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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Over Heaven is a light novel written by Nisio Isin with illustrations by Araki Hirohiko. It was released as part of the special JoJo 25th anniversary project "VS JOJO."


The book is written as a monologue on DIO's thoughts throughout the events in the original series. In the book, he reflects upon his battles, and talks about the concept of death, as well as his unfortunate mother.


Author's Note

The fictitious translator of the book comments on his reasons for restoring and decyphering Dio's Diary. First saying that the Speedwagon Foundation asked for the restoration of the book to find a way to free Jotaro Kujo from his current comatose state, the translator confesses that his work is also motivated by fascination for the thought process of Dio Brando. The translator also comments on the difficulties faced during the restoration and decyphering of the book, and decided to literaly translate it, leaving the interpretation to the reader.

Chapter 1

"Dio, no matter what happens, live nobly and with pride. If you do that, you'll surely be able to go to Heaven"

Dio reflects on his mother, her behavior and her beliefs. He comments about the apparent foolishness of his mother's righteousness while they lived in the most miserable living conditions, and were surrounded by the ungrateful. Dio then reflects on his mother's fixation on Heaven, particularly the way to go to Heaven. Saying that during his youth, Dio rather admired his father Dario Brando's immorality, he then comments that his mother would always try to correct him even when her efforts resulted in a beating, the scorn of her neighbourhood, and finally her death. Unable to understand her behavior, Dio thus questions his earlier assumption about his mother's foolishness. He reflects on why she, a righteous and educated woman, would remain besides Dario, and theorizes that she was being "charitable" toward him. Finally Dio wonders if his mother went to heaven, and denies the possibility.

Chapter 2

Dio admits to having been thinking about Heaven ever since he's acquired The World, and the possible way to attain it. He then thinks that he may be doing this in his mother's place, and diverge into diverge on his mother. He expresses that his mother's righteouness was akin to abuse and that his father was at least more honest. Therefore Dio speculates that his mother may have been emotionally distressed and that the idea of Heaven was a way to cope with her suffering. Finally when his mother died, Dio admits to have felt somewhat satisfied for her since she was able to maybe not attain Heaven, but at least escape the hell her life was.

Chapter 3

Dio acknowledges his inability to attain Heaven, even with The World in his possession, and says that he must acquire a friend who is "without desire for power, hunger, or for fame, or lust. He must hold God's laws in higher esteem than he does man's laws." Which is why he is recording his thoughts on a notebook. He then comments about the danger of the Joestar Family stumbling upon this book, and decides to take the risk. Dio predicts that finding that friend then win him over will be difficult, and decides to keep the diary secret from his organisation. Secretly Dio decides to veer his goal from mere domination to attaining Heaven, stating that the true winner is the one who has seen Heaven.

Chapter 4

Dio reflects on his father. For all the scorn he had for his mother, Dio now scorns his father more. After Dio's mother's death, Dario soon began to beat Dio for, as he soon understood, no reason beyond affirming his dominance. Dio then thinks that his mother's beatings may not have been caused by her righteousness, but simply Dario's wickedness. To escape his father's beating, Dio says that he worked hard to earn money and give Dario liquor to drink. To do so Dio used the education his mother gave him and it was there that he first felt grateful toward his mother. He then tells how he foolishly thought that his father being nice meant his father not beating him, and foolishly worked hard for his father. Put off by the thought, Dio interrupts his writings.

Chapter 5

Dio narrates his meeting with Daniel J. D'Arby, whom he could see he was a Stand user, a skill Dio finds strange. Dio initially wonders if Daniel will be his friend, but quickly retracts his idea, noting that gamblers do no have pure souls. However Dio thinks Daniel will be a guidepost for the purpose of going to Heaven.

Chapter 6

Dio tells how he decided to kill his father when he sold his mother's dress, having until that point hoped that Dario would change. Selling the dress convinced Dio that Dario was a scum, and that he was merely being exploited; thus Dio had to think of a way to kill his father without arousing suspicion on himself.

