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Fait en sorte que ta rotation suive les proportions du rectangle d'or ! Tu y puiseras une énergie infinie
—Gyro Zeppeli to Johnny Joestar, Silent Way, Part 4

La Rotation (回転, Kaiten) est un phénomène surnaturel manié par Jayro Zeppeli et Johnny Joestar apparaissant dans Steel Ball Run.

C'est un état spécifique de rotation parfaite ou presque, qui produit une forme d'énergie unique, laquelle a de multiples applications. La Rotation peut être considéré un équivalent à l'Onde dans l'univers original.


La Rotation est un état de tournoiement caractérisé par sa relative perfection. Cette perfection est mesurée par la proximité de la rotation aux proportion du nombre d'or ou Rectangle d'or (黄金長方形, Ōgon Chōhōkei) en japonais, depuis lequel on dérive une spirale parfait et mathématiquement infinie. Le rectangle d'or est omniprésent dans la nature et a fortiori dans l'art et est une base essentielle pour une rotation avancée.[1]

La Rotation persiste dans le temps et produit plus d'énergie qu'elle n'en nécessite au contraire des rotations ordinaires[1]. Cette énergie rotationnelle se transfère par contact physique et est visible comme une onde qui se répand à travers la matière.[2]

La Rotation est une technique spécifique du Royaume de Néapolis, où elle est utilisée dans la médecine et au combat. Tous les personnages connaissant la Rotation viennent de Néapolis ou on été formé par un Napolitain.

Utiliser la Rotation

La Rotation est maniée par une poignée d'élus depuis au moins le Moyen-Age[3], lesquels exploitent les propriétés miraculeuse de la Rotation pour développer des compétences très spécialisés.

Un manieur de la Rotation fait tourner un objet en suivant le nombre d'or du mieux qu'il peut pour commencer la Rotation, créant une révolution presque perpétuelle qui a le potentiel de créer une quantité infinie d'énergie rotationnelle. Puis le manieur va lancer son objet vers sa cible. Pour commencer la rotation, il suffit d'appliquer une petite impulsion avant de la laisser se perpétuer d'elle-même. Un conseil donné aux néophytes est de visualiser la rotation parfaite d'abord avant d'essayer de la copier.[4]

Golden spiral

Pour améliorer sa Rotation, il faut d'approcher du Rectangle d'Or, aux proportions suivantes le nombre d'or. On peut d'ailleur diviser ce rectangle en carrés de façon récursive et tracer une spiral infini en partant des centres de chaque carré. Utilisé comme un modèle, le Rectangle d'Or permet la création d'une rotation parfaite.

La Rotation semble facile à aborder puisque Johnny Joestar, un novice, a réussi à produire une Rotation le jour même où il a appris son existence.[4] Cependant, la Rotation est extrêmement difficule à maîtriser. En effet, puisque la Rotation doit être transmise par contact physique, un manieur de Rotation doit savoir viser et lancer ses armes parfaitement pour espérer combattre avec. Il faut aussi connaître à fond le corps humain pour exploiter les effets de la Rotation à leur maximum. La Rotation nécessite ainsi pour la Famille Zeppeli d'apprendre l'anatomie et la chirugie pour pouvoir devenir des bourreaux efficacesref>SBR Chapter 20</ref>. Sans cette connaissance, la Rotation ne sert qu'à rendre un projectile plus puissant. Les membres de la garde royale de Néapolis se cantonnent à une utilisation d'une forme extrêmemenet spécialisée de la Rotation.[5]


Voir aussi: Steel Ball, Wrecking Ball, et Tusk

La Rotation peut théoriquement être utilisée sur une large variété d'objet. Sont inclus des bouchons de bouteille[4], des balles[6], de l'eau[1] et généralement n'importe quel objet qui possède un axe de révolution. Tusk est un Stand lié à la Rotation et qui utilise des ongles.

