Author's Note (JoJolion)

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In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotations featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The following quotes and pictures below are from the volumes of JoJolion.


Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 1 前歯が虫歯になったので主人公がすきっ歯になりました。新作よろしくお願いします。

JJL Chapter 2 新書の〔奇妙なホラー映画論〕、初代担当・椛島氏との久々のお仕事でした。

JJL Chapter 3 暑いの苦手ですけど、今年の夏はどこか好きです。家に風鈴さげたせいかなあ~?

JJL Chapter 4 ジョジョの小説が出ます。よろしければ読んでください。おもしろいよ!

JJL Chapter 5 最近好きなのは、固いのよりユルユルのスパゲティ。

JJL Chapter 6 スーパーカーのカレンダーを買った。運転もしないのに、自分でも「何故?」

JJL Chapter 7 近所の「プラネタリウム」行ってみました。早くあるの教えてよ。感動しました。

JJL Chapter 8 ジョギングシューズが、走ってる時に左右同時に壊れました。同時ってすごくない?

JJL Chapter 9 岐阜旅行に行ってきました。寒かったけど、昔の宿場町の散策はよかったなあ。

JJL Chapter 10 人形浄瑠璃の文楽を鑑賞。人形が意外と大きくてびっくりした。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 11 皆既日食用に太陽を見るメガネを買った。晴天を願う!

JJL Chapter 12 『テルマエ・ロマエ』を読んだ。あの時代に水道があったローマってすごいね。

JJL Chapter 13 When I was walking around the neighborhood, I was attacked by crows and they took my hat. They gave it back though. 近所を歩いていたらカラスに襲われて帽子を奪われた。返してもらったけど。

JJL Chapter 14 今年の夏はシュウマイ弁当を本当によく食べたなあ。よく新幹線に乗ったから。

JJL Chapter 15 今使っている家の電話機は『ジョジョ』の連載が始まった時に買ったもの。イエデンも25周年。

JJL Chapter 16 This super-friendly Doberman walks around my neighborhood, but I don’t trust it. I just can't. 超人懐っこいドーベルマンが近所を散歩してるんだけど、僕は信用してない。できるわけない。

JJL Chapter 17 藤子A先生のところに遊びに行った。優しい先生。ああなりたいなあ。

JJL Chapter 18 今年も去年以上に、『ジョジョリオン』力入れて描きます!よろしくね。

JJL Chapter 19 最近の洋楽CD、盛り上がっていいです。ゴティエとかTマッグロウとか。

JJL Chapter 20 ヨガ教室に通っています。ヨガの先生がちょっとポッチャリ目。それで良いなら良いです。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 21 打ち合わせ時の飲物はジンジャーエール氷なし。コーヒーは後で眠れなくなるからなあ。

JJL Chapter 22 料理番組をよく見ているけど、土井善晴先生はやっぱりすごい。尊敬してます。

JJL Chapter 23 最近の大好物はルッコラだけのサラダ。

JJL Chapter 24 ポール・マッカートニーの来日公演のチケット外れた。観たかったなあ。

JJL Chapter 25 この夏は、暑くて2か月くらいポロシャツしか着なかったなぁ。

JJL Chapter 26 どういうわけか分からないけど東大で講演したぞワハハハハ。

JJL Chapter 27 The other day, when I went to buy a shimonita green onion (negi), I daringly said, 'Could I have some shimoneta green onion.' Hahaha! この間、下仁田ネギを買いに行った時、あえて「下ネタねぎ下さい」と言ってみました。ワハハ!

JJL Chapter 28 謹賀新年。今年の目標は京都より西へ旅行すること。

JJL Chapter 29 Bruce Springsteenのニューアルバム『High Hopes』、傑作出来上がりましたね。

JJL Chapter 30 やっぱ癒しはゾンビ映画と『孤独のグルメ』。どちらも人間の根源を描いている。大ファン!