Chapter 7

Dio confirsm his doubts about Daniel J. D'Arby, saying that D'Arby's greed is indeed too great for his purpose, and he decides to think that he's already met that friend who will help him attain Heaven without realising it. However his Stand Osiris became a hint towards his goal. Osiris having no power whatsoever but the ability to manipulate souls, it may be possible to fuse souls, more precisely 36 souls that have committed sins. Dio diverges on the specificity of sinfulness as he thinks that the souls of sinners hold great power Dio notes that a certain Noriaki Kakyoin whom he won over commented that the loser are the evil one. However Dio reverses the logic by reasoning that the evil ones have a stronger drive to win and thus will be the winners.

Chapter 8

Dio narrates his poisoning of his father, having killed Dario coldly as if doing a chore and having taken every precaution as to not arouse suspicion. Having at the time thought that that murder enabled him to go to Heaven, Dio now says how foolish the thought was in comparison to his following life.

Chapter 9

Dio is now addressing his hypothetical friend, and tells that friend about his murders, notably all the lives he's sucked out of people. He recalls that his first murder wasn't fulfilling as he'd hoped, and reflects that he could have simply waited for the already ill Dario to die. However Dio speculates that he may have sought the "relief" of ending his father's life by his own hands. Dio finally says that his murder gave him "hunger".

Chapter 10

Using the stands of Daniel J. D'Arby and Telence T. D'Arby, Dio plans to collect the souls of 36 sinners. He comments that Atum's ability to read souls needs special grooming, then says that they won't need flesh buds. Dio then diverges on the flesh buds, which were Enya's idea. He says that they have the unfortunate side effect of weakening the Stand power of Kakyoin and Jean Pierre Polnareff who were more formidable Stand users prior to being controlled. Dio then returns to his initial subject and says that in that peaceful age, he also must look for the souls of 36 sinners at the same time as his friend. Dio then writes the 14 following words:

  • Spiral Staricase
  • Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Ghost Town
  • Fig Tart
  • Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Via Dolorosa
  • Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Singularity
  • Giotto
  • Angel
  • Hydrangea
  • Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Singularity
  • Secret Emperor

Then intends to carve them into The World to never forget these words.

Chapter 11

Dio comments that his father Dario didn't leave him anything, except a path. Doing the generous act to have Dio being adopted within the Joestar Family on his deathbed enraged Dio, as Dario may have gone to Heaven with that action. Dio then thought that he'd go to Heaven and kill that man again. Now merely looking at it as a side opportunity, Dio intends to go to Heaven for humanity's sake, giving them the opportunity to reach new heights. The young Dio took the ooportunity Dario gave him, and thus began his connection with the Joestar Family.

Chapter 12

Dio announces his trouble at the new of the existence of descendants of the Joestar Family, who are moreover aware of his own existence. Dio tells that he has been feeling being watched since a certain time through "spirit photography", an ability he too possesses and was dubbed Hermit Purple by Enya. Hermit Purple is the Stand of Jonathan Joestar, whose body he took over 100 years ago. Somehow, this body has a connection to the Joestar descendants: Joseph Joestar, Holy Kujo, Jotaro Kujo. The descendants of his enemy now have also Stand power, and seeing that in one move, Dio strenghtened himself and his opponents, Dio makes the first move and sends Kakyoin to his homeland in hopes he can kill the Joestars despite the flesh bud. Dio finally resolves to exterminate the Joestar.

Chapter 13

Continuing from the previous chapter, Dio admits to not have thought about being watched by the Joestars at first, and assumed after the death of Jonathan, that that family was wiped out. Dio diverges into talking about Erina Joestar née Pendleton, who gave birth to Jonathan's son. He comments that she was strong-willed, and in several ways , was a great obstacle to his plans. Dio also linkened Erina's character with that of his mother. Dio then recalls that the son of Jonathan, George II, was killed by a mere zombie, so that family may not be as dangerous as he suspects, yet Dio remains wary of them. He finally reveals that he ordered Kakyoin to take their blood, which he thinks will be accustomed to Jonathan's body.

Chapter 14

Dio reveals that he had children. After awakening from his century-long slumber, he slept with a number of women and impregnated those that in his eyes, had potential. Thinking about a possible abortion or miscarriage from the mothers' part, Dio thinks that the eviler they are, the better mother they would be, and thus, let them go carrying his own descendants, certain that they will help him go to heaven in several decades. However he expresses his fleeting concern about some of Jonathan's blood passing into these children.

