Author's Note ★ Stardust Crusaders
In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotes featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. This section's notes are from the volumes of Stardust Crusaders and were translated in the English version published by VIZ Media.
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 114 | Thoughts on JoJo's school uniform? Next week's chapter will feature a full-color opening. Please look forward to it. | 学生服姿のジョジョはいかがでしたか?来週は巻頭カラーでの活躍。期待して下さい
Chapter 115 | What do you think about Part 3's new protagonist, Jotaro? My plan's to make him the cool JoJo who wouldn't lose to Jonathan or Joseph. Other than that, we also have an enemy from 100 years ago, as well as an unprecedented, great adventure starting up! I really do appreciate everyone and your support. | 第3部、新主人公の承太郎はいかがでしたか?ジョナサン、ジョセフに負けないカッコイイ “ジョジョ”にするつもりです。そして、100年前の宿敵!を交え、前人未到の大冒険がスタート!愛読者の皆様応援ヨロシクお願いします
Chapter 116 | Assistants wanted! If you are interested in drawing pictures, please contact Mr. Kabashima, the editor! | アシスタント大募集!絵を描をくのが好きなヤル気ある人、編集椛島氏まで
Chapter 117 | In our neighborhood, there's this strange cat that frequently shows up that we've nicknamed "Muscle Cat." The sight of its raging shoulder muscles is hilarious! | 近所に “筋肉ネコ”と仇名した奇妙な猫が出没。肩の筋肉を怒らせた姿は爆笑もの!
Chapter 118 | I was deeply moved by the Oscar-winning Rain Man! I'd like to attempt a road trip like that someday. | アカデミー賞の『レインマン 』に感動!ぼくもいつかああいった道中物に挑戦したい
Chapter 119 | My original one-shot, Tesla, will appear in the June issue of Super Jump. Please read it! | 僕が原作をかいた読切 『テスラ』が
Chapter 120 | It takes me 20 minutes to get to the train station from work. I haven't been exercising lately, so it's actually very tiring for me. | 仕事場から駅まで20分もかかる。これがけらこう疲れる私は、かなり重症の運動不足
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 121 | I spent my day off gathering material for JoJo by reading books and watching movies! But what I really want to do is go on a research trip abroad. | 運休は、
Chapter 122 | My sister had another baby. Now I'm the uncle of three children.... That means more future readers! | 妹にまた子供が生まれた。これで3人の子の伯父さんに…。未来の読者が増えたゾ!
Chapter 123 | Volume 10 of JoJo is currently being worked on. It'll release on June 10th! | ジョジョのコミックスも、今準備中ので10巻目になります。6月10日発売をよろしく
Chapter 124 | Alright, it's time for another research trip! I just need to make sure I adjust my schedule ahead of time! I'll do my best! | よ〜し、取材旅行に出かけるぞ!と、ハリキって、スケジュール調整!がんばるゾ!!
Chapter 125 | I recently hired a housekeeper. Their food's delicious and the place has never looked cleaner! | 最近お手伝いさんに来てもらっています。食事はおいしいし、仕事場きれいで、最高
Chapter 126 | So I predicted the weather completely wrong, and was met with a huge downpour of rain. Leaks sprouted everywhere. An old lady in the neighborhood laughed at me. | 天気の読みが甘く、どしゃ降りの雨にあい、完壁に漏れ、近所のオバさんに笑われた
Chapter 127 | Next week, I'm off on a research trip! That's why this week's schedule will be packed! Here I go! | 来週は取材旅行に出発!そのため今週はハードスケジュール!がんばるっきゃない!!
Chapter 128 | I saw a head-on bicycle collision in my neighborhood. Both riders were alright, but it still shocked me. | 自転車の正面衝突事故を近所で見た。どちらかがゆずればいいのに、あきれました。
Chapter 129 | As someone who doesn't like hot weather, I know it's a problem for a lot of people, but I welcome the cold summer! I love cool. | 暑いのが苦手な僕としては、困る人も多いと思うけど、冷夏大歓迎!クール大好き。
Chapter 130 | Thanks for all the fan letters to Jotaro! I've read them all and will take note of all of them. | 承太郎に
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 131 | I let my guard down for just a few minutes in the cafeteria, and my bag disappeared! It was clearly stolen!! | 食堂で、ほんの数分気を許したら、鞄がなくなっていた!あざやかにやられました!!
Chapter 132 | There's this house in my neighborhood that has a monstrous two-meter-tall bird in an iron cage. It's so eerie. | 近所に2
Chapter 133 | Volume 11 of JoJo will be on sale on August 10th! I hope you enjoy Part 2's climax!! | 8月10日に
Chapter 134 | I've been reading a lot of non-fiction lately. The 'reality' you wouldn't find in novels is unbearably stimulating. | 最近ノンフィクション物をよく読む。小説にはない事実の迫力がたまらなく刺激的だ
Chapter 135 | Next issue will have colored pages, so I'm on a bit of a tight schedule! And since it's summer vacation all the days end up blending together!! | 次号は巻頭カラーのため、ハードスケジュール!夏休みなんて縁のない毎日ですッ!!
Chapter 136 | I'll be attending the Anime Carnival convention in Miyagi Prefecture. Sendai is my home town, so I'm looking forward to it. See you there. | アニメ
