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Bruno Bucciarati

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Don't underestimate my nose for lies! You know damn well, Giornoooo! My ability to sniff out lies! It's never wrong! You're hiding something from us!
—Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond

Bruno Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ, Burōno Bucharati) is a secondary ally featured in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. He is an incarnation of the original Bucciarati, living in the 37th universe.

Bucciarati wields the Stand Stepmom. He is a member of Passione and the leader of Leone Abbacchio (Universe 37), Pannacotta Fugo (Universe 37), Guido Mista (Universe 37), and Narancia Ghirga (Universe 37). Giorno Giovanna (Universe ?) is their boss.[2]


The 37th universe's Bucciarati appears mostly the same as his original universe counterpart, with black chin-length hair styled in a bob cut and straight-cut bangs covering his forehead. He also has a braid going along the top of his head. He has a hair clip on each side of his head, though unlike the original, his hair clips resemble ladybugs.

Bucciarati's clothing consists of a white suit with an open heart-shaped cut out at the chest, revealing a dark lace top underneath. There are circular decorations like ornamental studs around the neckline, cuffs, and down the front of his suit. A sewing needle pierces through each side of his suit near his shoulders. His sleeves and the top of his shoulders also have cross stitch patterns sewed on. When he appears again in Chapter 15, his suit's collar is sewed shut.


The 37th universe's Bruno Bucciarati is a perceptive and intense leader with a strong sense of justice, loyalty, and honor. He has an acute nose for lies, often claiming he can "smell" deceit and wanting his team to be aware of that fact. He is confident that his sense is never wrong. If someone tries to keep something hidden, there may be a weaker taste or scent of their lie, but he can still catch them regardless.[1] He demands honesty from his team and can be relentless in uncovering hidden truths, as seen when he confronts his boss, Giorno, with a fiery determination to expose any secrets that could threaten Passione. When driven to extremes, Bucciarati is unafraid to use intimidation and even violence to ensure honesty and protect his "family."[2]

He is vigilant and stern, often checking in with his team to make sure they aren't fooling around. Despite his fierce dedication to truth and duty, Bucciarati is compassionate for his team and others. He upholds a personal code of ethics, refusing to harm civilians, and praising Jorge Joestar for informing him of Dolcio Cioccolata and Secco Rottario's betrayal of that oath.[3]

Bucciarati is also pragmatic and understands the darker realities of his world. He acknowledges that certain people deserve their fate, particularly those who harm society like Diavolo and Yoshikage Kira, and encourages Jorge to see these outcomes as necessary. Although he tries convincing Jorge not to bother learning what happened to the two corpses, he respects the work of detectives and is willing to support their pursuit of truth.[2]



Main article: Stepmom

Bucciarati wields a Stand named Stepmom, which can sew things together at rapid speeds with its needle.

Stepmom (グッドナイト・ムーン)Link to this section
JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond



Tracking Down the Boss

Bucciarati helps Giorno and the others in Passione with tracking down the boss of Passione. When Nero Nero Island collides with Morioh, Bucciarati summons Jorge Joestar, Daibakusho Curry, and Runbaba 12 to the Budogaoka Academy Garden. Giorno speaks with Jorge on the phone, requesting his help to find Diavolo. Bucciarati is the leader, Giorno is in charge of communications, and three other members will each individually accompany the three detectives. After Giorno hangs up, Bucciarati warns Jorge not to lie since he can smell when someone is lying. He then assigns his team members to each detective. Abbacchio accompanies Daibakusho Curry, Mista accompanies Runbaba, and Narancia is assigned to Jorge.[1]

When Narancia and Jorge end up in Mars, Bucciarati calls them on their pebble phone. He reminds them that they have Morioh's citizens hostage, so he doesn't want them fooling around. Jorge states that despite speaking like a gentleman, he knows Bucciarati's group is full of murderers who kills civilians. However, Bucciarati responds that his group swore an oath not to kill innocent people. He thanks Jorge for telling him that Cioccolata, Secco, and others have betrayed them.[3]

Bucciarati calls Jorge

After Jorge and Narancia crash from space back to Earth, Bucciarati calls them and Jorge relays the situation they're in. Bucciarati explains that Reimi fixed the holes in Arrow Cross House after the spaceship crashed through it. There are only minor injuries on either side of the war with the American army, and the latter is starting to surrender since nobody could contact headquarters or leave the island. After the spaceship crashed, Morioh's barrier came back up but the island's power went out. Only Arrow Cross House still has light, water, and gas. Bucciarati also reveals that they found the dead bodies of Diavolo and Yoshikage Kira in the study of the Arrow Cross House, where they had somehow been lying for at least twelve hours, despite Jorge and Rohan Kishibe having been in and out of that room all day. He shares footage from Abbacchio's Stand Videodrome, depicting a holographic display of Diavolo and Kira's sudden deaths with their throats being slit. Bucciarati also states that Jorge shouldn't bother trying to deduce how they died since the world is better off with villains like them dead.[4]

Traitor Among the Gang

Using Stepmom on Giorno

Bucciarati closely watches the investigation of the George Joestar from the original universe, after he ends up in the 37th universe. When George asks Bucciarati if Giorno is lying, Bucciarati notices the scent of a lie coming from Giorno. Giorno tells him that he's imagining it, infuriating Bucciarati. Fugo and Mista run back into the room asking Bucciarati what is happening, but Bucciarati angrily yells at Fugo to shut up. Giorno denies all of the accusations but Bucciarati doesn't believe him. Bucciarati begins stitching Giorno's mouth closed with his Stand Stepmom until Giorno yells out that he isn't lying, but he was the one that was lied to. Meanwhile, NYPD Blue and Abbacchio notice that Diavolo's pages from Heaven's Door were not in order; his body only had odd pages, meaning that Diavolo had an alternate personality and someone else had the even pages. Giorno says that he was betrayed by God, causing Bucciarati to punch him in the face.

