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Baby Face

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Template:Stand Info/pt-br

É complicado, mas os filhos do Baby Face são um invencíveis Stand remotamente-controlados! Nada pode derrotá-los!
Melone, Chapter 501: Baby Face, Part 2

Baby Face (ベイビィ・フェイス, Beibyi Feisu) é o Stand de Melone, na quinta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo.

Baby Face é um Stand altamente único, funcionando como um computador que gera um Stand consciente secundário capaz de se desenvolver. Enquanto no mangá, Melone também se refere ao Stand secundário como Baby Face, ele o chama de Junior (ジュニア, Junia) na adaptação de anime.


Baby Face primariamente assume a forma de um laptop equipado com uma bola de comando, na qual há um buraco onde Melone pode inserir um pequeno frasco com amostras de DNA. Da parte traseira do computador sai um grande rosto, e ocasionalmente membros. É notável que o Baby Face pode ser visto por pessoas normais.

O junior que ele gera assume a forma de um humanoide com um moicano modificado em sua cabeça, feito de espinhos. Sua barriga é composta de vários cabos ligando as duas metades do corpo. Sua aparência foi feita para lembrar uma versão maligna do Echoes ACT3, dando a imagem de um garoto demoníaco.[1] Ele começa com as proporções de uma criança, mas pode passar por "surtos de crescimento" que lhe dão uma aparência mais madura.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoGioGioAnime
Corpo(Branco com espinhos verde-claros)


Enquanto o próprio Baby Face não tem personalidade, o junior que ele gera é um Stand independente com uma consciência separada da de seu usuário. Já que ele nasce com um intelecto mas sem conhecimento algum, ele precisa de educação para garantir um crescimento positivo; do contrário, ele se tornará desobediente e incontrolável.[2]

A personalidade do junior é baseada na de sua "mãe" e é formada pela "educação" de Melone enquanto ele cresce. Aquele usado contra a equipe Bucciarati teve uma "mãe" cabeça-quente e demonstrou dita característica.


Baby Face

A entidade base do Baby Face é um Stand automático com quase nenhuma habilidade de combate, logo ele não é adequado para um confronto direto. Sua força jaz em sua habilidade de criar Stands secundários para Melone enviar atrás de seus alvos. Ele é difícil de se montar, mas por outro lado também é muito seguro.

Geração de Homúnculo

Melone pode criar um híbrido de Stand

Através de seu Stand computador, o Baby Face tem a habilidade de gerar um Stand secundário que lutará em seu lugar.[2] By researching a suitable subject through the pseudoscience of examining a woman's characteristics, Melone gathers information and predicts the future junior's predispositions. Some traits that are identified include the woman's age and health (used to determine the physical strength of their "child"), their blood type and horoscope (which determine their "compatibility" with Melone's target; a poor compatibility leads to an aggressive "child"), and their preferred sex positions from the Kama Sutra (the relevance of this is unknown). If the data predicts a child suitable for his purposes, Melone unleashes Baby Face on the woman and impregnates her with Baby Face's child through undisclosed means.[3]

Though the child is progenated through undisclosed means, it is stated that the insemination holds no similarities to human reproduction; upon waking up post-Stand encounter, Baby Face's victim shows no signs of being raped.[4]

The development is fast, taking three minutes for a fertilized egg to fully develop into a new junior[3] that then appears near the host. The child also appears to develop within or around the mother's head, approximately towards the back. This is hinted at when Baby Face's speech seemingly originates from that point, and urine trickles down the target woman's neck when it relieves itself.

If Melone possesses a sample of a target's blood, he can incorporate it into the junior by placing the sample in a niche beside Baby Face's keyboard. The resulting junior will be able to sense the target's location and track them no matter the distance.[3]


In addition to generating homunculi, Baby Face can be used like a regular computer, capable of holding and interacting with the data gathered by Melone.[3] The computer Stand also maintains contact with the junior, as if Melone was having an online discussion with the junior's spirit. A webcam and microphone allow Melone to show the junior images and converse with it orally.[2] It also monitors the junior's status, allowing Melone to watch its growth.[5]


The secondary Stand (or junior) that Baby Face creates is an independent, long-range, power-type Stand that acts as a surrogate fighter for Melone. It is powerful by default, can develop further depending on the progenitor, and its demise doesn't affect Melone, making it useful as a proxy assassin.[6] On the other hand, because of its independence, it can disobey its creator under duress. Its creation is also a lengthy and intensive process, as Melone must find a suitable "mother" and train the resulting junior in order to carry out its mission. As a unique mix of human and Stand, the junior can be seen by anyone[6] and is vulnerable to mundane things most Stands are immune to, like burning.[5]

