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Revision as of 01:01, 19 January 2025

The police, the mountain rangers, the law, it's like society as a whole is going out of its way to obstruct me from searching for my brother. (警察も山岳レンジャーも法律も、世の中全体がオレに対して弟の捜索を妨害してくる)
—Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers

Charming Man (チャーミング・マン, Chāmingu Man) is a primary ally featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.

He is introduced as an antagonist who stalks Jodio Joestar and his allies to try retrieving the Lava Rock, believing it has a connection to his younger brother Mauka's disappearance. He is also a Stand user who wields Bigmouth Strikes Again, which lets him disguise with his surroundings and confuse his enemies' perceptions.


Charming Man is a 21-year-old man with an athletic build, and dark, spiky, shoulder-length hair. His hair is flat at the top with spiky bangs, and the back of his hair juts out in all directions. Charming Man wears makeup, including eye shadows and dark lipstick. He has distinct vertical face markings that run down from his lower eyelids to just above his jawline.

His outfit consists of a sleeveless jumpsuit with shoulder straps that connect to an upward-facing triangle at the back, and he has a large bow tie on his chest. The shoulder straps have a dark jagged pattern with triangles pointing outward. There are oval-shaped lace-like decorations of varying sizes on his chest behind his jumpsuit and bow tie. In addition, Charming Man wears dark wristbands, knee pads, and sneakers. In his first appearance, he has bow ties on his knees instead of the knee pads. In his flashback, he wears a t-shirt underneath his jumpsuit and the shoulder straps also lack the dark jagged pattern. While bicycling, he wears a helmet with a dark visor and has a backpack.[1]

When Charming Man uses his ability, he has numerous sand fragments floating around his face and upper torso. His skin also feels like coarse sand, which has been like that ever since he was born.[1][5] This trait is apparently shared among the people and animals of his village.[2] Due to his ability, his facial features can change. Charming Man is disguised as Paco Laburantes when he first appears, looking exactly like him. He hides the sand fragments floating around him before revealing his true nature.[4] At first, his irises are light when his disguise as Paco wears off, but they are normally dark afterwards.[5]

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
Skin(Fair, black face markings)
Hair(Black with bluish gray highlights)
(Milky white overalls with black strap pattern and purple bow, black laces, dark purple wristbands, dark grayish blue kneepads, black and white shoes with salmon laces.)


Worried about Mauka

Charming Man is an energetic and caring elder brother,[1] yet also demanding and aggressive. He is athletic and enjoys participating in recreational activities such as bicycle races and 2-mile swimming marathons with his younger brother. He looks forward to those events with excitement and has a competitive spirit. He gains an interest in the Lava Rock after his younger brother falls into a lava tube where the Lava Rock came from. However, he doesn't desire it for money since he thinks that it's impossible to become rich using it.[1] Rather, he thinks using it would help him find his younger brother.[6]

Charming Man resorts to violence when he doesn't get his way, using brutal methods such as siccing Wild Cat Size onto Jodio and his friends to strangle them when they steal Rohan's diamond and Lava Rock. He also has no qualms about trying to murder them himself, nearly slashing Jodio's throat and stabbing Dragona in the neck. Charming Man is manipulative and cunning, since he attempts to psychologically persuade Jodio into handing over the Lava Rock. He aims to scare Jodio into thinking the mafia might be after him and his friends,[4] and shows an illusion of his cats' decapitated heads inside Jodio's food bag.[7][8] Moreover, he intelligently uses his environment to trick his opponents.[5]

He has a bad reputation among the local police officers on the island of Hawaii, who make excuses so they don't have to help him find his brother. They place the blame on him instead, bringing up unrelated issues such as an argument he had with Mauka on the previous day and his arrest record from injuring a police officer.[1] Nonetheless, their accusations aren't completely his fault, as the officer just scraped his palm against Charming Man's rough skin after stopping him for a traffic violation. Charming Man is also somewhat merciful as he gives Jodio a chance to return the Lava Rock first before personally attacking him.[4] Despite trying to kill them, Paco believes that he is actually a good person and chooses to make him their ally.[8] He doesn't consider Rohan an enemy and easily becomes cooperative with the gang when they suggest to work together, willingly answering any of their questions. However, it is possible that he didn't give his real name to them, as Paco wonders whether "Charming Man" is actually a name.[1]

Charming Man doesn't tolerate drug addicts, declaring that "100% of junkies are liars". Assuming that Usagi is a drug addict, he suggests to Dragona that they should abandon him after he suffers from a pulmonary edema. On the other hand, he has respect for people who take things on alone, and changes his mind about Usagi upon seeing his bravery.[9]

He enjoys listening to Sia, H.E.R., and SZA, though admits he tends to mix up their names.[1]



Bigmouth Strikes Again manifests as sand-like skin particles, allowing Charming Man to alter the perceptions of his enemies by camouflaging with his surroundings and creating fake disguises. This also allows him to impersonate another person using another layer of sand-like skin. It's possible to hide objects under the disguised skin, such as a knife. The disguise can also be destroyed with enough force, such as Jodio's heavy rain.

