Having voiced Jonathan in the Phantom Blood anime, Kazuyuki Okitsu reprises his role for this game and would continue to do so for future JoJo media featuring Jonathan as well.
Jonathan uses the Ripple (波紋, Hamōn) Battle Style, using various Ripple moves from his appearance in Phantom Blood.
As the first and original JoJo, Jonathan is understandably designed as a balanced, beginner-friendly character, embodying the "Shoto" archetype. As such, he carries with him intuitive, hallmark moves of the archetype such as a projectile, a rising anti-air/reversal attack, and a forward-moving attack that hits multiple times, among other abilities. This makes him reliable and easy to grasp to those familiar. Due to being a Ripple user, Jonathan's special skills offer more damage and combo extensions when enhanced. With Ripple-enhanced skills, Jonathan has a wealth of methods to power through attacks and knock his opponent into the air for generous follow-up potential, and when applied together, lengthier and higher-damage combos come naturally to him.
However, Jonathan predictably struggles at range especially against Stand users, requiring him to extend himself well into other characters' ranges to battle, although some of his moves help alleviate this. He also lacks any special movement options, rendering his maneuverability somewhat limited despite excelling at close combat. Jonathan's biggest weakness is a reliance on Heart Heat, as he tends to suffer more than other Ripple Users due to his short range and lack of strong combos in the absence of Ripple-enhanced abilities.
Overall, Jonathan is an effective well-rounded character leaning towards close-ranged high offense, and with good management of Heart Heat, his damage output and other capabilities will remain steadfast. Should he have a surplus of Heart Heat to spend, Jonathan may secure himself a chance to make a comeback during a losing battle. With a set of familiar moves that facilitate a consistent playstyle, he is a reliable character for both neophyte and veteran fighting game players alike.
Command List
Ripple Breath
Jonathan breathes out to produce the Ripple, charging his Heart Heat Gauge.
Zoom Punch
Jonathan hyperextends his arm and punches with greatly increased range. A command normal that can chain into any of his skills.
If Light is inputted, the punch is aimed upwards as an anti-air attack.
If Medium is inputted, the punch is delivered straight, and causes the opponent to crumple. (Comboable)
Jonathan lunges forward shoulder-first. If not blocked, the opponent is sent flying into the stage wall and into a hard knockdown. A command normal that can chain into any of Jonathan's skills, though Scarlet Overdrive has the best chance of landing.
This is my final Ripple!
x2 + 3 ATK Buttons (Consumes Heart Heat Gauge)
At any point during the round, Jonathan can spend a stock of his Heart Heat Gauge to initiate this move, which allows him to automatically rise again with a small amount of health after his health initially depletes to zero. Once risen, he gains increased attack power and defense, and all of his skills are permanently Ripple-enhanced. However, his Heart Heat Gauge is disabled entirely.
If he's struck by "Kosaku Kawajiri's" GHA, Bites The Dust when this skill is activated, Jonathan will lose its effects but regain access to his HHG in turn, assuming he has enough health to survive.
Rumble Mode
Activates once at 25% health
Attack damage is increased and the Guard and Heart Heat Gauges fill faster.
I will protect my father!
2 ATK buttons at close range or
Jonathan lifts the opponent up by one hand, holds them over his head, and throws them to the ground.
Sendo Ripple Overdrive
+ ///
Jonathan punches the ground and sends a forward-moving wave of Ripple energy along the ground in a low projectile attack. The Attack button inputted determines the speed and distance of the wave. This skill deals more damage and will knock the opponent into the air if Ripple-enhanced. (Flash Cancel comboable normally; Ripple-enhanced comboable freely)
Overdrive Barrage
+ ///
Jonathan slides forward and delivers a rapid punch barrage, finishing with a small uppercut that pushes the opponent away. The Attack button inputted determines the number of punches delivered. This move deals more damage and knocks the opponent into the air with a the final uppercut if Ripple-enhanced (Ripple-enhanced Comboable).
This move is able to initiate a Rush Mode struggle with Power-Type Stand users, making Jonathan the only non-Stand-Style character to be able to do so.
