Taizo Mote King Saga

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Taizo Mote King Saga (太臓もて(キング)サーガ, Taizō Mote Kingu Sāga) is a parody gag manga written and illustrated by Amon Dai. It was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from July 25, 2005 to May 14, 2007. The manga spans eight volumes and eighty-seven chapters in total.

While the manga parodies several works from Weekly Shonen Jump and other magazines, the majority of references are toward JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The manga artist is a huge fan of JoJo, and is friends with Hirohiko Araki.

Examples of other manga that are referenced in Taizo Mote King Saga include One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Neuro: Supernatural Detective, Gintama, Eyeshield 21, Prince of Tennis, To Love Ru, Shaman King, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Death Note, Doraemon, M×0, Black Jack, GeGeGe no Kitarō, Blue Dragon Ral Ω Grad, and Fullmetal Alchemist.[1]

The manga is also featured in the Nintendo DS game Jump Ultimate Stars.


In between reality and fantasy lies a world known only as the 'Space World'. From this world, a demon prince with a large triangle shaped head named Taizo Momote (百手 太臓, Momote Taizō) arrives at Doki Doki Private High School. His true identity is Baal Zebul and his objective is to marry all the women in the country and create a 'Harem Land'. However, with his looks and personality, there’s no way he could possibly find a girlfriend. The unrelenting Taizo recruits his close friends, Yu and the delinquent Komi Akutsu to his cause, and continues the search for suitable women.


Characters in Taizo Mote King Saga
Taizo Momote
Yu Angaiji
Komi Akutsu
Aisu Sado
Yaiko Momote
Utsuki Mashiragi
Atsuko Mani
Ken Kijima
Reiya Ooki
Sugine Ooki
Hajime Inui

JoJo/Araki Parodies

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Volumes 1-4Volumes 5-8
Volume 1 Parodies
Volume 2 Parodies
Volume 3 Parodies
Volume 4 Parodies
Volume 5 Parodies
Volume 6 Parodies
Volume 7 Parodies
Volume 8 Parodies


Volumes 1-4Volumes 5-8
Volume 1

Hello Visitor
ハロー来訪者 Harō Raihō-sha

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Release Date
Japan December 2, 2005[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Hello Visitor (ハロー来訪者, Harō Raihō-sha)[a]
  2. Story of Ceilings (屋上物語, Okujō Monogatari)[b]
  3. That's Hypertension (That'sハイパーテンション, That's Haipātenshon)[c]
  4. The Burning Wild Woman (燃える!お姉さん, Moeru! Onēsan)[d]
  5. Nagisa's ... (渚の『…………』, Nagisa no “…………”)[e]
  6. I'm Not an Angel (天使なんかじゃない!, Tenshi nanka ja nai!)[f]
  7. Gakuen 7 Wonders (学園7不思議, Gakuen 7 Fushigi)[g]
  8. Yoroshiku Mechadog (よろしくメカドッグ, Yoroshiku mekadoggu)[h]
Volume 2

Battle Athletes: Sports Day
バトルアスリーツ大運動会 Batoru Asurītsu Daiundōkai

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Release Date
Japan March 3, 2006[2]
Chapter Titles
  2. Dream Hunter (夢ノ狩人, Yume no kariudo)[j]
  3. GOLDEN BOYS, Part 1 (GOLDEN BOYS前編, GOLDEN BOYS zenpen)[k]
  4. GOLDEN BOYS, Part 2 (GOLDEN BOYS後編, GOLDEN BOYS kōhen)[l]
  5. Leave love to us! (恋はおまかせ!, Koi wa omakase!)
  6. Battle Athletes: Sports Day (バトルアスリーツ大運動会, Batoru Asurītsu Daiundōkai)[m]
  7. Teacher's Time (先生のお時間, Sensei no Jikan)[n]
  8. Dream-color Chaser (夢色chaser, Yumeiro Chaser)[o]
  9. She, the Ultimate Weapon (最終兵器カノジョ, Saishū heiki kanojo)[p]
  10. Daytona USO (デートなUSO, Dētona USO)[q]
  11. Tell Us, Mr. Teacher! (教えて!せんせいさん, Oshiete! Sensei-san)[r]
Volume 3