Chapter 15

Dio reveals that Dario despised nobles, and for that reason he came to detest them too. He describes his meeting with Jonathan Joestar, who he met and immediately hated for being an "inheritor". Having until that only seen the Joestar Family as prey, his indifference became loathing and took those emotions on Jonathan's dog. Dio continues his rant about everything he hated about Jonathan Joestar and narrates that he decided to take everything from Jonathan.

Chapter 16

Dio recalls the time when he took over Jonathan's body, and how he didn't feel anything, much like when he killed his father, and asked himself why he did it. He then reasons that it was because he wanted to take everything from his life, not give or inherit. Dio interrupts his writing to announce that Kakyoin has located Jotaro Kujo and also Mohammad Avdol, whom Dio briefly laments the loss, as he wanted him to bacome a henchman as well.

Chapter 17

Upon the news of Kakyoin's defeat, but also Jotaro Kujo's removal of Kakyoin's flesh bud in spite of the danger involved, Dio changes his plan. Seeing that his enemies have inherited Jonathan's will, he decides to focus his attention on them and include them in his plan.

Chapter 18

Dio recalls his bullying of Jonathan. He used every means to isolate Jonathan, and despised his target, who would cry himself to sleep every night. When Dio laid his hands on Erina, the bullying failed. Jonathan uncovered that explosiveness in his character and beat Dio, which made Dio cry as he saw that his hopes were illusions. Dio never forgot that humiliation.

Chapter 19

Dio elaborates on Erina, finding her odd. He thinks that if it weren't for her, he would have taken over the Joestar Family. Erina also piqued Dio's interest by challenging him after he stole her first kiss, and he planned to observe her but Erina left the town soon after. Dio confess having a high opinion of her, despite her continuous efforts to hinder him, much like his mother.

Chapter 20

After consultation with the D'Arby Brothers, Dio is convinced that his plan lays on "souls". Based upon the idea that the number of souls on Earth is fixed, Dio reflects on the possibility of one organism possessing two souls, such as himself who possesses two Stands, two reflections of a soul. Dio wonders if one can take over a soul like he takes over bodies, and plans to use Atum to place extra souls in one body. However Telence is still immature and unable to do that. Dio then suddenly thinks of Enrico Pucci.

Chapter 21

Dio interrupts his trip to America in order to concentrate on Japan. Holy Kujo contracting was is called a Stand Fever, an affliction a Stand user without the strength to dominate their stand have. He deduces that again, Holy Kujo is one of these holy women who will hinder him and suspects that in order to save such a woman, her father Joseph and son Jotaro will head to Egypt to fight him, Dio. He decides to thread carefully, as he still possesses a fatal weak point in the sun, and decides to delay them until his plan comes to fruition. Dio decides to call for Enrico Pucci and sends Grey Fly to the Joestar.

Chapter 22

Dio recalls how boring it was to spend seven years at the Joestar. He easily kept fooling the Joestar and the servant into thinking he was an admirable man. The lack of struggle made him think that he was wasting his time, and desired deep down to feel again the excitation of fighting Jonathan. Dio comments that technically, he is Dio Joestar, but only thinks of it as a technicality, and never bothered to correct those who called him "Brando". Dio remarks that he disdained George Joestar just as much as his own father, for opposite reasons, and he feared to lose the ambition that defined him by cohabiting with him and his son. In the end, Dio concluded that killing George Joestar was another necesary step, who Dio acknowledge as an excuse for his hatred and anger against nobles.

Chapter 23

Continuing from the precedent chapter, Dio says that he waited seven years to build the necessary trust, but failed because he used the same method of assassination. When George began to feel ill from an irrelavant affliction, Dio took the opportunity to slowly poison him and George thus displayed the same symptoms as Dario. George kept Dario's letter when he accepted, to Dio's own wonder to adopt the son of the known thief. Returning to the subject, Dio narrates how Jonathan found the letter with the described symptoms, and due to the suspicion his early bullying instilled in him, Jonathan began to suspect Dio. Dio shifts the blame on his father and the thought of the likeness between Dario's uselesness and his own blunder enrage Dio;

Chapter 24

Dio announces Tower of Grey's failure to stop the Joestar, but finds solace in the thought that his enemies won't take any air route afterward, giving him time to unveil his plan. Dio sends Jean Pierre Polnareff and Dark Blue Moon in order to stop the Joestars, and comments on the fact that Kakyoin beat Tower of Grey, a feat he would have been unable to do when he was enthralled by the flesh buds. As suspected, flesh buds weaken Stand users, and speculates that only evil people will make good subordinates.

