Josuke Higashikata (JoJolion) ★ History

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A detailed chronological summary of the life of Josuke Higashikata from JoJolion.

Circumstances of Birth

Josuke is the fusion between Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo. Kira was a marine surgeon whose mother Holy fell ill from the Rock Disease, a curse plaguing the existence of the Kira and the Higashikata bloodline. Kira learned of the existence of the Locacaca Smuggling Organization by accident, and the existence of the Locacaca, a miraculous fruit which could heal any ailment at the cost of another body part.

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Josefumi kneels over his friend's corpse as he crumbles away.

Determined to steal the fruit, Kira enlisted the help of Josefumi, a former patient of Holy's who was grateful to Holy for saving his life, and a Stand user. However, Josefumi advised to only steal a branch or two to graft them and get as many fruits as they wanted. Together the two stole branches from under Aisho Dainenjiyama's nose.

Several months later, after the earthquake, the fruits were almost ripe. Kira and Josefumi were confronted by Tamaki Damo and his organization, who managed to learn about the theft and tracked them down. Damo fatally wounded Kira by cutting out his liver, but the latter used Killer Queen to make an explosive distraction, fatally receiving shrapnel in the head.

Josefumi and Kira drifted to the place where they kept the only two Locacaca available, and Josefumi, after fighting off the A. Phex Brothers, used all the fruits to save Kira. An aftershock happened, causing Josefumi and Kira to fall into a fissure. The properties of the ground mixed the two together, and thus Josuke was born.

JoJolion (2012)

Unearthing & Identity Search

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The man halfway buried in the ground.
Josuke (although he is yet to be named as such) is found by Yasuho near the Wall Eyes in Morioh, half-buried in a spring. After she calls an ambulance, Yasuho notices a star-shaped birthmark on his shoulder surrounded by a fresh bite mark. Moreover, Josuke asks who he is. Josuke suddenly sinks in the spring, prompting Yasuho to pull him out of the water, and she discovers that he's naked and has four testicles. Joshu appears and is enraged at the sight of Yasuho and Josuke. Joshu attacks Josuke with a rock. However, a soap bubble emerges from his shoulder and steals Joshu's eyesight, which allows him to punch Joshu in the guts. Josuke faints, before they are all taken to hospital[1]. Yasuho visits him later at the hospital, where he reveals that he is knowledgeable, but that he has no memory whatsoever as to his own history. Using his hat as a first clue, she offers to help him to discover his identity by taking him to the manufacturer of his hat, a shop called "SBR". Using his bubble, Josuke and Yasuho elude a policewoman standing guard near his room by stealing water from her body and inducing thirst. When they arrive at the SBR hat shop, the shopkeeper claims that the man bought his hat there three days prior, before revealing a record of the sale to one "Yoshikage Kira", as well as his address. Yasuho believes that "Yoshikage" does not suit him, and nicknames him Josuke, after her childhood dog.In Kira's apartment, they find a sailor outfit that seems to fit Josuke well[2]. Then they hear noises from the bathroom. When they investigate the bathroom they find a girl bathing in the tub completely naked. Yasuho assumes the girl to be Kira's girlfriend, but then the girl pleads the two for help, to Josuke and Yasuho's suspicion. Then Yasuho finds a photo album. In the photos is the girl in sordid states of bondage with what appears to be Josuke. Disgusted and devastated, Yasuho flees the apartment, telling Josuke to leave Morioh and never return. Josuke demands an explanation from the girl. She states Josuke was a prisoner with her before escaping three days prior, and that she assumed he had returned to help her escape. She mentions that their captor resides on the floor above them, and that he has a limb-controlling power that activates when his victim is directly underneath him[3]. In an effort to save the girl, all four of Josuke's limbs are wounded and marked but he reveals his Stand, Soft & Wet. Stealing the sound from his appartment, Josuke sneaks out of the bathroom but the naked hostage makes a deal with the Stand user above them for her own safety and tells the man where Josuke is hiding. Josuke is completed controlled as Yasuho returns to the apartment after realizing she must have been mistaken about the photos. However, Josuke is able to use his Stand ability and remove the friction from the upper level floor. The enemy Stand user is unable to stand his ground without slipping. Still in control of Josuke, the Stand user makes his way to the balcony, where the protagonist uses his Stand to remove the enemy's eyesight. Without the ability to see, the enemy falls off the balcony and onto the bottom level. Josuke soon manages to grab the attacker and interrogates him. The man identifies himself as Ojiro Sasame, a surfer seeking revenge against Yoshikage Kira, whom Josuke closely resembles (in dress as well as in body). Ojiro explains how Kira constantly asked him a question which eventually made Ojiro insane and led to consuming his own fingers. In revenge, Ojiro rigged all sorts of traps in Kira's room, using the naked girl as bait and the photo album to frame Kira. Yasuho then points out a photo of Kira with the Wall Eyes in the background, where Josuke first appeared.

