Kyoka Izumi

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Sensei, ne voudriez-vous pas être le témoin de mon achat de cette maison du bonheur ?
—Kyoka Izumi

Kyoka Izumi (泉 京香, Izumi Kyōka) est la deutéragoniste du one-shot Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 5: Le Village des Milliardaires.

Kyoka est une éditrice (ou tanto) dans le magazine Weekly Shonen Jump qui collabore avec Rohan Kishibe. Quand elle entend parler du Village des Milliardaires et qu'on pourrait devenir riche en y achetant une propriété, elle persuade Rohan de l'accompagner pour l'achat d'une villa pour avoir une idée pour son prochain one-shot.

Le personnage de Kyoka est repris et modifié pour aussi en faire la deutéragoniste de l'adaptation drama télévisé de la série.


Kyoka est une femme plutôt petite et svelte. Kyoka a un visage ovale avec de larges yeux rond et des lèvres épaisses. Ses cheveux sont peignés en arrière et leurs extrémités s'enroulent de part et d'autre de sont visage en boucles bouffantes. Elle porte un haut ample à manches longues sous une jupe de couleur sombre. La jupe pend des épaules jusqu'à la mi-cuisse. Une broche en forme de diamant se trouve au bas de la découpe de la jupe, au niveau de la poitrine. Une épaisse ceinture noire au contour clair entoure sa taille. Plus tard, lors d'une randonnée, Kyoka porte une veste avec une ceinture. La veste ne recouvre que son torse et est accompagnée d'un petit sac à dos.

Dans le téléfilm, la tenue de Kyoka est beaucoup plus élaborée. En plus de ses boucles, elle attache ses cheveux avec des rubans ressemblant à des nœuds papillons. Son haut est décoré de frou-frous et sa jupe porte des motifs à carreaux. Cette jupe-là est bleue, mais elle revêt aussi une jupe rose. Ses leggings sont remplacés par des collants.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurOVA
Peau(Peau claire, lèvres orangées)
Cheveux(Couleur pêche)
(Haut jaune clair, jupe bleue, ceinture brune, broche argentée)
Peau(Peau pâle, lèvres orangées)
(Haut blanc, jupe bleue sombre, ceinture verte et broche jaune)


Kyoka Izumi est une femme naïve et persévérante. En général, Kyoka a une attitude légèrement arrogante cachée derrière son comportement facile à vivre. Par exemple, elle ignore avec désinvolture l'une des idées de Rohan pour un nouveau one-shot après avoir brièvement feint l'intérêt, afin de pousser subtilement ses propres suggestions de manière unilatérale. Araki la décrit comme très ambitieuse et issue d'une famille de la classe supérieure.[1] Conformément à cette description, Kyoka devient très intéressée par le village des milliardaires car elle apprend qu'acheter une villa là-bas pourrait la rendre riche.

Néanmoins, Kyoka est aussi altruiste et emmène Rohan avec elle pour lui donner un événement intéressant à observer. Lorsqu'elle voit un oisillon au sol, elle le prend pour le mettre en sécurité prévoit de l'aider à retourner à son nid après avoir acheté la villa.

Dans le drama, on montre également Kyoka s'occupe également de son petit ami Taro Hirai, qui souffre de troubles mentaux. Ses motivations pour essayer d'acheter une villa sont même partiellement changés en support pour Taro, car la villa dans les montagnes est la première chose à laquelle Taro s'intéresse depuis qu'il a été impliqué dans un accident de voiture. Elle fait de son mieux pour aider Rohan en tant que rédactrice en chef, bien que le mangaka la mette toujours à la porte de chez lui. Kyoka contraste beaucoup avec Rohan et ses opinions, ce qui l'agace beaucoup. Par exemple, elle ne s'intéresse pas aux manga mais plutôt à la mode, et à la photographie. Alors que Rohan n'aime pas les recherches en ligne et préfère les livres, Kyoka insiste qu'internet est pratique. De manière générale, Kyoka est plus espiègle et s'amuse à narguer Rohan, et aussi plus joyeuse en général.