Chapter 137 | I put all of my energy into drawing five colored art pieces for the Baoh the Visitor (OVA)! | ジャンプビデオ『バオー来訪者』の為に、カラー原稿を5枚も描いた気合い入れたよ!
Chapter 138 | My first favorite book was The Prophecies of Nostradamus. It's really made me think a lot about how the 20th century's coming to an end. | 最初の愛読書はノストラダムスの『大予言』。20世紀も終り坂づいた今考えさせられる
Chapter 139 | On the way to the Anime Convention in Sendai, I spent a few days relaxing at my parents' house. It was my first vacation in a long time. |
Chapter 140 | Thank you to everyone who came to support me at the Anime Carnival convention in Miyagi. It was very encouraging. | アニメ
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 141 | A cat ate all of the kiwis I was growing. I heard that kiwis are part of the Actinidiaceae family, so it makes sense. | 栽培してる
Chapter 142 | The midnight TV show L.A. Law is very entertaining. The tactics used in the courtroom are very informative. |
Chapter 143 | JoJo Volume 12 goes up for sale on October 10th! We're finally moving from Part 2 to Part 3! Please enjoy. | 10月10日に
Chapter 144 | At long last, the Baoh the Visitor video adaptation will be released on November 1st. Fans will certainly enjoy it! | 11月1日ついに「バオー来訪者」の
Chapter 145 | Next week's issue will have colored pages, so the schedule will be a bit stressful. They're entertaining to draw though, so I don't mind doing them. | 来週は巻頭カラーで
Chapter 146 | What'd you think of the colored pages? I'd like to do as many colored manuscripts as my schedule allows, so please support me. After work, I like to relax and recover while reading my favorite Koontz novels. | 巻頭カラーはいかがでしたか?スケジュールがゆるすかぎり、色原稿は描きたいので、応援よろしくお願いします。仕事の後は、大好きなクーンツの小説など読みながら、束の間の休息をとって充填してます
Chapter 147 | I'm taking applications for new assistants. All you young, motivated people, please call Mr. Kabashima, the editor. | アシスタントを募集します。若くてヤル気ある人、編集椛島氏まで
Chapter 148 | As we face the end of the year, the work just keeps growing, getting busier every day! Until January, I'll keep doing my best!! | 年末に向かていろいろ仕事も増え、慌ただしい毎日!正月まで、もうひとがんばりだッ!!
Chapter 149 | All of the Koontz and Herbert novels I haven't read are piling up. I need to knock them all out for the new year. | クーンツやハーバートの未読の小説が、たまりにたまってる。正月はまとめて読むゾ
Chapter 150 | Volume 13, for sale December 5th! The adventures of Part 3's Jotaro begin! Please enjoy!! | コミックス13巻が、12月5日発売!第3部承太郎の活躍がはじまります!よろしく!!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 151 | It's been 3 years since the series began! We've exceeded 150 chapters! Each month went by in the blink of an eye. | 連載をはじめて、まる3年!150回突破しました!月並だけど長いようで短かった
Chapter 152 | I've noticed my face is getting rounder. Speaking of which, I've been doing absolutely no exercise recently. | 気がついてみると、顔が丸みを帯びている。そういえば最近全然運動していません
Chapter 153 | Recently, I started swimming at the gym. I don't have to think while swimming, which is a nice change of pace. | 最近スポーツクラブで泳ぎをはじめた。泳いでいると何も考えず、いい気分転換だ。
Chapter 154 | Happy new year! This year, I'm gonna draw even greater adventures than before, so enjoy!! | あけましておめでとう!今年は、今まで以上の大冒険を描きますので、ヨロシク!!
Chapter 155 | Thank you so much for the New Year's cards! I won't be able to reply to all of them, but I'll do my best. | 年賀状たくさんありがとう!全部に返事を書けないけど、励みにしてがんばります
Chapter 156 | Assistants very much wanted! If you're willing, and if drawing pictures is your thing, please call Mr. Kabashima, the editor!! | アシスタント大募集!絵を描くのが好きな、ヤル気ある人編集椛島氏まで電話を!!
Chapter 157 | Thoughts on this week's color pages? Don't forget to enter the sweatshirt giveaway!! | 今週の巻頭カラーはいかがでしたか?トレーナープレゼントにも、どしどし応募を!!
Chapter 158 | Volume 14 of JoJo is on sale February 9th! This is where Jotaro's Stand really starts showing off. | ジョジョ・コミックス14巻が2月9日に発売!承太郎のスタンドが大活躍開始です
Chapter 159 | I went swimming for the first time in a while, and I felt too nauseous to keep going. I'm not that old... right? | 久しぶりに泳ぎに行ったら、がんばりすぎて吐気がした。もう若くないのか…な?
Chapter 160 | When you've been stuck in same place for over a year, it's reasonable to want a change of scenery. It can be troublesome, though. | 同じ所に一年以上いると、なんとなく気分転換に引越したくなる。こまった性分だ
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 161 | I've been wanting to travel lately. Being able to go places where you don't know anyone is the best. | 最近無性に旅行がしたい。誰も知る人がいない土地を気ままに旅するのが最高だ。
Chapter 162 | I saw The Rolling Stones's opening day performance! It was so cool!!! I went numb from the excited shouts of fifty thousand people!! |