Traveling to the site of Kira's self-portrait, buried deeper, they discover the body of another man. Narrated after the fact, an autopsy reveals that the body belonged to Yoshikage Kira, who is assumed to have died of cardiac arrest three days prior.

The Higashikata Family

Daiya's California King Bed

Yasuho introduces Josuke to the head of the Higahikata family, Norisuke Higashikata IV, owner of a fruit importation business inherited from his grandfather Norisuke Higashikata I. Lent the Higashikata name, Josuke Higashikata is welcomed into Norisuke's home and is instructed to guard the youngest daughter Daiya. However, Norisuke ominously warns him to obey his word.

Josuke tricks Daiya into stepping on his shadow.
As everyone leaves, Daiya begins to flirt with Josuke and decides to play with him[4]. Using her Stand California King Bed, she steals one of Josuke's few memories when he fusses over her and tries to put her teacup in the right place. Thus, Josuke loses the memory of a strange mark he has spotted on Kira's wrist and on the handrail of the stair leading to Norisuke's office. To make things fair, she tells Josuke that if he manages to make her step on his shadow, the memories will be returned to him. Confused and anxious, Josuke tries to regain his memory. Daiya asks Josuke to accompany her to her bedroom as she wanted to change her clothes in order to go shopping. While she is in her closet, Josuke uses the opportunity to have Soft & Wet plunder the sound from the closet's light switch when he flips it off. Thus, the light of the bedroom would create a shadow of Josuke in the closet that Daiya would step on. However, she hears Josuke make an unnatural movement and easily deduces his plot. Josuke rushes to call Yasuho for help and loses all memories of Yasuho. Daiya becomes "the first woman he has any memory of" and is being seduced despite his own misgivings. However, Josuke then enacts a plan and puts Daiya's phone in the refrigerator. The two go out an a bicycle but Daiya discovers yet another one of his plans and he loses all memories of Soft & Wet. Sure of her victory, Daiya lowers her guard and Josuke eventually tricks Daiya into stepping on his shadow cast from the light of an open refrigerator[5]. Josuke decides to not hold a grudge and enters Norisuke's study, following the symbol he's seen on Kira's wrist.

Paisley Park & Born This Way

Soft & Wet pummels Born This Way.

Josuke discovers a book in the study marked with the same symbol: a record of the Steel Ball Run race. In the front cover he discovers a family tree for the Higashikata family, and that the first Norisuke Higashikata's daughter married Johnny Joestar, a direct ancestor of the dead Yoshikage Kira. From the family tree, Josuke makes plans to seek out Kira's only living relative: his mother Holy Joestar-Kira[6]. With Yasuho's help, Josuke discovers that she is a doctor at local T.G. University Hospital and both agree to meet here. Also, they discover that she is currently a patient. On his way to the hospital, Josuke notices that his GPS is malfunctioning and that a motorcyclist Stand is stalking him, appearing suddenly and attacking with a freezing wind before disappearing just as quickly. The GPS is eventually revealed as Yasuho's own nascent Stand, which is actually helping Josuke against his assailant. Noticing that the enemy can only appear when he "opens something", Josuke manages to evade his assailant, then find and eventually defeat the user Kyo Nijimura. Kyo is revealed to have a star-shaped birthmark and to be Kira's little sister. She mistook Josuke for an enemy and tried to stop him from approaching her mother Holy; as a gesture of good will, Josuke promises to stay away from Holy and the two make peace.