Chapter 25

Dio tells that he met Pucci in secret in another hideout, yet didn't advance much. He comments on the usefulness of Whitesnake, and theorizes that memories and Stand form together a soul. Pucci has confirmed that he can put memories and Stands into other people, and the receptacles are able to use both. However Pucci cannot put more than 5 Stands in the same person. Dio nonetheless thinks that Pucci is qualified to become that friend he has been looking for, and shift his plan. If Pucci cannot accompany him on the way to Heaven, he, Dio, can accompany Pucci.

Chapter 26

After Pucci came back to America, Dio laments that he, as a vampire could have resisted the insertion of more than 5 souls into himself, but quickly changes his opinion, having not yet the necessary strength. Lacking a Stone Mask, Dio is unable to make Vampires and thinks the Zombies unsuited, as they lack soul. Dio decides to call Pucci back at his side.

Chapter 27

Dio writes of the defeat of Polnareff and Dark Blue Moon, and also of Polnareff joining the Joestar Group. He wonders what could push Polnareff to cooperate, speculating on anger about being taken over by the flesh buds, and decides not to use them in the future. He also says that he intended to meet the Joestar personally, but Enya stopped him, having sent seven other assassins and dismissing the idea of him, Dio, making the personal effort of disposing of his enemies. For now, Dio considers the situation suitable, but begins to think of her as an inconvenience.

Chapter 28

Dio announces that Pucci is the one friend he has been looking for, being convinced of it when he agreed with his plan. He plans to carefully groom Pucci, but never interfere with his faith., and also to give him a bone from his body.

Chapter 29

Dio asks himself what is the fundamental difference between man and animal. Talking about the question with Pucci, the latter answered that humans have the desire to go to Heaven. When Dio heard that answer, he felt the influence of Gravity, a fated connection with Pucci as he had with Jonathan Joestar. Planning to share information with Pucci later on, Dio thinks on the potential threat of the Joestar, having never truly won against Jonathan in the past either, despite the latter's weakness.

Chapter 30

Dio writes about the Stone Mask, presenting it formally, and its ties with Jonathan Joestar, who decided to study it, and Will A. Zeppeli, who uncovered it from some ruins. Dio heard that the Mask caused a sinking, and then Jonathan's mother bought it from a gallery art in London. Dio never met the woman, but speculates that she must have been like his own mother: noble, proud, saintly. He wonders what would have happened if she lived and how he and her would have interacted. Dio then comments about George keeping the Mask as a memento, and Jonathan studying it led to Dio wearing the Mask and become a Vampire, discussing the strange Fate that ties him to the Mask.

Chapter 31

Dio elaborates on the Stone Mask's mechanism: when it enters in contact with blood, needles sprout from the mask and pierce the wearer's brain, transforming him into a Vampire. Jonathan tried to decypher the Aztec writings carved in it, and Dio remarks that himself uncovered the Mask's true function by accident.

Chapter 32

Dio notes that the seven Stand users sent by Enya are being defeated one by one, the latest being Yellow Temperance. Dio is annoyed to have 3 of his 36 sinners being defeated and doesn't want to arouse suspicion by calling them back, however he deems the situation recoverable. Dio mentions the user of The Fool, seemingly a dog. Dio returns to the Stone Mask, and tells that when Jonathan beat him, some of his blood splashed on the Mask, and both noticed the sprouting. He kept that information in mind for later use, and initially thought of murdering George with the Mask, but thought that a murder would only deteriorate the worth of the Joestar name, which he intended to use. However Dio realizes that the true mistake was not to kill Jonathan Joestar first, and it was only when he was exposed that he decided to commit the deed.