Chapter 163 | Lately, my physical health's been really good. It's probably because I swim every week. I'll keep going until I can't continue any longer. | 最近体調がとてもいい。どうやら毎週泳いでいるせいだ。無理せず長く続けよう。
Chapter 164 | I saw the film Born on the Fourth of July. It was terrifying!! It's certainly not a half-baked horror film! | 映画『7月4日に生まれて』を見た。怖かった~っ!!なまじの
Chapter 165 | I'm looking forward to this year's Formula One. Especially Senna's aloof personality. I'm very charmed by it. | 今年の
Chapter 166 | Golden Week's only a month away! This year, I'm taking a more conventional vacation, and traveling overseas! ...No, I can't really do that, can I? | あと1ヵ月で、
Chapter 167 | Volume 15, for sale on April 10th! More and more interesting Stand battles! Please enjoy. | コミックス15巻目が、4月10日に発売!スタンドの戦いもいよいよ佳境!ヨロシク
Chapter 168 | I went to buy some books on babies and childcare to use as material for my manga. It was very embarrassing. | 漫画の資料にと、赤ちゃん、育児に関する本を買いにいったなんだか恥しかったョ
Chapter 169 | The tempura I ate for dinner wasn't good, and gave me hives on my whole body! It's so itchy! Help me!! | 夕飯に食べた天ぷらがいけなっかのか、全身蕁麻疹に!かゆくて、たすけて~!!
Chapter 170 | Assistants wanted! People who are interested, please call Mr. Kabashima, the editor. Thank you. | アシスタント募集!ヤル気ある人は、編集椛島氏まで、電話を下さい。よろしく。
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 171 | I recently started wearing contacts, but my eyes aren't used to them yet, so they hurt. Whenever I react to something, my facial expressions end up looking a bit off. | コンタクトにかえたが、慣れず目が痛い。自然と目をむくと表情がアブナクなる!
Chapter 172 | I think I wanna get into diving, but I'm a little nervous about it, since I'm somewhat claustrophobic... | ダイビングを始めようと思うけど、実は多少閉所恐怖症の傾向があり、少し不安…
Chapter 173 | Hiring assistants! If you're a willing person in the outskirts of Tokyo, please call Mr. Kabashima. | アシスタント募集中!東京近郊のヤル気ある人編集部椛島氏まで
Chapter 174 | Volume 16, for sale June 8th! Please enjoy the battle with the ghastly Stand Empress, among other things. | コミックス16巻が、6月8日発売!『
Chapter 175 | My editor is constantly traveling abroad for Formula One coverage. It makes me a little anxious every time he leaves me behind in Japan! Something like that, anyway. |
Chapter 176 | The temporary tattoo I got as a souvenir from Hawaii is fascinating! Can you even buy these in Japan? Let me know. | ハワイ土産にもらった
Chapter 177 | My 30s are sneaking up on me. Time flies when you're writing a weekly series! | いつのまにか30歳になってしまいました。週刊連載していると年をとるのが早い!?
Chapter 178 | I've been wanting to write a one-shot lately, so I've started gathering information for that. It might just appear in this magazine before long. | 最近、読切を描きたくて、資料を集めてます。近々、本誌に載るかもしれませんよ
Chapter 179 | I saw the movie Tremors! It's considered a horror B-movie, but I found it pretty interesting! | 映画『トレマーズ』を見た!
Chapter 180 | I went bowling on Koseki-sensei's team... and of course I won! They all must've been terrible at it! | こせき先生チームとボーリング!…で、優勝したのは当然私!みんなヘタだぜ~!
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 181 | As a huge fan, I can't wait for Prince's concert at the end of August! | 8月末のプリンスのコンサート。大ファンなので、と~っても楽しみにしています
Chapter 182 | I strained a neck muscle from sleeping awkwardly. It's so painful I can't even look down, which makes working on my manuscript a real struggle. | 寝違えて首の筋を痛めた。痛くて下を向かいので、原稿をかくのが大変だった。
Chapter 183 | I’m planning to return to my hometown for some fishing this summer. I just need to make sure I strike a balance between work and relaxation! | 夏休みは、故郷にかえって釣りをするつもり、絶対に仕事をやりくりして休みゾ!
Chapter 184 | This summer, I'm diving to my heart's content! …Or rather, that's what I should be doing, but I still haven't done it even once. | この夏は、思いきりダイビング!…のはずだったけど、まだ一度も行ってません。
Chapter 185 | Volume 17 is on sale now! Enya is brutal. If there aren't any stores selling it, then order one please ♡? | コミックス⑰巻発売中!エンヤ婆さんがエグイよ。書店になければ、注文してネ♡
Chapter 186 | The goal is to go fishing in the ocean this summer! I'm going to spend the whole day casting my line into the wide ocean blue. | 夏休みは、海釣りに挑戦する予定!広い海原で、1日ボケッと釣り糸をたれるぞ。
Chapter 187 | The studio where I work was filmed on TV. The idol N-chan is so cuuute~♡ | 仕事場のマンションで
Chapter 188 | I had a pleasant summer vacation fishing by the sea in the countryside. I was so relaxed I hardly caught anything! | 田舎での夏休み、のんびり海釣りを楽しみました。のんびりしすぎて釣果は飛散!
Chapter 189 | I went to a Prince concert! As someone with the same birthday as him, I was, for some reason, really empathetic and deeply moved. | プリンスのコンサートに行った!同じ生年月日なので、何故か共感、感動したよ!!
