The Grateful Dead/fr

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< The Grateful Dead
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Template:Stand Info/fr

The Grateful Dead (ザ・グレイトフル・デッド, Za Gureitofuru Deddo) est le Stand de Prosciutto figurant dans Vento Aureo. Il a le pouvoir de faire vieillir toute personne autour de lui.


The Grateful Dead (2).png

The Grateful Dead est un Stand vaguement humanoïde, ayant une moitié haute du corps normal, mais il n'a rien que des tentacules en-dessous du torse et marche avec ses bras. Son corps est couvert d'yeux et il en a cinq rien que sur la tête. The Grateful Dead n'a pas de bouche. Ses mains ont quatre gros doigts segmenté. Les yeux couvrant The Grateful Dead lui donnent l'allure d'un yokai. Araki avait initialement donné à The Grateful Dead des jambes, mais a décidé de les retirer.[1]

The Grateful Dead dégage une légère brume, mais on ne sait pas si cette brume est liée à son pouvoir.[2] Dans l'anime, on sous-entend qu'ils sont liés alors que Pesci sursaute de peur dès qu'il voit la brume de The Grateful Dead.

Dans la version digitale couleur du manga, The Grateful Dead est violet avec des yeux jaunes et des doigts orange. Dans le jeu PS2, sa palette est la même, mais la plaque couvrant sa bouche est jaune.

Dans l'anime, son corps est bleu clair avec des parties violettes, et il a des yeux verts aux pupilles jaunes. L'anime rend ses doigts un peu plus crochus, leur donnant une apparence de griffes.

Au contraire de la plupart des Stands qui flottent, on voit The Grateful Dead marcher directement sur le sol avec ses mains.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurGioGio (PS2)Anime
(Corps violet, doigts couleur bronze, tentacules grises)
Yeux(Yeux jaunes, iris rouges)
(Corps violet clair, doigts oranges, tentacules grises)
Yeux(Yeux jaunes, iris oranges)
(Corps bleu clair, doigts et tentacules violets)
Yeux(Yeux verts, irises jaunes)


The Grateful Dead's greatest asset is its ability to forcefully age people over a large area, a terrifying power because of its potential for a massacre.

Thankfully the aging can be slowed, and while The Grateful Dead isn't weak, it isn't a match for other close range Stands like Sticky Fingers.

Accelerated Aging

The Grateful Dead has the ability to cause organisms to age physically and mentally at an accelerated rate.[2]

There are two ways The Grateful Dead can deploy its power. The first mode is to spread the aging over a large area and indiscriminately attack friends and foes, which is dangerous for Prosciutto's companions.[2] The second mode is to direct its power precisely by grabbing someone, in which case the aging is faster than one can react.[3] The activation of this ability manifests itself as mist spreading from The Grateful Dead although it is unknown if the mist is directly connected to the aging.

Narancia becomes a sick old man

When under the effect of The Grateful Dead, people age rapidly with all the effects it implies: their skin develops wrinkles, their teeth begin to fall out, the tips of the limbs start to necrose, the bones and joints shrink, and their cognitive ability is reduced.[2][4] Infants would succumb to the effect of "aging", with their skin wrinkling and hair falling out, rather than merely growing into an adult quickly. Even fruits and flower wither and dry up.[2][5]

Because the spirit is also aged by The Grateful Dead, enemy Stands are also weakened. Their power and stamina are sapped,[3] and even a powerful close-range Stand like Sticky Fingers can become slower than the rather slow The Grateful Dead.[6]

Prosciutto disguising himself as an old man to shield Pesci.

Prosciutto is normally immune to The Grateful Dead and can stay young inside its range. However, he can freely toggle the aging on himself, notably fooling Mista into thinking he's a mere civilian.[3]

The rate at which people age is dependent on their body heat. The warmer one's body is, the faster they age. Because of minute differences between men and women's bodies, women also age more slowly.[4] Thus things warming the body like intense physical activity will accelerate the aging[7] but exposure to cold, like ingesting ice, will counter and reverse The Grateful Dead's power immediately,[4] although both effects balance themselves and insufficient coldness will not have an effect.[7]

Chapters / Episodes

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


See also


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