Jayro utilise la Rotation dans l'eau
Les experts de la Rotation préfèrent utiliser des Boules de fer spéciales: des boules de métals assez petites pour tenir dans la paume qui seraient les vecteur parfait pour la Rotation. La Famille Zeppeli utilise une version rainurée de façon spécifique pour être parfaitement fidèle à la Rotation selon le nombre d'or. D'autres comme Wekapipo utilisent des boules spéciales avec de petits satellites enchâssés dans la boule qui vont voler dans toutes les directions pour déployer la Rotation sur une grande zone. Des objets qui n'ont pas une forme de sphère parfaite produiront une rotation imparfaite et de piètre qualité comparée à celle des boules de métal[1].

Johnny Joestar's Stand Tusk, developed with Gyro's mentoring, allows Johnny to spin his fingernails and toenails[7] to act like bullets. Unlike the Steel Balls, the nails possess more metaphysical properties.

Golden Spin

See also: Ball Breaker and Tusk ACT4
Gyro performing the Golden Spin Technique
The Golden Spin (黄金の回転, Ōgon no Kaiten, literally "gold rotation")[8][9] represents the most faithful emulation of the golden spiral humanly possible.

Developed in the Middle Ages to bypass the shield and armor of mounted knights, stirrups were invented to harness the power of a running horse. The horseman must let the horse run with the force of the Golden Rectangle, meaning it must gallop at its most natural speed. At this perfect pace, the horse spontaneously creates the energy of the Spin; it can then be harnessed through the stirrups and passed on through the body, into the arm and wrists to further empower the throw of the Steel Ball. Thus, a truly perfect rotation emitting an infinite amount of energy is created.[3][10][11] The Golden Spin is associated with the power to produce gravity, the only force supposedly capable of going between dimensions.[12]

Unlocking the Golden Spin grants mastery over an infinite amount of energy, therefore, several miraculous feats are possible. First and foremost is that its wielder spontaneously develops a Stand or evolves it should they already have one. Gyro manifests the Stand Ball Breaker,[13] while Johnny develops Tusk's final evolution: Tusk ACT4.[14]

Gyro's Ball Breaker and Johnny's Tusk ACT4 appear to represent the infinite force of the Golden Spin which trumps many powers. Both are notably capable of bypassing the interdimensional barriers of D4C Love Train that hide and protect Funny Valentine and his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,[13][15] and it is shown that Tusk ACT4 is impervious, to an extent, to THE WORLD's ability to stop time itself.[16]

Although almighty, the Golden Spin is incredibly complicated to use. One must not only have a healthy horse, but also have the expertise to feel when it runs at its natural pace, in addition to the need of being proficient in the Spin and possessing a projectile that can be imbued with the Golden Spin. An imperfect thrown sphere will result in a failure[17] and any interference during the horse mounting, like bumping into an obstacle[11] or the horse being attacked, will completely interrupt the process.[14] During the events of Steel Ball Run, only two people on Earth could reproduce the Golden Spin.

Effects and Uses

Objects imbued with the Spin have a range of effects on humans, animals, or the environment. However, the energy of the Spin dissipates in the environment, requiring either direct contact or at least closeness to a source of rotational energy to be affected by it.

The Spin is used for a wide range of destructive, defensive, medical, and utilitarian purposes depending on the available tool.