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 5: Le Village des Milliardaires

Kyoka offre à Rohan de l'accompagner

Kyoka travaille en tant que tanto (éditrice) pour le magazine de mangas Shueisha. Au début de l'histoire, elle vient discuter du prochain one-shot de Rohan Kishibe, lequel propose comme thème les éclipses solaires annulaires. Izumi mentionne qu'il devrait écrire sur un village dans les montagnes. Rohan ne voit pas la pertinence de cette information, mais Izumi affirme que la maison est située dans un village de 11 manoirs palatiaux, habité par des milliardaires. Chaque manoir appartient à un millionnaire qui est devenu mystérieusement riche à l'âge de 25 ans après avoir emménagé dans le village. Croyant à ses rumeurs, Izumi prévoit d'acheter une villa pour seulement 3 millions de yens. Ainsi elle demande à Rohan de venir avec elle lorsqu'elle achète la maison, car la légende pourrait devenir un bon sujet pour son one-shot. Rohan accepte.

Kyoka dit à Rohan de surveiller ses manières

En chemin, Kyoka mentionne que les gens du village des milliardaires ne tolèrent pas les mauvaises manières et refuseront de vendre à quiconque n'a pas de bonnes manière. Elle prévient alors Rohan de surveiller ses manières car elle connait son mauvais caractère. Elle s'entraîne avec lui avant d'entrer dans le village, mais elle voit alors un oisillon tombé d'un arbre. Izumi place le poussin dans une boîte à bonbons, et décide de le replacer dans son nid plus tard. La porte d'entrée du portail s'ouvre et un garçon ressemblant vêtu comme un majordome apparait. Le garçon se présente comme "Ikkyu" et explique qu'il est là pour escorter les invités de l'entrée principale à la maison de son maître, le vendeur en question. Il les laisse dans une salle des invités avec du thé et attend patiemment.

Rohan soupçonne qu'il y a quelque chose de louche. Il sent qu'on est en train de les observer et que le thé qu'il doivent boire pourrait être un test pour voir s'ils ont de bonnes manières. Kyoka décide de s'essayer à boire.

Ikkyu se manifeste dès qu'elle prend la tasse et leur demande de partir. Il explique qu'Izumi a déjà enfreint trois règles de bonnes manières et que les propriétaires ne vendront pas la propriété à des personnes impolies. Kyoka est confuse, mais Ikkyu poursuit en expliquant que premièrement, elle et Rohan étaient de simples invités et qu'il n'auraient pas dû s'asseoir sans permission sur les "sièges d'honneur", qui sont situés en face de l'entrée. En attendant l'arrivée de l'hôte, la chose à faire était d'attendre dans les sièges inférieurs, face à l'autre mur. Deuxièmement, Kyoka n'aurait pas dû marcher sur les bords des tatamis d'une pièce de style japonais. Enfin, tenir la tasse à thé en plaçant les doigts dans l'anse est un geste vulgaire. Son explication terminée, Ikkyu leur demande de quitter les lieux.

Kyoka apprend de terribles nouvelles

Kyoka supplie Ikkyu de lui donner une seconde chance pour montrer ses bonnes manières, ce qu'accepte le petit majordome qui dit qu'il va demander la permission à son "maître". Rohan a un mauvais pressentiment et suggère de partir. Il fouille brièvement dans sa poche, mais rendre compte que sa main est couverte de sang. Alors qu'il sort la boîte de bonbons la boîte dans laquelle se trouvait l'oiseau, le téléphone de Kyoka sonne et elle y répond. Apparemment, sa mère a eu une crise cardiaque soudaine dans la voiture et s'est écrasée. Le fiancé de Kyoka était également dans la voiture et ils auraient tous les deux été tués. Rohan est inquiet en voyant que la boîte est pleine de vermine.

