death of Wu, the head doctor himself, Satoru Akefu, encounters the organization's opposition multiple times. The first of these encounters comes the next day, when Josuke, Yasuho, and Rai attempt to pursue him. However, Satoru's powerful ability to influence the path of objects (as well as the damage done by their collisions with individuals) proves to be too overwhelming for the group, and Satoru is able to evade them by getting onto a bus. Within the next few days, Akefu's Stand ability terrorizes both Josuke's group as well as other members of the Higashikata family, including Mitsuba. On the same day that Satoru gives a lecture on the use of the newly-developed Locacaca 6251, Josuke manages to enter TG University Hospital and, after healing his wounds with the drug, decides to pursue the Locacaca itself instead of Satoru in order to avoid activating the head doctor's Stand.


Locacaca Organization
T.G. University Hospital Research Team
Damokan Group
Legend of Symbols 

★: The character is leader
(✩: Subsequent leader / ✦: Leader of their own faction within the group)
(👻: The character remains as a soul or ghost)
☮: The character has resigned
⚓: The character retired (incapacitated) and/or their fate is unknown

See also


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