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 31 薬で溶かしちゃったけど腎臓に結石ができた。

JJL Chapter 32 It just occurred to me, but I hate straws and have never once used them. When I drink with them, it's just awkward. 今気づいたけどストローが嫌いで使ったことが一度もない。ストローで飲むと不味いよね。

JJL Chapter 33 スポーツ観戦は圧倒的に勝ってるのが好き。僅差だと同点になったらどうしようって心配。

JJL Chapter 34 最近、旅行したくない気分。近所の散歩が一番。

JJL Chapter 35 この夏の目標はどこか地方の花火大会に行くこと。花火アプリ入れた。

JJL Chapter 36 写真を撮るだけでワイン情報が分かるアプリ「Vivino」に一瞬はまった。

JJL Chapter 37 ラ・ベットラ・ダ・オチアイのレシピ本を買って、1ページ目から全部作ってる。

JJL Chapter 38 Dirty LoopsとYESのライブに行った。音楽を「聴かせる」素晴らしい演奏でした。

JJL Chapter 39 謹賀新年。去年は一度も乗らなかった飛行機に、今年はがんばって乗るぞ!

JJL Chapter 40 今、一番欲しいのは東京駅のSuica。手に入れたけど。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 41 一筆書き山登り番組『グレートトラバース』にはまっている。

JJL Chapter 42 初代担当の椛島さんが定年を迎えられました。お疲れ様でした。

JJL Chapter 43 I was wrestling with my external disc drive for 5 hours because it wouldn’t read CDs. Turns out I was putting the discs in upside down. 別売の光学ドライブがCDを読み込まなくて5時間格闘したが、裏返しでディスク入れてた。

JJL Chapter 44 さくらんぼの皮をむいて食べるんだけど、ちょっとびっくりされる。いちいちむくよ。

JJL Chapter 45 不味い飲み物を店に作り直させることが出来る人、憧れる。自分が出来ないので。

JJL Chapter 46 アニメの打ち上げに参加したらたくさんの人がいた。気軽に観ててすいません。

JJL Chapter 47 夏休みにS・キングの『ドクター・スリープ』を読んだ。久々に大作の読書した。

JJL Chapter 48 福山雅治さんが結婚して、知り合いの女性が皆家から出てこない。お元気ですか?

JJL Chapter 49 今年は有名人の結婚とか、そういうのがある意味面白かった。

JJL Chapter 50 代々木公園で「ケサランパサラン」を見た。未確認生物ですけど。良い年でありますように。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 51 ものすげーちょっとハマったこと。ラジオ体操第3。

JJL Chapter 52 編集長がゴルフを始めたら、仕事的にちょっとやらしい風を感じる。

JJL Chapter 53 凹版印刷の特殊切手「日本の建築シリーズ」から切手集めにハマっちまってる。

JJL Chapter 54 プリンスは青春時代からの尊敬する人でした。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。

JJL Chapter 55 新しいものより要らないものばかり目に付く。新しい祭日とか要る?

JJL Chapter 56 担当さんが変わりました。よろしくお願いします!

JJL Chapter 57 今年からはエアコンは28℃で24時間フル回転にした。

JJL Chapter 58 9月22日から頒布される熊野本宮大社のお守りのイラストデザインを致しました。

JJL Chapter 59 居酒屋でウツボを焼いて食べてみた。意外と旨かった。

JJL Chapter 60 There's this old man in my neighborhood who sounds like a kitty cat when he sneezes. I don't get it. 近所のオヤジで、くしゃみをする時の発音が「にゃんこちゃん」と聞こえる人がいる。つっこめない。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 61 新年おめでとうございます。今年も頑張ります。よろしくお願いします。

JJL Chapter 62 昔からやってるけど、懸垂10回くらいやってる。何気にすごい気がする。

JJL Chapter 63 89年に買ったブラウン管テレビ。ずっと大丈夫でしたけれど、ついに壊れました。

JJL Chapter 64 スマホが買い替えの時期なんですが、驚くような進化系のスマホってないのかな。

JJL Chapter 65 昔のドラマだけど『北の国から』にはまっている。名作は時代を超える。

JJL Chapter 66 電気スタンドを買いに行ったらLEDが終わる時がそのスタンドの寿命と言われた。

JJL Chapter 67 岸辺露伴の新作を来月発売の別マ誌にて描きました。お邪魔でなければ!

JJL Chapter 68 ジョジョ展やってます。皆さんも元気出して暑い夏を乗り切ろう!