Trouble Chocolate
トラブるチョコレート Toraburu Chokorēto

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Release Date
Japan June 2, 2006[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Beware of Miracle Bodies! (ミラクルボディにご用心!, Mirakurubodi ni goyōshin!)[s]
  2. *SANTA!* (*SANTA!*)[t]
  3. Powertuff Girls (パワータフガールズ, Pawā Tafu Gāruzu)[u]
  4. Demon King From Town! (故郷からマ王!, Furusato Kara Maoh!)[v]
  5. BOY MEETS GIRL<DA!DA!DA!REMIX> (BOY MEETS GIRL<DA!DA!DA!(だいあもん だいあもん だいあもん)REMIX>, BOY MEETS GIRL<DA!DA!DA! Dai-Amon Dai-Amon Dai-Amon REMIX>)[w]
  6. Neighborhood Story (御近所物語, Gokinjo Monogatari)[x]
  7. Yūto (悠と, Yuuto)[y]
  8. Trouble Chocolate (トラブるチョコレート, Toraburu chokorēto)[z]
  9. Suki Mami Mai Tai (スキダミマイタイ, Sukimami Mai Tai)[aa]
  10. Manga Champon Folktales (まんがちゃんぽん昔ばなし, Manga Chanpon Mukashi Banashi)[ab]
  11. A Secret Ribbon (秘めちゃうのリボン, Himechau no ribon)[ac]
Volume 4

Double Heart
ダブル・ハート Daburu hāto

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Release Date
Japan September 4, 2006[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Trap Family Story (トラップ一過物語, Torappu Ikka Monogatari!)[ad]
  2. A Tree of Karma (カルマの樹, Karuma no ki)[ae]
  3. Lady Ryojie (レディ領事ィ, Redi Ryōji~i)[af]
  4. Kad Guard (過度ガード, Kado Gādo)[ag]
  5. The Genius Comes At The End (天才は最後にやってくる!!, Tensai wa saigo ni yattekuru!!)[ah]
  6. Send Venus Mission High School (send ビューナス女学院, Send byūnasu jogakuin)[ai]
  7. Happy Birthday Everyone (みんなで誕生日, Minna de Tanjōbi)[aj]
  8. Is Your Wife a Magical Girl? (奥様は魔法少女?, Okusama hamahō shōjo?)[ak]
  9. Booby MAGIC[al]
  10. Double Heart (ダブル・ハート, Daburu hāto)[am]
  11. School Rumble (スクール乱舞る, Sukūru ranburu)[an]
Volume 5

Lustful Student Council
欲情生徒会 Yokujō Seito-kai

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Release Date
Japan December 4, 2006[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Rumored Kiss (うわさのキッサ, Uwasa no Kissa)[ao]
  2. Yoshimoto Ganekko Stories (ヨシモト ガネッ子物語, Yoshimoto Ganekko Monogatari)[ap]
  3. Kiko Senkyo Douran (奇行選挙動乱, Kikō Senkyo Dōran)[aq]}
  4. Lustful Student Council (欲情生徒会, Yokujō Seito-kai)[ar]
  5. May Your Wishes Come True (願いが叶うように, Negai ga kanau yō ni)[as]
  6. Don't Give Up, Unrequited Love! (負けないで!片想い, Makenaide! Kataomoi)[at]
  7. Transformers: The Headmasters (トランスフォーマー・ザ・ヘッドミスターズ, Toransufōmā za Heddomisutāzu)[au]
  8. Festival Nut's Diary (祭バカ日誌, Matsuribaka Nisshi)[av]
  9. Tenacity & the Violent Blue (怒りと水とタフネス, Ikari to Mizu to Tafunesu)[aw]
  10. Operation: Mystery! (怪奇大作戦!, Kaiki Daisakusen!)[ax]
    Taizo Mote King Saga Side Story: The Lives of Eccentrics (「太臓もて王サーガ」外伝~変人偏屈列伝~, "Taizō Mote Kingu Sāga" Gaiden ~Kaiki Daisakusen!~)[ay]
Volume 6

Love Love Ninky Mono
ラブ・ラブ・ニンキーモノ Rabu Rabu Ninkīmono

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Release Date
Japan March 2, 2007[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days (時にはむかしの話を, Tokiniha mukashi no hanashi o)[az]
  2. Blue Water[ba]
  3. Annie of Green Gables (赤毛のアニ, Akage no Ani)[bb]}
  4. Gallery Fake (ガラリーフェイク, Gyararī Feiku)[bc]
  5. Oh!Family[bd]
  6. Stormy Love (ストーミー・ラブ, Sutōmī rabu)[be]
  7. You're Fat! (脂肪よそれは, Shibō yo soreha)[bf]
  8. Love Love Ninky Mono (ラブ・ラブ・ニンキーモノ, Rabu Rabu Ninkīmono)[bg]
  9. Attack Sword (アタック剣, Atakku ken)[bh]
Volume 7

Sexy Sexy!?