Chapter 190 | The manga Chibi Maruko-chan is hilarious. Maruko-chan's posture in particular is irresistibly charming. | 漫画『ちびまる子ちゃん』が面白い。特にちびまる子の立ち姿が何ともいえず良い
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 191 | This'll be my second dive attempt this year. When I'm underwater, I'm able to forget everything above the surface and just relax. | 今年2度目のダイビングに挑戦。潜っていると地上の全てを忘れリラックスできる
Chapter 192 | Volume 18, on sale October 8th! I hope you enjoy the life-or-death battle in a dream with Death Thirteen!! | コミックス18巻が、10月8日に発売!夢の
Chapter 193 | I’ve always found stormy nights to be oddly calming. The sound of the wind actually helps me sleep better. | 台風の夜は、何故か心が落ち着く。風の音を聞いていると不思議と良く眠れます。
Chapter 194 | Considering my expectations, I'm a bit let down by Die Hard 2 just being an average film. The original's way better. | 期待した割には『ダイハード
Chapter 195 | I'm currently obsessed with a fruit called mangosteen. I love the taste when it's chilled! | 最近フルーツの『マンゴスチン』に凝ってます。冷たくひやしたあの味がサイコー
Chapter 196 | I'm looking forward to seeing Total Recall, since it actually seems interesting, unlike most of the movies they've been putting out lately. | 映画『トータル・リコール』が楽しみ。最近面白い映画が少ないだけに期待してます
Chapter 197 | Of the kids in the neighborhood, one of them is named Sena. Their dad is definitely an Ayrton Senna fan. | 近所の子供に、
Chapter 198 | Drawing scenery from foreign countries really makes me wanna visit them. I wish I had more time! | 外国の風景を描いていると、無性に旅行に行きたくなります。時間がもっと欲しい!
Chapter 199 | I caught a cold and now my throat hurts! As a chatterbox, this is the absolute worst!! | 風邪をひいて喉がとても痛い!おしゃべりな私としては、これがなによりつらい!!
Chapter 200 | We are looking for assistants. If you're an energetic person who loves manga, call Mr. Kabashima, the editor!! | アシスタント募集します。漫画が好きなヤル気ある人編集椛島氏まで
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 201 | I’ve switched from glasses to contact lenses! I’m still getting used to them, so my eyes look a little questionable. | メガネをやめてコンタクト・レンズに挑戦中!慣れぬせいか目の表情が、少しアブナイ
Chapter 202 | This December marks a full decade since my debut! This is due in part to everybody's support. Please continue to do so in the coming year! | この12月でデビューして丸10年!これも皆さんのおかげ。来年もよろしくお願いします
Chapter 203 | Assistants wanted! People who like drawing manga, keep calling my editor, Kabashima! Welcoming any skilled people! | アシスタント募集中!漫画を描くのが好きな人、編集椛島氏ままで電話を!経験者優遇!
Chapter 204 | The next issue will have an opening color page, to celebrate passing 200 chapters! There will also be the customary sweatshirt prize, please enjoy. | 次号巻頭カラーは、200回突破記念!恒例トレーナー・プレゼントもあるので、ヨロシク
Chapter 205 | How were the opening color pages? Please apply restlessly for the sweatshirt prize. Good luck. | 巻頭カラーいかがでしたか?トレーナープレゼントに奮って応募して下さい。ヨロシク
Chapter 206 | Volume 20 will be released on February 8th. I'd like to pat myself on the back for drawing 20 volumes so well. | コミックス第20巻が、2月8日に発売です。20巻もよく描いたと自分でも、感心してます
Chapter 207 | And just when I find out the Berlin Wall's fallen, there's a Gulf War breaking out! These hectic world affairs are all so nerve-racking, aren't they? | ベルリンの壁が崩れたと思ったら、湾岸戦争!目まぐるしい世界情勢に、不安だな~。
Chapter 208 | The gym pool is less crowded in winter, which feels really nice. It's perfect for switching gears coming off of work. | 冬場はジムのプールがすいてて、とても気分がいい。仕事の気分転換にもってこいです
Chapter 209 | We received many applications for the assistant position. To those I couldn't hire, I'd like to extend my thanks here. |
Chapter 210 | The air conditioner at my workplace is broken, and despite repeated requests, no one comes to repair it. I might catch a cold from the cold. | 仕事場のエアコンが故障何度さいそくしても修理に来てくれない。寒くて風邪ひきそう
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 211 | The theater gave me a complimentary ticket for The Godfather Part III. Thank you very much. | 映画さんから『ゴッドファーザー
Chapter 212 | Lately, I've become obsessed with Moschino's fashion. Its stylish flashiness is very much to my taste. | 最近モスキーノのファッションに凝っています。粋な派手さがとても私好みなのです。
Chapter 213 | Fans will often travel and send me souvenirs from their trips. Thank you so much! | ファンの方が旅行に行って、よく土産を買って送ってくれる。ありがとうございます
Chapter 214 | The world seems to be enjoying the warm weather, but this isn't the case for me, as someone who loves winter and hates summer. | 世間は陽気が暖て喜んでいるでしょうが、冬好き夏嫌いの私は、別なのです。
Chapter 215 | With spring in the air, I'm feeling the urge to travel. I've recently really wanted to bask in the beauty of various places across Japan. | 春めいてきて旅に出たくなった。しみじみ日本各地の良さにひたりたい今日この頃です
