In each tankōbon of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front flap of the dust jacket typically features a photo of Hirohiko Araki and, more often than not, a personal note from him to the reader. Referred to as Author's Comments (作者コメント, Sakusha Komento), these notes provide Araki with a space to share his thoughts on a variety of topics, ranging from insights into JoJo's characters and story to anecdotes about recent events in his life. Shorter versions of Araki's comments appear in the table of contents of each Weekly Shonen Jump or Ultra Jump issue that features a chapter of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Below are notes from every JoJolion volume and the part's corresponding Ultra Jump issues.

UJ Comments
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 1 | My front teeth have formed cavities, so I've given the protagonist diastema. Please enjoy my new work. | 前歯が虫歯になったので主人公がすきっ歯になりました。新作よろしくお願いします。
JJL Chapter 2 | For the first time in a long while, I worked with Mr. Kabashima, my first editor, for my new book, Bizarre Horror Movie Analysis. | 新書の〔奇妙なホラー映画論〕、初代担当・椛島氏との久々のお仕事でした。
JJL Chapter 3 | I'm not a fan of warm weather, but for some reason I've been enjoying summer this year. Maybe it's because I've hung up wind chimes at home? | 暑いの苦手ですけど、今年の夏はどこか好きです。家に風鈴さげたせいかなあ~?
JJL Chapter 4 | There's a JoJo novel coming out. If you'd like to read it, please do so. It's really interesting! | ジョジョの小説が出ます。よろしければ読んでください。おもしろいよ!
JJL Chapter 5 | These days, I prefer softer spaghetti over al dente. | 最近好きなのは、固いのよりユルユルのスパゲティ。
JJL Chapter 6 | I bought a supercar calendar. I don't even drive, so I don't even know why I did. | スーパーカーのカレンダーを買った。運転もしないのに、自分でも「何故?」
JJL Chapter 7 | I went to a planetarium in my neighborhood, and I learned so much so quickly. I was honestly impressed. | 近所の「プラネタリウム」行ってみました。早く
JJL Chapter 8 | Both my left and right jogging shoes fell apart while I was running at exactly the same time. Isn't that synchronicity amazing? | ジョギングシューズが、走ってる時に左右同時に壊れました。同時ってすごくない?
JJL Chapter 9 | I went on a trip to Gifu. It was cold, but it was still nice being able to walk around an old post station. | 岐阜旅行に行ってきました。寒かったけど、昔の宿場町の散策はよかったなあ。
JJL Chapter 10 | I observed a bunraku puppet show. The puppets are surprisingly large. | 人形浄瑠璃の文楽を鑑賞。人形が意外と大きくてびっくりした。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 11 | I bought a pair of glasses to look at the sun during the total solar eclipse. Here's hoping for clear skies! | 皆既日食用に太陽を見るメガネを買った。晴天を願う!
JJL Chapter 12 | I read Thermae Romae. It's amazing that Rome had running water in those days. | 『テルマエ・ロマエ』を読んだ。あの時代に水道があったローマってすごいね。
JJL Chapter 13 | As I was walking around the neighborhood, a crow attacked me and stole my hat. I got it back, though. | 近所を歩いていたらカラスに襲われて帽子を奪われた。返してもらったけど。
JJL Chapter 14 | I've been eating a lot of shumai bento this summer, since I frequently take the bullet train. | 今年の夏はシュウマイ弁当を本当によく食べたなあ。よく新幹線に乗ったから。
JJL Chapter 15 | I bought the home phone I'm still using back when the JoJo series first started, so this is also the phone's 25th anniversary. | 今使っている家の電話機は『ジョジョ』の連載が始まった時に買ったもの。イエデンも25周年。