Bigmouth Strikes Again (ビッグマウス・ストライクス・アゲイン)Link to this section
Skin Dispersion

Personal Skills

Swinging a knife at Paco

Bicycle Riding: Charming Man is a skilled bicyclist who can do bunny hops to dodge fallen trees.[1]

Knife Proficiency: Charming Man fights with a knife he carries with him, frequently swinging it around. He is more adept at using it for surprise attacks than for hand-to-hand combat, as Paco is easily able to dodge and counter his attacks. Paco also notes that his skills with a knife aren't good enough for him to be an assassin.[5]

Physical Disposition

According to himself, Charming Man possesses several beneficial natural traits. He and his tribes are able to easily bear with the heat and cold, and are long-lived. The first cause of death for his fellow tribesmen in old age is the calcification of waste products.[10]



  • Usagi Alohaoe: Charming Man considered Usagi to be untrustworthy at first and looked down on him for allegedly being a drug addict. However, upon witnessing Usagi cut himself open to survive, Charming Man realized that Usagi also had initiative and courage, qualities that he admires. Thus, he comes to respect Usagi and helps him get rid of an enemy Stand.[9]


  • Mauka: Charming Man is Mauka's elder sibling, often engaging in friendly bicycle races or swimming contests with him. Despite the occasional argument, they have a close bond. Charming Man panics when Mauka suddenly falls off his bicycle into a lava tube and demands for help from police officers.[1]
  • Wild Cat Size: He is the owner of a trio of cats, using them to spy on Rohan as well as Jodio's gang. In his own words while disguised as Paco, he doesn't have the least bit of love for the cats despite being their owner.[4] However, this was likely a lie as Paco believes that he's a good person and keeps the cats as pets in the jungle.[8]



Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • This sorta move, Jodio... It's like something the mafia would do. No, it's the move of somebody even lower than that. They're making a threat here, indicating their own personal code to us. They're making it clear they have no interest in societal values by showing that despite being the cats' owner, they don't have the least bit of love for them. (こうゆうのはなジョディオ… つまりマフィアの手口だぜ。いや、それ以下の手口だ。自分の掟だけをほのめかして脅してきている。この社会の一切の価値観を無視して猫たちの飼い主なのにほんの少しの愛情だってこいつは持っていない)
  • So, you won't give the Lava Rock back? Even after I went and gave you a chance to before you knew too much. (「溶岩」返すつまり無いんだな?知り過ぎる前にチャンスをやったのにな)
  • You're too slow, Mauka! Outta the way, or I'll send you flyin'! (遅ーぞ!マウカッ!てめーどけーッ!ブッ飛ばすぞーッ!)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
  • Uhh, Sia, H.E.R., and SZA, I suppose. I always get them mixed up, but all of them have got killer albums. (うーん… SIA、H.E.R.、SZAかな… どーもオレには名前の区別は全くつかないんだけどさ、それぞれ全員名盤があるんだよ)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
  • Do you guys... want to make yourself rich with that Lava Rock? No chance. That'll be clear. Once each of you drops out, I expect. (おまえら…金持ちになりたいのか……あの「溶岩」で?無理だね。それがわかるのは、それぞれが脱落する時だろうがね)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
  • My skin's been coarse and sandy ever since I was born. (That's just my physical disposition.) (オレの皮膚は生まれつきザラついているから―――― (体質なんだよ))
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
  • Wait!! You gotta find my brother!! Someone! Someone, find my brotheeer! (待て!!弟を探せよ!誰かッ!誰か弟を探してくれェ――ッ!)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
  • If we make our way to that Lava Rock, then I know we'll find out what happened to my little brother. (「溶岩」をたどって行けば弟に何が起こったのか?たどり着くはずなんだよ)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
  • The police, the mountain rangers, the law, it's like society as a whole is going out of its way to obstruct me from searching for my brother. (警察も山岳レンジャーも法律も、世の中全体がオレに対して弟の捜索を妨害してくる)
    —Charming Man, The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
  • People that spend tonight laughing with family will meet the same family even after being reborn.

Name Variants

Charming Man (チャーミング・マン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chāmingu Man
Japan Japanese
Charmingman (チャーミングマン)
Used in TJL Chapter 12 in the Ultra Jump serialization.


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Obama and Charming Man's fake driver's licenses
  • In Chapter 14 of The JOJOLands, the driver's license Dragona gives to Charming Man lists his name as "Barack Hussein Obama", matching with the 44th president of the United States. Obama's Hawaiian ID is a novelty item based on the film Superbad, where the character Fogell makes a fake ID with the name "McLovin".


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