Chapter 216 | I'm adjusting my schedule for Golden Week. I'm trying hard to take a break like everyone else. |
Chapter 217 | More staff members are coming down with hay fever. I've heard that the symptoms will come out of nowhere, so it's a little worrying... | スタッフにも花粉症が増えている。突然症状が現れるというが、なんだか不安だナ~
Chapter 218 | Thanks for all the fan letters. It's fun reading them, especially the ones that come with photos and such. | ファンレターたくさんありがとう。写真が入ってたりして、楽しみながら読んでます。
Chapter 219 | Volume 21 will be out on May 10th! It marks the end of the battle with the Oingo Boingo Brothers! | コミックス21巻が、5月10日に発売!オインゴ&ボインゴ兄弟との戦いに、決着だッ!
Chapter 220 | Jackie Chan's Armour of God II: Operation Condor[a] was surprisingly entertaining. Color me impressed. | ジャッキー・チェンの『プロジェクト・イーグル』が意外に面白くて、感心しました。
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 221 | I got myself a Super Famicom and have been playing F-Zero. I can't let my editor beat me! | スーパーファミコンを買って、エフゼロをやってます。担当には、負けられないです。
Chapter 222 | Went diving for the first time in a while. Being underwater without a single thought is the best stress relief. | 久しぶりにダイビング。水の中で何も考えないのがストレス解消に一番よいです。
Chapter 223 | I'm a Gemini, so my birthday is this month. Not happy to be aging, but I am thankful for the Prince-related gifts from fans!! | 私は双子座、つまり誕生日は今月。年をとるのは嬉しくないけど、
Chapter 224 | The young man at the neighborhood rice shop has such a nice greeting! It's refreshing to see such a good spirit, which is rare these days. | 近所の米屋のお兄さんのアイサツがいい!今時珍しい気風の良さに、スカッとします。
Chapter 225 | What'd you think of the colored pages this chapter? Colored manuscripts are my favorite, so if you want them, I'm always happy to do them. | 巻頭カラーいかがでしたか。色原稿書くのは好きなので、希望があれば、いつでも
Chapter 226 | I'm judging for July's Hop Step Award.[b] I'm so eager to be selecting the winner, so please send in your best works. | 7月期の
Chapter 227 | I went a little overboard with my favorite cherries and ended up with an upset stomach, but they were so delicious. | 好物のサクランボをたらふく食べてしまって、腹をこわしたサクランボは本当にうまい
Chapter 228 | It's been a while, but I was able to attend the Tezuka and Akatsuka Awards party. It was fun meeting Toriyama-sensei and Koseki-sensei there. | 久しぶりで2大賞パーティーに出席。鳥山先生こせき先生に会えて、楽しい一時でした
Chapter 229 | As someone who loves winter, the current season is absolutely dreadful. Makes me want to return to my cooler hometown. | 冬大好き人間の私としては、この季節がとてもつらい。涼しい故郷に帰りたくなります
Chapter 230 | Thank you so much for always giving me fan letters and presents. They motivate me to keep working hard!! |
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 231 | The movie Home Alone was fun. I'd like to see another protagonist like him again. | 映画『ホームアローン』が面白かった。もう一度会いたくなるような主人公像でした!
Chapter 232 | I reread Fabre's Book of Insects for the first time in 20 years. A classic is enjoyable no matter how old you are. It was fantastic. | 『ファーブル昆虫記』を20年ぶりに再読。名作はいくつになっても楽しめる。ヨカッタ
Chapter 233 | I tried sleeping on a waterbed and ended up not getting much sleep. I guess a hard bed suits me better?! | ウオーターベッドで寝たら、かえって安眠できなかった。せんべいぶとんが性にある!?
Chapter 234 | I'm a simple guy; when thunder rolls, I'll get oddly excited. The sounds and lights are just amazing!! | 雷が鳴ったりすると単純な私は、妙にコーフンしてしまう。あの音と光は、スゴイッ!!
Chapter 235 | Volume 23 will be out on September 10th! The wager of souls with the older D'Arby! Look forward to it!! | コミックス第23巻は、9月10日発売!ダービー兄との魂を賭けた賭け!お楽しみに!!
Chapter 236 | As an avid hater of summer, I’m thrilled that autumn is here. I get to enjoy my favorite chestnut rice, and honestly, I just love everything about fall!! | 夏ぎらいの私は秋がうれしい。好物の栗ごはんも食べられるし、とにかく秋は好きだ!!
Chapter 237 | The TV starts acting up, but as soon as I call the repairman, it starts working again. Situations like that are the most troublesome. |
Chapter 238 | I was thrilled to get a print of my favorite David Roberts painting from 150 years ago! His skill in drawing is something I could never hope to aspire to. | 大好きな
Chapter 239 | Next week has colored pages for the first time in a while! I'll draw the battle with the tough enemy Vanilla Ice to my best ability. | 来週は久しぶりに巻頭カラー!強敵ヴァニラ・アイスとの戦いを、思い切り描きます。
Chapter 240 | I always meet with my editor at a J-family restaurant. That's where we often come up with ideas. | 担当氏との打合せはいつも
