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Hi I'm Damian, this is my Sandbox.


Koichi zawsze był miłym chłopcem. Mój syn nigdy by nikogo nie skrzywdził ani nie ukradł pieniędzy!
—Matka Koichiego Hirose, Chapter 288: Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 5

Matka Koichiego Hirose (広瀬康一の母親, Hirose Kōichi no Hahaoya) jest nienazwaną trzeciorzędną postacią występującą w czwartej części serii JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable.

Jest żoną pana Hirose i matką Ayany Hirose i Koichiego Hirose. Zostaje oszukana, by uwierzyć w kłamstwa Tamami Kobayashi na temat jej syna, powodując, że jej poczucie winy wzrasta z powodu Standa Tamamiego, The Lock.


Pani Hirose ma ciemne, falowane włosy stylizowane na pixie cut zaczesane na bok. Ma umiarkowanie grube brwi, które są lekko wygięte w górę, i zawsze jest widoczna ze szminką.

Podczas spotkania z Tamami Kobayashi nosi bluzkę w paski, spódnicę i kapcie. Kołnierzyk bluzki ma trójkątną broszkę z sercem. Kiedy później idzie na zakupy, ma na sobie bluzkę z długim rękawem, kamizelkę i spodnie. Ma też na sobie kolczyki.

Schematy kolorów

Seria znana jest z zmiennych kolorów między mediami, informacje przedstawione poniżej mogą, ale nie muszą być kanoniczne.
Kolorowana mangaAnime
Skóra(Blada, czerwona szminka.)
(Niebieska bluzka w czarne paski, różowo-żółta broszka, brązowa spódnica.)
Skóra(Blada, różowa szminka.)
(Biała zapinana na guziki kremowo-pomarańczowa bluzka w białe paski, niebieska broszka, biała spódnica, brązowe buty domowe.)


Happily greeting Koichi

Koichi's mother is a cheerful, lively woman. She is welcoming to visitors, seen being open to conversation with Tamami and defending him when Koichi rushes in.[3] In general, she is cordial to strangers and gets along with them well.[4]

She can be somewhat gullible as she believes what Tamami tells her, even when he has to correct a lie about talking to someone with a broken jaw.[3] Although initially succumbing to his manipulation to the point of wanting to commit suicide, her love for her son, who she affectionately calls "Ko-chan," triumphs. In her heart, she trusts her son over anyone.[5]

She frequently visits Manazashi Salon.[3]



Hirose Family Photo

After getting married to Mr. Hirose, they have their first child, Ayana, in around 1981. In 1984, they have their second child, Koichi. At some point, they adopt a dog into the family named Police.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Koichi Hirose (Echoes)

Affected by The Lock due to her guilt

Mrs. Hirose is greeted by Tamami, who makes up a story about how he kindly found the 7,000 yen that her son dropped and wanted to bring it back to him. She lets him into her house while they wait for Koichi to come home from school. As Koichi returns, he finds Tamami massaging his mother's shoulders and praising her with fake compliments.

Tamami claims that when Koichi bumped into him with his bicycle, they accidentally exchanged wallets and that his contained over 500,000 yen. Tamami adds weight to his accusation by commenting that the wallet in Koichi's possession contains a bill from a dinner he had the night before, and to Koichi and his mother's surprise, the bill is indeed in the wallet. Tamami asks Koichi's mother whether she feels guilty for raising such a trouble-making son, and despite Koichi's protest, The Lock appears on her chest. Tamami tells her that he won't be satisfied with 500,000 yen alone and may also take the house's mortgage, taunting her that it's the woman of the house who usually takes care of these things.[3] Koichi's mom and Ayana are pushed out of the room while Koichi confronts Tamami.[6]

Echoes imprints "Believe me!" on her

After a loud scream from Tamami, she runs back into the room to find him bleeding with the knife in Koichi's hand. Unaware that Tamami had actually cut himself in order to frame Koichi, The Lock on Mrs. Hirose's chest multiplies in size due to her guilt. Koichi's mother cannot bear her guilt and takes out a knife, preparing to stab herself with it. Tamami orders Koichi one last time to stop the sound, but he answers that he won't stop, but emit another sound. He shouts "Believe me!" toward his mother, imprinting the sound on her with Echoes. The sounds make her realize that she has to believe her son, and her guilt disappears.[5]

Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella

Praising Rohan

Mrs. Hirose and Ayana are out shopping when they stumble upon Koichi and Rohan. Surprised to meet a famous mangaka, she calls him amazing and requests to come with them to Kameyu Department Store. Yukako is frustrated that of all people, Koichi's mother had to show up because she had hoped to be alone with Koichi. They also meet up with Josuke and Joseph along the way. While at the store, the flash of Rohan's camera startles Shizuka. Joseph panics and rushes through the crowd as the baby starts turning invisible, which surprises Mrs. Hirose.[4]

Highway Star

Mrs. Hirose tells Koichi to take their dog Police for a walk. Before he leaves, their phone starts ringing and she yells at Koichi to answer it because she's in the bathroom.[7]

Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart

Poniższa informacja pochodzi z TV anime, który nie został napisany przez Arakiego. Jako taki może nie być uważany za kanon.

In the anime adaptation, she and Ayana are outside Kameyu when Ayana tells her that she just saw Koichi holding hands with a really pretty girl. Mrs. Hirose is shocked because Koichi never told her anything.[8]

Koniec sekcji niekanonicznej.

Rozdziały / Odcinki

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Odcinki w kolejności pojawiania się
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Rozdziały w kolejności pojawiania się


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