Ikkyu revient pour annoncer qu'ils pourront être testés une seconde fois, ce qui inquiète surtout Rohan. Le mangaka utilise rapidement Heaven's Door sur le majordome pour savoir ce qui se trame. Il apprend ainsi que le village est sous la domination des Dieux de la Montagne. Les Dieux testent les mortels dans leur territoire et maudissent tous les contrevenant en enlevant pour chaque transgression une chose précieuse pour leurs victimes. Rohan continue de lire les informations du majordome et se rend compte que lui aussi avait enfreint une règle en transformant sans permission Ikkyu en livre et ainsi Kyoka commence soudainement à avoir une crise cardiaque.

Kyoka part avec Rohan

Rohan supplie le majordome de pardonner Kyoka, qui ne voulait que trouver le bonheur, mais Ikkyu n'accepte aucun compromis en matière d'étiquette. Rohan a cependent une chance de la sauver en se faisant tester sur la bonne manière de manger un épi de maïs. Rohan passe le test et de plus dupe Ikkyu en le forçant à marcher sur les bords des tatamis. En effet, il a marqué sur Ikkyu qu'il "ne peut pas percevoir le bord des tatamis" grâce à Heaven's Door. Ainsi, Ikkyu enfreint la règle trois fois, et Rohan peut sauver Kyoka ainsi que ses bien aimés. Rohan déclare sa victoire.

Ikkyu prétend que Rohan a triché et qu'il va provoquer la colère des Dieux. Mais Rohan reste sauf. Il demande s'il veut être testé une autre fois mais Rohan refuse l'offre pour partir le plus tôt possible. Rohan emporte Kyoka hors du village dans ses bras, n'ayant aucune intention de revenir. Il est aussi satisfait quand il voit que l'oisillon est en bonne santé.[2]

À la fin de l'OVA, on révèle dans une scène originale que la mère et le fiancé de Kyoka ont simplement été emboutis par une voiture et qu'ils sont tous sains et saufs.[3]

TV Drama

Millionaire Village

Kyoka's story remains largely the same in the drama adaptation although with notable changes to her backstory. Her boyfriend is now fleshed out as Taro Hirai, whom she cares for even after some accident left him seemingly brain damaged. She also has a little dog named Maron.[4] Kyoka was a fan of Taro's work as a photographer, and also loved Mai Katahira's work on interior design, having bought her book that was incidentally published by Shumeisha. One year prior the the events of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Kyoka bumped into Taro. From then on, she became her girlfriend and tried to gently push him into resuming his activity.

Kyoka Izumi is Rohan Kishibe's newly appointed editor

In the TV Drama, Kyoka Izumi is appointed as Rohan Kishibe's editor at "Shumeisha". She decides to go to his house to greet him and bring him books on crime for his next one-shot. When she knocks at Rohan's door, Rohan doesn't answer, but the door is unlocked so she can enter. Rohan tells her to go away as he's exercising before working, but Kyoka doesn't listen and insists on giving him the books. Kyoka then discovers the burglars peacefully tied up and sitting in the corner of Rohan's office. They even tell her that they are willingly cooperating with him. Rohan rudely shoos Kyoka out of his house and hands her the bag of books before shutting the door.

Kyoka and her boyfriend Taro

Later Kyoka has a rendezvous with her boyfriend, Taro Hirai. Sitting at a café, Kyoka proceeds to tell him how eccentric Rohan is, although she acknowledges that he's a great creator. Taro asks her if she enjoys her work, to which Kyoka answers that she finds it interesting due to Rohan's quirks but that she doesn't enjoy it that much and would prefer working in a fashion magazine. Kyoka asks if Taro has found anything interesting, but he says no. The conversation turns somewhat awkward as the subject of Taro's mental illnesses resurfaces, and he's seen putting an abnormally high amount of sugar in his drink. However, Taro then says that he's found something interesting and shows it to Kyoka.