Josuke's dilemma
As Josuke is about to leave, Kyo asks him to show his tongue and notes that Josuke has two tongues and four eyes.[7] Kyo guides Josuke to the Wall Eyes to somewhat explain his ailment. What she does is hold two fruits together, a lemon and an orange, and buries them. Upon unearthing them, the two each have components of the other switched, with the orange having traces of lemon within and vice-versa. This puzzles and infuriates Josuke, who cries out questioningly upon who he is and how he came to be, bringing Kyo to tears as well. She explains that Josuke was the result of her brother Yoshikage being fused with someone else, collaterally pointing out that both Josuke and his Stand are similar to Kira and his Stand.

She tells him to investigate the Higashikatas as they may have the answers that he desperately needs.

Shakedown Road

The next day, at the breakfast table, Josuke asks Norisuke for a cell phone, as well as the chance to go to school. Norisuke agrees, but orders Joshu to escort him.

Joshu tests Josuke with a trigonometric problem, which he solves, before Joshu asks him to walk with him to a different high school, as a favor. Josuke and Joshu travel to Shakedown Road, known for its kleptomaniacal community. Joshu hopes to record himself being robbed in order to complain with evidence to the police for an earlier crime. Arriving, Joshu unknowingly breaks a child's "compact" toy before her mother demands compensation; as does Josuke a turtle tank in a nearby store window, apparently killing the turtles inside; for which the store owner extorts Josuke for ¥20,000 and a plan to pay off ¥330,000. Joshu captures the event with his phone; discovering that Josuke had stepped on leaves, rushed almost instantly to the tank, and then back, unaware. Continuing, Josuke is confronted by three men who had been watching from afar, who accuse Josuke of having made one drop his cell phone into a puddle. Watching another recording just made, Josuke sees himself again slide backward, knock into the man, then return to his original position, again unaware. The men propose that Josuke deliver a package underneath a nearby flower pot to a nearby woman as compensation. Having been set up to exchange an illegal substance, the two are soon arrested by a pair of police officers also observing.

Joshu meanwhile analyses mysterious actions between the woman and the gangsters during the exchange, localizing the effect to the ginkgo leaves scattered on the ground; and intercepts their exchange of money, fleeing. While Josuke is pinned by the policemen, the gangsters notice Joshu's sleight and give chase, easily catching up using the ginkgo leaves. Preparing to beat him, a nut and screw suddenly materializes on one of their hands. Confused the man unscrews it, causing his hand to detache from his wrist. Panic rises among them as his other hand falls and more screws form, before Joshu's Stand, Nut King Call, is fully revealed. Joshu escapes, reversing his Stand's effect; before discovering his stolen money is in fact composed of leaves.

The policemen discover Josuke's package contains only candy, and release him. Josuke reveals he had also deduced the power of the gingko leaves, and during its exchange had taken the money for himself with his Stand, which with he pays the pet shop owner in full for his case and turtles.

Morioh: Year 1901

Josuke learns from the pet shop owner of Johnny Joestar, in whose memory the Jizo was erected. Josuke then makes a call to Yasuho while she is in class. Seeing Joshu's caller ID, she doesn't answer, but noticing the origin of Josuke's call on her phone's map, Yasuho takes interest in the same Joestar Jizō. Searching the term, she is reminded of Holy and the Higashikata/Joestar family tree. Subconsciously employing Paisley Park, Yasuho continues to research the subject on her phone.

Paper Moon Deception

Josuke is inspired by Paisley Park to send Yasuho a text, given that she will not pick up a call from Joshu. However, Yasuho is targeted by Tsurugi Higashikata and his Stand, Paper Moon King. She becomes unable to distinguish faces and texts and loses her way in the town. Meanwhile, Josuke is also targeted by Tsurugi. He also steps on an origami frog, his foot contorting slightly; his senses now changed so that he can only perceive the same face that haunts Yasuho. Josuke is soon left in peace but cannot meet Yasuho.