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Release Date
Japan June 4, 2007[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Bass!! The Balk Guy of Cross-dimension (バスだーぞ!! -反則の間界人-, Basudazo! ! - Hansoku no ma-kai hito -)[bj]
  2. Pagan Exorcist & Friends (異端者討魔師)[bk]
  3. Hang in There, Boys! (ガンバレ男の子!, Ganbare otoko no ko!)[bl]
  4. REVENGER[bm]
  5. Sister Princess (シスタープリンセス, Shisutā purinsesu)[bn]
  6. Sexy Sexy!? (「SexySexy!?」)[bo]
  7. A Holy Night with Everyone (Zaint Seiya) (全員と聖夜, Zeinto seiya))[bp]
  8. Let's Sing a Song (歌を歌おう, Uta o utaou)[bq]
  9. Fushigi Yuki (不思議遊戯, Fushigi yūki)[br]
  10. Home Center Arashi (ホーム・センターあらし, Hōmu sentā arashi)[bs]
  11. Asterisk Gate ((*)〜アスタリスクゲート〜, (*)〜 Asutarisukugēto 〜)[bt]
  12. Body Only Lady (ボディだけレディ, Bodi dake redi)[bu]
    Taizo Mote King Saga Side Story 2: Saturday Night Chubaw! (「太臓もて王サーガ」外伝2~中坊ですよ!~, "Taizō Mote Kingu Sāga" Gaiden 2 ~Chubobōdesu yo!~)[bv]
Volume 8

Don't Say Goodbye
さよならは言わない Sayonara wa iwanai

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Release Date
Japan August 3, 2007[2]
Chapter Titles
  1. Chocotto Disaster (チョコっとDisaster, Chokotto Disaster)[bw]
  2. 1/3 no Junjō na Bancho (1/3の純情な番長, 1/ 3 No junjōna banchō)[bx]
  3. White and Wonderful World [by]
  4. Love Destiny (ラブ・デスティニー, Rabu desutinī)[bz]
  5. Sonan Gyakusozoku (遭難逆走族, Sōnan gyakusōzoku)[ca]
  6. G-Cup Straggler Yaiko: The Great Confession Battle! (GS矢射子 告白大作戦!!, GS Yaiko kokuhaku dai sakusen!)[cb]
  7. This Love, This Pain, This Strength of Heart (いとしさと切なさと心強さと, Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokoro Tsuyosa to)[cc]
  8. High School! Kiengumi (ハイスクール!奇縁組, Haisukūru! Kiengumi)[cd]
  9. BASToF Silmon (犬猿同士バストシルモン, Kenen dōshi basutoshirumon)[ce]
  10. His and Her Circumstances (カレシカノジョの事情, Kareshikanojo no Jijō)[cf]
  11. Sasoi: Aspiring JoJo Club (誘い☆野望ジョジョクラブ, Sasoi ☆ yabō jojokurabu)[cg]
  12. Tokimeki Memorial (ときめきメモリーある, Tokimeki memorī aru)[ch]
  13. Don't Say Goodbye (さよならは言わない, Sayonara wa iwanai)[ci]
    Taizo Mote King Saga Side Story 3: Legendary Hero Royal Team (「太臓もて王サーガ」外伝3〜伝説のヒロイヤルチーム〜, "Taizō Mote Kingu Sāga" Gaiden 3 ~Densetsu no hiroiyaruchīmu~)[cj]


  • Volume 2 of the series was personally recommended by Hirohiko Araki. The photo for the Author's Note in Volume 4 shows Amon Dai wearing a UNIQLO CREATIVE AWARD 2006 × Hirohiko Araki T-Shirt with Killer Queen. Volume 5 features an advertisement on the obi strip for a collaboration between Araki and Dai that was originally published in Akamaru Jump and included in the volume. The afterword of Volume 5 also includes a short manga titled "Afterword Manga: Gold Experience's Counterattack" (あとがきマンガ: 黄金体験(ゴールド・エクスペリエンス)逆襲(ぎゃくしゅう)) about Araki's 25th anniversary celebration party.


