Minor Items in Stardust Crusaders
This is a list of minor items appearing in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders.
The items featured in this list do not have enough information to justify an article, mainly due to lack of relevance, but are still notable.
(Note: Blue buttons link to separate pages)
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 1: A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit
Photographs taken by Joseph Joestar as a result of smashing a camera with his hand and Hermit Purple. During the events of Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable, they would serve to give clues to the Joestar Group about their enemies. One particular photograph of DIO allowed Star Platinum to spot a Hue Hue Fly in the background, enabling the group to confirm his presence in Egypt. Another photograph would hint the group about DIO's lair, facilitating their journey. On occasion, it also allowed DIO to gain insight on the Joestar Group using Jonathan's Stand.
In Diamond is Unbreakable, one spirit photograph warned Jotaro Kujo and Josuke Higashikata about Anjuro Katagiri. The threat of the photographs also lured Akira Otoishi in the open, enabling his defeat.Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 5: Silver Chariot
According to Araki, the doll resembles an African shaman.[1]
Devo planted it in Polnareff's room in order for his Stand to posess it and kill him. Polnareff was able to destroy it, killing Devo in the process.
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 21: Judgement, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 25: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 25: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
A photograph the Joestar Group took in Egypt as a commemoration. It features Jotaro Kujo, Joseph Joestar, Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and Iggy. Although surely taken during the event of Stardust Crusaders, it wouldn't appear in the manga until Vento Aureo.
The Part 3 Anime adaptation features a scene explaining the origins of this photo, expanding on the photograph by showing the group actually taking it and shows Jotaro dearly holding onto it on several occasions.Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 27: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 34: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 40: D'Arby the Player, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 40: D'Arby the Player, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 41: D'Arby the Player, Part 2
A fictional video game played by Jotaro Kujo and Telence T. D'Arby. It simulates a game of baseball, in which two players face off using different baseball teams. One player must select what kind of throw his pitcher perform, while the opponent must react to the throw as the batter. The players' positions will be switched after three outs or when their turn has ended. It is possible to customize the appearance of the teams, as Jotaro and Telence make each of their team members resemble their respective Stands.
The game also makes an appearance in Part 4's Anime adaptation.Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 46: DIO's World, Part 2 (singular), Stardust Crusaders Episode 47: DIO's World, Part 3 (Several)
He's first seen throwing a sharp dinner knife to pierce Joseph Joestar's throat from afar, due to him using Hermit Purple in conjunction with the Ripple to defend himself. This knife was also the cause of Joseph's temporary death.
During his fight with Jotaro Kujo he obtains a bunch of knives out of nowhere, he then throws tons of these at Jotaro during stopped time, surrounding him in an encroaching dome of knives. Jotaro survived this attack due to him stuffing several magazines in his attire. Jotaro would then use one of the knives which had stabbed into him to attack DIO, via throwing it as well.
Since their appearance, these knives have become a staple of DIO's character. Appearing in numerous video games and figures; also inspiring several characters and moves outside of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 47: DIO's World, Part 3
DIO uses the sign as an improvised weapon to try and decapitate Jotaro Kujo, who was playing dead. Before he could swing down on him, Jean Pierre Polnareff stabs him in the head with Silver Chariot's rapier. DIO would've used it on Polnareff, but Jotaro's quick thinking stops that from happening, leading him to consider decapitating Jotaro again. But he doesn't get the chance, as Jotaro's Star Platinum bends the sign, rendering it useless.
Much like the knives and road roller. The road sign has become synonymous with DIO's character, appearing in several pieces of media and merchandise.