Jodio Joestar

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Staję się bogaty bez względu na wszystko!
—Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure

Jodio Joestar (ジョディオ・ジョースター, Jodio Jōsutā) jest głównym bohaterem dziewiątej części serii JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, The JOJOLands. Jest dziewiątym JoJo w serii.

Jodio jest gangsterem mieszkającym na Hawajach ze swoim starszym bratem Dragoną i matką Barbarą Ann Joestar. Jest użytkownikiem Standa, który dzierży November Rain, co pozwala mu tworzyć zlokalizowane krople deszczu, które mogą zmiażdżyć jego przeciwników.



Jodio jest 15-letnim chłopcem. Ma jasną skórę i jasne włosy z długimi postrzępionymi grzywkami częściowo zasłaniającymi oba oczy i podcięciem z tyłu. Jego włosy są asymetryczne, ponieważ prawa strona jest spleciona z przymocowaną ozdobną spinką do włosów w kształcie gwiazdy, a lewa strona jest obcięta tuż pod okiem. Nosi duży kolczyk w kształcie "JO", który zwisa z lewego ucha.

Jego strój składa się z jasnej koszuli z małymi rękawami pod ciemnym kombinezonem, który służy jako bluza z kapturem. Na środku jego bluzy z kapturem znajduje się symbol serca ze skrzydłami z symbolem klepsydry z obydwoma trójkątami podzielonymi na ciemną i jasną połowę, a także paskiem wokół klatki piersiowej. Jego nogi są również wysadzane pionową kolumną z rozcięciami obok nich. Jodio nosi różne rękawiczki bez palców z tym samym symbolem klepsydry, co jego bluza z kapturem. Wreszcie ma opaskę na każdym ramieniu w kształcie dwóch trójkątów. Kombinezon odsłania większość jego pleców.

Jako potomek rodziny Joestar, Jodio powinien mieć znamię Joestar, ale jeszczenie widziano go z nim.


Jodio grozi policjantom

Jodio Joestar jest małomównyn nastolatkiem o materialistycznym spojrzeniu, który prowadzi życie drobnego przestępstwa jako drobny chuligan na Hawajach. Nie jest zainteresowany nauką,[1] a jego największą ambicją jest wzbogacenie się.[2] Zaczął jako gofer w wieku 11 lat[3], którym nadal jest w wieku 15 lat, po prostu transportując rzeczy z jednego miejsca do drugiego. Sam Jodio mówi, że pilnie wykonywał swoją pracę i zawsze był dyskretny, nie mówiąc więcej, niż powinien, co przyniosło mu uznanie i zaufanie w świecie przestępczym.[3] Jako osoba łamiąca prawo, Jodio jest przyzwyczajona do popełniania różnych wykroczeń, takich jak kradzież pojazdów[4] lub handel narkotykami w szkole.[1] Kiedy przychodzi co do czego, Jodio zachowuje się gwałtownie. Na przykład, kiedy policjant molestował jego brata, Jodio natychmiast użył swój Stand November Rain i zaatakował policjanta i jego partnera, nie tylko atakując ich swoją zdolnością Standa, ale następnie gniewnie tupiąc ich,[5] a następnie paląc ich radiowóz, aby usunąć wszelkie dowody.[6] Pozornie ukrywa swoje zbrodnie przed matką.

Jodio jest również w pewnym stopniu świadomy istnienia tego, co nazywa "mechanizmami", pewnymi ogólnymi zasadami, których należy przestrzegać i które można wykorzystać, aby uzyskać przewagę. Na przykład pokazuje, w jaki sposób "zaufanie" (a także popularność), którym cieszy się wśród swoich rówieśników, sprawia, że on i jego rodziny są kochani, szanowani i chronieni, aby kontrastować z niepopularnym dzieckiem, które jest zastraszane przez kolegów z klasy.[7] Tak więc, w umyśle Jodio, znajomość i przestrzeganie tych mechanizmów mogło pozwolić na wygraną, nawet jeśli miało się wrogów. Niemniej jednak niuansuje swój pomysł, mówiąc, że mechanizmy te można czasami zniszczyć lub zabrać.[2]

Jodio seems to be a rather reserved and solitary boy. Apart from his family, he doesn't seem to have any close friends. In fact, he explicitly declares that he isn't going to school to make friends.[1] However, he can be rather sociable and popular within his community as he is seen dancing with other men and flirting with other girls.[8] While he stays quiet by himself most of the time, he is prone to violent outbursts, such as suddenly yelling at a classmate when the latter insists too much on getting drugs from him in public[9] or attacking policemen when his family is threatened.[5] His narration is also somewhat familiar and self-aware and he recognizes that his goal to become "filthy rich" can sound conceited.[10] Jodio has a lot of affection for his family which manifests as a protective instinct. He will run to his brother's aid and he also explains that he is protecting his mother and ensuring her social status via his links with the criminal community of Hawaii.[11]



Main article: November Rain

Jodio wields November Rain, a Stand that is able to create small drops of rain that are crushingly heavy, enough to completely flatten an adult man into the ground.

