Dragona Joestar

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Be sure not to push yourself too hard, but don't give up. (『決して無理はしないけれどあきらめる事もしない』)
—Dragona's favorite motto, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure

Dragona Joestar (ドラゴナ・ジョースター, Doragona Jōsutā) is a primary ally featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.

They are Jodio Joestar's older brother[b] and they work alongside him as a gangster in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dragona is a Stand user who wields Smooth Operators, a colony-type Stand that can displace anything.


Dragona is a slim 18 year-old with a feminine figure, dark skin, shoulder-length locs, and long eyelashes. They wear a crown of flowers, some having elongated petals that are reminiscent of hands, with a few locs swept over the crown as bangs. As a descendant of the Joestar family, Dragona has the Star Birthmark on their left shoulder.[2]

The outfits Dragona wears are typically feminine, such as two-piece bikinis and dresses. They feature dragon-themed accessories that match the stylized dragon tattoos on their shoulders and left thigh, and triple claw-like tattoos on their chest, arms, and left thigh. Dragona also takes cosmetic injections to increase the size of their breasts.[3]

Dragona consistently wears a few accessories, those being arm and wrist bracelets, and a chest pendant engraved with a stylized "D" made to look like a dragon. The pendant also has a pocket on the back.[4] Dragona's main outfit consists of a sleeveless one-piece romper with a shirt collar, a serrated hem and a buttoned pouch in the place of a back pocket. When going on heists, Dragona rolls their facemask over the collar like a scarf, with a few locs tucked under it.

When Dragona was fourteen, they had a short shag hairstyle. One of their outfits at school was a light collared sleeveless shirt with a few buttons and the dragon-stylized "D" below the left shoulder. Dragona wore it alongside light shorts and dark sneakers. A few months later they began wearing more feminine attire, composed of a light tanktop with dark straps, the "D" chest pendant, a headband with a few flowers, a belt with a "JO" accessory, and light pants.[5]

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
(Tan, bright orange lipstick, dark blue and white tattoos)
(Black with brownish gray highlights, red and purple flower crown)
Eyes(Emerald Green)
Emblem(Silver with dark purple symbol)
(Bright orange romper, blue bracelets, light gray socks, black shoes with light gray outlines and blue laces.)


Dragona is a jovial, amiable, and active person, who participates in various crimes alongside their brother for the sake of supporting their family. They are resilient, introspective, and protective of Jodio. Dragona likes girly fashion, dresses in feminine outfits, and uses the Japanese first-person pronoun "atashi" (あたし), which is primarily used by women.[2]

Swearing to become stronger

When Dragona was fourteen, they were bullied, harassed, and assaulted by a female classmate who took advantage of their meek disposition. Dragona was mocked for their appearance, with the bully taunting that Dragona should wear a bra, and that Jodio and Dragona should call each other sisters rather than brothers. Although Dragona minimized the severity of the bullying and dismissed it as the classmate just joking, they had nightmares and struggled to sleep after the assault. Jodio's decision to take matters into his own hands by burning Dragona's classmates led Dragona to strive to become stronger, with Dragona admitting that if the bullying had continued before Jodio ended up doing that, their soul would have ended up collapsing and they would never have gone back to normal. Growing up, Dragona moves on from the trauma by framing the incident as a random absurd event in their life. While still considering it as an extremely important moment despite having no responsibility for it occurring, Dragona believes that not letting it go is equivalent to resigning themself to their heart being destroyed.[5]

Dragona punishes Paco for stealing from the customers.

Dragona tends to act as the cautious one among their allies, warning them whenever they go too far. Dragona is more inclined to talk their way out of trouble or at least use guile and surprise attacks instead of rushing head first into conflicts.[6] They disapprove when Jodio resorts to extreme violence like setting the school bus on fire[5] or needlessly stomping on a police officer,[7] though nonetheless feel relief and thank Jodio afterward as Jodio would be doing those things for Dragona's sake.[8] Despite their criminal life, Dragona also treats their legitimate job at the fashion boutique seriously and heavily objects to their fellow gangster Paco stealing from the clients, scolding him and even pulling his ear to punish him.[9] Unlike Paco and Usagi, Dragona acts warily while searching for the diamond in Rohan's villa, berating the two for stealing things they don't need.[10] Being goal-oriented, Dragona rejects Usagi's confession of love, stating that neither they nor Jodio are interested in such matters.[11]

Dragona is physically active, jogging every morning and following yoga courses. Their motto, which they picked up from an Indian yoga instructor, is to "never push themself too hard, but never give up either," indicating a preference for steady effort. Papaya, one of their favorite foods, is the only thing they eat for breakfast.[3] Dragona has a close relationship with Smooth Operators, referring to the Stand as their kids.[10]



Main article: Smooth Operators

Dragona wields Smooth Operators, a colony of small Stands on tank treads that are able to grab and displace anything, even if the object affected is supposed to be fixed in place.

