Template:Part 5 Name Variants
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Vento AureoGiorno GiovannaLeaky-Eye LucaGold ExperienceBruno BucciaratiSticky FingersMan XPassioneBlack SabbathPannacotta FugoGuido MistaLeone AbbacchioSoft MachineMoody BluesSex PistolsKraft WorkSalePericoloTrish UnaDonatella UnaFormaggioLittle FeetAerosmithSorbet and GelatoMan in the MirrorPurple HazeAbbacchio's PartnerCoco JumboMr.PresidentBeach BoyThe Grateful DeadMeloneBaby FaceGhiaccioWhite AlbumKing CrimsonClashTizzanoTalking HeadNotorious B.I.GSpice GirlVinegar DoppioMetallicaEpitaphDiavoloCioccolataGreen DayOasisChariot RequiemGold Experience RequiemRolling Stones
Part 5: Vento Aureo (黄金の風)

Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Ōgon no Kaze

Part 5 Giorno Giovanna: Golden Heritage (第5部 ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ【黄金なる遺産】)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.

Used as a subtitle below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as the Stands book of JOJO A-GO!GO! and the attract mode of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.

Stylized in English uppercase. Used in the paperback edition, JoJo's Bizarre Words, and a background poster in All-Star Battle.

Parte 5: Vento Aureo
Used in JOJOVELLER, JOJO magazine, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Golden wind
Stylized in English sentence case. Used in background posters in All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Part 5: Golden Wind
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, the series's official website, VIZ Media's publication, and the French release.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Gold Wing
Erroneously used by Netflix's Latin American Twitter account.
Giorno Giovanna (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Joruno Jobāna

Haruno Shiobana (汐華 初流乃)
Birth name.

Italian transliteration of the name "JoJo." Used in the design of Vento Aureo's tankōbon release, the author's note of Volume 47, the planned English title of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, and Purple Haze Feedback.

Giorno Giovanni
Used in a Shonen Jump advertisement for GioGio's Bizarre Adventure's English release.

Giorno Jobana
Used in the Malaysian release.
Leaky-Eye Luca (涙目のルカ)

Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Namidame no Ruka

Leaky Eye Luca

Don Luca
Used in the Italian release.
Gold Experience (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス(黄金体験))

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu

Golden Wind
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Bruno Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Burōno Bucharati

Bruno Buccellati
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the official English translation of Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI and early editions of JOJOVELLER, as well as the French release of Purple Haze Feedback.

Brono Bucarati
Used in the Malaysian release.
Language | Name | Usage
Sticky Fingers (スティッキィ・フィンガーズ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Sutikki Fingāzu

Zipper Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Black Sabbath (ブラック・サバス)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Burakku Sabasu

Black Sabath
Used in the anime guidebook Sulle tracce dei gangster.

Shadow Sabbath
Pannacotta Fugo (パンナコッタ・フーゴ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Pannakotta Fūgo

Pannacotta Hugo
Used in the Malaysian release.
Guido Mista (グイード・ミスタ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Guīdo Misuta

Kuido Mista (クイード・ミスタ)
Typo used in Chapter 575 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and tankōbon release.
Leone Abbacchio (レオーネ・アバッキオ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Reōne Abakkio

Used in the Malaysian release.
Soft Machine (ソフト・マシーン)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Sofuto Mashīn

Tender Machine
Moody Blues (ムーディー・ブルース)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Mūdī Burūsu

Moody Jazz
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Sex Pistols (セックス・ピストルズ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Sekkusu Pisutoruzu

Six Bullets
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Kraft Work (クラフト・ワーク)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Kurafuto Wāku

Arts & Crafts
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.

Craft Work
Used in the French release.

Spelled like the band. Used in the Italian release.
Pericolo (ペリーコロ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in some fan translations.
Trish Una (トリッシュ・ウナ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Torisshu Una

Teresa Una
Used in the Malaysian release.
Donatella Una (ドナテラ・ウナ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Donatera Una
Formaggio (ホルマジオ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in the French release.

Used in the Malaysian release.

Formaggiro (ホルマジロ)
Typo used in early editions of the first Blu-Ray box set of the anime adaptation.
Little Feet (リトル・フィート)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Ritoru Fīto

Tiny Feet
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Aerosmith (エアロスミス)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Li'l Bomber
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.

Aero Smith
Used in the Malaysian release.
Sorbet and Gelato (ソルベ, ジェラート)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Sorube, Jerāto

Sorbetto and Gelato
Used in the Italian release.

Sorbei and Cante
Used in some fan translations.
Man in the Mirror (マン・イン・ザ・ミラー)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Man in za Mirā

Mirror Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Purple Haze (パープル・ヘイズ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Pāpuru Heizu

Purple Smoke
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Abbacchio's Partner (アバッキオの同僚の警官)

Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Abakkio no Dōryō no Keikan
Coco Jumbo (ココ・ジャンボ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Koko Janbo

Coco Jamboo
Spelled like the song. Used in promotional material for Silver Chariot's Super Action Statue.

Coco Large
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Mr.President (ミスター・プレジデント)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Misutā Purejidento
Beach Boy (ビーチ・ボーイ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Bīchi Bōi

Fisher Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
The Grateful Dead (ザ・グレイトフル・デッド)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Za Gureitofuru Deddo

Grateful Dead (グレイトフル・デッド)
Common nickname.

Thankful Death
Used in VIZ Media's publication and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.

The Greatful Death
Used in early editions of the Italian release.
Baby Face (ベイビィ・フェイス)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Beibī Feisu

Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
White Album (ホワイト・アルバム)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Howaito Arubamu

White Ice
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
King Crimson (キング・クリムゾン)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Kingu Kurimuzon

Emperor Crimson
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Language | Name | Usage
Clash (クラッシュ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Tizzano (ティッツァーノ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Spelled like the Italian given name. Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, the French and Italian releases, and merchandise for the anime adaptation.

Used in Japanese merchandise.
Talking Head (トーキング・ヘッド)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Tōkingu Heddo

Talking Mouth
Notorious B.I.G (ノトーリアス・B・I・G )

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Notōriasu Biggu

Notorious Chase

Notorius Chase
Spice Girl (スパイス・ガール)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Supaisu Gāru

Spicy Lady
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Vinegar Doppio (ヴィネガー・ドッピオ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Vinegā Doppio

Vinegar Doppio (ビネガー・ドッピオ)

Aceto Doppio
Used in the Italian release.
Metallica (メタリカ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Epitaph (エピタフ(墓碑銘))

Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Diavolo (ディアボロ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Solido Naso
Cioccolata (チョコラータ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Cioccolato (チョコラート)
The male form of his Italian name. Used in the latter part of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Green Day (グリーン・ディ)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Gurīn Di

Green Tea
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Oasis (オアシス)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage


Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Chariot Requiem (チャリオッツ・レクイエム)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Chariottsu Rekuiemu

Silver Chariot Requiem (シルバーチャリオッツレクイエム)
Gold Experience Requiem (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・レクイエム)

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu Rekuiemu

Requiem (レクイエム)
Common nickname.

Golden Wind Requiem
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Rolling Stones (ローリング・ストーン(ズ))

Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language | Name | Usage

Rōringu Sutōn(zu)

Prophecy Stones