Gregorio Zeppeli/fr

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Template:Character Info/frGregorio Zeppeli (グレゴリオ・ツェペリ, Guregorio Tseperi) est un personnage secondaire figurant dans la partie 7 de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run.

Gregorio est le père de Gyro et le bourreau du Royaume de Naples.


Gregorio Zeppeli est un homme italien d'âge mûr, son visage est particulièrement ridé ce qui lui donne constamment un air sévère et sérieux. Son trait le plus distinctif est sa pilosité faciale, qui consiste en une mouche lui couvrant le visage des lèvres au menton, et deux rayures de poils en zigzags symétriques partant des joues et se joignant aux cheveux. Bien que Gregorio Zeppeli garde ses cheveux courts et coupé en un haut plat, il possède aussi une queue de cheval. Le design de sa barbe change durant sa vie.

Gregorio est montré dans différentes tenues. La première fois, il était habillé d'une veste et d'un pantalon noirs. il arbore aussi l'uniforme du bourreau de son pays, il est aussi montré avec une tenue de chirurgien.


Gregorio Zeppeli est un homme sombre et sérieux, dont la loyauté est vouée au roi et à sa famille.

La vie de Gregorio est centré autour de ses responsabilités de patriarche de la Famille Zeppeli, de chirurgien et de bourreau du Royaume de Naples, il prend chacun de ses rôles extrêmement sérieusement et considère que c'est un honneur de les remplir parfaitement. Gregorio est loyal envers son roi, se considère comme un servant de Dieu, et pense souvent à quel point lui et son fils doivent servir leur pays. Gregorio respecte à la lettre la loi et considère qu'il doit lui obéir, peu importe les circonstances. Il déteste également quand quelqu'un discute les ordres et les remet en question. En effet, Gyro se fait réprimander pour ce qu'il fait et est ordonné de rentrer à Naples. Gregorio considère aussi qu'il doit honorer ses ancêtres.

Gregorio pense que pour servir en tant que bourreau, il doit mettre de côté ses sentiments et pense que toute pensée sentimentale peut mener à une faiblesse psychologique. À tel point qu'il prend des mesures extrêmes pour ne pas développer de souvenirs sentimentaux : excepté sa famille, Gregorio ne tisse aucun lien social et il est dit qu'il ne possède pas d'amis, ne participe pas aux évènements et est très sévère et froid envers son fils Gyro, à tel point qu'il ne célèbre pas l'obtention du diplôme de son fils à l'école. D'une autre part, il n'a jamais élevé la voix sur son fils désobéissant. Voulant transmettre cette philosophie, Gregorio dit souvent à son fils ainé Gyro que la famille Zeppeli était entre les mains de la monarchie et qu'elle n'était pas possible pour les subordonnés du roi d'être sentimentaux. Gregorio approche également son travail de manière froide, et ne fait pas de différences entre les criminels et les innocents, tant qu'ils sont condamnés à mort.

Stating that true happiness lies in the family, Gregorio considers that protecting and honoring one's family is one's true obligation. He has taught his eldest son Gyro everything he knows, wishing to impart all of his family's traditions and honor his ancestors' work. He thus severely taught him everything about medicine, the Spin and how to become an executioner. He taught his son several of his other thoughts, such as his belief in miracles.

However, Gregorio was shown to be at heart, benevolent. For instance, he hid Wekapipo's sister in the countryside after Wekapipo was exiled to protect her. He was also keeping her blind so that her husband would stop thinking about her.


Spin: Gregorio is a master of the Spin, having taught everything he knows to Gyro. He mainly uses the Spin to ease execution by manipulating the muscles of the condemned, letting them relax before he decapitates them.

Surgery: Alongside the Spin, Gregorio is a surgeon by trade. He thus knows the human body extremely well, which translates into his expertise in execution and the Spin, and is said to be able to perform difficult surgeries such as reconnecting the optical nerves to the brain.


Gregorio was born to the prestigious and wealthy Zeppeli Family. It can be inferred that he inherited the Spin and his position as an executioner for the king from his father. Gregorio lived a life detached from sentimentality, not making any friends or foe by shunning social events and was absent to his son's graduation.

Gregorio trained his oldest son Gyro in the art of the Spin. As soon as Gyro was thirteen, Gregorio brought him to the royal prison to reveal him his grim occupation as executioner nstructed Gyro in the use of Steel Balls training him to become a skilled executioner. When Oyecomova escaped prison and killed a guard with his explosives, Gregorio took responsibility and retired as an executioner. Gregorio was also involved in the exile of the royal guard Wekapipo, but also made sure his younger sister was safe from Wekapipo's enemies.

At the age of 24, near his 25th anniversary, one woman scheduled for execution became violent and almost killed an executioner. The woman slammed Gyro against the wall but Gyro neutralized her. During the struggle, Gyro lost his collar hanger; his father Gregorio also chastised him for his sentimentality, as he saw Gyro pensive looking at the woman and an old prisoner in a cell. Gyro then met Marco, a boy servant who was scheduled for execution. Disturbed by the false charges as well as the fact that Marco was his first execution, Gyro asked for Marco's appeal. The protestation made the news of the country and Gregorio disapproved of Gyro's behavior. Against his father's wishes, Gyro subscribed to the Steel Ball Run race to win it and obtain amnesty.

After Gyro's death, a revolution occurs in the Kingdom of Naples and the Zeppeli family leaves Naples.


Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
  • Every man needs a map... a map in his heart to ride across the wilderness.
    —Gregorio Zeppeli, Steel Ball Run Chapter 20: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 1
  • True happiness is found within the family. Protecting your family relates to protecting your country. For your family to fall apart is to scorn your ancestors and futures descendants. Never forget that.
    —Gregorio Zeppeli, Steel Ball Run Chapter 20: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 1
  • A heart full of sentimentality is dangerous… it can set your future to eternal misery…!
    —Gregorio Zeppeli, Steel Ball Run Chapter 24: Interlude
  • Listen, Gyro… during the sport of tennis, there may be a time when the ball hits the net. Which side of the net will the ball fall on…? That is something that no one can know. That is in the realm of God.
    —Gregorio Zeppeli, Steel Ball Run Chapter 48 : Tubular Bells, Part 1



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