JJL Chapter 16 | There's this really friendly Dobermann walking around my neighborhood, but I don't trust that dog. I just don't think I can. | 超人懐っこいドーベルマンが近所を散歩してるんだけど、僕は信用してない。できるわけない。
JJL Chapter 17 | I visited Mr. Fujiko A. He's a very kind person. I want to be like him. | 藤子Ⓐ先生のところに遊びに行った。優しい先生。ああなりたいなあ。
JJL Chapter 18 | This year, I'll put even more effort into drawing JoJolion than I did last year! Please look forward to it. | 今年も去年以上に、『ジョジョリオン』力入れて描きます!よろしくね。
JJL Chapter 19 | There have been some pretty exciting Western CDs coming out lately. Gotye and Tim McGraw, among others. | 最近の洋楽CD、盛り上がっていいです。ゴティエとかTマッグロウとか。
JJL Chapter 20 | I'm taking a yoga class. The yoga teacher is a little on the chubby side. If it's fine with them, it's fine with me. | ヨガ教室に通っています。ヨガの先生がちょっとポッチャリ目。それで良いなら良いです。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 21 | During meetings, I drink ginger ale without any ice. If I drink coffee, it makes it hard to sleep later. | 打ち合わせ時の飲物はジンジャーエール氷なし。コーヒーは後で眠れなくなるからなあ。
JJL Chapter 22 | I've been watching a lot of cooking shows, and I must say, Yoshiharu Doi is an amazing chef. I have nothing but respect for him. | 料理番組をよく見ているけど、土井善晴先生はやっぱりすごい。尊敬してます。
JJL Chapter 23 | My favorite food at the moment is a salad with only arugula. | 最近の大好物はルッコラだけのサラダ。
JJL Chapter 24 | I missed the chance to buy a ticket to Paul McCartney's concert in Japan. I wish I could've seen it. | ポール・マッカートニーの来日公演のチケット外れた。観たかったなあ。
JJL Chapter 25 | It's been so hot this summer that I've only worn polo shirts for the past two months or so. | この夏は、暑くて2か月くらいポロシャツしか着なかったなぁ。
JJL Chapter 26 | For reasons I don't quite comprehend, I gave a lecture at the University of Tokyo. Ha ha ha ha. | どういうわけか分からないけど東大で講演したぞワハハハハ。
JJL Chapter 27 | The other day, when I went to buy some Shimonita green onions, I dared to say, "May I have some Shimonita peen onions?"[a] instead. Ha ha ha! | この間、下仁田ネギを買いに行った時、あえて「下ネタねぎ下さい」と言ってみました。ワハハ!
JJL Chapter 28 | Happy new year. This year, my goal is to travel west of Kyoto. | 謹賀新年。今年の目標は京都より西へ旅行すること。
JJL Chapter 29 | Bruce Springsteen's new album, High Hopes, turned out to be a masterpiece. | Bruce Springsteenのニューアルバム『High Hopes』、傑作出来上がりましたね。
JJL Chapter 30 | I find comfort in both zombie movies and Solitary Gourmet. They both depict the roots of humanity. I'm a big fan of that! | やっぱ癒しはゾンビ映画と『孤独のグルメ』。どちらも人間の根源を描いている。大ファン!
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 31 | I did contract kidney stones, though I've since dissolved them with medicine. | 薬で溶かしちゃったけど腎臓に結石ができた。
JJL Chapter 32 | It just occurred to me that I hate straws and have never used one even once. Drinking through a straw would taste awful, wouldn't it? | 今気づいたけどストローが嫌いで使ったことが一度もない。ストローで飲むと不味いよね。
JJL Chapter 33 | I like watching sports games where the winner has an overwhelming lead. If the point margin's too small, I worry about what'll happen if it ends in a tie. | スポーツ観戦は圧倒的に勝ってるのが好き。僅差だと同点になったらどうしようって心配。
JJL Chapter 34 | I don't feel like traveling these days. Nothing beats a quick walk around the neighborhood. | 最近、旅行したくない気分。近所の散歩が一番。
JJL Chapter 35 | My goal this summer is to go to a fireworks display somewhere nearby. I've even installed a fireworks app. | この夏の目標はどこか地方の花火大会に行くこと。花火アプリ入れた。
