List of References to JoJo in Video Games
- See also: List of References in JoJo
This article lists possible references made in popular series and by popular artists to art or concepts defining to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Discussion of the legitimacy of these references can be found here.
References range in nature from tribute to plagiarism. Many are comic, while the "JoJo poses" in particular cross into greater cultural significance, with the greatest examples being those reproduced by a handful of popular Japanese performing artists.
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In the Castlevania-inspired indie game, main protagonist Miriam can obtain an equippable accessory named the "Stone Mask", with its description reading "A stone mask once used by a tribal chief during ritual sacrifices."
She can also obtain the "Hyperventilator" which looks like Joseph's training mask from Part 2, with its description "A mask designed to push the wearer to his or her physical limit." The "Voice changer" item is a color swap of the Hyperventilator.
The "Gambler's Ring" item has a description which reads "A ring that bestows both luck and pluck to would-be gamblers."
Late into the game, the player can be challenged by NPC Orlok Dracule, or O.D., to a secret boss fight. Upon his defeat, he gives Miriam a shard with the powerful ability "Standstill" that allows her to stop time. While the spell itself is inspired by the Stopwatch sub-weapon from the Castlevania series, the audiovisual presentation is distinctly different and in clear reference to The World; The visual effect of Standstill's activation resembles The World's time stop from the OVA, while the sound effect replicates that of the time stop from the Stardust Crusaders anime.[4]

A Stone Mask can be found in the library in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which is where Jonathan and Dio studied the properties of the Stone Mask. It appears again in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, with an appearance much more akin to the one's found in JoJo. In Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin the Stone Mask can only be equipped by Jonathan Morris, a possible reference to Jonathan Joestar.
In Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, if the Sacred Fist sub-weapon is used without a Spell Book activated, the protagonist shouts "Ora ora ora!" and unleashes a flurry of extremely fast, blur-like punches (in reference to Star Platinum).
In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, a soul called "Guardian Cagnazzo" can be obtained that makes a Cagnazzo demon appear behind the protagonist and punch wildly whilst shouting "Ora ora ora!" also in another reference to Star Platinum.
In Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, one of the boss characters, Zephyr, utilizes time stopping abilities in conjunction with knives (much like DIO). Zephyr even shouts "Toki wo tomare" (Time has stopped). His fight on top of Cursed Clock Tower is another reference to Stardust Crusaders of the manga.

In the trailer for the photo mode feature, one the poses resembles Dio Brando's walk towards Jotaro Kujo.

In Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc:
- During his initial introduction, the protagonist, Makoto Naegi, points out that he does not have a Stand.
- The delinquent Mondo Owada is a homage to Josuke Higashikata, sporting a pompadour hairstyle and is easily offended when people make fun of it. He is also the leader of a motorcycle gang named the Crazy Diamonds.
- The villain of the game, Junko Enoshima, has multiple personalities, with one of them acting similar to DIO while also striking a pose similar to one DIO does. In Japanese, she also says "Muda, Muda, Muda" during her Bullet Time Battle.
- One of the items the player can gift is called the Meteorite Arrowhead, a blatant reference to the Arrow.
In Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (also known as Super Danganronpa 2):
- The character Teruteru Hanamura mentions that people can tell if others are lying by the taste of their sweat, a reference to the same tactic used by Bruno Bucciarati.
- During an argument between the two, Monokuma attacks Monomi with a Heaven's Door parody, and in another occasion attacks her with a flurry of punches while screaming "ORA ORA ORA!!!" and launching her into a trashcan.
- While discussing the fictional videogame "Twilight Syndrome Murder Case", Ibuki Mioda states that "Twilight's Hidden Passageway is the world's beeeeest!" The sentence, alongside the mannerisms of speech and dialect she adopts for this sentence, are likely a reference to Rudol von Stroheim and his infamous quote, "GERMAN TECHNOLOGY IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!"
In Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:
- Tsumugi Shirogane states that "thinking logically in these situations is of no use", and that she has decided to "eventually stop thinking altogether", referencing Kars's final fate. Later on, she also remarks "We win! Part 3 is over!", referencing a line said by ZZ.
- Gonta Gokuhara states that a thing he heard gentlemen do is "go on adventures to find stone masks".
Ladybug Brooch seen in Danganronpa V3