They find Antonio Torres's hollowed skin was disguised as Giorno all along. The real Giorno moves his soul into Diavolo's corpse and reveals his betrayal. Bucciarati attempts to attack Diavolo with his team and the Japanese group, but they fail to prevent Diavolo from taking George with him.[2]

Bucciarati informs Jorge of what occurred and how the other George solved the mystery. Learning about Dio Brando, Bucciarati interrogates and tortures the original Antonio, learning that Dio is his boss. Unable to think of a solution on how to flip Morioh, Jorge tells Bucciarati to gather as many Morioh citizens into Arrow Cross House as he could so that they could either time travel or be protected from whatever happens to the island. However, Bucciarati states that since Reimi reverted back to Cube House, they have no way to exit the house or bring anyone inside.

Searching for Kira

Later, Bucciarati has Daibakusho Curry and Runbaba 12 investigate what happened to Denta Shishimaru's secretary, Chien Kunimido. The two are quickly able to find Chien at his house, learning that he is actually Kira. Disguised as Chien, Kira had blown up several detectives and also tortured the original George to the brink of death. Listening to Jorge's request, Bucciarati sends the original Antonio through Cube House back in time to England. Bucciarati and the others manage to reach Chien's house by Reimi rolling Cube House like a die. By the time they arrive, Kira apparently killed George already. Angered, Bucciarati threatens to kill Kira but Jorge warns him not to, as they need Kira's power. He has Bucciarati drop Kira through the hole in Cube House, which teleports Kira to Jorge.[5]


Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


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  • Heheh. I can smell lies. Remember that, alright? Even if you keep something hidden, the taste and smell may be faint, but it's still a lie, you know? (ふふ。噓の匂いで判るんだよな。おぼ憶えておけよ?隠し事もな、味も匂いも薄いけど、やっぱり噓なんだぜ?)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 8: Nero Nero Island
  • Where are you, and what are you doing? I won’t tolerate slacking off! (お前どこで何をやってるんだ?さぼってると承知しねえぞ!?)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 10: H.G. Wells
  • We've practically got all of Morioh's residents as hostages. We're treating them well, but it wouldn't hurt to be a bit rougher. (こっちはモリオーの住人を全員人質に取ってるようなもんだ。できるだけ丁寧に少しくらい荒っぽくやってみてもいいんだぜ?)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 10: H.G. Wells
  • Mmm? ...I can smell it, Giorno. A scent that shouldn't be here, you know...? I shouldn't ever be smelling this in my own family, especially within my own team. So why is it coming through, strong and clear...? (ううん?……匂うぜ?ジョルノ。……匂うはずのない匂いがよ……?同じファミリーで、ましてや同じチーム内で、匂うはずのない匂いが……なんだかプンプン立ち上がってきたぜ……?)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • That smell just got even clearer! Giorno! You just lied to us! This isn't my imagination! Don't underestimate my nose for lies! You know damn well, Giornoooo! My ability to sniff out lies! It's never wrong! You're hiding something from us! (今、その匂いがさらにはっきりしたぜ!ジョルノ!お前俺たちに今噓を言ったな!俺の気のせいじゃねえ!噓をか嗅ぎ付ける俺の能力をな舐めるんじゃねえぞ!お前も知ってるはずだぞジョルノォォォ!俺の噓を嗅ぎ付ける能力を!絶対だ!お前は俺たちに、何か隠しごとをしている!)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • I don't even need to taste that cold sweat! You’re lying to us! Speak! Giorno! What the hell are you hiding?! (その冷や汗を舐めるまでもねえ!お前は俺たちに噓をついてるんだぁぁぁ!言え!ジョルノ!一体何を隠してやがるんぁぁぁぁぁ!?)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • Giorno... just be honest. You're making me dig because you're hiding something. It can't be that serious, right? Look... I wouldn't say there's no room for secrets between us. Privacy matters, yeah? In our line of work, we get it. But here, when Passione's top dog has just been killed! This isn't the place for secrets, Giornoooo! Say it! Giorno! Tell me! (ジョルノ……正直に言うんだ。隠されてるから俺だって追及せざるをえなくなるんだ。どうせ大したことはないだろう?なあ……俺たちの間に隠し事が一切ないなんて俺だって言わない。プライバシーは大事だからな?お互いこの稼業だから判ってるよ。でもな、パッショーネのトップが殺されてるこの場所で!隠し事はしないもんだぜジョルノォォ!言え!ジョルノ!言うんだ!)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • If you don’t tell the truth, I'll stitch your mouth shut! Do it, Stepmom! (正直に言わないとその口を縫い付けちまうぞ!やれ!《グッドナイト・ムーン(Stepmom)》!)
    —Bruno Bucciarati, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond



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