Unnamed Characters/Part 4

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Diamond is Unbreakable

DelinquentsJosuke's GroupiesTomoko's CatcallerRobberSupermarket ClerkNijimura's MotherMr. HiroseBikersClass PresidentSpeedwagon Foundation AgentSpeedwagon Foundation Ship CaptainTonio's PuppyOld MonkBankerKira's CoworkersCentipede Shoes Store OwnerYoshikage Kira's MotherKawajiri Family CatMorioh TouristMikitaka's MotherRude NurseRio's NeighborParamedic
DelinquentsLink to this section
These four delinquents are seniors at Josuke Higashikata's school known for walking around Morioh bullying freshmen. They demand that Koichi Hirose and Josuke greet them as part of the "the rules of school" or they would end up in the hospital just like three guys who previously refused to do it. When Josuke ignores them because he was busy trying to conquer his fear of reptiles by getting close to a turtle, one of the delinquents grabs the turtle and throws it away, smashing its shell open. Josuke was trying not to attract attention and even apologizes, but decides to retaliate after one of them mocks his hair. He immediately uses Crazy Diamond to punch the guy's face, "fixing" his nose into a different shape. The delinquents then run away in fear of getting beaten up.
  • In the live-action film, they demand Koichi to pay them 5000 yen if he wants to pass the alley to get to school. Koichi turns back but another delinquent corners him and says turning back means he has to pay 10,000 yen (he beats one of the delinquents up and heals him afterwards just like in the anime and manga, but heals his face properly).
  • They are generic enemies in Diamond Records.
Josuke's GroupiesLink to this section
A group of Josuke's female admirers who greet him when he is talking to Jotaro. When Jotaro unknowingly provokes Josuke about his hair, the girls become frightened, as they have had prior experience with Josuke's outbursts of rage. After Jotaro knocks Josuke down, he violently tells them to shut up.
Tomoko's CatcallerLink to this section
A random man who accosts Tomoko Higashikata as she walks down the street. He attempts to seem friendly, all the while drooling over her. In response, she slams his face down into his own car door knocking out his teeth. He then demands Ryohei Higashikata arrest her, who refuses.
RobberLink to this section
This man is introduced as a simple robber. He's shown stealing from a store and making a woman his hostage. However, he makes the mistake of insulting Josuke's hair. Enraged, Josuke punches through the woman's gut with Crazy Diamond which opens a hole on her and the robber at the same time. Josuke heals both immediately, saving the woman but the robber's knife becomes fused within his belly. It is then revealed that the robber was being controlled by the Stand Aqua Necklace, who swears revenge. The robber is arrested, but it's unknown if he was a criminal before being controlled, as Aqua Necklace states that he committed many crimes controlling the man's body.
Supermarket ClerkLink to this section
A woman who works as a clerk at the Sun Mart in Morioh. She is taken hostage by the Robber. She is saved by Josuke, who uses Crazy Diamond to punch through her without injuring her.
Nijimura's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 282: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 9 (Photo Only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 5: The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3 (Photo Only)
Film Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable - Chapter 1 (Photo Only)
The mother of Keicho and Okuyasu Nijimura. Little is known about her aside from the fact that she died in 1988 by an undefined disease. Okuyasu was only four years old at the time, while his brother Keicho was seven. Her death was the main cause of the Nijimura Patriarch's mourning and possible depression which led him to be frequently violent towards his children.
Mr. HiroseLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 286: Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 3 (Photo Only)
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 6: Koichi Hirose (Echoes) (Photo Only)
Mr. Hirose is the husband of Mrs. Hirose and the father of Koichi and Ayana. He is only seen in a photograph. Tamami Kobayashi threatens to use The Lock on him too if Koichi doesn't give him money.
BikersLink to this section
Toshikazu Hazamada wipes the blood on his hand on one of their bikes. The bike's owner threatens to kill Hazamada for this, even though the other one tells him not to get into a fight because the student might not have done it on purpose. The bike owner mocks Hazamada saying he walks like a dying cricket and the other laughs. Hazamada hears them talking and attacks the two with the help of Surface, even threatening to cut open the mouth of the one who mocked him. They're helped by Josuke, who heals them with Crazy Diamond and instructs them about Hazamada's location. Later, when Surface controls Josuke to attack Jotaro, they find Hazamada and beat him up, leaving him at the same hospital Tamami Kobayashi was taken to after being attacked by Hazamada.
Class PresidentLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 295: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 2
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 8: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 1
Voice Actor: Sanae Kobayashi (Japanese), Maureen Price (English)
This girl is the class president of Koichi's 1-B first year class in Budogaoka Highschool. She tells Koichi to hurry up while he's cleaning because classes were about to start again, and then decides to help him. Yukako witnesses the situation and assumes the class president is trying to steal Koichi from her. Yukako sees her as a rival and furiously confronts the girl, telling her not to approach Koichi again. Angry, the representative says she would tell everyone about how Yukako likes him to teach her a lesson, but she is then attacked by Love Deluxe. Yukako fixes one long string of hair onto the girl's scalp and lights the other end of it on fire.

