- According to JOJOVELLER, Diavolo taints his hair with a cheetah design because he is a punk.
- Diavolo's character was probably inspired by the song "21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson, since he is a 21st century man and his two personalities share schizoid traits. Furthermore this song and Epitaph were released on the same album, In the Court of the Crimson King in 1969 and together as singles in 1976.
- Given the circumstances of his defeat, Diavolo is neither dead or alive. He is in an endless cycle of deadly situations. Along with Kars and Magenta Magenta he suffers a "fate worse than death", condemned to never die.
- Diavolo is the second antagonist to have a Stand whose key ability involves chronokinesis.
- According to a Top 10 List published in Weekly Shonen Jump in 2000, Diavolo is Araki's second favorite antagonist and 4th favorite character overall.
- Strangely, despite his fervent desire to destroy any and all things connected to him that could have exposed his identity (up to and including his own daughter), he spared Donatella.
決して 結果 だけだ この世には結果 だけが残る!! ジョルノ・ジョバァーナおまえには死んだことを後悔する時間をも... 与えんッ!! 誉めてやる... おまえの的確で俊敏な判断力をな!! 下っぱのカス能力が 「帝王」は、このディアボロだ、依然変わりなく!! これは「試練」だ 過去に打ち勝てという「試練」と オレは受けとった 予知するまでもない事だったが「予測の画像」では 無意味な行為だったな おまえはッわたしを本気で怒らせたッ!! 命はもらったア----------------ッ!! おまえかたっ今目撃し, そして触れたものは... 「未来」のおまえ自身だ 数秒過去のおまえが 未来おまえ自身を見たのだ これが我が 「キング·クリムゾン」 能力! 0.5秒だけ吹っ飛ばした 時間を消し去って飛び越えさせた...! 時は再び刻み始める! やはリ生まれ故郷いいついてる とうおるるるるるるるるるるるるるるるる, るるん 恐怖とはまさしく過去からやって来る エピタフ! 「未来の動き」を予知した |