JJL Chapter 36 | At the moment, I'm addicted to Vivino, an app that gives you information about a bottle of wine just by taking a picture of it. | 写真を撮るだけでワイン情報が分かるアプリ「Vivino」に一瞬はまった。
JJL Chapter 37 | I bought LA BETTOLA da Ochiai's recipe book, and I've been following all the recipes, starting from page one. | ラ・ベットラ・ダ・オチアイのレシピ本を買って、1ページ目から全部作ってる。
JJL Chapter 38 | I went to see Dirty Loops and Yes live. It was a great performance that really made me "listen" to the music. | Dirty LoopsとYESのライブに行った。音楽を「聴かせる」素晴らしい演奏でした。
JJL Chapter 39 | Happy new year. I never flew on an airplane last year, so this year I'm going to try my best to get on one! | 謹賀新年。去年は一度も乗らなかった飛行機に、今年はがんばって乗るぞ!
JJL Chapter 40 | The thing I want most right now is a Suica card from Tokyo Station. Never mind that I've already got one... | 今、一番欲しいのは東京駅のSuica。手に入れたけど。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 41 | I'm addicted to the one-stroke-route mountain-climbing show Great Traverse. | 一筆書き山登り番組『グレートトラバース』にはまっている。
JJL Chapter 42 | Mr. Kabashima, my very first editor, has retired. Thank you for all your hard work. | 初代担当の椛島さんが定年を迎えられました。お疲れ様でした。
JJL Chapter 43 | I struggled with my external optical drive for five hours because it wasn't reading CDs. It turns out I was putting the discs in upside-down. | 別売の光学ドライブがCDを読み込まなくて5時間格闘したが、裏返しでディスク入れてた。
JJL Chapter 44 | I peel cherries before I eat them, which tends to startle people. Yes, I peel every single one of them. | さくらんぼの皮をむいて食べるんだけど、ちょっとびっくりされる。いちいちむくよ。
JJL Chapter 45 | I admire people at bars who can get the bartender to replace a drink that tastes bad. I could never do something like that. | 不味い飲み物を店に作り直させることが出来る人、憧れる。自分が出来ないので。
JJL Chapter 46 | I went to a wrap party for the anime, and there were so many people there. I'm sorry for being a casual viewer. | アニメの打ち上げに参加したらたくさんの人がいた。気軽に観ててすいません。
JJL Chapter 47 | I read Stephen King's Doctor Sleep while I was on summer vacation. It's been a while since I've read a book that thick. | 夏休みにS・キングの『ドクター・スリープ』を読んだ。久々に大作の読書した。
JJL Chapter 48 | Since Masaharu Fukuyama got married, all my female acquaintances have shut themselves in. Are you ladies alright? | 福山雅治さんが結婚して、知り合いの女性が皆家から出てこない。お元気ですか?
JJL Chapter 49 | With the celebrity marriages and all, this year has been kind of funny, in a sense. | 今年は有名人の結婚とか、そういうのがある意味面白かった。
JJL Chapter 50 | I saw a kesaran-pasaran in Yoyogi Park, even though it's supposedly a cryptid. I wish you a happy new year. | 代々木公園で「ケサランパサラン」を見た。未確認生物ですけど。良い年でありますように。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 51 | There's something I've been really into lately: Radio Calisthenics No. 3. | ものすげーちょっとハマったこと。ラジオ体操第3。
JJL Chapter 52 | Ever since the editor-in-chief started playing golf with me, it's had this unpleasant, work-like feeling to it. | 編集長がゴルフを始めたら、仕事的にちょっとやらしい風を感じる。
JJL Chapter 53 | I've become obsessed with stamp collecting, starting with the "Japanese architecture" series of intaglio stamps. | 凹版印刷の特殊切手「日本の建築シリーズ」から切手集めにハマっちまってる。
JJL Chapter 54 | Prince is someone I've respected ever since I was young. May he rest in peace. | プリンスは青春時代からの尊敬する人でした。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。
JJL Chapter 55 | When it comes to new things, I tend to focus more on whether or not they're necessary. For example, do we really need new national holidays? | 新しいものより要らないものばかり目に付く。新しい祭日とか要る?