Norisuke, Tsurugi & Yotsuyu

The next day, Josuke follows Tsurugi to his underground playroom.

Trailed by Norisuke, Josuke questions him; asking whether he killed Yoshikage Kira, which he says he did not, and in three parts: First, that he knows of the power of the Wall Eyes to combine two objects, and argues that if he wished Kira dead, he should wish the same of Josuke. Second, that he is sympathetic to Kira's family, including Holy, being that theirs shares its fate with his, with respect to the curse of their disease; and third, that he actually needed Kira, believing that he had a clue as to their cure.

Norisuke says that he adopted Josuke in the hope that he has retained these memories; reaffirms his wish for his family's happiness, and that he does not know the identity of the other person composing Josuke, suggesting that he consider himself the individual currently searching for his identity.

Josuke and Norisuke are then targeted by Yotsuyu Yagiyama.

"I Am a Rock"

A fight ensues between Josuke, Norisuke and Yotsuyu. Unable to counter Yotsuyu's power, Josuke is initially overwhelmed by the many flower pots attracted to him. However, with Norisuke's help, Josuke manages to get out of I Am a Rock's range a first time. When Yotsuyu touches him again, hundreds of chestnuts are attracted to him, but he and Norisuke manage to hide inside the family bunker.

Realizing that Yasuho has been kidnapped by Yotsuyu, Josuke resolves to get out of the bunker and fight Yotsuyu. In the process, he discovers that Yotsuyu isn't a normal human. The fight culminates in Josuke making Yotsuyu sink into the sea, and having Yotsuyu reveal that his original self is connected to Kira before dying. At the same time, Josuke spots the mysterious fruit Tsurugi has been talking about.

Josuke and Norisuke then examine the remains of Yotsuyu and manage to find a fruit. Josuke then follows Norisuke to the latter's fruit parlor in order to identify the fruit, but their search is interrupted when Jobin Higashikata returns.

Every Day Is a Summer Vacation

Because King Nothing smelled the fruit's scent on Jobin, Josuke wants to extract information from him.

To do so, he enlists the help of Tsurugi and challenges Jobin to a beetle fight with the Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus Jobin gave him earlier. He cheats, wins Jobin's Lamborghini, and manages to take the key to Tsurugi and Yasuho so that they investigate Jobin's whereabouts. However, Jobin begins to suspect Josuke and he has to flee.

Love Love Deluxe

Josuke meets Yasuho and Tsurugi again the next day. He spends some time with Yasuho, but an unknown woman catches his attention, as she seems to know him.

The woman named Karera Sakunami, is one of Josuke's original self's acquaintance, and Josuke decides to stick with her until she reveals him his name. Karera eventually tells him: his original self was Josefumi Kujo.

Josuke and Karera are then attacked by the A. Phex Brothers, but defeat them both. Karera realizes that Josuke underwent the equivalent exchange, and departs leaving Josuke with still many questions.

Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home

Josuke, having heard of the Locacaca thanks to Karera, starts to research the fruit with Yasuho and Tsurugi, thinking that it may be tied to his identity. His research is interrupted when he witnesses along with the Higashikata Family, Hato bringing her new boyfriend: Tamaki Damo. Thinking that the seemingly awkward boyfriend is nothing suspicious, he quietly asks Norisuke permission to leave, but when he enters the isolated foyer, he notices that Kyo has disappeared and that the house is covered in handprints making anyone who touches them soft. Trying to escape, Josuke accidentally touches the handprints and is softened himself.

Vitamin C and Killer Queen

Josuke continues to try to find a way to stop the murderous assault caused by Damo in the present while Josefumi and Kira's pasts are revealed in flashbacks.

Josefumi and Kira, having stolen a Locacaca Branch to use for grafting, are confronted by Damo and the other Rock Humans on Kira's yacht. Damo tortures Kira until the latter manages to escape along with Josefumi using Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack. Despite escaping, however, both men succumb to their injuries and die before the Wall Eyes fuse them together during the 2011 earthquake.