According to the interview between Dark Souls' Director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Concept Artist, Daisuke Satake, found in Design Works artbook, the design of the Set of Thorns originated from the concept of the trial of the 77 Rings. In the challenge, combatants must defeat each other and wear the metal rings from each foe, increasing the weight they bear as they continue. The team's original idea was to use this design and try adding spikes to the rings, though it deviated along the way.
Just before the Iron Golem boss, you can summon a white phantom named Black Iron Tarkus, which is likely a reference to Tarkus, as they share many similarities. They are both large powerful warriors who carry unwieldy weapons and thick armor, who both fall off a cliff in a similar fashion.
In Dark Souls II, you can encounter a boss called Executioner's Chariot. During the original network test prior to the games release, this boss instead had the name Silver Chariot, referencing the Stand of the same name from Part 3.
In Dark Souls III, a boss called High Lord Wolnir can be fought in the Catacombs of Carthus. He bears a striking resemblance to Enya Geil's Stand Justice. He is a colossal skeleton wearing a crown, and even uses fog to attack and harm the players.

- The Hero "Faceless Void" does one of DIO's poses while using his ultimate ability "Chronosphere", which stops time. He also has a green heart for a belt buckle.
- One of the loading screens features the character Phantom Assassin doing Jonathan's pose, not only that, but the previews in the Steam Workshop of the whole set (Bloodroot Guard) features various JoJo poses (Giorno, Jotaro, Caesar and DIO)

The achievements "Abyssal Crusader" and "Hilichurl Champion" used to be named "Stardust Crusader" and "Gold Experience Requiem"; they have been renamed in Version 1.1.
In the first act of Yae Miko's story quest "Divina Vulpes Chapter", the player obtains the quest item "The Miraculous Adventures of the Traveler", titled Traveler's Bizarre Adventure (旅人の奇妙な冒険, Tabibito no kimyōna bōken) in the Japanese translation of the game. At the front cover, the character Paimon can be seen posing in reference to Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli in Chapter 66.
"Stardust Crusader" achievement
"Gold Experience Requiem" achievement
Fischl's pose, in reference to Jonathan Joestar
"Traveler's Bizarre Adventure" quest item

Choosing "Diversion" in the Triple Threat route will play a cutscene where Henry and Ellie manage to distract a room full of Toppat Clan members by dancing. During this, three TC members can be seen doing the Torture Dance performed by Narancia Ghirga, Guido Mista and Pannacotta Fugo from Vento Aureo.
Choosing "Spirit Mode" in the Revenged route will play a cutscene in which Henry and the Right Hand Man battle with Stand-like entities named "Spirits". Henry's Spirit is named "Reference" with the Stand Cry "Failure! Failure! Failure!" a possible reference to DIO's Stand Cry "Useless! Useless! Useless!". The Right Hand Man's Spirit is named "Time in a Bottle", a reference to the Jim Croce song of the same name, and is localized to "Bottled Time" in the subtitles, referencing localization of musical references in JoJo. The cutscene ends as a typical episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would, with the endcard arrow instead reading "Mission Failed".
In the endcard of the Cleaned 'em Out route, the Stone Mask can be seen on the wall behind Henry as an item that he steals from the Toppat Clan.
The fail message displayed when attempting to bribe Mr. Macbeth in the Little Nest Egg route reads, "Henry really bribes? No dignity." referencing a quote from the "Duwang" translation of Diamond is Unbreakable, where Josuke Higashikata secretly attempts to dissuade Yukako Yamagishi from falling in love with Koichi Hirose.
In the Special BROvert Ops route, one of the members of the Toppat Clan, Ken Janpon, is a reference to Ken Oyanagi, as both are seen with a hole in their cheek and play rock, paper, scissors. In his bio it is also stated that "People feel weaker after losing to him." referencing Ken's stand Boy II Man.
In the Just Plain Epic route, one of the security guards is named Joseph Jo, a reference to Joseph Joestar.
Dan the Man from the Convict Allies route has his bio reference Steely Dan's localized name of "Dan of Steel". His bio states "He wanted to go by "Dan of Steel" but it was taken."