JJL Chapter 56 | I have a new editor. I look forward to working with them! | 担当さんが変わりました。よろしくお願いします!
JJL Chapter 57 | I've set the air conditioner to run on full blast twenty-four hours a day at 28 °C (82 °F) from this year onward. | 今年からはエアコンは28℃で24時間フル回転にした。
JJL Chapter 58 | The Kumano Hongū Taisha charms that I created the illustrations for release on September 22nd. | 9月22日から頒布される熊野本宮大社のお守りのイラストデザインを致しました。
JJL Chapter 59 | I tried grilling and eating a moray eel at an izakaya. It was surprisingly delicious. | 居酒屋でウツボを焼いて食べてみた。意外と旨かった。
JJL Chapter 60 | There's this old man in my neighborhood whose sneezes sound like the phrase "kitty-cat." Not that I want to mock him or anything. | 近所のオヤジで、くしゃみをする時の発音が「にゃんこちゃん」と聞こえる人がいる。つっこめない。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 61 | Happy new year. I'll do my best this year as well. Please continue to support me. | 新年おめでとうございます。今年も頑張ります。よろしくお願いします。
JJL Chapter 62 | I've been doing it for a long time now, but I usually do ten or so pull-ups a day. I hardly notice how great I feel afterward. | 昔からやってるけど、懸垂10回くらいやってる。何気にすごい気がする。
JJL Chapter 63 | I still have the CRT television set I bought back in 1989. It worked fine for such a long time, but now it's finally stopped working. | 89年に買ったブラウン管テレビ。ずっと大丈夫でしたけれど、ついに壊れました。
JJL Chapter 64 | I'm in the market for a new smartphone. None of them seem to be impressing me with how advanced they are, though... | スマホが買い替えの時期なんですが、驚くような進化系のスマホってないのかな。
JJL Chapter 65 | I'm addicted to From the North Land, even though it's such an old drama. Masterpieces transcend time. | 昔のドラマだけど『北の国から』にはまっている。名作は時代を超える。
JJL Chapter 66 | When I went to buy an electric lamp, I was told that the lamp's service life ends when the LED inside dies out. | 電気スタンドを買いに行ったらLEDが終わる時がそのスタンドの寿命と言われた。
JJL Chapter 67 | I drew Rohan Kishibe's newest work for another magazine releasing next month. I hope you don't mind! | 岸辺露伴の新作を来月発売の別マ誌にて描きました。お邪魔でなければ!
JJL Chapter 68 | The JoJo exhibition has started. Let's all keep our heads up and get through this hot summer! | ジョジョ展やってます。皆さんも元気出して暑い夏を乗り切ろう!
JJL Chapter 69 | I go to a dentist office run by two sisters who look near-identical. They're great doctors, but it can be a little unnerving when they both approach you at once. | そっくりな姉妹でやってる歯医者に通ってる。名医なんだけどさ。2人で来ると怖いよォ。
JJL Chapter 70 | Thank you so much for everything this summer, including the JoJo exhibition. New announcements will be coming shortly, so please keep an eye out for them. | この夏はジョジョ展など色々ありがとうございました。また、新しい展開もあるのでよろしくお願いします。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 71 | The biggest tragedy this year might just be Toshiba ending their sponsorship of Sazae-san. Was it that important to them? | 今年一の重大事件はサザエさんのCMを東芝がやめる事かなぁ。重い?
JJL Chapter 72 | Thank you for everything this year! I'll be working hard for the JoJo exhibition next summer! | 今年一年ありがとうございます!来夏のジョジョ展もがんばります!!
JJL Chapter 73 | I went on a trip to Kanazawa this winter. There were so many delicious foods! | 冬の金沢旅行に行ってきました。色々とおいしいものあるね~。
JJL Chapter 74 | It's annoying having my smartphone slow down and force me to pay extra when I go over its data limit. I'll just have to push through it. | スマホの通信制限で遅くなって追加料金要請されるのムカつく。耐えてやる。