Manipulação de Matéria

Bucciarati é transformado em cubos

By generating a square-shaped vacuum, the secondary Stand is capable of breaking matter apart into cubes while keeping life forms alive.[2]

It can forcefully divide anything it touches into cubes, or merely extract a single cubic part of the target.[7][8]

Upon dicing something, Baby Face is capable of rearranging and reconstituting the structure of said objects into anything it desires; for instance, it separated Trish's body into cubes and rearranged them into a table. It can even apply its powers to itself, reproducing the appearance of anything and blending in with the environment.[7][8] The junior can thus hide inside an object, go into any adjacent object, or even fly about as a mass of cubes in order to evade attacks.[9]

Although cubed people typically stay alive despite their condition,[10] Baby Face can weaponize its ability by removing key parts of the body like the throat.[8] It can also absorb the cubes for nourishment, although it is only seen using this on its "mother" to hasten its growth.[2]

Crescimento e Envelhecimento Físico

The junior starts as a small baby able to hide inside someone's hair. Over a short period of time, it will grow both physically and mentally into a fully aged adult.[2]

Aside from developing physically, it will grow as a Stand itself. While most autonomous Stands, such as Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack, lack precision or the ability to allow their users a sense of awareness to their current condition and status, Baby Face is able to assimilate information witnessed or heard. Through that learning and Melone's counsel,[8] the Stand will become more powerful and efficient in combat. It can also acquire other skills separate from fighting, such as driving a motorcycle.[9]

On the other hand, it is free-spirited and may go berserk[6] and disobey Melone's orders, especially if its "mother" was strong-willed. For better or for worse, the Stand will then follow its instinct alone when battling an enemy.[5]

Capítulos / Episódios

Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição
Aparições no Anime
Episódios em ordem de aparição


  • Wh... What... does... shithead... mean...?
    —Junior, Chapter 501: Baby Face, Part 2
  • I wanna go potty. What do I do?
    —Baby Face, Chapter 501: Baby Face, Part 2
  • Mom says I smell. She's calling me gross and filthy. I have the best mom in the world!
    —Baby Face, Chapter 501: Baby Face, Part 2
  • I'll leave his corpse, and return. He can rot right here.
    —Junior, Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  • He has the power to create life! He created parts of himself! His power is the exact opposite of mine!
    —Junior, Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  • Gotcha! You sure gave me a bit of trouble! But now, I'll gouge out your head for sure!
    —Junior, Chapter 505: Baby Face, Part 6
  • S... Shut up! Quit talking to me! All this... happened just because I listened to you... "Turn into his shadow... Make sure he's dead..." What a load of horseshit!
    —Baby Face to Melone, Chapter 505: Baby Face, Part 6
  • You... You must pay... for the pain in my soul! I'll make you die in shame!
    —Junior, Chapter 506: Baby Face, Part 7
  • Shut up, Melone! All you ever do is sit back and run your mouth! This only happened because I listened to you! Just one or two hits won't hurt me! I'm fuckin' invincible! If I did things my way from the start instead of turning into his shadow, everything woulda gone without a hitch!
    —Junior, Chapter 506: Baby Face, Part 7
  • Simple is best! I'll kill you my own way!
    —Junior, Chapter 506: Baby Face, Part 7
  • I'm on fire... Igi... Burning... Burning... I'm... bur... igi...
    —Junior, Chapter 507: Head to Venice!

Criação e Desenvolvimento

Concept art featured in the JOJOVELLER "History" booklet reveals that Baby Face's Junior was originally designed with nipple rings.


HistóriaCapas de Capítulos
HistóriaAberturas/EncerramentosFichas de Design
Adventure Battle CardJoJo's Bizarre HanafudaWeiß Schwarz


  1. JOJOVELLER: Comentários do Araki Sobre os Stands - Baby Face
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Chapter 501: Baby Face, Part 2
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Chapter 500: Baby Face, Part 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Chapter 506: Baby Face, Part 7
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Volume 54, in-between chapter Stand stats, Chapter 503: Baby Face, Part 4
  7. 7.0 7.1 Chapter 502: Baby Face, Part 3
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Chapter 503: Baby Face, Part 4
  9. 9.0 9.1 Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  10. Chapter 507: Head to Venice!


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