Neptune's Stand power
Rom posing
Ram posing
Neptune quotes Polnareff, part 1
Neptune quotes Polnareff, part 2
Neptune references Jotaro's smoke trick

The champion spotlight video for Sett makes two references to the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. When showcasing Sett's ability to rapidly throw several punches, the announcer shouts "Muda muda muda!". At the end of the video, the scene where Dio Brando and Jotaro Kujo dramatically walk toward each other is also recreated.
Sett also has an emote in-game which references to Dio's "It was me!" pose.
Sett's Japanese voice actor is also Takehito Koyasu, the iconic voice for the villanous Dio Brando.

As a special arena on October 29, 2020 to get the exclusive character "Platinumpool". The banner art is a reference to "Jotaro and DIO prepare for their final battle" panel in Chapter 256 and the title "Platinum is Unbreakable" is a callback to Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

Gamora's suggestion

In 2015, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate held an in-event in which you could unlock the "Crazy D" hammer that heals your allies as you attack. Along with a mask based off Harvest called the "Stand Mask" that can be equipped to your Shakalaka to constantly gain money.
When the items were localized outside of japan, they were re-skinned and renamed. The "Crazy D" hammer was renamed to the "Majestic Hammer" and had it's design changed completely. The "Stand Mask" only received a name change to the "Cosmetic Mask".

Reference to a Stand attack.
Reference to Kakyoin's "Rero rero rero".

The character Donovan Baine has the ability to summon different spirits during his several attacks. The Vampire Series Official Complete Works artbook includes a conceptual sketch, made by Kanameshi and Takenori Kimoto for the game Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, wich showed Donovan summoning Moody Blues instead (p.110), referencing the Stand-like qualities of some of his summons.
In the same page of said artbook there is also another (but instead earlier) sketch of Donovan where he appears posing very similar to DIO in Part 3.

Mr. Doppelganger reappears in No More Heroes 3, once again striking various JoJo poses.
Striking various JoJo poses
Mr. Doppelganger in No More Heroes 3

A To Be Continued arrow similar to the one used in the anime can be seen at the end of the first two boss fights against DK West.
Retdex's pose in the promotional art is a reference to the Torture Dance in Part 5.

Similarly, in Persona 5, The World is one of the responses to the question "What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving?", asked by one of the teachers in school.

Sichte Meister is a homage to DIO. Like DIO, Sichte uses knives to attack and has the ability to manipulate time. She also shouts "Toki wo tomare!!" while freezing time and placing knives that zeros-in on the player in Rosenkreuzstilette.
- In the sequel Rosenkreuzstilette ~Freudenstachel~, she crushes the character with a giant block similar to how DIO dropped a steamroller on Jotaro.
- Sichte also shares resemblance of Kakyoin Noriaki's signature Emerald Splash attack, referenced by her emerald-shooting. Her stage Rosenkreuzstilette ~Freudenstachel~ is a clock tower, refers to where Kakyoin dies.

The Book being held by Fumie Nishimura

Two playable characters from Skullgirls, Valentine and Peacock, are a homage to Dio Brando/DIO. Valentine can stop time and throw knives similar to DIO,[15] and Peacock can drop a steamroller on her opponents[16] though it is very rare.
- Another character, Big Band, which was later added as DLC, shouts in similar fashion to Star Platinum during one of his Blockbuster attacks, though Big Band shouts "Tuba Tuba Tuba" instead.[17]
- Another DLC character, Eliza, has a color palette inspired by DIO's color scheme. In the patch notes for the release, the developers referenced one of Dio's more familiar quotes.
Celebella's "Diamond Deflector"
Jotaro NPC "River King Casino"
Artwork by Alex Ahad
Heavy Metal (Skullgirls Mobile)
Stand Out (Skullgirls Mobile)

The protagonist, Okabe Rintarou, while talking with Suzuha Amane, references The World in an allusion that he sensed the time had stopped.