JJL Chapter 75 | When you grate the garlic instead of slicing it, firefly squid pasta tastes amazing!! | ホタルイカのパスタはニンニクを刻むのでなくすって入れたらうまかったー!!
JJL Chapter 76 | We're having another JoJo exhibition this summer! I'll tell you about it the day after tomorrow! That's the comment. | 夏にジョジョ展やります!明後日それを言います!というコメント。
JJL Chapter 77 | The animal I'm most interested in right now is the Pallas's cat. The zoo seems to have a few of them. | 今一番興味がある動物はマヌルネコ種。動物園にいるらしい。
JJL Chapter 78 | Currently, my favorite show is a television program called American Vintage. It makes me think about how great people and civilization are. | 最近好きなのは『アメリカン ヴィンテージ』というBSの番組。人間と文明って良いなぁとか思う。
JJL Chapter 79 | When I tried making a reservation at a famous sushi restaurant, I was told it wouldn't be until October, after the Tokyo Olympics end. | ある有名なお寿司屋を予約したら「東京五輪が終わった年の10月で。」と言われた。
JJL Chapter 80 | During a trip in the mountains of Nagano Prefecture, I met a serow, and it felt like we both went, "Oh." Then it felt like we both went, "Well then." | 長野の山の中に行ったら、お互い「おっ」って感じでカモシカと出会った。「じゃっ」って感じで。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 81 | This is actually my first proper visit to Osaka. I'm just coming to say hello. | 大阪にちゃんと行くのは実は初めて。ご挨拶に参ります。
JJL Chapter 82 | I went to Shanghai. It was nice to see the city's old structure still in effect. | 上海行ってきた。古い街並みも残ってて良かったなあ。
JJL Chapter 83 | My first dream of the year was a bee stinging the ring finger of my left hand. Is that good or bad luck? | 左手の薬指を蜂に刺される初夢を見た。これは幸運なのかやばいのか。
JJL Chapter 84 | This year, I'm going to grow potted herbs like mint and lemongrass! | 今年はミントとかレモングラスとか鉢植えでハーブを育てるぞ!
JJL Chapter 85 | Welcome to the new imperial era. The Araki family will also be ordering new tombstones. | 新元号おめでとうございます。荒木家も新しい墓石にします。
JJL Chapter 86 | The second Sicario film was a masterpiece! I'm looking forward to the third one! | 「ボーダーライン」の2作目傑作だった!3作目が楽しみ!
JJL Chapter 87 | Does anyone else think it's dumb when a steakhouse fills you up with appetizers before serving the actual steak? | 「ステーキ屋」でステーキの前の前菜でお腹一杯にさせるお店ってバカなの?
JJL Chapter 88 | I've subscribed to a video distribution platform. How does the recommended section know my tastes so well? | 動画配信サービスに入った。おすすめの作品、何でこんなに僕の好みがわかるんだ?
JJL Chapter 89 | I climbed Tokyo Tower for the first time. It's still so amazing how you can see the tower from anywhere in the city. | 初めて東京タワーに上った。改めて都心のどこからでも見える塔って凄いな。
JJL Chapter 90 | The gnats really got to me this year. Although, I did decide to go into the mountains wearing shorts... | 今年はブヨにとにかくやられた。短パンで山行っちゃったから…。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 91 | I'm traveling to Italy for a comic festival. It's for business purposes this time, but I always enjoy going to Italy. | コミックフェスでイタリアへ行きます。仕事だけどイタリア旅行は嬉しいな。
JJL Chapter 92 | My recent exercise routine is Power Plate. I'm vibrating all the way up to my head. | 最近している運動はパワー・プレート・ブレート。頭のてっぺんまでブルブル。
JJL Chapter 93 | I've never eaten it before, but I want to try massaman curry. I bet it'd be delicious if I ate it. | 食べたことのない食べ物。[マッサマンカレー]食べてみたい。食べるとなったら美味いヤツ。
