Eyes of Heaven ★ JoJo Glossary

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The Eyes of Heaven JoJo Glossary (ジョジョ辞典, JoJo Jiten) is the seventh mode on the Mode Select screen. This mode provides brief explanations for various characters, Stands, locations, items, and phenomena from throughout the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. This page lists all of the entries in the Glossary and their respective definitions.

Due to innacuracies and missing information in the English localization of the game, the English definitions on this page are modified to fit closer to the original Japanese definitions.

SPOILER WARNING: Part 1-8 and Eyes of Heaven spoiler details may follow.

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Part 1: Phantom Blood

A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. One of the thugs who lurk in the Ogre Street slums of London. He attacked Jonathan along with Speedwagon and the Kempo Fighter, but was defeated. Afterwards, he was present in the steam car that Speedwagon used to visit Jonathan in the hospital, and also saw off Jonathan and Erina as they left for their honeymoon.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. One of the thugs who lurk in the Ogre Street slums of London. He attacked Jonathan along with Speedwagon and the Asian man, but was defeated. Afterwards, he was present in the steam car that Speedwagon used to visit Jonathan in the hospital, and also saw off Jonathan and Erina as they left for their honeymoon.
Erina PB Infobox Manga.png
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. Maiden Name: Pendleton. During her honeymoon, Dio attacked the ship on which she was a passenger, but thanks to Jonathan's sacrifice she was able to escape from the ship and drift to safety.[1] In Part 2: Battle Tendency, she appears as Joseph's grandmother.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. Maiden Name: Pendleton. During her honeymoon, Dio attacked the ship on which she was a passenger. It was only thanks to Jonathan's sacrifice that she was able to escape from the ship and drift to safety. In Part 2: Battle Tendency, she appears as Joseph's grandmother.
The guardian spirit of the Joestar family. After Dio transformed into a vampire, Jonathan stabbed him in the heart with this statue and paralyzed him.
The guardian spirit of the Joestar house. After Dio transformed into a vampire, Jonathan stabbed him in the heart with this statue and paralyzed him.
EoH Guide Chara George.png
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. Jonathan's father. A noble, compassionate, kind-hearted English gentleman. After Dario Brando tricked George into believing that he owed the man something, he adopted Dio into his family, and died protecting his son from Dio's blade.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. Jonathan's father. A noble, compassionate, kind-hearted English gentleman. After Dario Brando tricked George into believing that he owed the man something, he adopted Dio into his family, and died protecting his son from Dio's blade.
The house where Jonathan — the main character of Part 1: Phantom Blood — was born. Jonathan spent his youth in this house along with Dio. Statue of the Goddess of Love stands to the side of the entrance hall stairway.
The house where Jonathan—the main character of Part 1: Phantom Blood—was born. Jonathan spent his youth in this house along with Dio. The Goddess of Love Statue stands to the side of the entrance hall stairway.
The main character of Part 1: Phantom Blood. A proud English gentleman. After Dio activated the powers of the Stone Mask, Jonathan learned the Ripple breathing technique from Zeppeli and managed to defeat Dio in battle. Afterwards, Dio's head attacked him while he was on his honeymoon, and the two fell into a watery grave together.[1]
The main character of Part 1: Phantom Blood. A proud English gentleman. After Dio activated the powers of the Stone Mask, Jonathan learned the Hamon Breath technique from Zeppeli and managed to defeat Dio in battle. Afterwards, Dio's head attacked him while he was on his honeymoon, and the two fell into a watery grave together.
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. One of the Ripple warriors who came to help Zeppeli. He used his Thunder Split Attack to test Jonathan, who passed with flying colors. During the battle with Dio, he used his Thunder Cross Split Attack, but fell prey to Dio's Vaporizing Freeze. However, the Ripple-powered rose attack he launched just before he died assisted Jonathan in defeating Dio.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. One of the Hamon warriors who came to help Zeppeli. He used his Thunder Split Attack to test Jonathan, who passed with flying colors. During the battle with Dio, he used his Thunder Cross Split Attack, but fell prey to Dio's Vaporizing Freeze. However, the Hamon-powered rose attack he launched just before he died assisted Jonathan in defeating Dio.[1]
One of Zeppeli's Ripple techniques. He used this to pass his life energy to Jonathan.
One of Zeppeli's Hamon techniques. He used this to pass his life energy to Jonathan.
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. He activated the power of the Stone Mask and used it to transform into a vampire. Afterwards, he plotted to take over the world, but was defeated by Jonathan and his Ripple techniques. Later, his head attacked Jonathan and managed to fatally wound him. Soon after, the ship they were on exploded and sunk to the bottom of the sea, where he slept in a coffin for 100 years.[1]
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. He activated the power of The Stone Mask and used it to transform into a vampire. Afterwards, he plotted to take over the world, but was defeated by Jonathan and his Hamon techniques. Later, his head attacked Jonathan and managed to fatally wound him. Soon after, the ship they were on exploded and sunk to the bottom of the sea, where he slept in a coffin for 100 years.
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. This monk underwent Ripple training in a temple located deep in the mountains of Tibet, and later became Zeppeli's master. He can see the future of any person whose hand he holds. After receiving a letter from Zeppeli, he journeyed to Windknight's Lot with Dire and Straizo.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. This monk underwent Hamon training in a temple located deep in the mountains of Tibet, and later became Zeppeli's master. He can see the future of any person whose hand he holds. After receiving a letter from Zeppeli, he journeyed to Wind Knights' Lot with Dire and Straits.
A character from Part 1: Phantom Blood. A guileless roughneck, he is friendly and caring. He fought and was defeated by Jonathan in the London slums, but fell in love with the man's gentlemanly personality and became his best friend. Long after, he struck oil and became a world-class millionaire, and used those funds to establish the Speedwagon Foundation.
Appears in Part 1: Phantom Blood. A guileless roughneck who can't resist meddling in people's affairs. He fought and was defeated by Jonathan in the London slums, but fell in love with the man's gentlemanly personality and became his best friend. Long after, he struck oil and became a world-class millionaire, and used those funds to establish the Speedwagon Foundation.
Will frog.png
A special breathing technique that allows the user to store life energy in their blood. In Asia, it's known as Sendo. Since life energy is the same type of wavelength as sunlight, it has the power to destroy vampires and Pillar Men.
A special breathing technique that allows the user to store life energy in their blood. In Asia, it's known as "Sendo." Since life energy is the same type of wavelength as sunlight, it has the power to destroy vampires and Pillar Men.