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 241 | There's an introduction to JoJo in Hachiro Taku's new book, Cool! Otaku Heaven, which is out now. Please check it out! | 発売中の宅八郎著『イカす!おたく天国』にジョジョの紹介がのってます。御一読を。
Chapter 242 | I took the plunge and bought Twin Peaks on LaserDisc. I enjoy the manga-like aesthetic it has. | 『ツインピークス』のレーザーを思いきって買う。漫画に共通するセンスが楽しめます
Chapter 243 | Guns N' Roses's new albums are amazing! I keep playing them at work. They really make work go smoothly! | ガンズン・ローゼスの新譜がサイコー!仕事場で聞きまくってます。仕事もはかどる!
Chapter 244 | JoJo Volume 24 will be released on November 8th! Jotaro and his companions storm DIO's mansion!! | ジョジョのコミックス24巻が11月8日発売!
Chapter 245 | I usually don't have dreams, but I've been having them a lot lately. They're always bizarre and quite interesting. | ほとんど夢を見た事がない私が、最近夢をよく見る。決まって奇怪な内容で中々面白い
Chapter 246 | I've been watching a lot of Steven Seagal's films. They're thrilling, and the refreshing feeling after watching them is great. | スチーブン・セーガルのビデオを見まくってます。痛快で見た後スカッとするのかいい
Chapter 247 | Friends from my elementary school days are getting married one after another. I don't get to see them very often due to the distance between us, but congrats nonetheless! | 小学生の頃の友人が次々と結婚ラッシュ。遠くにいて中々会えないけど、おめでとう!
Chapter 248 | My grandfather passed away. He used to tell me stories from the past, and played somewhat of a role in shaping who I am. I'm feeling rather lonely without him. | ボクの祖父が死にました。よく昔話を語ってくれたボクの原点みたいな人でした。寂しい。
Chapter 249 | I had a dream where I committed some terrible crime and was desperately trying to get rid of the evidence. What does it mean? | 夢の中でとんでもない犯罪を犯して必死で証拠隠滅を計る自分を見た。何故なんだ
Chapter 250 | And just like that, five years have passed since the series began. I'd like to thank all the fans for their support. | いつの間にか連載開始以来5年がたちました。
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 251 | The TV and video player I bought 2-3 years ago keep breaking down one after another. I wish they would focus more on durability rather than features. | つい2、3年前に買った
Chapter 252 | I'm someone who rarely stays up all night, but I had to put in extra hours for the next issue's color pages. I was deeply moved by the sunrise's extreme beauty. | めったに徹夜しない私だが、次号巻頭カラーの為に残業。暁がとてもきれいで感動
Chapter 253 | I came down with a cold just after New Year's. It hit my digestive system pretty hard, so I'm having a bit of trouble working on my manuscript. | 正月早々風邪をひいてしまった。症状が胃腸にきて、原稿をかくのが少し辛かった。
Chapter 254 | One of the joys of winter is having sukiyaki parties with everyone on the team. It really warms the heart. | 冬の楽しみといえばスタッフの皆とすき焼きパーティーです。シンまであったまる
Chapter 255 | Volume 25 releases on the 10th! The game with the younger D'Arby reaches an intense climax!! Please make sure to read it, okay?! |
Chapter 256 | I went to Spain for New Year's. It's a shame there weren't any impressive buildings, but I still had fun! | お正月、スペインに行きました。圧倒される建物がなく残念でしたが、楽しかった!
Chapter 257 | I have terrible bedhead because of my stiff hair. Ordinary mousse doesn't do anything either! | 髪が堅いせいか、寝ぐせがひどい。そんじょそこらのムースじゃあへこたれない!
Chapter 258 | I'm obsessed with Garth Brooks's country songs! I want to immerse myself in his soothing voice all day. | ガースー=ブルックスのカントリーソングに夢中!心なごむ歌声に一日中ひたりたい
Chapter 259 | Dr. NakaMats's recent inventions have been interesting. His unique way of thinking is very informative! | 最近ドクター中松の発明が面白い。その発想のユニークさは、とても参考になるよ
Chapter 260 | I had a conversation with novelist Ken'ichi Sakemi in Syosetsu Subaru magazine. I was surprised at how knowledgeable he was about manga. | 小説すばる誌上で小説家酒見賢一さんと対談。漫画にとても詳しいので驚きました
Chapter | Translation | Original
Chapter 261 | As a Sendai-born manga artist, Tohoku Broadcasting Company came to interview me, and that'll be airing on March 17th. Anyone in the area should absolutely watch it. | 仙台出身漫画家ということで東北放送が
Chapter 262 | Mr. Kabashima, the editor who has been in charge of me since before my debut, is moving on. Thank you for your hard work all these years!! | デビュー前から担当してもらっていた椛島氏から担当がかわる。長い間お疲れ様!!
Chapter 263 | Prince's concert is almost here. As a big fan, I'm super excited and have been looking forward to it for a while now!! | もうすぐプリンスのコンサート。大ファンで前から楽しみにしていたのでワクワク!!
Chapter 264 | Volume 26 arrives on April 10th. It contains the life-or-death battle with Vanilla Ice. It's an absolute must-read. | 4月10日に
Chapter 265 | The story itself was only supposed to be 50 days long, but the long-running Part 3 has finally come to an end. Part 4 is up next. | 設定上はわずか50日間でしたが長かった第3部もついに今回で終了。次から第4部
Volume 13