General Use

  • The Spin naturally enhances the destructive power of a projectile and thus can be thrown to simply inflict damage. A Steel Ball imbued with the Spin can destroy great chunks of rocks.[18] Wekapipo's satellites are also propelled with as much force as bullets, being able to tear Gyro's hand.
  • The Spin can affect the body to harden it and enable it to easily transmit energy somewhere else, granting supernatural but temporary sturdiness. It allowed Gyro to becomes bulletproof[19] and withstand the blast of one of Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure's bombs and only harm his leg[20] or Wekapipo to redirect the energy of a Steel Ball.[21]
  • The Spin is partially used to take control of the projectiles it is imbued to. Thanks to this phenomenon, Users of the Spin have control over how their projectiles react and can aim better, yet also have the projectiles return to their hands so as to not waste them.
  • Object imbued with Spin can be used to reinforce the Spin of other projectiles, for instance increasing the effective range of the Steel Balls.[22]
  • Spinning objects have a high rotation speed and thus can create a large amount of friction. Thus, they can maintain objects in place like a cape to function like a sail[23] or unravel objects like a tree's bark.[24] Steel Balls, in particular, are shown to create makeshift ropes,[25] and even carve into metal to create bullets.[26]

Zeppeli Steel Balls

The Spin has been long studied as a human anatomical corrective and medical treatment by the Zeppeli Family, doctors renowned throughout Italy but also royal executioners of the King of Naples. They employ a generalist form of the Spin with Steel Balls thrown at targets, granting them a wide array of uses, although their careers orient them toward affecting the human body.

  • The first and most featured direct use of the Spin is to trigger muscle reflexes. For instance, Johnny's lame legs suddenly stood up when he touched a spinning Steel Ball.[27] It allows among others to control the movements of enemies to an extent, for instance immobilizing a thief[28] and making that thief shoot himself,[27] as well as triggering a violent horse kick.[14][29]
  • The vibrations of the Steel Balls can be used to remotely visualize and affect objects, for instance detecting hidden obstacles[2] or more pettily make bottle corks pop.[30]
  • To bring a clean, certain, and painless death, the royal executioners of Naples use the Steel Ball to immobilize those about to be executed and decapitate them swiftly. In this specific use, the Steel Ball is applied to the nape of the neck. [31]
  • The Spin can even flatten limbs and the body so that the target can twist themselves into narrow spaces.[32]
  • On one occasion Gyro applies Spin to himself to wring water out of his body.[33]
  • The Zeppeli Steel Balls can also affect the skin and tighten appearance to either make the target look wrinkled and malnourished or inversely beautify someone's skin and enhance their silhouette.[34]
  • They can also shave someone's hair.[34]
  • Gyro can twist plants into bending away from his path.[35]
  • Gyro can rotate water itself to create a makeshift sphere and deflect attacks.[36]
  • By rotating two Steel Balls near each other, Gyro can modify the density of the air to reflect light and create mirages, fooling enemies into wasting attacks.[37]

Interestingly, people are not able to feel whenever they are affected by the Steel Balls. Johnny held a still spinning cork in his hand without realizing it[30] and during their final confrontation, Gyro was able to hit Valentine several times with the Golden Spin and hide its effects, including the tearing off of an ear.[10][12] Targets of the Spin usually only notice the Spin through viewing the body twisting itself, or indirect consequences of the Spin. Gyro explains it as the Steel Ball numbing the senses of the skin and thus stopping the body from feeling the stimulus.

Johnny's Tusk

See Tusk for more precise uses of Johnny's nails.

Johnny Joestar utilizes the power of the Spin to generate his own Stand, Tusk. His medium for the Spin is his own fingernails and toenails, using them as projectiles. Almost entirely offensive in nature, Johnny's "nail bullets" are seen as a purely weaponized version of the Spin. As Johnny develops his Stand's power, he also develops more advanced applications of the Spin and his nail bullets within the context of combat.

Neapolitan Royal Guard's Wrecking Ball

The royal guards of Naples use a highly specialized and aggressive version of the Spin, using Wrecking Balls instead of simple spheric balls.

  • The smaller spheres embedded in the Wrecking Ball act as extra projectiles that can suddenly spring out of the main sphere and can attack multiple targets with precision and from unexpected angles.[38]
  • Moreover, even if the satellites miss their target, the shockwave they create in their passage causes hemispatial neglect, crippling the opponents in battle[5] and allowing Wekapipo or allies to hide from the enemy.


Utilisateurs de la rotation




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