Part 2: Battle Tendency

A mask used in an ancient Aztec blood ritual. When blood touches it, several bone spikes shoot out from inside. It has the power to stimulate the wearer's brain and turn them into a vampire.
A mask used in an ancient Aztec blood ritual. When blood touches it, several bone spikes shoot out from inside. It has the power to stimulate the wearer's brain and turn them into a vampire.
アステカ文明の『血の儀式』で使用されていた仮面。 血液が付着すると複数の骨針が飛び出す仕掛けになっており、 着用者の脳を刺激して『吸血鬼』へと変化させる。
Appears in Part 2: Battle Tendency. An island that lies 30 minutes northeast of Venice. Lisa Lisa has claimed the entire island as her home, and used it as a Ripple training ground for Joseph and Caesar.
Appears in Part 2: Battle Tendency. An island that lies 30 minutes northeast of Venice. Lisa Lisa has claimed the entire island as her home, and used it as a Hamon training ground for Joseph and Caesar.
Part2『戦闘潮流』にて登場。 ヴェネチアから北東に船で30分のところにある島。 島全体がリサリサの館となっており、 ジョセフとシーザーの波紋修行の場として使われた。
A ruby-colored perfect gemstone that can trap light and refract it hundreds of millions of times before firing it like a laser. Once owned by a Roman Emperor, this "Super Aja" is capable of turning the Pillar Men into Ultimate Things.
A ruby-colored perfect gemstone that can trap light and refract it hundreds of millions of times before firing it like a laser. Once owned by a Roman Emperor, this "Super Aja" is capable of turning the Pillar Men into Ultimate Life Forms.
ルビーのように紅い宝石。 その内部に入った光は何億回という回数を石の中で反射し続け、 レーザーのように放射される。 ローマ皇帝が所有していた『スーパー・エイジャ』は 一点の曇りのない完全なる赤石であり、 『柱の男』を究極生命体にするためのパワーを秘めている。
A character from Part 2: Battle Tendency. One of the Pillar Men. Fighting Style: Flame Mode. He is very impulsive, and cries profusely in order to keep his emotions under control. After killing Loggins, he managed to corner Joseph, who ended up defeating him. He managed to deliver the Red Stone of Aja to Switzerland—where Kars was lying in wait—despite losing his body and becoming nothing more than a brain.
Appears in Part 2: Battle Tendency. One of the Pillar Men. Fighting Style: Flame Mode. He is very impulsive, and cries profusely in order to keep his emotions under control. After killing Loggs, he managed to corner Joseph, who ended up defeating him. He managed to deliver the Red Stone of Aja to Sweden—where Kars was lying in wait—despite losing his body and becoming nothing more than a brain.
Part2『戦闘潮流』の登場人物。 『柱の男』の一人。熱を操る流法(モード)を使う。 直情的な性格ゆえに、号泣することで感情をコントロールする。 ロギンズを殺害し、ジョセフを追いつめるが敗北した。 しかし、肉体を失って脳だけになりながらも、 『エイジャの赤石』をカーズの潜伏するスイスへと郵送した。

