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Template:Character Info/ru

Семья Хигашиката определённо что-то знает.
—Кей Ниджимура, JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine

Кей Ниджимура (虹村 京, Nijimura Kei) - персонаж восьмой части манги JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJolion. Она дебютирует в качестве антагониста в арке "Paisley Park and Born This Way", но впоследствии становится нейтральным персонажем.

Кей - горничная семьи Хигашиката. По ходу повествования выясняется, что она является дочерью Холи Джостар-Киры и младшей сестрой Йошикаге Киры. Кей владеет стэндом, автономным Born This Way, создающим потоки ледяного ветра.


Кей - красивая девшка с чёрными волосами, которые она обычно заплетает в пучок. Лишь однажды, при встрече с Джоске, она распустила волосы.

Она одета в униформу горничной, состоящую из чёрной блузы и белого фартука с двумя заколками в форме букв G и U на фоне молнии. На голове у неё шапка с козырьком и кокардой, на которой опять же выгравированы буквы G и U.

Кей носит чулки с узором в виде звёзд, ботинки её украшены бантиками.

После столкновения с Джоске выясняется, что около левого плеча у неё есть родинка в форме звезды.

"Ниджимура" является псевдонимом, её настоящая фамилия либо "Джостар", либо "Кира".


Кей в образе безэмоциональной горничной

Обычно Кей просто занимается обязанностами по дому и не демонстрирует никаких эмоций. Однако подобное поведение для неё является лишь прикрытием. После вопроса Джоске о том, атаковала ли она его по приказу Хигашиката, Кей реагирует с яростью и заявляет, что ненавидит "этих чёртовых Хигашиката". Она угрожает убить Джоске, если тот подойдёт близко к Холи, и, когда раскрывается информация о её биографии, становится эмоциональной и даже плачет.[1]

After Josuke finally gives into her demands, she breaks down and reveals that they knew each other in the past, and she is surprised that he has really lost all of his memories. She also points out the seams in his halved eyeballs and tongue.[2]

Kei's great love for her mother is shown again when she cares for the comatose Holy at TG University Hospital, cleaning her up and referring to her as "mama" as she does so.[3]



Main article: Born This Way

Kei's Stand Born This Way is an automatic Stand that activates when the person she has targeted opens something. It manifests as a humanoid Stand riding a motorcycle that produces extremely cold winds, capable of freezing water vapor in the air.

Born This Way (ボーン・ディス・ウェイ)Link to this section
Freezing Wind



Kei as a child

Kei is born from the union between Holy Joestar-Kira and Yoshiteru Kira, and she is Yoshikage Kira's little sister.

Although aware of her mother's illness, Kei took no part in helping Yoshikage steal and keep the Locacaca from the Locacaca Smuggling Organization. Instead, wary of the Higashikatas, she infiltrated the Higashikata Family, posing as an unrelated maid and taking the name "Nijimura" to investigate their secret.

After the earthquake of March 11, Kei discovers the supernatural properties of the soil near the Wall Eyes, which can exchange parts between two buried objects.

Meeting Josuke

Main article: JJL Chapter 7

Upon entering the Higashikata household, Josuke Higashikata is coerced into taking a family photo. Kei appears and attempts to remove his hat, causing Josuke to feel threatened, and ask who she is. Norisuke Higashikata IV answers for her and introduces her as the Higashikata family's housekeeper. When Norisuke shows Josuke around the house, he tells him to ask Nijimura for anything he needs. Later, as she helps Yasuho Hirose exit the premises, she relays a message from Norisuke, stating that Yasuho is not allowed near the Higashikatas' house again.

