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Road to STONE OCEAN was a special event held by Netflix online as part of "Netflix Festival Japan 2021" for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean anime.

The event streamed on YouTube at 10:00 AM JST on November 9, 2021.


The event featured a musical performance by Yugo Kanno with mixing by Yoichi Kuzushima. Kanno performed a medley of the Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, Golden Wind and Stone Ocean main themes.

Afterwards, Fairouz Ai, Mutsumi Tamura, and Mariya Ise had a special talk session with each other discussing the series.

Mariya Ise

Ise mentioned that she can't wait to see how the story will end. She pointed out that the main character of the series, Jolyne Cujoh, is the daughter of a character whose presence had been vital in the prior parts, and that she is no exception from having the masculinity of the main JoJo just like with the previous main protagonists.

When asked to describe F.F. in one kanji, Ise said that the kanji for knowledge (知), as in wisdom/intelligence (智), would be the best way to describe her. She said that despite having few keywords to describe the character, F.F. still used her newly acquired knowledge and experience to help Jolyne and Ermes throughout their journey, displaying her knowledge as a core attribute.

Prior to Stone Ocean, Ise had also auditioned for the previous seasons of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. She said that if she were to be involved with JoJo, she thought that Stone Ocean was her final chance, given that there were many female characters in the story. She also added that whenever she wanted to get a role that she wanted to play, she would refrain from rewarding herself until she got casted.

Ise also added that she would practice lines from the manga in her home to make herself believe that the role is already hers, as well as to get into the character and their feelings.

One of the Stone Ocean characters that Ise likes is Weather Report. She found his "fluffy white hat-like thing" charming, making him a cool and cute character at the same time. Fairouz also added that Weather Report is a mysterious character, having unexpected connections to some of the characters in the story, and that some of his lines connect the dots as the story progresses.

Ise says that if she were to have a Stand, she would want to use it to punish evil in the name of justice. For this, Fairouz, their "Stand coordinator" recommended Killer Queen, the Stand of Part 4 villain Yoshikage Kira, as her Stand because of its ability to track down a target's body heat and explode around its vicinity after turning the target into a bomb.

Mutsumi Tamura

On her opinions about the story, Tamura found the prison setting of Stone Ocean interesting. True to the theme of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, she said that both the trailer and the opening were "bizarre" from the start, and that she even wondered if Jolyne was really the main character because of her first lines.

Tamura said that the kanji for compassion (情) would be the most fitting to describe Ermes because of her willingness to help Jolyne despite not having met each other until the beginning of the story.

Because of this, Tamura knew that she had to audition for the Stone Ocean anime no matter what, to the point that she would repeatedly ask her agent if there was already an adaptation of the manga. As soon as auditions opened up, she immediately applied to have a role in the anime.

One of Tamura's favorite characters is "the first eccentric person that Ermes encounters in prison after Jolyne". Although they were asked not to reveal too much about the story, she mentioned that not only did she find the character's crazed personality awesome, but also the voice actor for the role for his amazing acting. She added that the episode which this character first appears is also the director's favorite episode.

Although she found the concept of Stands being too complex, she said that if she were to have a Stand, she would want it to be used for health. For this, Fairouz recommended Pearl Jam, the Stand of Tonio Trussardi in Part 4, because of its ability to heal people through cooked meals.

Fairouz Ai

According to the cast, Fairouz would often make subtle JoJo references behind the scenes, which eventually made her gesture a "thumbs up" hand sign every time she made a reference.

Fairouz's impression of the story had been rooted to the first time that she had read the series, which was in her second year of junior high school. According to her, she mistakenly bought the first five volumes of Stone Ocean thinking that it was the beginning of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Despite this, her curiosity for Jolyne prompted her to save up her allowance for collecting the manga volumes beginning from Phantom Blood, and eventually caught up to Stone Ocean around the end of her freshman year of high school.

To describe Jolyne in one kanji, she said that the kanji for love (愛) suited her the most because all of the character's actions stemmed from love, including her resolving strength and conviction.

Fairouz jokingly proclaims herself to be a "Jolyne otaku". During her audition for the role, she tied her hair into buns and even brought a Stone Ocean clear folder with pictures of Jolyne and Jotaro Kujo for display in order to impress and show her love for JoJo to the casting directors. Despite her cheerfulness during the audition, she nearly cried while nervously showing her Stone Ocean clear folder to the directors. Tamura playfully commented that her action was a double-edged sword, saying that they could have failed her then.

Fairouz's favorite JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character is Jotaro Kujo. She also loved his fatherly love for Jolyne as well as their bittersweet relationship.

Lastly, she said that if she were to have a Stand, she would prefer Crazy Diamond and Khnum. Crazy Diamond, main protagonist Josuke Higashikata's Stand in the fourth part of the series, would be the most useful to her because of its versatility and its ability to fix broken things and heal anyone. With Khnum, Part 3 character Oingo's Stand, she would want to play tricks with people because of its ability to disguise the user as anyone by changing her height, weight, voice, smell, etc.


To end the program, the cast told the viewers to watch the anime when it releases in December on Netflix. Fairouz finally closed the program with a final message expressing her and the cast's love for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

Afterwards, the host of the Netflix Festival revealed that Stone Ocean will be releasing on December 1, with 12 episodes being released on the same day.[2]



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