JJL Chapter 94 | Happy new year. There'll be another pair of JoJo exhibitions in Nagasaki and Kanazawa, right before the Olympics. I hope you all continue to support me there. That goes for JoJolion, too. | 謹賀新年。オリパラの前にJOJO展長崎と金沢があります。皆さま宜しくお願い致します。そして「ジョジョリオン」ね。
JJL Chapter 95 | I've been seeing a lot of people playing in the streets this March. They've been playing football, playing catch, skateboarding, the list goes on. Personally, I like it. | この3月は道路で遊ぶ人をよく見かけました。サッカーとかキャッチボールとかスケボーとか。僕は好き。
JJL Chapter 96 | Even in the current situation, manga artists are still drawing as usual. Stay safe, everyone. | こんな状況ですが、漫画家はいつも通り描いています。皆さん、お気をつけてお過ごしください。
JJL Chapter 97 | I'm hard at work drawing, so you don't have to worry about me. Please continue to stay safe, everyone. | コツコツ描いてますので、私に関してはご心配なく。皆さんも引き続きお気をつけて。
JJL Chapter 98 | I keep an eco-friendly bag and mask at both my workplace and my home so I don't forget them, but I forget them every time and have to go back for them anyway. | 忘れないようエコバッグとマスクを仕事場と自宅に置いてるけど毎回忘れて取りに戻る
JJL Chapter 99 | There was a woman in a white dress standing around absent-mindedly on the far corner of the train platform. Was I the only one who could see her? She was beautiful for a train photographer. | 電車ホームの一番隅にぼーっと立っている白いドレスの女性が。まさか自分だけに見えてる?美人の撮り鉄だった。
JJL Chapter 100 | I joined a remote call with an app called Zoom! But all of a sudden, I found myself at a loss for words. | ZOOMってアプリでリモート導入しました!急に喋れなくなりました。
Chapter | Translation | Original
JJL Chapter 101 | I'm looking forward to the PS5 and the movie Dune.[b] | いま楽しみなのはPS5と映画の「DUNE/デューン 砂の惑星」ですかな。
JJL Chapter 102 | The pronunciation was written as Kyo Nijimura, but I just never checked it this whole time. The correct pronunciation is Kei, like the number.[c] | 虹村きょうってなってたけどずっとチェックしてなかった。読み方は数字のけいです。
JJL Chapter 103 | This has been a year of self-restraint, but NHK will be premiering a Rohan TV drama at the end of the year, so please look forward to it! | 今年は自粛の年だったけど年末にNHKで露伴のドラマやりますんでよろしくね!
JJL Chapter 104 | Happy new year. I'm praying for the end of the coronavirus. JoJolion is also in its final stages. | 新年おめでとうございます。コロナが終息することを祈っています。「ジョジョリオン」も大詰めですよ。
JJL Chapter 105 | I can't wait for the invention of self-driving cars. I wonder if it'd be okay for me to drive one, even though I don't have a license. | 車の自動運転の発明って待ち遠しい。あれって免許持ってない僕でもOKという意味で良いのかな。
JJL Chapter 106 | I didn't buy any clothes for a while due to self-restraint, but I finally went out to buy some and immediately got them dirty while drawing. | 自粛でしばらく服を買わなかったんだけどやっと買いに行って絵描いたらすぐ汚してしまった。
JJL Chapter 107 | I've been cooking so much that my vegetable-chopping skills have surpassed my ability to draw with a marker. Way to go, me. | 料理ばっかしてるんで野菜のみじん切りがペンタッチテクよりものすげー上達した(自画自賛)。
JJL Chapter 108 | I recently found some basic white bread that's actually really delicious. Try comparing the taste to other bread, and you'll never want to go back. | 最近普通の白い食パンに超うまいヤツがある。並べて食べると以前のに戻れないくらいに。
JJL Chapter 109 | JoJolion will conclude in the next issue. I just want Josuke and Yasuho to be happy. | 次回で「ジョジョリオン」完結します。定助や康穂ちゃんには幸せになってほしいなあ。
JJL Chapter 110 | Thank you very much for the past decade of JoJolion! Let's take a bit of a rest, and then meet again in the new JOJOLANDS (tentative). | ジョジョリオン10年間ありがとうございました!少し休んで、新「JOJOLANDS(仮)」でお会いしましょう。
JJL Volume 1