Almost burning to death, the girl tries to find water, but is blinded by more strands of Love Deluxe and even has her tongue strangled, so she can't ask for help. Okuyasu arrives in time to save from her being burned alive by erasing the hair that is on fire with The Hand, but with the consequence of leaving her almost bald. Josuke then tells him he isn't able to repair things erased by The Hand, but Okuyasu says she shouldn't complain, as he just saved her life.

Speedwagon Foundation AgentLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 307: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 10: Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food
Voice Actor: Ryūnosuke Watanuki (Japanese), David Vincent (English)
An agent of the Speedwagon Foundation who comes to Morioh. He visits Jotaro at Morioh Grand Hotel's private beach and informs him that Joseph Joestar will be arriving at the town's harbor on the following day.
Speedwagon Foundation Ship CaptainLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 310: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 4
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 11: Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
Voice Actor: Isamu Yūsen (Japanese), David Vincent (English)
The captain manning the ship on which Joseph Joestar travels to Morioh. As they arrive at the harbor, Akira Otoishi impersonates one of the ship's crewmen by wearing a Speedwagon Foundation outfit. The captain immediately warns Okuyasu and Joseph that an enemy is on board. Confusion ensues as Akira and the real crew member accuse each other of being the impersonator before an apathetic Joseph and a dumbfounded Okuyasu. Okuyasu luckily punches and knocks out Akira first, stating he was planning on punching both of them because he's not very smart.
Tonio's PuppyLink to this section
A small dog that seemingly belongs to Tonio Trussardi. When the dog is introduced, they are seen eating Tonio's food infused with his stand, Pearl Jam, and Josuke witnesses the negative side effects of Pearl Jam's Curative Cooking Ability. After the reveal that Tonio's food has cured Okuyasu's stomach ache, the dog is seen to also be cured and happy.
Old MonkLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 334: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure, Part 5
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 17: Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Voice Actor: Tarō Kiuchi (Japanese), Chris Smith (English)
When Rohan Kishibe visits Reimi Sugimoto's and her family's grave, he runs into an old monk who is thrilled to see Rohan come back to his hometown. The priest says his grandson collects all of Rohan's manga. Rohan is confused as to how the man seems to personally know him, so the monk tells him about his past connection to Reimi. According to the monk, Rohan's parents were close friends with Reimi's parents so they asked the Sugimotos to babysit Rohan when he was a four-year-old. At some point that night, Reimi tossed the young Rohan out a window so he wouldn't be murdered by the serial killer in her house.
BankerLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 338: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 4
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 19: Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2
Voice Actor: Keisuke Oda (Japanese), Chris Smith (English)
An ordinary bank clerk of small stature working in Morioh. When Josuke, Okuyasu and Shigekiyo come in to the bank to claim the prize for their ticket, the clerk acts friendly but immediately dislikes them and suspects them of having stolen it. He tries to expose the trio by calling the real owner's phone number at the back of the ticket but Josuke tricks him by using Crazy Diamond to alter the name on the ticket. Confused, the clerk apologizes profusely and gives them the prize.
Kira's CoworkersLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 342: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 21: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Voice Actor: Ryūnosuke Watanuki (Male Coworker, Japanese), Ayano Hamaguchi (Female Coworker, Japanese), Christopher Bevins (Male Coworker, English), Jennifer Losi (Female Coworker, English)
Three female coworkers of Yoshikage Kira ask him if he would like to have lunch with them. Kira lies and says he isn't able to because he needs to deliver some documents, but he was actually on his way to a sandwich shop with a woman's severed hand, which he made his "girlfriend". As Kira leaves, a male coworker shows up and tells the three women to give up on him because he never accepts anyone's invites. The man then states his analysis of Kira as a 33 year old single man who does his job efficiently but lacks any passion. He says that Kira is popular with the ladies because of his elegant manner and finely sculpted features, but he's a boring guy that doesn't stand out very much.

After Kira's Sheer Heart Attack fails and he escapes from Josuke and Okuyasu, he runs into his male coworker and two female coworkers who are extremely shocked to see him severely wounded. They scream when they notice his hand is cut off.