File:Kyo & josuke.png
Kei realizes that Josuke is a mix between her brother and a second person

Seeing that Josuke has investigated her family tree and taking him for an enemy, Kei unleashes her Stand, Born This Way, on Josuke just as he decides to go see Holy. Nonetheless, Josuke escapes Born This Way and surprises Kei standing near the hospital. Kei tries to summon Born This Way one last time by tossing an opened pen to Josuke but Soft & Wet knocks her out before it can attack. Josuke manages to defeat her, but Kei stays aggressive and warns Josuke not to approach her mother. Josuke decides to be diplomatic and concedes, leading Kei to trust him. Examining his face, Kei notices that Josuke's eyes and tongue are in fact a blend of two organs.[2]

Kei demonstrating the Equivalent Exchange

Kei subsequently leads Josuke to the Wall Eyes and shows him that he is a fusion of her brother Yoshikage Kira and another person. She demonstrates using a lemon and a tangerine, burying them underneath the soil. She then unearths the fruits and then slices each of them in half, showing some of their sections swapped.

Every Day Is a Summer Vacation

After Jobin returns from his trip, he gives souvenirs he's bought from the trip to his family, including Kei and Josuke. He gives Kei an Oscar statue from a trip to Southeast Asia, which Hato grows jealous of.

Hato's Boyfriend

When Hato brings her boyfriend Tamaki Damo home, Kei is the first to be liquefied by Damo's Vitamin C as she tries to wipe off strange hand prints on the windows and furniture of the house. She spends the rest of the fight in a liquefied state.

Endless Calamity

Kei listening to Yasuho's plea for help

During Tooru's pursuit in the Higashikata household, Yasuho immediately eats a Locacaca fruit after realizing that Tooru himself is the user of Wonder of U, who is then causing the calamity. She proceeds to use Joshu's phone to contact Kei Nijimura. At the TG University Hospital, Kei takes care of her mother in bed until she receives Yasuho's call. Yasuho tells her to hand the phone to Josuke as soon as possible. Kei notices that Holy has written notes about Josuke and his whereabouts and thus Kei is now able to go find Josuke in the secret Locacaca lab.

In the Locacaca laboratory, the Stand Wonder of U manages to take down Josuke and nearly incapacitates him. As it approaches Josuke, Born This Way breaks into the room and freezes Soft and Wet's bubbles, which then strikes Wonder of U multiple times. Kei then enters the laboratory. At the Higashikata household, Tooru realizes that there is something in Soft and Wet's bubbles that Josuke himself does not know.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • The Higashikata Family... that family has secrets. In order to find those secrets and in order to protect my mother, I infiltrated that house as Nijimura the maid. The only living member of the Kira family left are my mother and I.
    —Kei Nijimura, JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
  • You are you... I know that... It's the same for everyone in this world... you are your own self.
    —Kei Nijimura, JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
  • I can say this decisively... I'm sure of it. Your true identity is my older brother, Yoshikage Kira... there's no doubt about it. But that's only part of you. There's another person. You are a fusion of Yoshikage's body and your own. Your minds are fused as well. Your spirit taken form, your Stand, it's different from the shape of Yoshikage's Stand. Your Stand is also a combination of two.
    —Kei Nijimura, JoJolion Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
  • Y-Yasuho, I understand... I know where Josuke is right now!
    —Kei Nijimura, JoJolion Chapter 102: The Wonder of You, Part 19



Her name spelled as "Kei" for the first time on the summary page of JJL Volume 24.
  • Her name references Keicho Nijimura from Part 4. Beyond their family names being the same, her given name continues a pattern: "oku" () from Okuyasu means 100 million (108), "chō" () from Keicho means 1 trillion (1012), and "kei" () means 10 quadrillion (1016).
  • The G.U. on her clothing stands for Going Underground, which was the original name for her Stand, Born This Way.
  • The hiragana spelling of her name was originally Kyo (きょう) since JJL Volume 4. However, it was changed to Kei (けい) as of JJL Volume 24. Araki noted that he hadn't checked the furigana for a long time.[4]
  • In the Higashikata household, a few minutes before the harvest of the new Locacaca fruit, Kei is seen missing in the family photo taken when Jobin returns home from a business trip[5] whereas she was initially shown being featured in the photo.[6] It is unknown if she was purposely erased from the photo for reasons yet to be revealed.


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