To my Italian readers, it is truly wonderful that JoJo and my works have been beloved for such a long time here in Italy, one of the places I treasure the most. The world of JoJo is far from being over and I would be honored if you kept following it with this passion.
A warm greeting.Ai miei lettori italiani, è davvero magnifico che JoJo e le mie opere siano amate da così tanto tempo in Italia, uno dei luoghi a me più cari. Il mondo di JoJo durerà ancora a lungo, e sarei molto onorato se continuaste a sequirlo con trepidazione.
Un caro saluto.JJL Volume 2

JJL Volume 3

何が言いたいかというと、ええーと。いったい何が言いたいんでしょう? スミマセン。
JJL Volume 4

早朝のテレビの天気予報で、『さて、本日の最高気温はこれから何度くらいになると思いますか?』と予報士が視聴者に質問して来て、そのままCMで引っぱるの! これから何着て出かけようかと急いでる朝に、フザけるな。バカ。おまえは予報士なのか? それともエンターテイナーなのか!? クイズの司会者か!? あいまいなヤツは嫌いなのォ! 最高気温はCM中にネットで検索したからもう必要ないのらァー。
JJL Volume 5

JJL Volume 6

This is a bit of a negative topic, but what's the worst thing someone could ever say to you? In my case, from worst to best:
- "The story's too long!" It's not about the manga itself. I just never want to become that kind of adult. Hahaha!
- "You're too obsessed with your past glory." Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Don't ever say that to me.
- "Are you still using this charger?"
- "I'm surprised you don't know any good sushi restaurants." I know at least one great restaurant, and I even use the latest cell phone model!
- "Have you grown taller?" That is all.
JJL Volume 7

金鉱掘りの娘で、妖精のような「クレメンタイン」が足が大きい為に、ころんで川で溺れて死んでしまうんですけれど、恋人である主人公(または父親)が、悲しくて寂しくて仕方ないという内容。でも寂しいから妹にキスしたら、彼女のこと忘れちゃった。というラスト。『ガーン』!? 何この人!? どういうつもり!? でも迫力ある歌詞だなあ。
JJL Volume 8

JJL Volume 9

JJL Volume 10

JJL Volume 11

JJL Volume 12

自分の仕事場に行く時、住宅地を通るのですが、道路からベランダの洗濯物が干してあるのが見えるお宅がある。住人がご年配か若い人かは知らないんだけれど、物干竿に直接、シャツのそでとか、ズボンの足を突っ込んで通して干す。あんまりやらないよなぁ……。靴を洗って、ベランダの手すりにいつも並べて干してある。これは「イケてるか イケてない」か? ジャッジ。『イケてる』! (判定基準は次巻へ続く。)
JJL Volume 13

『イケてる』か? 『イケてない』か?を判定することは、生活を豊かにする基準だと思う。
JJL Volume 14

(Note: The kanji for Tamaki Damo's given name (環) can also be read as Kan.)
JJL Volume 15