A star in the game is named the "Higashik-Ata". This is likely a reference to Josuke and the Higashikata Family.

Lead designer of Street Fighter II, Akira Nishitani, stated in a interview with Polygon that the concept of Dhalsim's ability to stretch his limbs comes from the Ripple "Zoom Punch" technique.[18] This is reconfirmed in the comment section of Dhalism's bio in the Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks artbook.
In an interview with producer Noritaka Funamizu, he reveals that Guile's overall appearance was modeled after Jean Pierre Polnareff.[19] Guile's page in Street Fighter X Tekken Artworks goes into detail, explaining that early designs included Polnareff's vertical, yet modest hairstyle, but at the time the sprites were being made for Street Fighter II, the pixel artist jokingly stretched Guile's hair out to the sides. The team found it amusing and decided to give him "the always distinctive Stroheim look" instead. Noritaka also explains that Guile's name was derived from Polnareff's archenemy, J. Geil, though this was apparently the result of a mix up from the development staff at the time.
During early stages of development of Street Fighter II, Guile's "Sonic Boom" attack was originally referred to as "Divine Sandstorm", in reference to the character Wamuu.[20]
Rose was inspired by Lisa Lisa, her outfit is almost identical to Lisa Lisa's and both share a similar fighting style that consists of channeling energy into their scarves (Soul Power in the case of Rose and Ripple in the case of Lisa Lisa). Additionally, both characters like to take baths and Rose's stage in Street Fighter Alpha 2 is Venice, which is the same city where Joseph meets Lisa Lisa in the story. Furthermore, in Capcom Fighting Evolution, the Midnight Bliss attack would turn her into either a masked gondolier or Enya the Hag with a tweaked sprite from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
Juri Han has hair and clothes similar to Jolyne's. In addition, Juri has a spider motif and cleaves a butterfly in her official artwork; Jolyne has a butterfly motif and her Stand turns her body into threads and webs + she has spiderweb-patterned clothes. Juri even has the same "ora ora ora" battle cry as Jolyne.
In Street Fighter V, the DLC character Seth has many moves based on older Capcom fighting games including JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future. His Hecatoncheires move is based on Jotaro and DIO's Blazing Fists, with the EX version of the attack ending with Jotaro's Star Breaker as Seth yells "ora ora ora". Some successful combos can lead to Seth doing DIO's Time Stop pose.

The Starboard Crusader
Tsar Platinum
Skull Study War Paint

Kazuya Mishima's combat gloves, strongly resemble Star Platinum's. In Tekken 3, Jin Kazama has the same combat gloves as both of them, but longer.
Kazuya's Devil form in the original Tekken game bore a strong resemblance to Star Platinum, down to the purple skin, hairstyle, clothing and the aforementioned gloves.
In Tekken 7, Claudio Serafino poses similarly to DIO in one of his moves, and as a customization item labeled as the "Ancient Mask" which is clearly modeled after the Stone Mask.

The game also features an armor set called the "Stardust armor" that allows the player to summon a spiritual guardian when all the pieces are worn. The guardian will float directly behind the player, and the player can order the guardian to move and attack enemies. The animation for the guardian's attack bears a strong resemblance to the infamous beatdown of Steely Dan. The changelog for the Journey's End update also states that "all resemblance to a certain anime is purely coincidental."