Eyes of Heaven

Eyes of Heaven...a phrase that refers to the stars in the sky, when people still believed the stars were holes from which heavenly light came pouring through.
Eyes of Heaven...a phrase that refers to the stars in the sky, when people still believed the stars were holes from which heavenly light came pouring through.
『Eyes of Heaven』――「星」のことを指す言葉。 空に天国があると信じられた時代、 「星」とは地上を覗く穴から光が漏れたものと 考えられていたことから。
A dark world created by DIO, Gone to Heaven. Inside it a black sun shines, and black meteorites shoot across the sky. When DIO, Gone to Heaven invaded the main world, he trapped Jotaro and the others in this bizarre dimension.
A dark world created by DIO, Gone to Heaven. Inside it a black sun shines, and black meteorites shoot across the sky. When DIO, Gone to Heaven invaded the main world, he trapped Jotaro and the others in this bizarre dimension.
『天国に到達したDIO』が創りだした異空間。 暗黒の太陽が輝き、黒い流星が流れる闇の世界。 『天国に到達したDIO』が『基本世界』に侵入した際、 承太郎たちをその異様な空間に包みこんだ。
DIO, Gone to Heaven's Stand. It uses an immense amount of soul energy to overwrite reality as DIO pleases. This allowed DIO to revive dead people such as Kakyoin and Cool Ice and make them underlings who could assist him in his invasion of the main world.
DIO, Gone to Heaven's Stand. It uses an immense amount of soul energy to overwrite reality as DIO pleases. This allowed DIO to revive dead people such as Kakyoin and Cool Ice and make them underlings who could assist him in his invasion of the main world.
『天国に到達したDIO』のスタンド。 莫大な『魂』のエネルギーと引き換えに、 望むままに『真実』を『上書き』することができる。 死亡したはずの花京院たちやヴァニラ・アイスらを復活させ、 自らの下僕(しもべ)にし、『基本世界』への侵略の足がかりとした。
The evolved form of Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum. During the battle with DIO, Gone to Heaven, Jotaro acquired the ability to overwrite reality and used it to defeat DIO once and for all. As a result, all the anomalies disappeared, the world reverted back to normal, and Jotaro lost his Over Heaven power.
The evolved form of Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum. During the battle with DIO, Gone to Heaven, Jotaro acquired the ability to overwrite reality and used it to defeat DIO once and for all. As a result, all the anomalies disappeared, the world reverted back to normal, and Jotaro lost his Over Heaven power.
空条承太郎の『スタープラチナ』が進化したスタンド。 『天国に到達したDIO』との闘いの中で、 『真実』を『上書き』する能力に目醒めた承太郎は その力を駆使し、『天国に到達したDIO』を打ち倒すことができた。 その結果、『異変』に見舞われた世界は元に戻り、 オーバーヘブンの力も失われた。
The armlet that main world DIO wore. Jotaro found it on the Cairo Overpass and used it as his secret weapon to defeat DIO, Gone to Heaven.
The armlet that main world DIO wore. Jotaro found it on the Cairo Overpass and used it as his secret weapon to defeat DIO, Gone to Heaven.
『基本世界』のDIOが身に着けていた腕輪。 カイロ陸橋に辿りついた承太郎が発見した。 『天国に到達したDIO』を倒すための『切り札』となる。
A note written by DIO that explains how to get to Heaven. After the final battle with DIO, Jotaro found it and burned it up due to how dangerous it seemed.
A note written by DIO that explains how to get to Heaven. After the final battle with DIO, Jotaro found it and burned it up due to how dangerous it seemed.
DIOが書き残した、『天国』へ行く方法を記したノート。 DIOとの決戦後、承太郎によって発見されたが、 彼はその内容を危険視して焼却した。
A DIO from an alternate world. In his dimension, he defeated the Joestars and conquered the world. Afterwards, he met Valentine, who was trying to escape from Johnny's Eternal Spin. He learned about the main world from this encounter, and decided to invade it. He is the one who caused all the anomalies.
A DIO from an alternate world. In his dimension, he defeated the Joestars and conquered the world. Afterwards, he met Valentine, who was trying to escape from Johnny's Eternal Spin. He learned about the main world from this encounter, and decided to invade it. He is the one who caused all the anomalies.
『並行世界』の一つからやってきたDIO。 そこではジョースター一行を返り討ちにし、支配者となっていた。 ジョニィの『無限の回転』から逃げ続けるヴァレンタインと出会い、 『基本世界』の存在を知って、『基本世界』への侵略を開始する。 その影響で多くの『世界』が『異変』に見舞われた。
A strange phenomenon caused by the Holy Corpse. By entering Light Rifts, Jotaro and his allies can travel to different ages, but only certain people can enter certain Rifts.
A strange phenomenon caused by the Holy Corpse. By entering Light Rifts, Jotaro and his allies can travel to different ages, but only certain people can enter certain Rifts.
『聖なる遺体』が生み出す謎の現象。 『光のヒビ』に入ることによって、 承太郎たちは別の『時代』に移動することができるが、 行き先の『時代』によって、入る人間を選ぶこともある。

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