- Stardust Crusaders Episode 45: DIO's World, Part 1 (Death)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 46: DIO's World, Part 2 (Corpse only)
Wilson Phillips (ウィルソン・フィリップス, Wiruson Firippusu) es un personaje secundario que aparece en la tercera parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders.
A pesar de ser un poderoso senador estadounidense, DIO secuestra su coche y le obliga a convertirse en su chofer con el fin de perseguir al Grupo Joestar en las calles de El Cairo.
Wilson Philips es un hombre de mediana edad, bajo y con sobrepeso, luciendo un mostacho compuesto por dos pequeños bigotes laterales. Viste un traje oscuro de dos piezas y un corbatín brillante con puntos polca-dot, y también lleva un trilby como sombrero.
Al principio Wilson Phillips se presenta como un caballero humilde que no le importa mucho a la gente que le rodea, capaz de saludar con una sonrisa al hombre que acaba de romper el brazo de su conductor y de invadir su coche sin motivo aparente. También confía en su autoridad, afirmando que nadie puede hacerle nada por ser un senador de los Estados Unidos y creer que algún día sería el presidente. Cuando es puesto bajo una gran presión por DIO, su cordura se pierde y ya no le importa nada, volviéndose completamente loco.
Incluso antes de perder su cordura y según su monólogo interno, es visto que el senador ya estaba bajo grandes delirios de grandeza, mientras murmuraba para sí mismo todos los logros en su vida, creyendo que era imparable y que podría superar a cualquiera, a pesar de la evidente demostración de fuerza presentada por DIO y que fácilmente podría matarlo.
No fue sino hasta que DIO no se sintió intimidado por sus amenazas que el senador encontró la única cosa contra la que realmente era impotente, rompiendo así su evidentemente frágil ego.
According to his inner monologue, he graduated his high school and college at the top of his class (and as captain of his college football team) and then went on to become a revered and respected politician. He then married a model 25 years younger than him and had a thousand acres of a villa in Hawaii. He also claimed to pay 50 times the taxes an average person does.
Wilson Phillips is a senator from the United States who first appeared in a car that was forced to stop by DIO, who wanted to chase Joseph Joestar. DIO asked Wilson's driver if the car was still working, but instead of an answer, the driver tried to intimidate him, having his arm broken soon after. DIO then entered the car, where he was greeted by a friendly Wilson, who said the driver wouldn't be able to take them where he wanted with his arm broken. DIO ordered Wilson himself to chase Joseph, beating him up even after the senator tried to use his influence to scare DIO.
Unable to leave the car due to The World's ability, Wilson is left with no choice but to obey. When they enter a road full of cars, DIO forces Wilson to drive through the crowd. The senator slowly loses his sanity due to DIO's acts, becoming crazy and willing to chase Joseph on free will. The car crashes and Wilson dies, his body being thrown by DIO in the direction of Joseph's car to stop him.
Wilson Phillips appears as part of the stage hazard in the Cairo Streets stage. After one of the combatants gets thrown in the hazard indication area, Wilson appears and slowly walks away, and later he appears insanely driving the car, hitting anyone near its trajectory, following DIO's orders (much like he did on the story events).
However, if DIO appears as one of the combatants, Wilson's panel picture, being afraid of DIO, does not appear during the hazard event, only his second panel does, showing his insane face.
Driven mad by DIO's malevolence, Wilson agrees to chauffeur the vampire
With a smile, Wilson tries to reason with DIO