Chapter | Translation | Original
Poker Under Arms | I was so excited when I heard that my work was going to be published that I wrote several diary entries about it! | 自分の作品がのるときいて感激のあまり日記を書きまくった!(81年1号)
Say Hi to Virginia | This is my second work, and my first attempt at science fiction. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on it. | 第二作目ではじめてSFに挑戦。みなさんの感想きかせてほしいナ(81年8月1日増刊号)
Outlaw Man | I've never traveled to the U.S. or done shooting on horseback before. I'm sure I will someday! | アメリカ旅行、乗馬射撃の経験はゼロなのだ。いつかかならず経験してやるゾ!(82年1月10日増刊号)
B.T. "The Wicked Boy" | I love doing magic tricks, but I always get caught quickly. I want to be as cool as B.T.! | 手品が大すきだけど、すぐバレちゃうのだ。ビーティーみたいにクールになりたい(フレッシュジャンプ82年3号)
Nikola Tesla | If possible, I'd like to write more stories about eccentrics. Thanks for your support. | できれば変人列伝の続編を書きたい。応援ヨロシク
WSJ 1989 Winter Special (Poster) | I enjoy working with four colors, so drawing this was really fun! To all my readers, please enjoy putting this up in your rooms. | 4色をかくのは好きなので、楽しんでかきました! 読者の皆様も部屋にはって楽しんでください。
Under Execution Under Jailbreak | In hindsight, working on this one-shot was really fun. The last one I drew was eight years. Please let me know your impressions. | 考えてみると実に8年ぶりの新作読切で楽しんで描きました 。ぜひぜひ感想を聞かせて。
TSKR - Episode 16: At a Confessional (WSJ 1997 Issue #30) |
I went to a photo booth with Mr. Koji Koseki, an old manga artist friend of mine. I've never done this sort of thing before, but I'd say it was quite fun. –Rohan |
なかよしの漫画家こせきこうじ先生とプリクラを撮りに行った。初めてだったがとっても楽しかった <露伴>
TSKR - Episode 16: At a Confessional (Shonen Jump: Readers' Cup '97 Issue #1) |
I have 60 pages left to write until I can publish my short story collection. It'll take another two years. Please wait patiently for it. –Rohan | 短編集を出すまであと60ページはかかなきゃ。あと2年はかかるな。気長に待っててくれ <露伴>
Allman No.1 2001 | Q. What is the best thing about being born in Japan? A. The hot springs are great, but I don't really enjoy Kaiseki cuisine. |
「Q. 日本に生まれて良かった事」A. いい温泉があること。でも懐石料理って、あれ今いち楽しくない。
Bessatsu Margaret September 2017 | It's an honor to have my manga published in a girls magazine for the first time. So I wanted to give it an unusual but happy ending. | 初めての少女マンガ誌掲載で光栄です。めずらしくハッピーエンドにしたよ。