JJL Chapter 69 そっくりな姉妹でやってる歯医者に通ってる。名医なんだけどさ。2人で来ると怖いよォ。

JJL Chapter 70 この夏はジョジョ展など色々ありがとうございました。また、新しい展開もあるのでよろしくお願いします。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 71 今年一の重大事件はサザエさんのCMを東芝がやめる事かなぁ。重い?

JJL Chapter 72 今年一年ありがとうございます!来夏のジョジョ展もがんばります!!

JJL Chapter 73 冬の金沢旅行に行ってきました。色々とおいしいものあるね~。

JJL Chapter 74 スマホの通信制限で遅くなって追加料金要請されるのムカつく。耐えてやる。

JJL Chapter 75 ホタルイカのパスタはニンニクを刻むのでなくすって入れたらうまかったー!!

JJL Chapter 76 夏にジョジョ展やります!明後日それを言います!というコメント。

JJL Chapter 77 今一番興味がある動物はマヌルネコ種。動物園にいるらしい。

JJL Chapter 78 最近好きなのは『アメリカン ヴィンテージ』というBSの番組。人間と文明って良いなぁとか思う。

JJL Chapter 79 ある有名なお寿司屋を予約したら「東京五輪が終わった年の10月で。」と言われた。

JJL Chapter 80 長野の山の中に行ったら、お互い「おっ」って感じでカモシカと出会った。「じゃっ」って感じで。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 81 大阪にちゃんと行くのは実は初めて。ご挨拶に参ります。

JJL Chapter 82 上海行ってきた。古い街並みも残ってて良かったなあ。

JJL Chapter 83 左手の薬指を蜂に刺される初夢を見た。これは幸運なのかやばいのか。

JJL Chapter 84 今年はミントとかレモングラスとか鉢植えでハーブを育てるぞ!

JJL Chapter 85 新元号おめでとうございます。荒木家も新しい墓石にします。

JJL Chapter 86 The 2nd Sicario film was a masterpiece! I look forward to the third one! 「ボーダーライン」の2作目傑作だった!3作目が楽しみ!

JJL Chapter 87 Anyone else think it's dumb when a steakhouse gets you full off appetizers before the steak? 「ステーキ屋」でステーキの前の前菜でお腹一杯にさせるお店ってバカなの?

JJL Chapter 88 動画配信サービスに入った。おすすめの作品、何でこんなに僕の好みがわかるんだ?

JJL Chapter 89 初めて東京タワーに上った。改めて都心のどこからでも見える塔って凄いな。

JJL Chapter 90 今年はブヨにとにかくやられた。短パンで山行っちゃったから…。

Chapter Translation Original

JJL Chapter 91 コミックフェスでイタリアへ行きます。仕事だけどイタリア旅行は嬉しいな。

JJL Chapter 92 最近している運動はパワー・ブレート。頭のてっぺんまでブルブル。

JJL Chapter 93 食べたことのない食べ物。[マッサマンカレー]食べてみたい。食べるとなったら美味いヤツ。

JJL Chapter 94 謹賀新年。オリパラの前にJOJO展長崎と金沢があります。皆さま宜しくお願い致します。そして「ジョジョリオン」ね。

JJL Chapter 95 この3月は道路で遊ぶ人をよく見かけました。サッカーとかキャッチボールとかスケボーとか。僕は好き。

JJL Chapter 96 Even in this situation, manga artists are still drawing as usual. Everyone, please stay safe. こんな状況ですが、漫画家はいつも通り描いています。皆さん、お気をつけてお過ごしください。

JJL Chapter 97 I'm hard at work drawing, so you don't have to worry about me. Please continue to be careful, everyone. コツコツ描いてますので、私に関してはご心配なく。皆さんも引き続きお気をつけて。