Centipede Shoes Store OwnerLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 354: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 22: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2
Voice Actor: Shinya Fukumatsu (Japanese), Chris Smith (English)
The elderly owner of Centipede Shoes. Jotaro and Koichi visit his shop and ask if he's seen any clothing that have buttons resembling the one Yoshikage Kira lost when fighting with Shigechi. The store owner randomly responds by asking Koichi if he wants any animal crackers before pointing out that he just finished repairing a jacket with those buttons. Just as he tries to read the order tag on the jacket to find out the customer's name, his hand blows up. He is then immediately killed by Kira's Sheer Heart Attack which drives into his mouth and blows up.
Yoshikage Kira's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 365: Atom Heart Father, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 25: Atom Heart Father
Late wife of Yoshihiro Kira and mother of Yoshikage Kira. She died peacefully around when Yoshikage was 21, soon after her husband.

She's described as being close, yet distant from Yoshihiro, the two likely having never fought. She may have also coddled Kira in an "abusive" manner.[1]

  1. Shueisha Jump Remix P4 Vol.27 - Hirohiko Araki Interview - Kira My Hero
Kawajiri Family CatLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 370: Yoshikage Kira's New Situation, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 25: Atom Heart Father
A tabby belonging to the Kawajiri family who is often locked out of the house by Kosaku Kawajiri. He closes the window by a tree which the cat likes to stay on, and Shinobu Kawajiri usually scolds him for forgetting that they have a pet. The cat seems to recognize Yoshikage Kira as a stranger in their shower, but its reaction goes unnoticed by Shinobu. It is shown sleeping on a rug briefly before Tama appears in their house and is neither seen nor mentioned after that.
Morioh TouristLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 377: Yoshikage Kira's New Situation, Part 2
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 27: I'm an Alien
A happy tourist visiting Morioh during the summer season.

Every year on July 1, Morioh opens its rivers and beaches to the public. Because of this, the date range from July to August is the season for travelling and tourism. 70% to 80% of the total tourism revenue of Morioh is brought in during this time. The number of domestic and international visitors coming from the Tokyo area or S city nearly doubles the population.

Popular Activities include Vacation Resorts, golfing, camping, fishing, picnicking, yachting, windsurfing, tasting local seafood and traditional Japanese products, and visiting the mysterious underwater palace. All are main attractions that ensure a good time in Morioh over the summer.

Mikitaka's MotherLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 384: Highway Star, Part 1
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 28: Highway Star, Part 1
Voice Actor: Saori Terai (Japanese), Kaitlyn Robrock (English)
The day after Josuke and Mikitaka Hazekura first met, Josuke finds him again on the street. As they're talking, a woman claiming to be Mikitaka's mother appears and tells her son to stay close since they just moved and have a lot of errands to do. She says that at his age he shouldn't be running off telling people that he's an alien who pilots a flying saucer. She then whispers to Josuke not to pay attention to his stories and that he tried the same thing in his old school in Tokyo. Mikitaka claims that she isn't his real mother, and is instead someone he brainwashed, leaving Josuke and the eavesdropping Yoshihiro Kira in utter confusion.
Rude NurseLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 390: Highway Star, Part 7
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 29: Highway Star, Part 2
Voice Actor: Ayaka Shimizu (Japanese), Laura Stahl (English)
A rude nurse employed at Budogaoka General Hospital. Koichi asks her for Yuya Fungami's room number so he can help Josuke. The nurse mocks Koichi by sipping tea and asks if he's blind because of a sign in front of him saying visitor hours are over. She then says she hates gangsters like him and mocks Koichi's height. Koichi retaliates by using Echoes ACT3 to make several medication bottles heavy so that they would fall. The nurse worries about her pay getting docked if she lets any of the bottles shatter and tells Koichi what he wanted so he can help her carry them.
Rio's NeighborLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 431: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 4
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 38: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2
Voice Actor: Kellen Goff (English)
A man who lives next door to Rio, a woman who owns the house in the neighborhood where Josuke Higashikata fought Yoshikage Kira. The neighbor often stole Rio's panties, and accuses Kira of being the panty thief when he sees Kira in front of the house. Unable to resist his temptations, the man grabs one of Rio's panties after Kira leaves and immediately explodes due to Kira putting a bomb on it.
ParamedicLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 436: Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 9
Anime Debut: Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 39: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart
Voice Actor: Yuko Iida (Japanese), Maureen Price (English)
A paramedic who is dispatched when a report of an explosion is received at the hospital. She tells the other emergency workers to bring over a stretcher and approaches the wounded Yoshikage Kira. She tries to comfort him and asks if he can see how many fingers she's holding up. Kira grabs her hand and forcibly rubs it on his cheek, mentioning that her hands are smooth and beautiful. He reveals his name, fascination with hands, and his murders in order to make her the new trigger of Bites The Dust.

However, Kira fails to activate it and is subsequently crushed by an ambulance. She thinks of his death as her own responsibility because she didn't restrain him, and identifies his corpse as Yoshikage Kira to the police officers.

Anime-Only Characters

See Also: