Prisoner 27

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I'm lying through my teeth. I'm prisoner 27, just going through the motions and pleading my innocence, as any other prisoner would... But although I might lie myself, I hate being lied to.

Prisoner 27 (囚人27号, Shūjin Niju Nana-gō) is the unnamed protagonist of the one-shot Under Execution, Under Jailbreak.

Sentenced to execution, the prisoner unknowingly finds himself in a bizarre cell filled with traps.


The prisoner is a tan young man of muscular build. He has short hair combed into multiple small spikes pointing upward. Each of his ears has a round nick in the side. During his trial he dons a buttoned suit, and he wears a buttoned prisoner uniform with the number 27 marked on his left breast while in his cell.

When fifty years pass during his imprisonment, he is visibly aged and wrinkly.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Pages
Skin(Medium, green lipstick)
Hair(Golden yellow)
(Blue green suit with golden yellow pockets and collars)
Prisoner uniform
(Golden yellow uniform with light yellow green buttons and prisoner number patch and brown shoes)


Prisoner 27 is an eccentric individual showing little concern for the lives of others, having been sentenced for murder. Despite having no qualms about lying to others, the prisoner despises being lied to as he views it as an immense sign of disrespect and takes this belief to an extreme.

Even though he is impulsive, the prisoner is clever to a degree, being capable of avoiding certain death in his execution room. He becomes confident in his ability to escape, yet remained in his cell for 50 years.



At some point before his imprisonment, he found out he was missing some money while lying in bed. He asked the girl with him for an explanation, but she claimed to know nothing about it. According to the prisoner he would've been more than willing to forgive the theft since he has always stolen from his mother in the past, but he ultimately murdered her by bashing her head several times in retaliation to being lied to.

Under Execution, Under Jailbreak

Sentenced to death

At his trial, the court sentences the punishment for his crime: the death penalty. The criminal is taken to jail, where he waits for his execution.

Once in his cell, he screams for his innocence but to no response. He proceeds to look around his abnormally dark cell and is stung by bees after turning the lights on. The room is revealed to be strangely luxurious and comfortable, and his subsequent investigation leads him to fall victim to a trap involving sharp fish bones which stab his face and a rigged chair which stabs his rear. After angrily tossing a spork at the wall, he uncovers that one of the cell walls is unusually weak and tries to dig a way out. Unfortunately, the weak wall is another trap that causes him to severely injure his hand in a meat grinder behind the wall. He finally concludes that his cell must be his method of execution.

The prisoner falls to the floor in pain and is snagged by nails, which are coated with a burning acid. Managing to escape the nails, he lands on the sofa which entangles him in wires. Noticing a switch being pulled by mice via a chunk of meat, he realizes the sofa is an electric chair and manages to lure some of them away and gain time to escape by cutting the rest of his right hand's fingers off. The chair then explodes, creating a small hole in the cell wall that leads outside. Enlarging the hole with the meat grinder, the prisoner believes himself to have finally won an escape before noticing a gap in the wall. Concluding that it must be a groove for a hidden blade to decapitate him, he stays in his cell.

Prisoner 27 is never executed even fifty years later and stays in his cell, staring at the outside beyond the wall. Even as an old man, he swears that one day he will somehow find a way to escape.[1]

Under Execution, Under Jailbreak (Play)

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

The man is sentenced to death and imprisoned. However, the room he finds himself in is too strange to be called a prison. As soon as the man begins his life there, everything in the room begins trying to execute him. While struggling to escape, the man eventually climbs onto a yacht floating in the ocean. He sees the illusion of the woman he killed, and a cat staring at the sin he committed.


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  • I'm innocent! Innocent, I tell you! I haven't done anything wrong!! There must be some mistake! (オレは無実だあーーッ 無実なんだァーーーーッ オレは何もやってねーーーーッーーーー! なにかの間違いなんだーーッ!)
  • I'm lying through my teeth. I'm prisoner 27, just going through the motions and pleading my innocence, as any other prisoner would... But although I might lie myself, I hate being lied to. (オレのこのセリフはウソ(・・)さ… オレは囚人27号罪人の誰もがこんなとき叫ぶようにとりあえず形式どおり「無実」だって叫んでいるだけさ でもよ… オレはウソをつくかもしれないが(・・・・・・・・・・・) ウソをつかれるのは(・・・・・・・・・)大嫌いだ)
  • It's the same as back then. When I was putting on my pants in front of the futon in my apartment, I noticed that the wallet in my back pocket was missing a 10,000-yen bill. The girl in the bathroom—she said she was 20, but I knew better—pretended not to know where it went. I'd forgiven her for stealing the money from my wallet; it's not like I didn't steal from my mother's wallet when I was a kid, too. But I couldn't forgive her for playing dumb. (あん時もそうさ オレのアパートの部屋の万年床の前でズボンをはいてるとケツのポケットの財布に万札が一枚たりないのに気づいた 便所に入ってた女は――――(ハタチだと年齢ごまかしてた女だけど)――「知らない」とスっとぼけやがった オレの財布からカネを盗ったのはゆるす――オレもガキの頃よく母親のサイフから金をくすねたもんだからな しかし スっとぼけたのはゆるさない)
  • That's why I hit that stupid 16-year-old 17 times with an ashtray... No, wait, it might've been a 17-year-old I hit 16 times... Well, regardless, lying to someone means you're looking down on them! Who the hell do you think you are? That's why I split your brain open all over the CRT, you dumb bitch! (だから灰皿で17発殴ってやつたのさ 16のガキのくせにオレをだまそうとしやがって……………………… いや…灰皿で16発ガキの年齢が17だったかな………… ま…とにかくウソ(・・)をつくってのは人を見下した行為だ! 何様のつもりだ だから脳ミソをテレビのブラウン管にぶちまけることになったんだボケ女め!)
  • Bees!!! They're bees!!! Why is there a bee nest under the light switch?!
  • Meh! It's edible, alright... And I'm hungry, too... Might as well starting eating...
  • Are you making fun of me?!
  • This is not a normal cell!!! This is an execution room!!!
  • Ah! I did it! It leads outside! I can escape from here! I win!
  • But... although I might deceive people myself, I hate being deceived. I'm not going to fall for the tricks of those dumbasses trying to execute me. (だが…… オレは…人をだますかもしれないがだまされるのは大嫌いだ オレを「処刑」しようとしているヤツらめ…もー てめーらのたりねえオツムにひっかかるもんかよ)
  • Though, when winter ends and it gets all warm and sunny outside, and the rapeseed flowers bloom in the fields, and butterflies take flight... When I see it all from my hole, there are times when I think, "Maybe I should just go outside? Should I or shouldn't I?" (でも 冬が終わってポカポカ陽気で畑に菜の花が咲きみだれて蝶なんかが飛んでるのを 「穴」から見られる日には おもいきって外に出てみようかな?どうしようかな?なあーーんて思うときもある)
  • It's been 50 years now since my execution began... I'm still staring out of my hole in the wall. One of these days, I'll break out of here... Just you wait, idiots! (処刑されはじめてから50年… オレはずっと穴から外を見ている いつか脱獄してやる…ざまあみろボケなすどもめ)




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