JJL Chapter 98 忘れないようエコバッグとマスクを仕事場と自宅に置いてるけど毎回忘れて取りに戻る

JJL Chapter 99 電車ホームの一番隅にぼーっと立っている白いドレスの女性が。まさか自分だけに見えてる?美人の撮り鉄だった。

JJL Chapter 100 ZOOMってアプリでリモート導入しました!急に喋れなくなりました。

JJL Volume 1

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Hello. This is the beginning of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure "Part 8". I made the stage the fictitious town of "Morioh" from Part 4, a story I wrote a long time ago. But this, "Part 8" isn't linked to that story at all. The stage is the same "Morioh" of Japan, but this is a story about different inhabitants. Therefore, even if you haven't read "Part 4" or don't really remember it, or have no memory of it whatsoever, you'll be all right.  I really hope you enjoy it. And I send my regards and best wishes to all of you.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 2

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The "lion" in the title "JoJolion" means things like "blessed thing", "evangelistic", and "commemorative seal". It's a word from ancient Greek or something like that. By combining this word with "Jojo", I've meant for the title to signify the existence of the protagonist "Josuke" in this world. It's also used in the name of the tragic king in a Greek myth called "Pygmalion" as well as the Japanese animation "Evangelion", but I'm not sure if it has to do with the same idea.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 3

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Sometimes, I am confronted with a Cornelian dilemma such as "Which came first, the egg or the the chicken?"

Despite racking my brain over it, I never manage to find an answer. In that case, I prefer to decide on the answer myself (laugh). I tell myself "No doubt, the egg must have come first." And just like this, life comes in order and everything's fine again.

Huh? What is my point, you ask? Well... I forgot. Sorry!
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 4

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I think the season of "Anger" may have come. On the early-morning TV weather forecast, the weather man asks the audience "So, what do you think the highest temperature in Japan will be?" and then cuts to commercial! This is the morning when we're in a hurry trying to figure out what sorta outfit we should be leaving the house in, don't screw around! Moron. Are you a weatherman or some sort of entertainer? Are you a quiz show host or something?! I hate people that're vague like that! Maybe I'll just look up what the high for today is on the internet during the commercials and then I won't need you!
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 5

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There are some things I just kinda have fun drawing. Previously, I really enjoyed doing the character Polnareff's hairstyle, the original Josuke's hairstyle, Killer Queen's whole design, and Soft & Wet's ears. Those sort of drawings where you draw them up with a "swish swish", I go "Ooh!" from the impression it gives myself. This time, I have a lot of fun drawing Yasuho-chan's skirt and don't want to let anyone else draw it, but whenever I do draw it, I always think the flowers on the skirt have got to feel lumpy on her butt so she can't sit down. Are you okay, Yasuho? I'm a little worried.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 6

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This is kind of a negative topic. I've been thinking about what are some things I hate to hear people say to me. For those, the #1 worst is "What a long story." Not about manga. I just don't wanna be one of those kinds of adults. Ahaha. Then #2 "You're fixating on glorifying the past." WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man, I seriously don't want people saying that to me at ALL. #3 "I'm not using this charger anymore, do you want it?" #4 "I'm surprised you don't know of any good Sushi places." I know at least one beautiful place. And I'm using a brand-new cell phone, dangit! #5 "Have you gotten taller?" That's all.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 7

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There are some very creepy song lyrics, for instance London Bridge's lyrics or this children's tune Tōryanse: "Going in is easy, but returning is scary." As for me, I've recently been marked by the lyrics of this American folk ballad: Oh My Darling, Clementine. Clementine is the daughter of a miner. Light as a fairy, she drowns in a river and dies because of her big feet. The narrator, Clementine's father or maybe her lover, laments her passing until the day he kisses her little sister and forgets his dear Clementine. Oh my god! What the hell is that ending ?! What the heck is that guy playing at ?! In any case, it was a powerful song.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 8

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The place of your dreams... I am certain you do have one too, don't you? For my part I have a predilection about the ancient vestiges of the desert, or the beauty of an azure sea. And so, I put these on paper, in my mangas, driven by the irresistible wish to go there someday. And yet... When the opportunity to go presents itself to me, where goes my desire? I tell myself: What's the point to go there, why should I get so worked up? Finally I go there half-heartedly because it's part of my job. In fact I think that I hate travels. But of course, that's it, I only just realized that.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 9

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"If the world ended tomorrow, what would you have as your last meal?" I often asks this question. Everyone has their own answers and I have quite some fun with it. For my part, I would like to end my life with the "fried oysters" of a three-stars Japanese restaurant. But the chefs would surely have better things to do on this day than cooking for me. So, why not let myself be tempted by some "spaghetti with tomato sauce"? It's my mother's favorite recipe. As a child, I used to eat these softened pastas flavoured with some onions. But of course, that's what I needed! Well, I think I will make myself some of that for tomorrow's lunch.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 10

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"What is the second highest mountain of Japan?" Nobody can answer this question. Not even with a "Ah shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue..." nothing at all. Poor mountain. The answer was "Mt. Kita", which is 3193m high.