In the present, Josuke is surprised to see Hato using her Stand to mercilessly beat Damo to the point of death. After pursuing the fleeing Damo, Josuke confronts the man and avenges the people he's killed by shattering Damo's skull using Soft & Wet. Having come to terms with his different pasts, Josuke confirms his "true identity" as that of Josefumi Kujo.

Dawn of the Higashikata Household

Josuke can investigate his former identity in peace and confirms that he is an amalgamation of Josefumi Kujo and Yoshikage Kira. Having searched Damo's cleaning shop, his search about the properties of the Locacaca is also complete.

Josuke then visits the hospital where his mother Holy is treated. Appalled at her condition, Josuke learns that her illness is incurable and the most the doctors could do is put her into an artificial coma to slow the Rock Disease. Feeling a deep attachment to her, and committed to finish what his former selves started, Josuke vows to find the Locacaca and pay for Holy's treatment.

Later, Josuke witnesses the hectic return of Kaato Higashikata at the Higashikata House.

Dolomite's Blue Lagoon (story arc)

Having decided to go look for the Locacaca, Josuke secretly asks Norisuke for help and points out that Jobin is likely to be the Locacaca Smuggling Organization's ally. Although Norisuke refuses to hear about Jobin, he points Josuke to a plant appraiser who can help him find the branches Josefumi grafted. Josuke then departs to find this man.

Unbeknownst to him, Kaato has been observing them and informs Jobin of Josuke's intention. Jobin thus contacts the Rock Human named Dolomite to help him stop Josuke before he can find his contact. In the streets, Josuke is accosted by a young boy who gives him a letter which, without Josuke's knowledge, contains Dolomite's tooth. Immediately after, Josuke comes under attack from the Stand power named Blue Hawaii. The ability takes control of people or animals making them become feral and relentlessly chase a target, in this case Josuke; moreover, the control transfers from one organism to another through mere physical contact either directly or through infected blood, thus Josuke has difficulty defending himself and opts to flee.

Josuke repels one infectee after the other, but after realizing that he cannot remain on the defensive for long, he calls Yasuho so that she can investigate the tooth he left earlier. While Yasuho conducts her research, Josuke continues to flee from the unending attack of Blue Hawaii. After a while, Josuke is cornered by a baby, and unwilling to harm him, lets himself be controlled by Stand. Josuke then walks up to Dolomite's pond to be interrogated and killed.

Fortunately, Yasuho intervenes and saves Josuke, but not before he reveals confidential information to Dolomite. The cornered Dolomite then reveals that Jobin was the one who asked him to attack Josuke. Moreover, the Rock Human continues to monologue about the worth of the new variety of Locacaca Josuke is born from.

The Plant Appraiser

Josuke and Yasuho take the bus to Mount Hananero, where they seek to meet the mysterious plant appraiser. However, Josuke understands that Dolomite's ramblings weren't random, but a way to warn someone else they weren't aware of but had been listening to them. At the same moment, Josuke sees someone hijacking his bus: it is the plant appraiser he wanted to see.

The plant appraiser announces that they are under attack, prompting Josuke to let him drive the bus, as well as introduce Yasuho. Arriving at a parking lot, Josuke is shown several trees moving slowly through the concrete, proving that a new enemy is stalking them. The plant appraiser then formally presents himself as Rai Mamezuku. Josuke subsequently shows him several photos of the Higashikata orchard he has taken; although Rai discerns the Locacaca branch, he doesn't reveal anything and prefers to remind Josuke of the stakes of their mission, especially the importance of his safety.

Rai then invites Josuke and Yasuho to take a chairlift, soon revealed to be Rai's summer home. Away from the ground and thus temporarily safe, Rai cooks a creme romanoff for Josuke and Yasuho, who savor the snack. Josuke then listens to Rai's theories about the new enemy, and realizes that the enemy may be a new group. The discussion is interrupted when a tree sneaks near the chairlift. When it whips its branches at Yasuho, she ducks and nearly falls, but Josuke grabs her arm. They see a strange swarm of Stands covering the branches, which attacks Rai's hand, but Josuke neglects him to sweep them from Yasuho's legs. He sends bubbles towards the tree and makes them explode, shattering it. Rai then moves the chair forward to get away from the tree, but being upset, he cuts off his hand and then tosses Yasuho down to the ground, to Josuke's astonishment. Initially angry and threatening to also throw Rai down, Josuke regains his composure and tells Yasuho to go to safe ground.