November Rain (11月の雨)Link to this section



11-letnia Jodio zwerbowana do roli gofera

Jodio is the grandson of Joseph Joestar and Suzi Q, and the son of Barbara Ann Joestar and an unnamed man. When he was 11 years old, he was recruited into a criminal organization by someone from the neighborhood to become a gofer for them. His job involves transporting things and handing them over to others in exchange for money. By carrying out his job efficiently and not speaking any more than he had to, he gained recognition and trust within the gang, though he is still of low rank as their roles are based on seniority.

As a 15-year-old teenager, he goes to McKinley High School, where the boss of his gang is the school's principal. One day, Jodio and his older brother Dragona go on a job to smuggle drugs in surfboards. They steal a pickup truck and Dragona creates a fake driver's license using his Stand.[12]

The JOJOLands

Jodio about to pummel the officer with raindrops

Jodio sits in the passenger seat of the pickup truck while Dragona drives, blasting music. They are suddenly stopped by police officers. One of the cops forces Dragona out of the car and harasses him, believing that they have drugs in their car. Jodio decides to intervene and steps out of the car, ignoring the officers' orders to stop. Instead, he demands that the officer takes his hands off of his big brother, threatening to kill him otherwise. The officers point their guns at Jodio but he summons his Stand, causing rain droplets to pin the officer behind him to the ground, flattening him. Just before the other officer fires at Jodio, Dragona uses his Stand to slide the officer's eyes to the back of his head, throwing off his aim. Finally, Jodio attacks the officer with rain drops as well, crushing him. He continuously stomps on the cop before Dragona stops him, calming him down so that Jodio doesn't kill the man.

Jodio then burns the officers' body cameras and dashboard camera along with their car, so that the officers would have no evidence and won't be able to go after them. Moreover, Dragona uses his Stand to change the numbers on the truck's license plate and gets rid of his fake license before they head to their gang's rendezvous point. One of the gang members praises them for doing well but reprimands them for being late. He also asks them if they heard about a police car being burned down but Jodio and Dragona pretend to be ignorant. They walk until they get to a major road and then call an Uber to go home.

Jodio receives his new mission and allies

While Jodio is headed to school on the bus, his upperclassman asks him if he brought the stuff he wanted. Suddenly, Jodio pushes him off the seat and makes a scene, asking if the boy is messing with him. Jodio's senior is confused, but as they leave the bus, Jodio calls him over and apologizes. He takes the money from the boy's pocket and gives him directions of where to go to get the drugs.

Later that day, Jodio, Dragona, and Paco are summoned by their boss, Meryl May Qi, to the fashion boutique named Iko Iko. Meryl orders everyone to turn off their phones before showing them her own phone. On the screen is a natural blue 24 carats diamond worth 6 million dollars. It's owned by a Japanese tourist who owns a villa on the Island of Hawai'i and plans to stay there for around 12 more days. Their group will be getting a 2% split all together, while Meryl gets an 18% cut after they sell it on the black market. She also informs them that they will be going as a team of four. The student who they sold drugs to at school in the morning arrives as their fourth member, as Meryl guarantees that he will be useful to them.[12]


Jodio describes himself as a boy who will go on to become filthy rich in the subtropical islands.[12]



  • Dragona Joestar: Jodio's older brother. The two have a close relationship, working together to earn money and protect their mother. When Dragona is harassed by a police officer, Jodio angrily beats the man, leaving him half-dead. Dragona feels glad that Jodio did that for him and hugs him after.[12]
  • Barbara Ann Joestar: The mother of Jodio and Dragona, who raises them alone. Jodio and Dragona love her and ensure her social safety by helping her behind the scenes with their gang work.[12]

Koledzy z gangu

  • Paco Lovelantes: Although they work together, Jodio does not consider Paco as his friend.[12]


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Get your hands... off of big bro right now. Got me? Right now... or... you're dead meat.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • Everyone loves our mother. So mother is able to commute to the airport safely every day. That's because we brothers protect her.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • Mechanisms have power but they're invisible to the eyes.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • Mechanisms'. 'Mechanisms of trust have power. Even if we don't obey the power called law in this town, trust keeps one safe.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • This is the story of me getting filthy rich. Sound like I'm exaggerating? Do I sound immodest and conceited to you? Becoming filthy rich means being able to earn lots of money.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • The pinnacle of mechanisms, that's something I can't see yet. But those mechanisms will come to appear before us as forms and shapes.
    —Jodio Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure


HistoriaOkładki rozdziałówOkładki Ultra JumpInne


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.43
  2. 2.0 2.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.51
  3. 3.0 3.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.48
  4. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.34
  5. 5.0 5.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.30
  6. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.31
  7. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.49-51
  8. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.49
  9. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.44
  10. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.50
  11. The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, str.41
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named TJL1

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