It stands at the second position in all of Japan, but it received nobody's attention. But what can you do? Mt. Fuji is so high, and everybody loves it.

Look at Mt. Kita's name, it looks like it's been chosen at random. Mt. Kita (北岳, Kita-dake) means "northern peak", so it must have been north of something... In short, we've seen better in the prestige department. Notice that Mt. Fuji also has the perfect look for a mountain so... If Mt. Kita had been the highest peak in Japan, people would perhaps not even acknowledge it. Or worse people would even have a grudge against it and even destroy it to take it down a notch. Well, Mt. Kita, you can count yourself lucky to be second place.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 11

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I'm a bit reluctant to say this, this isn't something I'm generally into, but one time when the opportunity arose, I went to a classical piano concert. I'm not going to write the pianist's name here, but let me just say, they were incredible. I ended up being moved in a way I never had before. I thought that classical meant interpreting great compositions and playing them with precision, but what I found there was what felt both like the pianist was treating the instrument as part of their body and doing battle with the instrument at the same time. I'm used to digital, programmed music, so I'd forgotten about this concept altogether. It almost made me question if I was still in the same day and age, but I was.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 12

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I made a set of personal standards to judge whether the things I see in life are OK or not OK. When I go to my office, I travel through a residential area where you can see a house that's got things hung to dry on the veranda. I don't know whether the owner of the house is elderly or young, but the washing pole is stuck straight through the sleeves of their shirts and the legs of their pants, and so on. That's not something you see too often... They also put their shoes on the handrail to dry after washing. Now, is this OK, or not OK? Verdict: OK! (Standards to be continued on the next volume)
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 13

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Is something okay? Is it not okay? My assessment depends on whether it enriches your life.

I have assessed drying your laundry on a washing pole to be okay. The reason being, whenever that house doesn't have their laundry hung up to dry on that pole, I get pretty disappointed and saddened by its absence. It makes me think, Hang up that laundry, guys. Please.

Conversely, what I think are not okay are houses that hang their christmas lights up by the window so other people can see them. Smugness is unpleasant. One of the factors of my assessment is smugness. In other words, smugness is not enriching.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 14

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I'm going to sound like a complete fanboy writing this but there are times when I hear music that makes me think, ”How is it that in the multiple decades I've been alive, I've never heard this incredibly talented person?”

Where have they been all my life that I've never even heard a thing about them? How did they stay hidden from me all this time? There are people out there that surprise me like this when I first get introduced to them. Names like Leonard Cohen and Curtis Mayfield.

Among them is a band called "CAN". And one song of theirs is called "Vitamin C", with vocals by Damo Suzuki. And for that reason, I named a villain character "Damo Kan" (note: the kanji for "Tamaki" is usually read "Kan")
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 15

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Current status... recently, I've fallen in love with going to parties. Though, I'm not really sure why. I'm just in that kind of a mood. On the other hand, I don't like travelling because it's seriously a lot of effort. I'm just in that kind of mood too.

When I was young, it was the opposite. I longed for other countries, and I wanted to go to places I didn't really even need to.

I used to hate going to parties, even though the same weird people there existed back then and still exist now. Is there some causative relationship here? If I'm invited to a party in another country, what should I do?
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 16

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I've always wanted a tree house. Like those hideouts American kids build in their huge back yards, where they play poker and stuff. I used to be so jealous of them.

But, nowadays, what I dream about is a lift house, where you live on an aerial lift in the mountains.