In this volume, a new ability called a Stand is introduced. Stands are psychic powers given a visible form and shape. Traditionally, these kinds of powers were shown with light and electric effects, or through aftereffects like crumbling buildings. I asked myself, "How can I express this invisible power?" That's how I came up with Stands.
Now let's begin a new adventure with Jotaro and his friends!従来の超能力はビルを崩したり光や電気のようなものでパワーの強さを表現していました。目に見えない超能力、それ自体を表現できないかなぁと思って考え出したのが『スタンド』です。
さあ! 承太郎たちといっしょに新しい冒険の旅にでかけましょう。
Volume 14

A big smiling face says, "Please give me all your money." AHHH! Now that's scary...
Volume 15

I designed it with the big callus on the finger, a badge of honor for manga artists, so that people can somewhat figure out what profession I work in even when I go overseas for research.
Volume 16

But is it really the oldest profession? I found an even older one! I can't prove it, but I bet it goes away back! That profession is the storyteller who tells scary stories. (To be continued in Volume 17.)
Volume 17

"Okay. That's enough for tonight."
"We want to hear more. I'll give you this fruit if you tell us more."
"I'll tell you tomorrow! Now, go to bed!"
That's the kind of story I hope to keep on telling.
「あした、あした! さぁ寝た寝た!」
Volume 18