Kyoka convinces Rohan to come with her buy a villa

Kyoka returns to Rohan, who complains about her barging in when he's about to begin work. They talk about Rohan's next one-shot. Rohan has just read an astronomy book and suggests a story about annular solar eclipses, but Kyoka suggests a story about buying a villa in the mountains. Rohan is frustrated at Kyoka's passive rebuttal of his idea; when he hears that a luxurious villa is for sale in a remote village for only 3 million yen, he claims that it is a scam. However, Kyoka explains that it is a village where all of the residents are millionaires and that they all became wealthy shortly after moving there in their twenties. Furthermore, there are mysterious selection rules that make it hard for the owner to sell the villa to someone. Kyoka wishes to fill a recent vacancy and move in to purchase this lucky villa. She also confesses that she's doing it for Taro's sake since this village is the first thing he's taken an interest in since he had a car accident. Though interested in the village, Rohan refuses to go, but Kyoka argues that it will be a unique experience that could inspire him. She convinces Rohan to accompany her for research he could put into a new manga story. Rohan accepts and asks if the editorial department has a helicopter.

Kyoka and Rohan make an exhausting trek up the mountains

Before her departure, Kyoka puts her dog Maron in Taro's care. Rohan and Kyoka proceed to make the exhausting trek up the mountains to reach the villa for sale. Unfortunately for them, the rules forbid buyers from coming in with a helicopter. Kyoka is initially very enthusiastic, but soon the trek exhausts her, and she has to take a break by a river. For his part, Rohan actually exercises, so he is less fatigued. Rohan mentions that he's done some research and that the land used to be sacred grounds, so people were forbidden to enter. Kyoka dismisses these legends and says that anyone can see anything from above with new technology nowadays, which frustrates Rohan. As they are about to arrive, Kyoka receives a message from Taro and reveals that the selection rules are based on manners. Thus, she asks Rohan to behave himself, which ticks him off.

Kyoka and Rohan sitting in the "lower seats", as etiquette demands

When they reach the mansion for sale, they are welcomed by the butler Ikkyu. Despite his young age, the little boy displays impeccable manners and leads his guests to a room where they will be interviewed. Mindful of their manners, Rohan and Izumi try to follow etiquette as best they can. They take off their coat and bow before entering the villa's grounds and place their shoes facing the exit. Inside, they awkwardly sit on the chairs that face the wall. Ikkyu leaves to bring refreshments, allowing Kyoka to break the silence and confess her nervousness. Rohan says that they were being tested ever since they reached the entrance of the mansion. He reassures Kyoka by confirming that they are sitting in the correct seats, as sitting in the seat of honor while being guests would breach etiquette without explicit permission. Ikkyu brings some tea and invites the guests to switch to the other sofa before serving them. Seeing Ikkyu observing them, Kyoka realizes that the tea is also a test but has no idea how to handle an English tea set.

Kyoka learns through the phone that her dog and Taro have died

Deciding that it is best not to take out their phones to look up how to drink tea, Kyoka lifts her cup and tries to drink properly, but Ikkyu immediately requests that she and Rohan leave and try their luck next time. He explains that Kyoka breached etiquette by putting her finger inside the handle of the teacup. Kyoka asks for another chance, but Ikkyu announces that she will pay the price for her breaches of etiquette and lose something dear to her for each mistake. Kyoka accepts her second chance without thinking but the phone rings, and she answers it. Kyoka breaks down when she hears Taro informing her that Maron is ill, and then she suddenly hears a car crash into Taro. Ikkyu then reveals that answering the phone was her second mistake and for that, she lost both her dog and her boyfriend. Panicking, Kyoka rushes out of the room to go back to Taro, but Rohan turns her into a book to prevent her from making any other mistake, writing a command in her book to compel her to stay unconscious for a while. Rohan manages to save Taro and Maron, and makes Kyoka believe that she was simply rejected. Kyoka hopes that the experience was a good inspiration for his work, but Rohan shoots down the idea before coldly telling her to leave.