It would be ultra high-tech, and everything would be electronic. You can move around on the cables, and you've got everything you need right there. Mamezuku is living the life! He can harvest his crops while he's right above them, and then cook them on the spot. That's the life! Mamezuku, please invite me over.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 17

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I won't mention any titles, but the fact that we've had several good horror movies recently doesn’t just make me happy, it makes me feel relieved. By "good" here, I mean "scary". Horror movies can be made on low budgets, without needing any big-name stars. And, if they’re R-rated, they can be made with a large degree of creative freedom. They have the same spirit as rebellious rock music. Horror is an expression of society's anxiety, so you can really clearly tell the talent of the people who worked on it when you see one. That sort of movie being "good" means our society’s culture and its spirit are not stagnate, but rather constantly developing. That’s why a good horror movie both relieves me and makes me happy.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 18

Author's Note
Me: What are you going to do now?

Dentist: I'm going to perform treatment on your cavity.
Me: Uh huh. Okay.
I went to the dentist, and I don't know much about this, but do conversations with your dentist normally go like this? I was wondering, could I possibly have cavities? So,

I went to the dentist, and that's how it happened. What are they going to do to me? I wanted to know so I could make mental preparations. After this conversation, I got my cavity drilled, filled, and treated."
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 19

Author's Note
Regarding a recent mystery: I have a younger sister (50s), and apparently she fell and broke her leg. Was it minor? Was she severely hurt? I had no idea, and then my sister said she wouldn't be attending an Araki family celebration, so I called her and asked, "Is your leg okay?" and my sister responded, "Ufu." Just that. What in the world? Why couldn't she give me an answer? This sister has a daughter in her 20s, so I asked her, "How is your mom's leg doing?" and she responded, "Ufu." Just that. Are they telling me to use my imagination to discern the hidden meaning behind "Ufu?" What is "Ufu"?
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 20

Author's Note
"Believe in yourself! I know you can do it!" doesn't seem to be something anyone's ever thought about me as child.

For certain reasons, I was at the hospital and had to have a suppository put into me. "I'll do it myself", I'd said. But then a nurse with a pretty cute face said to me, "No, I'll do it", as she put on her rubber gloves with a snap.

I've been thinking about my childhood. Suppositories always made fevers go down quick, so even if I yelled "I can do it!" I would be told "No, your father will do it". Why does everybody want to put suppositories into me so bad? Like, what? Is the rate of "pew & roll" on the floor really that high?
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 21

Author's Note
In Europe, countries like France or Italy apparently don't use the "H" sound very much, so they can't really say "HIROHIKO" (ヒロヒコ).

It'd be "IROIKO" (イロイコ) or "EROIKO" (エロイコ). Wait..."EROIKO" (エロい子)? (Translates to "sexy young man" in Japanese).

"EROIKO ARAKI". Well, that's not too bad. I'm satisfied. No...Actually, it sounds pretty cool now that i think about it...
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 22

Author's Note
For the first time in a long time, I took a trip around historical locations in Italy such as Florence and Lucca. I always enjoy traveling there. When I thought about why I like it so much, I decided that it must be because I can sense the rise and fall of humanity in those places. On my journey this time, I wondered about the sculptors and painters who stopped midway through their creations, and thought: Why did they stop? It really moved me. Or an architectual structure where a woman married a rich man who later fell to ruin. It's sad. And the fact that many people come from all over the world to view these spots is also great.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 23

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
The piece of music that expresses the greatest feeling of happiness in this world is "Sleep Walk" (a song by Santo & Johnny)! I don't mean a sense of euphoria, like a rush of excitement or anything. It's more of a relaxed peace, as if you were pretending to fish with your best friends in your healthy childhood, when you had no worries and not a care in the world. What a happy guitar tone. It truly is No. 1. But it's too much happiness, so now that the song is over and I've returned to reality, I feel so depressed. Well, what I'm trying to say is that I feel the same way as usual. That's all.
この世で最大最高の幸福感を表現した音楽って「SLEEP WALK」(曲・サント&ジョニー)という曲に決定!! イケイケ盛り上がりという幸福感ではなんて。何の悩みも世間からの妨害も無かった健康な子供時代に、仲良しの友人と釣りして遊んでいるかのような、ゆったりとした穏やかさ。なんという幸福感に包まれるギターの音色。本当No.1。

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