変な人は、今も昔も居るというのに、私はパーティーが大嫌いだった。これは何か因果関係の理由があるのだろうか? もし海外のパーティーに呼ばれたりしたら、どうしよう?
JJL Volume 16

オール電化の超ハイテク。ケーブルで空中を移動して、何でも揃って楽チン快適。豆銑さんもう最高! 畑の真上で収穫してそのまま料理出来るのは最高! 豆銑さん、お家に読んでください。
JJL Volume 17

JJL Volume 18

Dentist: "I'm going to treat your cavities."
Me: "Uh huh. Alright."
I went to the dentist, but I don't know much about how it works. Do conversations with dentists normally play out like that? For my part, I wondered if I had any cavities, and that's why I came to the dentist. I wanted to be prepared for whatever would happen to me after that. Well, after that conversation, I had my cavities drilled, filled, and properly treated.
JJL Volume 19

Regarding a Recent Mystery
I have a sister in her 50s who fell and broke her leg. Is it minor? Is it a serious injury? How did it happen? I had absolutely no idea. She said she was going to miss the Araki family's celebration, but when I called her and asked if her leg was okay, she responded with "Heheh." Just that. What in the world was that? Why couldn't she answer?
妹に20代の娘が居るので、彼女に「お母さん、脚どうしたの?」って訪ねたら、娘「うふっ」。それだけ。「うふっ」の隠された裏の意味を想像力で読めとでも言ってるのか? 何だ? 「うふっ」って。
JJL Volume 20

理由あって、病院で座薬を入れる事になり、「自分でやります。」と言ったが、けっこう可愛いお顔の看護師が「いえ、わたしがやります。」 ゴム手袋パッチーン。
子供の頃を思い出した。熱を下げるのは座薬が早い。というので、「僕は出来るッ!」と叫んだのに、「いやっ お父さんがやる。」 どおして皆、座薬を入れたがるの? なんなの? 床の上に『ピュッ&コローン率』がそんなに高いものなのか?
JJL Volume 21

「イロイコ」かまたは「エロイコ」。 「エロい子」? 「エロい子 アラキ」。まあ特に良いけどね。満足してます。いや… 結構カッコイイかなとも思えて来ました。
JJL Volume 22

今回は途中で作るのを止めちゃった彫刻とか絵画を、ナゼ、止めたのだろう? とそこに感動したり、大富豪と結婚した女性がその後、没落していったとかの建築物が良かったなぁ。悲しい。そこに世界中の国々から沢山の人が観光に集まって来ていて、そこがまた、良いです。
JJL Volume 23

JJL Volume 24

でもどんな世界になって行くのかな? 現在の雰囲気から予想してみると恐い世界の想像が優勢の感じもするけれど、『新ロカカカ』みたいなのはみつかっているのかな? テクノロジーとして。そして、有機体+アルファの人間。つまり『岩人間』みたいなのは?
JJL Volume 25

JJL Volume 26

I don't often tell people what I do outside my office, but I've been exercising with a shaking machine recently. It's called a vibration machine, and when you get on it, it shakes your legs, spine, brain, and teeth.
They say it was made to rehabilitate injuries. At first, I thought, "How is this going to help me exercise?" But once you take it seriously, it can help you build up a lot of muscle. You'll be out of breath afterward, though. It's a machine that produces gradual results without you even knowing it. An invention that produces JoJolion.(Note: The kanji for "gradual" (徐々) in Japanese is pronounced as jojo.)
JJL Volume 27

『ジョジョ』を描く時、このテーマから逃げる事は出来ない。誰が一番強い敵なのか? 何が強くて一番幸せなのか?
- ↑ Instead of the word "Shimonita" (下仁田), Araki uses the term "shimoneta" (下ネタ), which refers to crude or vulgar jokes.
- ↑ Dune is titled Dune: The Desert Planet (DUNE/デューン 砂の惑星) in Japan.
- ↑ The kanji for Kei's given name (京) means "ten quadrillion" when read as "kei" (けい).