The enemy appears, and Josuke sends his bubbles to make a makeshift ladder for Yasuho, but several thrown rocks pop them up. Rai manages to stab the enemy while Yasuho uses her Paisley Park to wash away the enemy Stand on her face. Josuke then discovers when the enemy resurfaces that they are two people chasing after them: Urban Guerrilla and his pet Doremifasolati Do.

Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do

Urban threatens Rai who has stabbed him but is only knifed a second time. The enemy then plunges undeground, announcing that they have a "killing order". Worried about Yasuho, Josuke jumps down to the ground despite Rai's insistence that he be protected first. Chased by Doremifasolati Do, Josuke sees that his bubbles are ineffective as they get transported behind his opponent. Thus, he is forced to seek shelter at the top of a boulder.

In the meantime, Rai has fallen from his chairlift because of Urban. However, Josuke discerns the determined look on the plant appraiser's face and guesses that he has a plan. He jumps down and runs toward the chairlift's eighth pole, which Rai wanted to reach in order to use the fuel stored in there. Although Josuke is overpowered by the teamwork of Urban and his pet, and ends up crushed beneath Doremifasolati Do, he and Rai manage to gravitate fuel into the Rock Animal and light it up. Doremifasolati Do explodes and Urban is burned alive.

Now safe, Josuke and Rai prepare themselves to go harvest the Locacaca. Josuke doesn't notice Yasuho leave, but Rai informs him that she had matters to tend to at home.

Poor Tom and Ozon Baby

Josuke and Rai infiltrate the Higashikata orchard through several tunnels. Using a secret passage, they manage to approach the Locacaca branch, and Josuke observes Rai planting some larvae moths inside the branch and is told to wait two days before a new fruit will grow.

However, when they return through the tunnels, Josuke and Rai begin to feel the effects of an unknown enemy Stand. They decide to go to the surface. Seeing the orchard on fire, Josuke and Rai must now save the branch. Josuke uses Soft & Wet's power to create two great bubbles acting as protective fields against the decreasing pressure. Rai steps outside to take the branch, but the appraiser suddenly meets Poor Tom, the Rock Human responsible for the attack.

Rai tries to attack Poor Tom, strangling him with wires. However, touching Poor Tom results in a dramatic increase in the pressure inside the bubble. Rai is crushed inside the bubble. Josuke then intervenes, putting several poisonous yew seeds inside bubbles and launching them at Tom's mouth, who swallows one of them. Tom then finishes Rai off, takes the branch and tries to flee, hearing the sirens of a fire truck and ambulance and guessing that his allies are coming. Josuke still pursues Tom despite the pressure increasing inside his bubble, and launches another bubble. This multi-layered bubble pursues Tom and manages to corner him just as the ambulances arrive.

Josuke continues to pursue Poor Tom with the bubble until it pops and reveals that there was nothing inside all along. Poor Tom starts running to the ambulance after grabbing what he thinks to be the Locacaca branch when he is suddenly shot by an unknown assailant, killing him. Josuke sees the person in the ambulance Poor Tom was running towards take the branch and drive away. Josuke despairs over the loss of the branch, but realizes that not all hope is lost as Rai is revealed to have survived Poor Tom's attack.

Equivalent Exchange and the University Hospital

After the battle, Josuke explains what happened to the Higashikata Family. Discussing what is their next option with Rai, Josuke hears the appraiser suspect Jobin but none of them has any proof of what happened. They decide to follow the trail of the ambulance's license plate. Finding that that no such ambulance is recorded, Josuke finds another trail when Yasuho calls her to go to the TG University Hospital.