Benimaru Nikaido's appearance was loosely based on Polnareff, right down to his outfit in The King of Fighters '94 and The King of Fighters '95. Even after Benimaru's name was decided, the game developers continued to refer to him as Polnareff.[22] Additionally, his taunt in The King of Fighters XI mirrors Polnareff's stature from the manga.
- Also from King of Fighters, Rugal Bernstein, the main villain of the first two games, wears an outfit which is clearly a toned-down version of DIO's final Stardust Crusaders get-up, with a black tank top, loose pants, and even belt loops which come down past his hips. Rugal does omit the headband, kneepads, and other elements of DIO's outfit which bore the heart insignia, however, as well as having more ordinary shoes.
- Leona's "Earring Bomb 2: Heart Attack sees her attaching a bomb to her opponent. Afterwards, she may either wait until it explodes on its own or detonate it with a secondary command, saying 負けて終わり ("Makete owari." ~ "You lose, it's over."), referencing Bites The Dust (transcribed in Japanese as , 負けて死ね, "Makete shine." = "You lose, now die.").
- Leona Heidern's Grateful Dead is a (Super) Desperation Move during which she drains the opponent of his/her life force while surrounded by wisps of steam or smoke.
- Mian's Rangurenbu is a (Super) Desperation Move which she performs a series of attacks ending with a fire breath from her Bian Lian mask. While performing such a series of attacks, she utters "Ariariariariariariari", but due to her being Chinese, she doesn't say "Arrivederci" at the end.
- Shun'ei's Demolish Dimension is a Climax Desperation Move where he summons manifestations of his inner fire and ice monsters and punch his opponent repeatedly while uttering "Dorararararararara!"

In the eleventh game Subterranean Animism, Yuugi, an oni, fights Marisa "without spilling a drop of sake" (stated by Patchouli).
Two of Kaguya Houraisan's Spellcards have references to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the first one being Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield", which has in its comments a blatant reference to Esidisi. And the other one being New Impossible Request "Red Stone of Aja" referencing the valious stone in Battle Tendency, the Red Stone of Aja.
Sakuya Izayoi is a maid who is the servant of the vampires Remilia and Flandre Scarlet. It's generally assumed that she's a tribute to DIO, as she employs the same style of combat (stopping time and using throwing knives) and even has attacks named after DIO's Stand power: Illusion World "The World" and Sakuya's World. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been referenced several times in the official games.
In Double Dealing Character, one of Sakuya's Spell Cards erases the time (respectively the present and future) of the surrounding bullets and thus erases the bullets. This might be a reference to Diavolo's Stand and implies that Sakuya might not be only a reference to Dio. In the seventh game Perfect Cherry Blossom, once Marisa defeats Ran (a shikigami), she asks her if she is a Long-distance Type, because her master is far away and she is quite strong. This is a clearly reference to the Stand Types in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
In Symposium of Post-mysticism, an official Touhou Fanbook, Toyosatomimi no Miko says that Koishi Komeiji "stopped thinking", using the phrasing of the famous line After a while, he stopped thinking (そのうち、考えるのをやめた。, Sono Uchi Kangaeru no wo Yameta) referencing Kars.
Marisa's dialogue with Remilia
Patchouli's reference to Will A. Zeppeli
ZUN's comment referencig Esidisi
Marisa's dialogue with Ran
Sakuya Izayoi in Touhou Luna Nights throwing knives while in stopped time.

Mettaton's dancing resembles JoJo poses and he has heart-shaped bracelets which are similar to DIO's. Also, his concept art might be a Shadow Dio's pose reference.
Mad Dummy's repeated yelling of the word "Futile"
Japanese translation, saying "無駄だ。無駄だ!無 駄 だ" (Muda da. Muda Da! Mu-da-da)
Mad Dummy prepares to attack using a Knive
Mettaton EX Dancing during the fight against him
Early Mettaton EX concept art, bearing a resemblance to Shadow DIO

While the stand is activated, Yandere-chan also gains a new idle animation where she strikes Jonathan Joestar's signature pose from Volume 4. When the stand goes in to attack, Yandere-chan poses similarly to Jotaro.
Yandev describing the stand in the game's updatelog
Yansim posing with "Bad Romance"
Yandere-chan sending out a "YAN YAN" barrage on Midori
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- ↑ Interview with Noritaka Funamizu - Weekly Famitsu Issue 1998/9/25
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