Scarlet Overdrive
+ ///
Jonathan delivers a sudden short body blow immediately followed by a flaming rising uppercut with the other fist, in a classic "Shoryuken"-style move, doubling as both a reversal and an anti-air attack. This move cannot be Flash-Cancelled once Jonathan leaves the ground. The opponent will fly higher and take more damage if Ripple-enhanced. (Comboable)
Jonathan leaps forward, sword in both hands, and unleashes three slashes, with the final downward swing knocking the opponent into a ground-bounce. The first hit is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching (Flash Cancel comboable). If the move is Ripple-enhanced, its damage is increased and Jonathan gains super armor during the whole move, allowing him to shrug off non-throws/HHA/GHA attacks.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
Who'll be the last one standing?!
+ 2 ATK Buttons
Jonathan spins as his hands are engulfed in flames, before diving forward, both fists extended. If the opponent is hit, the two-handed Scarlet Overdrive will strike them in the abdomen, Jonathan punching through them with a fiery Ripple-charged fist. He then follows up with second pulse of the Ripple to send them flying.
Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
+ 3 ATK Buttons or
Jonathan readies his body with the power of the Ripple before delivering a very fast kick. If the kick lands, the opponent is lifted off the ground as it hits squarely in their abdomen. Jonathan proceeds to pummel them at different angles and knock them into the air with an uppercut, all while reciting his signature lines. After charging up an immense amount of Ripple energy, Jonathan unleashes a relentless flurry of punches into the opponent as they fall towards him, ending with them spiraling away after a two-handed crossing punch.
800 G, Glossary: George Joestar I, Jonathan Joestar, Will A. Zeppeli
Special Conditions
The enemy's Heart Heat Gauge fills over time.
Secret Missions
1. Use the "Ripple Breath" Style Action. (1000 G) 2. Land a Ripple-enhanced skill. (1000 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: Wha?! While still sitting? How can you jump so high with just your knees!? Zeppeli: You did well to survive! But the "Stone Mask Man" lives as well!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: What?! You mean Dio is... Dio is still alive?!
Defeat Dialogue
Zeppeli: I am Baron Zeppeli. It takes more than courage to beat the power of the Stone Mask!
Dio Brando playable (on all stages), Part 1 Another Battle, "End of Part 1" BGM, Part 1 Special Illustration, Glossary: Dio's Castle, Dire, Wang Chan
Special Conditions
The enemy's attack power is increased.
Secret Missions
1. Land a First Attack. (1000 G) 2. Land the "The Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill. (1000 G) 3. Win a round with a Heart Heat Attack. (Jonathan Joestar Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Dio: I'll wring every last bit of life out of you! Jonathan: I'll cleanse the world of your filth!
Victory Dialogue
Jonathan: You must be annihilated, Dio!
Defeat Dialogue
Dio: Come, JoJo! Accept my vampire extract, and become my newest slave!
1. Use the "Seated Jump" special. (1000 G) 2. Land the "Pow!" throw. (1000 G)
Entrance Dialogue
Jonathan: Wha?! While still sitting? How can you jump so high with just your knees!? Zeppeli: You did well to survive! But the "Stone Mask Man" lives as well!
Victory Dialogue
Zeppeli: I am Baron Zeppeli. It takes more than courage to beat the power of the Stone Mask!
Defeat Dialogue
Jonathan: What?! You mean Dio is... Dio is still alive?!
1. Use the "You worthless primate!" special. (1000 G) 2. Land the "Vaporizing Freeze" skill. (1000 G) 3. Land a Heart Heat Attack. (Dio Brando Publicity Art)
Entrance Dialogue
Dio: I'll wring every last bit of life out of you! Jonathan: I'll cleanse the world of your filth!
Victory Dialogue
Dio: Come, JoJo! Accept my vampire extract, and become my newest slave!
Defeat Dialogue
Jonathan: You must be annihilated, Dio!
Normal BattleAnother Battle
Phantom Blood (ファントムブラッドFantomu Buraddo)
Unlock Conditions: Clear Parts 1-7 in Normal Battle.