When Johnny and Gyro flee and move away from the Boombooms, they notice the magnetism has weakened. They opt to ride to the next water point. Before they go too far, Benjamin shoots through Andre and manages to get some of his blood on Johnny. Benjamin, revealing that the family got their power by crossing a cursed place, decides to trick Mountain Tim who has been in fact pursuing them unknowingly and uses his power to disguise himself as Johnny. Confronting Tim and fighting him briefly, Tim revealing at the same time his power of shifting body parts through his lasso Oh! Lonesome Me, Benjamin plants some of his blood into him and flee. He plans to have Tim pursue Johnny and Gyro and kill all three when the magnetism starts between them.
Author's Comment

I was given a bottle of very expensive wine, but when I took it with me for use on a trip, it ended up breaking open.