Arriving there with Rai, Josuke spends some time searching for Yasuho while at the same time, she is busy fighting Dr. Wu Tomoki alongside Mitsuba Higashikata. Tipped by Yasuho's ex-boyfriend Tooru, Josuke reaches the secret laboratory containing several Locacaca branches and saves Yasuho from Tomoki, sealing his fragments inside his bubbles mixed with medical cement. Although the Locacaca branch is nowhere to be seen, Josuke is still sure that it was stolen by the Rock Humans of the Locacaca Organization. He thus follows Rai in the search for the last member unaccounted for: Satoru Akefu, the head doctor of the TG University Hospital. Yasuho reluctantly tags along.

Although Josuke chases after the head doctor, he and his companions are kept unable to catch up to him as either obstacles suddenly appear in their paths or Dr. Akefu inexplicably disappears from sight. During the descent of a staircase, Josuke spots an unknown Stand behind him and tries to attack, but the Stand then disappears. At the same time, Josuke sees that Tooru is repeatedly crossing paths with Yasuho and attempts to flirt with her. Not only suspicious but jealous, Josuke calls him out on seemingly following them. Josuke then ends up seeing a message from Tooru to Yasuho, who declares his love for her and says that he wants to get back with her.

Rai's legs eventually get shredded as he bumps into objects and the damage is disproportionally high, and the plant appraiser understand that an enemy Stand is involved. The pursuit climaxes in a car almost crashing into Yasuho, but thankfully Josuke manages to cushion her from both the car and her fall with Soft & Wet. Then, a patient with a broken neck comes to Josuke looking for a fight: his face has been splashed with some of Josuke's blood and the patient demands reparation before throwing a punch. Josuke blocks the punch with some bubbles to avoid direct contact, but then the neck of the man suddenly and violently snaps, killing him. As a crowd gathers and the police arrive, Josuke is now a murder suspect.

Dangerous Pursuit

To hide from the police, Josuke and Rai put a Lamborghini on a tree, using the reprieve to gather their thoughts. They theorize that Satoru Akefu's Stand is attacking by making things knock into them but are unsure about the trigger. Moreover, Rai discovers that Satoru Akefu may be attending a lecture on regenerative medicine at the TG University Hospital. Once they decide to actually go to the lecture, Satoru's Stand reappears only to disappear again when Josuke summons Soft & Wet. Its reappearance makes them realize that it is triggered by the intent of pursuit. As they worriedly leave the car to escape the incoming attack, Josuke and Rai discover with horror that the drops from an incoming rain become lethal projectiles, forcing them to take refuge in a police car. Josuke also realizes that Yasuho may be in danger herself.

Cornered, Josuke spends the moment reflecting on himself and explains that he still doesn't know his identity. Case in point, despite knowing both of the identities of the men who made him, he still doesn't identify as either of them. Josuke gets extremely determined to reach Satoru Akefu's lecture and steps out of the car, willingly subjecting himself to grievous injuries to be taken to the hospital.

Put under intensive care, Josuke regains consciousness a day later, minutes before Satoru Akefu's lecture begins. Josuke knocks out a policeman but his initial plan is thrown into disarray as the body of the policeman falls on him, causing dramatic damage. Thankfully, Holy comes in and brings him to the hidden room in the gynecology department to give him a medicine made out of Locacaca. Still willing to chase after Akefu, Josuke almost suffocates as the medicine turns his lips and nose into rock but Holy manages to pour more medicine into his mouth before losing consciousness. Seeing Holy in this state, Josuke thinks that he isn't Yoshikage Kira anymore but that he still remains her son. Regaining courage, Josuke revises his plans. Instead of pursuing the doctor, Josuke has an unknown package delivered to a yet to be revealed address and decides to patiently wait in the hidden laboratory.


  1. JJL Chapter 1: Welcome to Morioh
  2. JJL Chapter 2: Soft & Wet (1)
  3. JJL Chapter 3: Soft & Wet (2)
  4. JJL Chapter 7: Josuke Higashikata (chapter)
  5. JJL Chapter 8: California King Bed (1)
  6. JJL Chapter 11: Family Tree
  7. JoJolion Chapter 16: Pursuer

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