  1. Reference to Baoh the Visitor
  2. Reference to Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons
  3. Reference to the opening of Hyper Police
  4. Reference to The Burning Wild Man
  5. Reference to the opening of High School! Kimengumi
  6. Reference to Tenshi Nanka ja Nai
  7. Reference to High School Mystery: Gakuen Nanafushigi
  8. Reference to Yoroshiku Mechadock
  9. Reference to Ultra Maniac
  10. Reference to opening of Acrobunch
  11. Reference to Golden Boy
  12. Reference to Golden Boy
  13. Reference to Battle Athletes
  14. Reference to Doki Doki School Hours
  15. Reference to the opening of Metal Armor Dragonar
  16. Reference to Saikano
  17. Reference to the opening of Daytona USA
  18. Reference to the opening of Bottle Fairy
  19. Reference to the opening of Knights of Ramune
  20. Reference to ★Santa★
  21. Reference to The Powerpuff Girls
  22. Reference to Kyo Kara Maoh!
  23. Reference to the ending of UFO Baby
  24. Reference to Neighborhood Story
  25. Reference to Yuuto
  26. Reference to Trouble Chocolate
  27. Reference to the opening of Mezzo DSA
  28. Reference to Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi
  29. Reference to Hime-chan's Ribbon
  30. Reference to the Trapp Family Story
  31. Reference to A Tree of Palme
  32. Reference to Lady Georgie
  33. Reference to Gad Guard
  34. Reference to the ending of Those Who Hunt Elves
  35. Reference to St. Luminous Mission High School
  36. Reference to ending of Manga Nippon Mukashi Banashi
  37. Reference to Oku-sama wa Mahō Shōjo
  38. Reference to the ending of The Kindaichi Case Files
  39. Reference to Double Hard
  40. Reference to School Rumble
  41. Reference to the ending of Kiteretsu Daihyakka
  42. Reference to Yoshimoto Muchikko Monogatari
  43. Reference to Kikō Sennyo Rouran
  44. Reference to Best Student Council
  45. Reference to the opening of Ippatsu Kiki Musume
  46. Reference to the ending of Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School
  47. Reference to Transformers: The Headmasters
  48. Reference to Tsuribaka Nisshi
  49. Reference to Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
  50. Reference to Operation: Mystery!
  51. Reference to The Lives of Eccentrics
  52. Reference to the ending of Porco Rosso
  53. Reference to opening of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
  54. Reference to Anne of Green Gables
  55. Reference to Gallery Fake
  56. Reference to Family!
  57. Reference to the opening of Firestorm (TV series)
  58. Reference to the opening of King Arthur
  59. Reference to the opening of Magical Princess Minky Momo
  60. Reference to Attack Fist
  61. Reference to the opening of Kinnikuman II
  62. Reference to Bastard!! The Dark God of Destruction
  63. Reference to Thomas & Friends
  64. Reference to the opening of Kobo, the Li'l Rascal
  65. Reference to Avenger
  66. Reference to Sister Princess
  67. Reference to the ending of Ghost Stories
  68. Reference to Saint Seiya
  69. Reference to the ending of Crayon Shin-chan
  70. Reference to Fushigi Yûgi
  71. Reference to Game Center Arashi
  72. Reference to the opening of Bleach
  73. Reference to the opening of Kiteretsu Daihyakka
  74. Reference to Saturday Night Chubaw!
  75. Reference to Chocotto Sister
  76. Reference to the ending of Rurouni Kenshin
  77. Reference to the ending of Always: Sunset on Third Street
  78. Reference to the opening of Sister Princess
  79. Reference to Shonan Bakusozoku
  80. Reference to Ghost Sweeper Mikami: The Great Paradise Battle!!
  81. Reference to Itoshisa to Setsunasa to Kokoro Zuyosa to from Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie
  82. Reference to High School! Kimengumi
  83. Reference to BASToF Lemon
  84. Reference to Kare Kano
  85. Reference to Sasami: Magical Girls Club
  86. Reference to Tokimeki Memorial
  87. Reference to the ending of Yu Yu Hakusho the Movie: Poltergeist Report
  88. Reference to Super Sentai


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