One day, Kyoka visits Rohan again. Nobody answers when she knocks so she enters the house, but she sees that Rohan is absent. She finds him in a café nearby and begins her "meeting" with Rohan. She informs him that his one-shot was well-received and that the editor-in-chief is thinking about making it a series. Rohan asks about his main series Pink Dark Boy, but Kyoka tells him that the series would only be one new volume. Besides, Pink Dark Boy is a monthly series. Annoyed, Rohan leaves the place and gives her Jugo's banknote. Kyoka finally catches up to Rohan, who gives her a napkin to wipe her mouth. On their way, Rohan and Kyoka discuss the list of forbidden words. Kyoka says that she doesn't know of such a document and even then, editors wouldn't hand it to manga artists. When Rohan says that Jugo got it, Kyoka reveals that his editor has completely disappeared. Kyoka theorizes that the word kushagara could be a typo, and although Rohan briefly thinks that she could be right, he realizes that the word is correct, even if it seemingly doesn't exist. In his office, Rohan decides to search for the word in his library while Kyoka also helps, by looking it up on her phone. Rohan dismisses online resources because of their unreliability and much prefers books for their physicality. Kyoka mentions that Rohan still searches things online, but Rohan angrily retorts that he doesn't completely reject the internet.

Later, Kyoka meets up with Taro Hirai, her boyfriend. Taro is reading articles about himself on a tablet. However, he feels disconnected from his former self. Kyoka tries to cheer him up and tells him to find "himself" with real information and not the internet, but Taro doesn't react much to her words. Kyoka suddenly has an idea. Inspired by Rohan's words, she decides to look for the editor herself and inquires about him from his parents, who actually know where he is. Kyoka finds the editor in a warehouse and asks him about "kushagara". He reacts angrily to the word, stating that he was about to forget about it until Kyoka ruined it. The editor also adds that he failed to find the word but passed it onto Jugo because he had faith he would find it, expressing his relief at this.

Kyoka reveals what she's learned to Rohan, but Jugo suddenly comes, repeating the word "kushagara" in his every sentence. When Kyoka asks what is up with "kushagara", Jugo turns violent, assuming that she knows something. Rohan defends Kyoka and Jugo grabs Rohan to shout at him. During the argument, Kyoka spots something like black tentacles in Jugo's throat. Rohan tells Kyoka to step outside and she hurries out of the office. Kyoka waits outside for a while until Rohan opens the door, telling her that she can come back in. Rohan then wakes Jugo up with his head feeling refreshed. With no idea what happened to him, he is surprised to see Rohan with him and is told that he's in Rohan's house. Rohan creates an excuse to erase Jugo's confusion and persuade him that nothing unordinary happened, stating that Jugo came to his house to discuss his new story. Now feeling as if he has a good idea for a new story, Jugo finally decides to go home. Thus, Jugo immediately leaves Rohan's house. Kyoka is surprised by Jugo's completely different behavior, but Rohan tells her that he's used hypnosis to tame him. Although there may be inconveniences, he declares that everything should be fine. Rohan forbids Kyoka from repeating "kushagara" and not obsess over this word. However, Kyoka says that she saw something in Jugo's mouth. Rohan tries to deny it but Kyoka insists. Forgetting about the incident, Kyoka asks if Rohan can teach her hypnosis. Exasperated, Rohan throws Kyoka out of his house, only opening the door again to hand over her bag.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

One day, Kyoka observes Rohan idly playing cee-lo. Rohan rolls the number 1 on all three dice before obtaining a 4-4-4, impressing Kyoka since the odds of rolling two consecutive triples are so low. She calls it a miracle, but Rohan argues that this merely has a one-in-a-thousand chance of happening and that miracles are impossible by definition. Kyoka asks Rohan to listen to her ideas for a one-shot, but Rohan already has a theme: "What entails a real miracle?" Kyoka insists, but Rohan guesses that Kyoka wants to use Taro as an inspiration since he survived a terrible accident and even survived through a temporary cardiac arrest. Rohan refuses because he thinks plots about amnesia are all the same. However, Kyoka mentions that Rohan can use "hypnosis," referring to how he had managed to free Jugo Shishi of the curse of "kushagara" with Heaven's Door. She wants Rohan to use his hypnotherapy to cure Taro, but Rohan has had enough of her and throws her out of his house again.