Smooth Operators (スムース・オペレイターズ)Link to this section



  • Jodio Joestar: Dragona's younger brother. The two have a close relationship, working together to earn money and protect their mother. Dragona seemingly makes efforts to restrain Jodio's more violent impulses, but still shows appreciation for his efforts to keep them safe.[2] Aware of Jodio's mental instability, Dragona keeps his arson crime a secret from everyone else for Jodio's sake since Jodio retaliated against Dragona's classmates after seeing Dragona get bullied. Dragona is protective of Jodio and tries to assure him that their familial struggles after the incident is not his fault.[5]
  • Barbara Ann Joestar: The mother of Dragona and Jodio, who raises them alone. Jodio and Dragona love her and ensure her social safety by helping her behind the scenes with their gang work.[2]


  • Paco Laburantes: Dragona and Paco seem to have a strained relationship. When Paco tries to steal from customers at Iko Iko, Dragona reprimands him and threatens to wrap his ear around his head. Paco also challenges Dragona to fight afterwards, though Dragona refuses.[2]
  • Usagi Alohaoe: Upon being introduced at first, Dragona believed Usagi to be irresponsible, having an odd personality and being late to arrive at Kona Airport. Usagi responds to this by being more exuberant and giving Dragona humorous codenames like "Pink-chan".[12] After Usagi confesses his love to them, Dragona thanks him, but politely rejects him.[11]


  • Dragona's Bully: When Dragona was younger, they had a very negative relationship with their female classmate, as she would go out of her way to abuse them emotionally and physically over their appearance or for any petty grievance. The bullying has become so traumatizing to Dragona that they suffered nightmares from it. Upon learning that Jodio had hospitalized their classmates, including the bully, as payback, Dragona thanked their younger brother for standing up for them and resolved to become a stronger person.



Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • Jodio! I gotta say thank you. I'm touched. (ジョディオ~~っ でもありがと。嬉しいよ)
    —Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • Paco! Can you hear me? You'd better get the heck outta here before I wrap your ear around your head! Don't you dare mess with the customers in my shop! You asshole! (パコォ~~ 聞こえる?耳がグルッと頭を一周する前にサッサと戻しな!あたしの店のお客さんにフザけるなクソ野郎)
    —Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • Shut up, idiot! Go [to the gym] yourself if you want to! (うっせーバカ!ひとりでやってろ)
    —Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
  • I'm just feeling bad for you. Now we'll need to tie you up. You really would've been better off hanging out by the side of the pool. (気の毒に思っている。あんたを縛らなくてはならなくなった。プールサイドで寛いでるだけで良かったのに)
  • We came to this island to make money. (あたしたちは金儲けをしにこの島に来たんだ)
  • Jodio, lil' bro, thank you. I don't think I realized it myself, but my heart was on the verge of dying... If my soul had collapsed, then I don't think It would've gotten back to normal... You did what you did before that could happen. I'll get stronger.
    —Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
  • The absurd occurs without connection to the life one has lived up to that point. In fact, without any meaning at all, with the whisper of a smiling devil saying you're a piece of human garbage. The assault of the absurd is an extremely important event in your life, despite having no responsibility for it whatsoever. But there are hearts that are destroyed for the absurd. (不条理は今まで生きてきた事とはなんの繋がりもなく意味もなく起こる。不条理は「おまえはちっぽけなカス野郎だぜ!」というフザけた悪魔のささやきと伴に。決して自分には責任がないのに最も重要な出来事として襲ってくる。でもそこには不条理の為に破壊される心がある)
    —Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers

Name Variants

Dragona Joestar (ドラゴナ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Doragona Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Pink-chan (ピンクちゃん)
Codename used by Usagi Alohaoe.
Japan Japanese
Dragomi (ドラゴミ)
Mistaken name used by a teacher in TJL Chapter 13.
Japan Japanese
Pink Nagasaki (ピンク・ナガサキ)
Alias used when posing as a bank associate.
Japan Japanese
Dragona Jiyostar (ドラゴナ・ジヨースター)


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Dragona's fake ID matching the fake Obama ID
  • In the first chapter of The JOJOLands, Dragona's fake driver's license shares details with a fake Barack Obama ID, including the birthdate and expiry date. This novelty item was based on the movie Superbad, in which the character Fogell creates a fake ID using the name "McLovin".


  1. Originally "Watermelon" in magazine release.
  2. Dragona is stated as "older brother" () in the volume introduction page, magazine introduction page, the JoJo-Portal website, and JOJO magazine 2023 WINTER.


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