「仕事中に電話すると、態度がすごく冷たい」と友人からよくいわれる。母親からの電話で「こんな冷たいヤツ、息子じゃない」と言われた時は、チョッとは反省したが。でもですね! 仕事中、遊んでいる時のようなバカ話で長電話してたら、原稿が遅れる一方という事をみんなはなんで分からないんでしょうね。
生まれが双子座で二面性の性格なので、仕事と遊びじゃスイッチが切り替わっている…と思って欲しいです。 飛呂彦よりVolume 19

No one realizes this, but as of December I will have been a manga artist for ten years. (I'm not saying this because I want someone to congratulate me.) Ten years... it's only two words, but it's an amount of time that makes me go "Hmm..." When I consider that I spent my entire twenties working in manga, again I go "Hmm..."
Volume 20

In the early 1980s, I lived in Sendai. Back then I used to send photocopies of my corrected manuscripts to my publisher by postal mail. One photocopy cost me 40 yen (about 40 cents) per page. After the publisher received it I'd have to talk to them on the phone and discuss it. After a while this became a pain, so I moved to Tokyo by myself.
Now faxes and color copiers are much better than they were back then. If they had been available back in the day, I doubt I would have moved to Tokyo. Lately I'm really seeing how times have changed.ぼくは仙台に住んでいて原稿のうち合わせやかき直しは、コピー(一枚40円)を送って電話で編集と連絡して仕事していました。それが不便ということが、ひとりぼっちで上京した理由ですが、その間、ファクシミリとかカラーコピーとかが発達してきた、今だったらきっと上京しなかったかもなぁと思います。
Volume 21

Volume 22

(Continued from last volume...) I could stay depressed about my bad memory, but that's a negative way to live. Let's look on the bright side and list the advantages of having a bad memory:
- You can reread a book and see a movie over and over and enjoy it as much as the first time.
- If you make an inconvenient promise, you can pretend that you forgot about it and still be forgiven.
- This is the most important thing: you can keep coming up with ideas without being held back by convictions or the past.
- 一度見た映画や本を始めて見るように何度でも楽しめ、感動できる。
- 都合の悪い約束を本当は覚えていても忘れたフリをしてゆるしてもらえる。
- そして何よりも大切なことだが、主義とか過去にとらわれずに身軽にアイデアが出せる。
Volume 23

Lately cigarette smoke bothers me. I always notice it when someone is smoking near me.
Volume 24

The most frightening thing that ever happened to me was when I experienced hail for the first time. As a child I never heard of this mysterious phenomenon of "hail" falling from the sky. One day I was playing in an open field when the sky suddenly turned black and a ton of ice cubes, like the ones I put in my Calpis Water, started falling from the sky.
Volume 25

裸にふんどしの自分は……ゲ! 体重57㎏のままだ。「殺される」。
Volume 26

Volume 27

Volume 28

- ↑ Armour of God II: Operation Condor is titled Project Eagle (プロジェクト・イーグル) in Japan.
- ↑ The Hop Step Award (ホップステップ賞) was a monthly award given by Weekly Shonen Jump to up-and-coming manga artists from March 1985 to July 1996. The winners' submissions would be published in a series of collections every few months.