Taro, Kyoka, Rohan, Mai and Mao meet each other

Kyoka meets Taro at a café, and she complains about Rohan's refusal. Taro thanks her for caring for him despite being busy, but Kyoka says that she actually has a lot of free time. Kyoka wants Taro to resume his photography, but he isn't sure about what he wants to shoot. Nonetheless, Taro has brought his camera after listening to Kyoka's previous words. Kyoka and Taro cross paths with Rohan at the same place and incidentally, Mai Katahira and Mao Katahira are passing by. Kyoka asks Rohan to try his hypnosis on Taro, to Rohan's exasperation. While Rohan and his editor argue, Mai passes near Taro, and Mao pulls Taro's shirt, saying "Hello" in reverse to him. Unfortunately, the tug makes Taro fall and bump his head on a wall. While everyone else goes to a hospital to have Taro treated, Rohan is intrigued by Mao's eyes.

At the hospital, Kyoka and Mai learn that Taro's injury is fortunately not serious. When Rohan arrives, he inquires about Mai's daughter, but Mai keeps Mao hidden underneath her shawl. Kyoka intervenes and calls out Rohan for his rudeness. Kyoka recognizes Mai as a famous interior decorator she admires and who published a book at Shumeisha. Kyoka formally introduces Rohan but claims that he is a hypnotherapist as a sort of cover story to prevent anyone from recognizing him and ask him for autographs. After Mai leaves, Rohand and Kyoka stay at the hospital for a bit. Rohan asks Kyoka if Taro could have taken photos for Mai, but Kyoka debunks his theory since Taro used to specialize in exterior photos while Mai is an interior decorator. Kyoka also states that Mai's book was, in fact, published while Taro was hospitalized. Kyoka had met Taro last year and has been helping him get back to taking photos since. Rohan takes a definitive interest in Mai and decides to find her, using Kyoka's connections at Shumeisha to find her address. Rohan goes to Mai Katahira's home and abruptly enters her apartment.

Rohan interrogates Mai, who reveals her tragic history and anxiety over Mao's abnormal features. Plus, she adds that she fears that her genes may somehow by responsible for the many accidents happening in her life and she hopes that Rohan can do something. Kyoka waits outside of Mao's plush tent while Rohan examines Mao. Rohan comes out but says that he won't change Mao. Mai insists on a second examination, which upsets Mao, who disappears in front of Kyoka and Rohan. Kyoka says she's just vanished but Rohan says that it must be some illusion instead, and explains that Mao's power is due to how Mai kept hiding her all her life. Suddenly, Mao opens the front door. The three realize she's gone out, but they lose her trail. Rohan thinks for a moment, and then they decide to go to the hospital. However, neither Mao nor Taro are present. Rohan asks if Mao knows Taro but Mai states it was the first time that Mao approached anyone. Kyoka makes a connection: Mai's accident and Taro's accident happened six years ago. Kyoka reveals that Taro received organs from an unknown donor, and Mai also reveals that her husband was a registered organ donor. At the park, Mai reunites with Taro and Mao. Kyoka notices that Taro has never been so lively until she saw Taro play with Mao. After saving Mao from a car, Rohan turns everyone into books to confirm the link between Taro and Mao.

Kyoka wonders at how many strange things happen around Rohan Kishibe

It seems that Taro separates himself from Kyoka, presumably to make a new life with Mai and Mao. In Rohan's office, Kyoka wonders how the accidents near Mai are just a coincidence. Rohan tries to rationalize Mai's history as something that is not impossible, but Kyoka insists on it being a miracle. However, Rohan wonders more about how Mao could have known about Taro, theorizing that genetics could contain the soul's memories. Thus, Mao was carrying some of Akira Katahira's soul and was connected to him. Kyoka views this as Mao guiding her mother to her late father's soul and finds the whole story romantic. Although she feels some sadness, she acknowledges that it was for the best. Taro took up photography again, but his photos are different from the ones she used to like. Kyoka suddenly remembers that Rohan explained Mao's powers in a strangely calm manner. She wonders why it seems Rohan acts like supernatural powers are common, but he dismisses it as a hallucination. Exasperated with Kyoka's curiosity, Rohan throws Kyoka out of his house, only to open it up again and give her back her umbrella. Kyoka promises to come back tomorrow. On the way down, Kyoka reflects that so many things happen in the world and, looking back at Rohan's house, adds that they happen especially around Rohan Kishibe.


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