Chapter 33

Of the remaining Stand users, Dio praises J. Geil's wicked nature and Hol Horse' neutral personality, and thinks they are the most suited to defeat the Joestar. Wicked Stand users are reluctant to reveal their strengths and weakness to one another, Dio himself revealed The World's power to a scant few; but Hol Horse's humility makes him a good partner. Dio comments that Stand users willing to act as a group are rare, and the only other team Dio has are the Oingo Boingo Brothers. He predicts that Polnareff will act alone and will be the first to die.

Chapter 34

Dio notes that Enya proposed a move worth listening: elimintating Holy Kujo to break the Joestar Group's spirit. He praises how devious Enya is, but remembers how attacking Erina backfired, and prefers to stay his hand.

Chapter 35

Dio continues reminiscing his youth; he also wanted to kill Jonathan as a "necessity" for his plans, and never thought much of it. Dio wonders briefly about his own humanity, defined by his desire to go to Heaven, as Pucci said, but returns to his story. He remembers walking in the streets with a bottle of liquor, a reminder of his father's alcoholism which infuriated him along the possibility of his efforts failing. Dio then met two men who he attacked the moment they mentioned his mother.

Chapter 36

As Hol Horse and J. Geil attack the Joestar Group, Dio mentions that he hasn't felt disturbed for a long time. Dio stabbed the first man and used the Stone Mask on the second one, and reflects that in hindsight, it was fortunate that he tried to Mask on someone else than Jonathan. The second man turned into a Vampire, and by coincidence, Dio was saved by the Sun. With so many twists of Fate in his life, Dio thinks that the events that happened were meant to happen.

Chapter 37

Dio says that he at first didn't think of using the Mask on himself, which awakened parts of the human brain. He then was cornered by Jonathan who brought Wang Chan as a witness, and remembers that Jonathan's brotherly word hurt him. Dio's writing is interrupted.

Chapter 38

Dio just received the new ofJ. Geil's defeat and Enya heading to the Joestar Group for vengeance. Dio considers the battle a draw, as Mohammed Avdol was killed, but Enya going mad is a huge loss for his organization. Dio concludes that he must dispose of Enya.

Chapter 39

Dio reflects on his writings, which are becoming a memoir. The situation becoming more urgent, Dio considers postponing the plan to get to Heaven and concentrate on the Joestars, however he continues to focus on his story and the plan to get to Heaven. Dio recalls that when Jonathan cornered him, he was prepared to stab him, but Jonathan brought a police squad and also a certain Robert E. O. Speedwagon, who saw through his innocent act. Dio speculates that it was maybe Speedwagon who pushed him over the edge and put the Mask when he exposed how evil and irredeemable he truly was.

Chapter 40

Dio mentions having pierced Enya with a flesh bud and plans to use it. He also has received new of Empress and Wheel of Fortune's defeat from her. Enya's Justice being able to overcome to number disadvantage, Dio thinks she is perfectly able to beat the Joestar Group, but remembers how the flesh buds weaken a Stand user.

This section requires expansion.


Mentioned Stands


(The information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.)

  • The blood of young women is more effective in healing and satiating a vampire's thirst.
  • Violent and mad people make for tougher zombies.
  • The D'Arby brothers are the only Stand users in their family.
  • The 14 words Dio used as a password do not have any meaning, being part of a lullaby his mother sung to him.
  • Dio reveals that miscarried a potential sibling.
  • Erina was the daughter of a doctor, tying with her work as a nurse later in Phantom Blood.
  • Dio would have considered bearing children with Enya if she were younger.
  • DIO theorizes that Erina Joestar placed both him, herself, and the infant Lisa-Lisa in the casket on the boat where Jonathan died in order to escape the boat's explosion. DIO at first believes that Erina did this in hope DIO may return some day as a better man with Jonathan's body. He quickly dismisses the idea, stating that if it was the case that Erina reminded him of his mother.
  • DIO had a secondary Stand, the one Jonathan would develop, which is noted to be called "Hermit Purple", the same name Joseph's Stand would use.
  • It is hinted in this book that The World actually belongs to Jonathan and not DIO, which may make this non-canon according to JOJO A-GO!GO!.


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